HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.12.19_City Council Minutes OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 19, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 15, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCA nON The invocation was offered by Kirby Scaggs, Bethel Baptist Church. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Councilor Colgan. ITEM 4. PRESENT Steve Cataudella, Colgan, Susan Kimball, Councilor quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney c J.. a on recently being elected to the office of President of the Executive Women International and proclaiming Tuesday, 19, 2006 as Judy Russell in the OWClSSO City Council December J 9, 2006 ITEM 6. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Mr. Ray presented to the Council Jason Woodruff, recently appointed Detective in the City's Police Department, as the City of Owasso Employee of the Month for December, 2006. ITEM 7. SPECIAL EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Mr. Ray presented to Ted McCord, Code Enforcement Officer, and Cliff Motto, Director of Emergency Services, plaques from the Oklahoma Municipal League recognizing their twenty- five years of service with the City of Owasso. ITEM 8. CONSIDERAnON AND APPROPRIATE ACnON RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the December 5, 2006 Regular Meeting and December 1 2006 Special Meeting. Approval of Claims. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly repOli. 2006-2007 budget status to designate the documents required by the Oklahoma 2006 Small approved by the City Council. E. Approval of the INCOG reports and finding of no significant impact on the environment as a result of the Aquatic Splash Pad Project and authorization of the Mayor to execute the Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment statement. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. to approve the Consent with claims totaling $616,1 .68, self.insurance medical claims fees totaling $62,930.64, and payroll claims totaling $409,917.12. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, 2 OlVClSSO City Council December 19, 2006 ITEM 9. PUBLIC HEARING. The City Council will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of receiving citizen comment and input on a request from Vintage Housing, Incorporated proposing a tax credit apartment development consisting of 40 units in a senior living facility located at the nOlihwest corner of East 11 6th Street North and North 129th East Avenue. Mayor Cataudella opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Chris Edwards, Mr. Davis Smith and Mr. Mike Finder spoke regarding their concerns as homeowners and Mr. Bill Major spoke representing the developer. Mayor Cataudella then declared the Public Hearing closed. ITEM 10. CONSIDERAnON AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOpnON OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006-29, A RESOLUnON PRESENTED AS A STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR THE AWARD OF TAX CREDITS TO VINTAGE HOUSING, INCORPORATED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRAIRIE VILLAGE Mr. McCulley presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-29. Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball None 11. OF OPUD 06.-03, DEVELOPMENT FROM VINTAGE HOUSING, INCORPORATED CONSISTING OF 40 UNITS IN SENIOR LIVING FACILITY LOCATED THE NORTHWEST 116TH STREET NORTH 129TH 3 01VClSSO City Council December 19, 2006 ITEM 12. CONSIDERAnON AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELAnNG TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF OPUD 06-04, AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAKES AT BAILEY RANCH PUD, CONSISTING OF ACRES LOCATED BETWEEN EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 106Tf-I STREET NORTH AND BETWEEN NORTH MINGO ROAD AND NORTH GARNETT ROAD Mr. McCulley presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, for Council approval of OPUD 06-04. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 13. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL TO AWARD A BID TO SPEEDWAY CHEVROLET FOR THE PURCHASE OF Al\/[BULANCE CHASSIS AND AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $49,465.68; AND, AWARD BID TO FLEET RESOURCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFURBISHING REMOUNTING AN AMBULANCE MODULE IN $128,978.47 Clark the item. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. approval to award a bid to purchase a and authorization payment $49,465 a to Fleet and remounting an ambulance module and authorization of payment Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball NAY: None Motion 14. Willson presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Colgan, for Council approval to purchase an integrated municipal software system from Sungard, and fees associated 4 Owasso City Council December 19, 2006 with the implementation, training and conversion of existing data in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 and authorization for the City Manager to execute all necessary documents relating to the purchase. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 15. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACnON RELATING TO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE SIL VERCREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZAnON FOR FINAL PAYMENT TO KEYSTONE SERVICES, INCORPORATED Councilor Kimball recused herself from discussion and voting on this item. Mr. Rooney presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, for acceptance of the Silver Creek Drainage Improvement Project and authorization for final payment in the amount of$43,970.77 to Keystone Services, Incorporated. Cataudella, Colgan None calTied 16, A OF SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION CARRYOVER UNEXPENDED FUNDS FROM THE 2005-2006 BUDGET TO THE 2006-2007 BUDGET Bishop presented the item. approval of supplemental 11 Fund $25,000.00, by 1 ,00, Cataudella, for Council Fund by $470,000,00, 1.00, 3,,0. 5 OWClSSO City Council Decemher 19, 2006 ITEM 17. CONSIDERAnON AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND RODNEY J RAY Mayor Cataudella presented the item and then moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, for Council approval of Amendment No.2 to the original Contract for Services between the City of Owasso and Rodney J Ray. Amendment No. 2 changes the effective dates and the amount of compensation to be paid to Mr. Ray for the next two years. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 18. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. No Report ITEM 19. No ITEM 21. NEW BUSINESS No by to Cataudella, None Kimball Motion carried 3,.0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Mayor 6