HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.07.09_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular July 9, 2013 6:00 P.M. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch RECEIVE:. IJUL 0 � 7013 City Clerk's Office Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, July 5, 2013. Sherry Bisho , City Clerk off AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Discussion Relating to OWRB Financing - Ranch Creek Interceptor Rick Smith with Municipal Finance Services will review OWRB financing. 3. Discussion Relating to the Code of Ethics /Conflict of Interest for Employees This item was placed on the agenda by Councilor Charlie Brown. 4. Discussion Relating to the Mayor's Appointments to Boards and Commissions 5. Discussion Relating to Administrative Items Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 A. Water Rate Increase 6. Discussion Relating to Operational Items Mr. Lehr Attachment #6 A. Annexation - Mingo Road (E 96th St N & E 1 16th St N) B. Annexation - Cornerstone Hardware (116th St. N & 129th E Ave) C. 98 PUD Amendment D. Adoption of Updated State Building Codes Owasso City Council July 9, 2013 Page 2 7. Discussion Relating to City Manager Items Mr. Lehr Attachment #7 A. First Bank Building Purchase B. City Manager Hiring Process C. City Manager Report Gathering on Main Street Special Events Permit Sales Tax Report 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the Office of the City Attorney, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(6)(1) 9. Report from City Councilors 10. Adjournment Amok OThe City Wi?n, Limits. TO: The Honorable Chairman and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Linda Jones Finance Director SUBJECT: Water Rate Increase DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Public Works Authority purchases treated water from the City of Tulsa. On March 27, 2013, the City of Tulsa notified Owasso of a water rate increase effective October 1, 2013. Rates for water purchased by the OPWA from the City of Tulsa will increase from $2.77 to $2.96 per 1,000 gallons. Tulsa water is delivered to Owasso through three master meters. The monthly meter charge will also increase from $420.61 to $450.05 for a monthly meter fee increase of $29.44. In order for the City to recover the increased cost of service, staff proposes a rate increase of nineteen cents per thousand gallons of water usage to customers inside the city limits plus the respective monthly increase based on the size of meter. Staff further proposes that rates for customers outside the city limits continue to be 20% more than rates for customers within the city limits in accordance with the previous OPWA resolution establishing the different rate structures for customers outside the city limits. The proposed minimum volume charge per 1,000 gallons of water usage would increase from $4.62 to $4.81 for customers inside the city. The monthly cost of the proposed rate increase to a city customer who uses 7,000 gallons of water with a 3/4" meter would be $1.33 per month or $15.96 per year, an amount equal to the Tulsa rate increase. The proposed increase for rural customers using 7,000 gallons per month would be $1.61 or $19.32 per year. The OPWA resolution also includes new language specific to the usage of metered water from a fire hydrant. A hydrant meter is typically used by commercial contractors to fill a water tank for use on construction projects. Rate changes require the approval of the Owasso Public Works Authority and the Owasso City Council through Trustee Resolution and City Council Ordinance. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to recommend approval of an ordinance by the City Council and a resolution by the OPWA Trustees increasing the water rates to be effective October 1, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Ordinance B. Draft OPWA Resolution C. Letter from City of Tulsa ORDINANCE NO. 1023 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE WATER RATES AS SET BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -04 OF SAID BODY; AND AMENDING PART 17 UTILITIES, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 17 -109 WATER RATES; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DIRECTING CODIFICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, SECTION ONE: The water rates hereinafter set forth as established by the Owasso Public Works Authority, An Oklahoma Public Trust having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as its beneficiary, are hereby adopted, approved and directed to be implemented in accordance with OPWA Resolution No. 2013 -04 of the Owasso Public Works Authority dated July 16, 2013. SECTION TWO: The provisions of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, referenced as Part 17, Utilities, Chapter 1, Water, Section 17 -109 Water Rates, shall be amended as follows: Section 17 -109 WATER RATES A. There are hereby established the following uniform rates for the Minimum Meter Charge for each Meter Size and the Tier Rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business located within the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter at such connection; provided that, regardless of amount of water metered, the monthly charge for water for each connection shall not be less than the "minimum meter charge" set forth: WATER RATES MONTHLY (effective 10/01 /2013) Meter Size Minimum Meter Charge for First 1,000 gallons 3/4" $11.29 1" $12.19 1'/2" $14.19 2" $15.19 3" $30.19 4" $35.19 6" $50.19 Hydrant $75.00 Usage Tier Rates Volume Rate per 1,000 gallons First 1,000 gallons Minimum Meter Charge 2,000 gallons $4.81 3,000 - 5,000 gallons $4.86 6,000 - 10,000 gallons $4.91 11,000 - 20,000 gallons $4.95 21,000 gallons or more $5.00 B. There are hereby established the following uniform rates for the Minimum Meter Charge for each Meter Size and the Tier Rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business located outside the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter at such connection; provided that, regardless of amount of water metered, the monthly charge for water for each connection shall not be less than the "minimum meter charge" set forth: WATER RATES MONTHLY (effective 10 /01 /201 Meter Size Minimum Meter Charge for First 1,000 gallons 3/4" $13.55 1 " $14.63 1'/2" $17.03 2" $18.23 3" $36.23 4" $42.23 6" $60.23 Usage Tier Rates Volume Rate per 1,000 gallons First 1,000 gallons Minimum Meter Charge 2,000 gallons $5.77 3,000 - 5,000 gallons $5.83 6,000 - 10,000 gallons $5.89 11,000 - 20,000 gallons $5.94 21,000 gallons or more $6.00 SECTION THREE: CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by Part 17, Utilities, Chapter 1 Water, Section 17 -109 Water Rates. SECTION FOUR: REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION FIVE: SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are held invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but remain in full force and effect. SECTION SIX: DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of July 2013. Doug Bonebrake, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -04 A RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ESTABLISHING W ATER SERVICE RATES WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority desires to establish the following rates for the provision of water service effective October 1, 2013: Usage Tier Rates Minimum Meter Char a for First 1,000 gallons Meter Size Users Inside the Corporate Limits Users Outside the Corporate Limits 3/4" $11.29 $13.55 V, $12.19 $14.63 1'/2" $14.19 $17.03 2" $15.19 $18.23 3" $30.19 $36.23 4" $35.19 $42.23 6" $50.19 $60.23 Hydrant $75.00 NA Usage Tier Rates Volume Rate er 1,000 gallons Users Inside the Corporate Limits Users Outside the Corporate Limits First 1,000 gallons Minimum Meter Charge Minimum Meter Charge 2,000 gallons $4.81 $5.77 3,000 - 5,000 gallons $4,86 $5.83 6,000 - 10,000 gallons $4,91 $5.89 11,000 - 20,000 gallons $4.95 $5.94 21,000 gallons or more $5.00 $6.00 WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority desires to establish the following rates, fees and stipulations for metered fire hydrant water usage: • Deposit per meter of $750.00 • Minimum Meter Charge of $75.00 • Non - refundable service initiation fee of $10.00 • Water usage rate based on aforementioned tiered rate system • Penalty for failure to report meter readings by the tenth (10th) day of each month of $25.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, THAT: Section One: From and after the effective date of this Resolution (as hereinafter set forth), the charge by the Authority for water service shall be adjusted in accordance with the above - referenced recital paragraphs and as specifically codified pursuant to Ordinance No. 1023 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ( "City "). Section Two: The water rates established pursuant to the Resolution shall become effective with the first utility billing cycle in October 2013. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF JULY, 2013. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, Authority Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY Doug Bonebrake, Chairman 7 TulsaCITY O A New Kind of .Enemy. March 27, 2013 Mr. Roger Stevens, Public Works Director City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 -0180 Clayton Edwards, Director WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT RE: Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 Tulsa Wholesale Water Rates Dear Mr. Stevens: The City of Tulsa and Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority (TMUA) endeavor to ensure clear, timely and accurate communications with the communities to which we supply water, including the City of Owasso. Review and refinement of the Water Department's FY 13 -14 operating and capital budgets is underway, but the budgets on which Tulsa's City Council have been briefed anticipate approval of the proposed increase cited below. If approved, the new rates will be effective October 1, 2013. This letter is to give you sufficient notice to plan for the rate changes in your next budget cycle. The current rates and proposed increase for FY 2013 -2014 are shown in the table below. Monthly Service Charge / Volume Charge Meter Size Current Rates Effective 10/0112012 , Proposed FY 2013-2014% Change Proposed FY 2013 -2014 Rates 5/8" $ 6.38 7.0 $ 6.83 1" $ 7.95 7.0 $ 8.51 1'/2" $ 9.50 7.0 $ 1 0.17 2" $ 13.88 7.0 $ 14.85 3" $ 40.42 7.0 $ 43.25 4" $ 56.27 7.0 $ 60.21 6" $ 87, 71 7.0 $ 93.85 V) $122.23 7.0 $ 130.79 10" $166.45 7.0 $ 178.10 Volume Charge (per 1,000 gallons) Permanent Service $ 2.77 7.0 $ 2.96 Limited Term Service $ 4.92 7.0 $ 5.26 Emergency Service $ 8.94 7.0 $ 9.57 A listing of your active meters and accounts is attached. We will inform you once the rates and the fiscal year 2014 budgets are approved, I can be reached at 918- 596 -7810 should you have any questions, or contact Utilities Services Manager Mark Weathers at 918 -596 -9550. Best Regards, CITY F ULSA WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT Clayton Edwards, P.E., Director Attachment CITY HALL AT ONE TECHNOLOGY CENTER 175 E. 2 "d Street, Suite 885, Tulsa, OK 74103 Office (918) 596. 9550 Fax 918 - 699 -3358 Email: mweathers a cityoftulsa.org Customer Name _ CITY OF OWASSO Account 10368888 Status Active Service Address 7595 N MINGO RD 7595 N MINGO RD 7595 N MINGO RD _ 10600 N SHERIDAN RD Meter Number DU170141654 NP/7Q141620 NP/70141654 NP/70190282 Type 71 71 71 i 71 Size ;10" 16" 110" 120" T CI'T'Y OF OWASSO 10368888 I Active CITY OF OWASSO _ 10368888 Active CITY OF OWASSO i 10557536 Active ZAUtilities Workspacelo_Utilities Services ManagerWaster Meters1130301_Mazter Meter Property-Customer Listirg.xisx-AFF Master Meters The City Wit aut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: OA -13 -02 - Annexation of unincorporated portions of N Mingo Road between E 96th St N and E 116th St N DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso is requesting to annex the portions of N Mingo Rd between E 96th St N and E 116th St N that are currently outside of City Limits. Currently, a joint effort between the City of Owasso, the Cherokee Nation and Tulsa County is ongoing with the overlay of N Mingo Rd. ANALYSIS: The Cherokee Nation provided funds for the overlay of the road and Tulsa County is performing the overlay of the road. Once the road is overlaid and completed, the maintenance of the entire road will fall onto the City of Owasso. In order to maintain all the portions of the road, the City must annex the portions of the road that are outside of City Limits. This annexation request will bring the entirety of N Mingo Rd from E 96th St N to E 116th St N into Owasso City Limits. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Annexation Committee met on June 26, 2013 and recommended approval of the annexation request. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on July 8, 2013. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff i ntends to recommend approval o f the annexation of N Mingo Rd, s ubject to Planning Commission action. ATTACHMENTS: A. Area Map 116th S N b 0 �y QP�J 5 EN W PROPOSED MINGO ROAD ANNEXATION 5/10/13 Legend 0 North THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE_ USE OF TIiIS MAP IS WITI -IOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY CITY OF OWASSO OF ITS ACCURACY. 6 KIDS IS CITY OF OWASSO 111 N. Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 V nTheity Wit aut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: OA -12 -03 - Annexation of Cornerstone Hardware DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso is processing the annexation of approximately 6.5 acres of land at the southwest corner of E 1 16th St N and N 129th E Ave. A portion of the subject property is currently being developed as an Ace Hardware Store. SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction Zoning Use land Use Plan Jurisdiction CS North (Commercial Commercial Commercial City of Shopping) Owasso South AG (Agricultural) Undeveloped Residential City of Owasso East AG A ricultural Undeveloped Commercial City of Owasso West AG A ricultural Undeveloped Residential City of Owasso ANALYSIS: This annexation request is for a property that is currently developing in Tulsa County. City staff has been in contact with and has worked with the developer for a number of months to bring the property into Owasso City Limits. The property began development in Tulsa County and in order to avoid delays to the developer, staff agreed to delay the annexation until the project was near completion. Though the property developed in Tulsa County, the developer built to Owasso City standards and under the supervision of Owasso infrastructure inspection personnel. The development that occurred on the property is of a high caliber and staff is optimistic about the opportunity to add this important property into Owasso's corporate limits. The E 1 16th St N corridor is a future growth area and we have already seen a great deal of investment in the Garrett Creek Area and German Corner. This project will likely spur additional development in this area and set the tone for quality development in this vital corridor. Owasso Zoning Code allows for a property to be brought in under the same zoning designation it had in Tulsa County, therefore, staff is requesting that the property be brought in as CS (Commercial Shopping), the same designation as the property currently has in Tulsa County. The project is served with water by Washington County Rural #3, and will be served with City of Owasso sanitary sewer service, fire, police and EMS. The subject property is called out for commercial uses according to the 2025 Land Use Plan. There appear to be no issues associated with this annexation. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Owasso Annexation Committee met on December 27, 2012 and recommended approval of the annexation request. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on July 8, 2013. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to recommend approval of the annexation of Cornerstone Hardware with the underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping), subject to Planning Commission action. ATTACHMENTS: A. Area Map B. Aerial Map OA-12-03 -116 4- 11- - — — — — — — — - - - — — — — — — 1329P — — — — -- 15:;5 — — — — — E S T z Travi LU LU > ;2 LU P z ZGG rn 5GG.4 I-E-14 4 ST-N-----T--:m� 1" 376 ft 1 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information- Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions- To be sure of complete accuracy please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to-date information- OA -12 -03 1" = 376 ft 12/18/2012 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions- To he sure of complete accuracy. please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date information. The City Wliffi ut Limits, TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Planned Unit Development Amendment, PUD -12 -01 (9inetyEight) DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a request for an amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) called 9inetyEight (PUD- 12 -01). The original of PUD -12 -01 (approved June 2012 by Ord. 1008) allowed the use of a tract of land for the development of an apartment complex called the 9inetyEight, located along E 98th St N, E 99th St N, and E 100th St N, immediately north of the Owasso Market development and to the south of the St. John Owasso medical campus. After the original approval of PUD- 12 -01, the applicant purchased an additional two (2) lots contiguous to the original tract totaling approximately 4.88 acres and submitted a PUD amendment that would incorporate these new lots into the existing PUD. The applicant also submitted a rezoning request with the PUD amendment that would rezone the property from OM (Office Medium) to RM (Multi - Family Residential), allowing for the development of an apartment complex. The City Council heard and approved this PUD amendment application in May of 2013. Subsequent to approval of the PUD amendment, information as provided by the applicant was determined to be incorrect. An ordinance was never brought before the Council that codified the action on the previous PUD amendment, so the action taken on this item will replace the previous Council action and an ordinance will be brought for consideration. SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North Office Medium Medical Transitional City of Owasso South Commercial Commercial Commercial City of Sho in CS Owasso East Commercial Undeveloped Commercial City of Shop in (CS) Owasso West OfficeOMedium Medical Commercial City of Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 4.88 acres (15.295 acres in original PUD Current Zoning OM Office Medium Proposed Use Multi-Family Residential Lots /Blocks 2 lots in 2 blocks (existing CONCEPT OF A PUD: The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. Additionally, any multi- family residential development proposed within the City of Owasso requires a PUD. ANALYSIS: The amendment to the 9inetyEight development proposes an additional 92 units, making a total of a 366 -unit apartment complex on 20.175 total acres. The apartments depicted in the PUD amendment are the same style and construction type as the original PUD, proposed as low -rise buildings 2 and 3- stories in height with a mixture of one and two - bedroom units. The 9inetyEight development will provide a number of amenities for the residents and includes large areas of open space for recreation. The provided amenities as identified in the original PUD document include: a clubhouse with exercise facilities and recreation area; a pool and spa; a covered outdoor barbeque area; a fishing pond surrounded by a walking path; and gated access to the complex. The City of Owasso will provide sanitary sewer service and water will be provided by Washington County Rural Water District #3. If the PUD amendment is approved, the applicant would provide final development plans for review and approval by City staff and the Technical Advisory Committee. City staff published legal notice of the PUD amendment request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. The following chart shows the comparison between the original PUD and the proposed amendment, with the overall PUD that would result from the approvals. Please note that the original PUD is approved and this application does not seek to modify the original PUD in any way, simply to add additional acreage and units. tatted lots Number of Reserve Areas None Within PUD? N/A Within Overlay District? Yes, US -169 Overly Water Provider Washington County Rural Water District #3 Applicable Pa backs /Fees Storm siren fee of $35 /acre Streets (public or private) Private CONCEPT OF A PUD: The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. Additionally, any multi- family residential development proposed within the City of Owasso requires a PUD. ANALYSIS: The amendment to the 9inetyEight development proposes an additional 92 units, making a total of a 366 -unit apartment complex on 20.175 total acres. The apartments depicted in the PUD amendment are the same style and construction type as the original PUD, proposed as low -rise buildings 2 and 3- stories in height with a mixture of one and two - bedroom units. The 9inetyEight development will provide a number of amenities for the residents and includes large areas of open space for recreation. The provided amenities as identified in the original PUD document include: a clubhouse with exercise facilities and recreation area; a pool and spa; a covered outdoor barbeque area; a fishing pond surrounded by a walking path; and gated access to the complex. The City of Owasso will provide sanitary sewer service and water will be provided by Washington County Rural Water District #3. If the PUD amendment is approved, the applicant would provide final development plans for review and approval by City staff and the Technical Advisory Committee. City staff published legal notice of the PUD amendment request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. The following chart shows the comparison between the original PUD and the proposed amendment, with the overall PUD that would result from the approvals. Please note that the original PUD is approved and this application does not seek to modify the original PUD in any way, simply to add additional acreage and units. Ori final PUD Amended PUD Overall PUD Area 15.295 acres 4.88 acres 20.175 acres # of Units 284 units reduced to 274 92 units 366 total units Density 18.57 units per acre approved 17.9 units per acre built 18.85 units per acre 18.1 units per acre COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY: The Owasso 2025 Land Use Master Plan was modified by the Owasso Planning Commission to allow transitional uses in this area, with the area previously planned as future commercial. Multi- family uses are only allowed in transitional areas. With the change to the Land Use Master Plan to a transitional classification, the proposed project will be in conformance with the Land Use Master Plan. HARMONY WITH THE EXISTING AND EXPECTED DEVELOPMENT: This PUD amendment appears to be consistent with the current and expected development of the area. The use of apartments was approved in the original PUD- 12 -01, so this type of development is expected in the area. Apartment complexes are often proposed in areas that are adjacent to single - family residential developments and there are concerns from neighboring property owners. This proposal places the apartments between two established commercial and medical uses, not requiring great buffering or transitional uses. This is a rare case when an apartment development would be a great fit for the area with minimal impacts on surrounding properties. As the Owasso Medical Campus continues to develop, this apartment development will still be a compatible use and should not adversely affect any future or current development. This development will provide housing opportunities for employees of current and future commercial and medical uses in this area and provide the opportunity for residents to walk to work, shopping, and eating establishments. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the PUD Amendment for the 9inetyEight at their regularly scheduled meeting on April 24, 2013. All TAC comments have been addressed by the applicant or will be addressed at the site plan stage. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will hear this item at their regular meeting on July 8, 2013. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to recommend approval of the amendment to PUD -12 -01 on 4.88 acres including the rezoning of the subject property from OM (Office Medium) to RM (Multi - Family Residential) and adding an additional 92 units. ATTACHMENTS: A. Area Map B. Aerial Map C. Zoning Map D. PUD -12 -01 Amended Design & Intent Statement E. Amended PUD 12 -01 Site Plan F. Previously Approved PUD 12 -01 Site Plan G. Letter From Applicant Rezoning 1" = 752 ft OZ 13 -01 511312013 .y his map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions_ To be sure of complete accuracy please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date information- Rezoning to AM MV=� J y r •l �i. ice.-_ ` 1" = 752 ft OZ 13 -01 511312013 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information- Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions_ To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -elate information_ Rezoning - 9inetyEight Amendment 1" = 752 ft OZ-11 3-01 051171201 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information_ Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions_ To be sure of complete accuracy please contact Owasso staff far the most up-to-date information. 9inetyEight Apartments Planned Unit Development PUD No. 12 -01 (A) Submitted to: City of Owasso Tulsa County, Oklahoma May 28, 201.3 Prepared By: Khoury Engineering, Inc. 1435 East 41" Street, Tulsa, OK 74105 Tel (918) 712 -8768 • Fax (918) 712 -1069 Khoury Engineering, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9inetyEight Apartments DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT & CHARACTER ........................................................ ..............................3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DevelopmentArea A ............................................................................................... ............................... 3 DevelopmentArea B ................................................................................................ ..............................4 DevelopmentArea C ............................................................................................... ............................... 4 GRADING & UTILITY PLANS ................................................................................ ............................... 5 ACCESSAND CIRCULATION ................................................................................ ............................... 6 SCHEDULED DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................... ............................... 6 PUD LEGAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... ..............................6 PROJECTTEAM ........................................................................................................ ............................... 6 EXHIBITA ................................................................................................................ ............................... G CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ............................................................................ ............................... G EXHIBITB ................................................................................................................ ............................... H CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN ............................................................. ............................... H EXHIBITC ................................................................................................................... ..............................I BUILDING PLANS & ELEVATIONS ............................................................... ..............................I ENDOF PUD .............................................................................................................. ............................... J Page 2 Khoury Engineering, Inc. 9inetyEight Apartments DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT & CHARACTER 9inetyEightApartments is a proposed multifamily project, submitted as a Planned Unit Development pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso Zoning Code. This project is located just south of Owasso Medical Campus and North of Owasso Market. This proposed PUD is an amendment to the previous PUD 12- 01approved by the City Council in 2012. The reason for the amendment is to add additional units on two new lots. Development Area A (original PUD 12 -01) consists of residential dwellings in the form of 284 low -rise apartments units contained in 22 buildings (the number of units were reduced to 274 with the detailed site plan). Development Area A encompasses approximately 15.295 acres. Development Area B consists of residential dwellings in the form of 62 low -rise apartments units contained in 4 buildings. Development Area B encompasses approximately 3.05 acres on Lot 1, Block 3, of Owasso Medical Campus. Development Area C consists of residential dwellings in the form of 30 low -rise apartments units contained in 4 buildings. Development Area C encompasses approximately 1. 83 acres on Lot 1, Block 6, of Owasso Medical Campus. The north side of the subject PUD abuts E. 100th Street North and E. 99th Street North. The west side of the PUD abuts E. 99th Street North. The south side of the property abuts E. 98th Street North (Owasso Market). The east side of the property abuts a vacant land zoned CS. The site is currently a vacant land covered with vegetation. Section 820 of the Owasso Zoning Code states the purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) are to permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitations on the character and intensity of use. Additionally, a purpose of the PUD is to permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site and provide and preserve meaningful open space. The proposed PUD meets and exceeds this requirement and the stated purposes of the Owasso Zoning Code. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This PUD shall be governed by the use and development regulations of Owasso Zoning Code except as follows: Development Area A Permitted Use: As permitted in RM, Multi - Family District, under the Owasso Zoning Code Development Area .................. ............................... 15.295 Acres Maximum Floor Area Ratio Per Lot .. ............................... 0.50 Minimum Building Setback: From East Property line ................ ............................... 20 feet From North Property line ................ ............................... 17.5 feet From South Property line ............... ............................... 25 feet From West Property line ................... ............................... 17.5 feet Page 3 Khoury Engineering, Inc. Maximum Building Height ............. ............................... Minimum Landscape Buffer ........... ............................... 9inetyEight Apartments 50 feet (Not to exceed three stories) 20 feet along East Property Line. 17.5 feet along North Property Line 17.5 feet along West Property Line 25 feet along South Property Line Minimum dwelling size ................ ............................... 700.00 Square feet Parking Ratio ............................. ............................... As required in Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. Development Area B Permitted Use: Development Area .................. ............................... Maximum Floor Area Ratio Per Lot .. ............................... Minimum Building Setback: From East Property line ............................................... From North Property line ................ ............................... From West Property line ................... ............................... Maximum Building Height ............ ............................... Minimum Landscape Buffer .......... ............................... As permitted in RM, Multi- Family District, under the Owasso Zoning Code 3.05 Acres 0.50 17.5 feet 25.0 feet 25.0 feet 50 feet (Not to exceed three stories) 17.5 feet along North Property Line 17.5 feet along West Property Line Minimum dwelling size ................ ............................... 700.00 Square feet Parking Ratio ............................. ............................... As required in Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. Development Area C Permitted Use: Development Area .................. ............................... Maximum Floor Area Ratio Per Lot .. ............................... Minimum Building Setback: From East Property line ................ ............................... From North Property line ................ ............................... From South Property line ............... ............................... From West Property line ................... ............................... Page 4 As permitted in RM, Multi - Family District, under the Owasso Zoning Code 1.83 Acres 0.50 17.5 feet 25.0 feet 17.5 feet 25.0 feet F1 Khoury Engineering, Inc. 9inetyEight Apartments Maximum Building Height ............. ............................... 50 feet (Not to exceed three stories) Minimum Landscape Buffer ........... ............................... 17.5 feet along North Property Line 17.5 feet along West Property Line Minimum dwelling size ................ ............................... 700.00 Square feet Parking Ratio ............................. ............................... As required in Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING: 9inetyEightApartments landscaping plan will be designed to enhance the E. 100"' Street North frontage and to create an attractive view from E. 98th and 99th Street North. The planting theme will highlight the site entries and buildings, and will utilize plant selections indigenous to North East Oklahoma that are durable and require low maintenance. All landscaping shall comply with Chapter 20 "Landscape Requirements" of the Owasso Zoning Code. The landscaped areas will be planted with trees and shrubs that meet or exceed the requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code. In order to provide security and screening from adjacent streets and properties, a 6 -foot tall wood privacy fence will be installed along the southern, western and northern boundaries. Detail of the fence type and materials will be presented to City Staff for approval during the site plan review process. LIGHTING: All outdoor lighting shall comply with Chapter 19 "Outdoor Lighting" of the Owasso Zoning Code. TRASH CONTAINERS: Outside trash containers will be located in a designated area within the development, and will be screened from the view from the adjacent area and roadways. SIGNS: One monument sign will be located along the E. 100"' Street North frontage. Additional signage and their locations will be determined during the design phase of the project. All Signage will comply with Chapter 18 "Signs" of the Owasso Zoning Code. GRADING & UTILITY PLANS During the design phase of the project, Site Grading & Utility Plans will be submitted to the City of Owasso engineering department for review and approval. Development areas A, C and approximately 1.9 acres of Development area B will drain to the existing detention pond located along the southeast corner of the property. The remainder acreage of Development area B will drain via a storm drain system to the existing pond (Reserve A, Owasso Medical Campus) along the Northwest side of the lot. The detention volume for this development is already provided in the pond. All utilities are available to serve this development. Page 5 Khoury Engineering, Inc. 9inetyEight Apartments Existing topography ranges from elevation 722.00 at the west property line to elevation 702.00 at the east property line. The site is not located in the 100 yr floodplain according to the FEMA FIRM map #40143CO137K dated August 3, 2009. There is an existing 8 -inch water line for Washington County RWD3 located on the south side of the property. There is also a 12 -inch water line on the east side of PUD. The existing 8 -inch sanitary sewer line located within this property will be used to serve this development. All other utilities and communication services are available and accessible to 9inetyEight Apartments. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION Ingress and egress to 9inetyEight Apartments is conceptually shown on the attached site plan. Exact location of access points will be determined during the Detailed Site plan process. SCHEDULED DEVELOPMENT Construction of Development Area A is underway. Construction of Development Areas B & C will commence upon receiving all required governmental permits. PUD LEGAL DESCRIPTION Development Area B LOT 1, BLOCK 3, OWASSO MEDICAL CAMPUS A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT NO. 5862 Development Area C LOT 1, BLOCK 6, OWASSO MEDICAL CAMPUS A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT NO. 5862 PROJECT TEAM The project design team consists of the following professionals: Developer: Architect S & K Multifamily 12150 E. 96th Street North, Suite 200 Owasso, OK 74055 Tel: 918 376 -6542 Fax: 918 272 -0216 Civil Engineer: Khoury Engineering, Inc. 1435 East 41 st Street Tulsa, OK 74105 Tel (918) 712 -8768 kenginc @khouryeng.com Page 6 Architects Collective 4200 E Skelly Drive, # 750 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tel (918) 493 -3362 mthomas @apid.net Landscape Architect Planning Design Group 5314 S. Yale Ave., Suite 710 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tel (918) 628 -1255 jwaugh @pdgtulsa.com EXHIBIT A CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN z BZL 'N K 0 Z H � W la W o C °o . 9 SIMEN I bvi- rate, 54 - 4L I � a I• 1 Ili m i i w D i LU s \ \ \ \ EXHIBIT B CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN EXHIBIT C BUILDING PLANS & ELEVATIONS AND BLD&. ELI Vall=11-011 H A o B -FTt-d 1192681 _,•_ten END OF PUD Ml lip, - � N. 115th EASTAVE, In "P_-~ / lC3 cm o CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 9inetyEight Apartments DENSITY OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS PER ACRE: # OF BUILDINGS BUILDING TYPE BDRM UNITS BDRM UNITS TOTAL UNITS 5 Al 24 - 120 6 Bl - 24 144 10 A3183 1 1 20 1 CLUBHOUSE - PROJECT DATA Unils: 284 Density: Site 15.29 acres 18.6 units /ac(e Leasing: 275,440 st Parking: Required 11,8 / unit): 512 spaces Provided: 522spaces i. r r �r e . 1 r r i r r l / 14, � ooh it ONO s pill _.. rill, �n.• ���lliAYli %�/�!:','n� %O /��!' /�i�G� %�............. .r�l@ll r i W t` s 1 t + l ttl I, E. 1065 s NE wrana Lacatla / r 1 f CH. DE � j r HEI i 41 1 ' liE l \• 1 1 \ t � ,•' r 20 1.588° 3B' 40"YY i la 698.7 •- �: x :1 4 ,tl Dete�'�an tt Pa nd ' KHOURY ENGINEERING, INC. K, CIVIL IiNUINEEKINU • LAND DIi4'IsLf1Pi11iNT ti May 29, 2013 Mr. Bronce Stephenson Community Development Director City of Owasso 1 1 1 North Main Owasso, OK 74055 Re: 9inetyEight Apartments- Revised PUD 10700 E. 100'" Street North, Owasso, OK Dear Bronce: I am submitting the revised PUD documents for review. There was an oversight in the number of proposed units in the previously submitted PUD; thus requiring us to correct and resubmit for review by both the Planning Commission and City Council. After discussing the site plan with the Architect and developer, we discovered an inaccuracy in the number of units communicated to City staff. The site plan that was submitted clearly indicates the layout of the proposed buildings, and will remain unchanged. However, the number of units within Development Area B was incorrect. This PUD does not change or modify the original approved PUD. It only adds two development areas B and C. The proposed number of units located in each development area is as follows: Development Area A (Original PUD 15.295 acres, but platted as 14.65 acres): 284 Units (reduced to 274 units at Detailed Site plan) Development Area B (3.05 AC): 62 Units Development Area C (1.83 AC): 30 Units Total Units in 3 development areas: (20.175 AC): 366 Units I hope this clears any confusion about this PUD. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, KHOURY ENGINEERING, INC. Malek Elkhoury, PE Civil Engineer 1435 East 41ST Street, Tulsa, OK 74105 918.712.8768 voice 918.712.1069 fax kenginc @khouryeng.com The City Wit7out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Adoption of State Mandated Building Codes DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: In 2009, the Oklahoma State Legislature created what is known as the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission ( OUBCC), which was mandated to provide state -wide minimum building code standards within each trade industry for residential and commercial construction for use by all entities within the state. The Commission is composed of a total of eleven members, two members appointed by state agencies, one from the State Fire Marshal's office, and another individual from the Construction Industries Board. Nine members are appointed by the Governor representing various trades. The OUBCC formed a Technical Advisory Committee which is made up of volunteers who have an interest in each of the trade areas. This Committee was charged with reviewing each of the codes for each trade industry, proposing any changes and then submitting a final version to the OUBCC for recommendation. The OUBCC approved a final version of the codes and then sent these codes to the State Legislature for adoption. The OUBCC voted to recommend the 2009 version of the International Building Codes listed below for approval to the Oklahoma Legislature. They were subsequently approved and became the minimum standards for all local building codes. Local governments may adopt more stringent standards above the minimum requirements identified by the OUBCC adopted codes. • International Building Code (IBC), effective: July 15, 2011 • International Residential Code (IRC), effective: November 2, 2012 • International Exterior Building Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Fire Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Fuel Gas Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Mechanical Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Plumbing Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • 2011 National Electrical Code, effective: November 2, 2012 State agencies and jurisdictions are required by State law to file an adopted building code with the OUBCC. As noted, said agencies and jurisdictions may amend these codes and create more stringent standards, but the minimum requirements must be maintained. The City of Owasso is actually already utilizing the 2009 International Building Codes and 2011 National Electrical Code, but the state requires submission of an Ordinance officially adopting the State mandated building codes. Though this process seems redundant, it is required and ensures Owasso remains in compliance with state mandates. No changes to the review, inspection, or building permitting process will result from the City's adoption of these codes as they are already in use. Staff intends to word the ordinance language to state that Owasso shall adopt all current OUBCC State mandated codes and any future changes to the codes as adopted by the Oklahoma State Legislature. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to recommend adoption of the following 2009 International Building Codes in accordance with Oklahoma State Law: • International Building Code (IBC), effective: July 15, 2011 • International Residential Code (IRC), effective: November 2, 2012 • International Exterior Building Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Fire Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Fuel Gas Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Mechanical Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • International Plumbing Code, effective: November 2, 2012 • 2011 National Electrical Code, effective: November 2, 2012 Aoft iwN"' nTh'City wit out Limnits, TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Warren Lehr Interim City Manager SUBJECT: First Bank Building Purchase DATE: July 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: In November of 2001, construction of the current City Hall and Police Headquarters was completed and the building was occupied. At the time of initial occupancy, the Police Department had 42 employees and City Hall staff numbered 20. In total, 62 employees occupied the building. Since initial occupancy in 2001, combined staffing for City Hall and the Police Department increased 63% from 62 to 101 employees. Staffing increases have resulted in significant strain to both City Hall and Police Headquarters, with employees being housed in file rooms, storage rooms, and conference rooms. It is projected that in the next 20 years, staffing for City Hall may reach over 70 and staffing for the Police Department may reach over 140, identifying a need for facility expansion. On March 19, 2012, the Capital Improvements Committee met in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and City Council Resolution 2003 -14 to consider a recommendation to the City Council amending the list of projects funded through the Capital Improvements Fund. At the conclusion of their meeting, the Capital Improvements Committee voted unanimously to submit a recommendation to City Council amending the priority determination. On April 17, 2012, the City Council approved Resolution No 2012-04, amending the list of projects eligible to receive funding from the Capital Improvements Fund to include among other projects, funding for a Main Police Station as recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee. MAIN POLICE STATION: The First Bank Building located at 102 W. 2nd Street is approximately 28,000 square feet and has been appraised for $1,425,000. Original discussions focused, primarily, on acquiring the building for the Main Police Station. As discussions progressed, the idea surfaced that the First Bank building may be better suited for a City Hall than a Police Headquarters. The expense of moving the jail and communications center would be very costly as compared to keeping them in their current location. Additionally, the International Building Code would likely require extensive engineering and structural modifications to the First Bank Building if it were to be used as a Police Headquarters. Police buildings have unique code requirements that traditional office buildings do not have. The progression of the discussions led to a more focused effort to procure the vacant First Bank building for use as City Hall, thus, freeing the space currently housing City Hall for expansion of Police Headquarters. During evaluation of the potential acquisition of the First Bank building, staff determined that an experienced architectural firm was needed to assess whether or not the existing City Hall is suitable for expansion of Police Headquarters and whether the First Bank building is suitable for City Hall. NEEDS ASSESSMENT: On November 6, 2012, City Council approved an Agreement for Architectural Services with Wilson Estes Police Architects for a Needs Assessment Study for City Hall and Police Headquarters. On May 14, 2013, Mr. James Estes with Wilson Estes Architectural Firm presented the Needs Assessment Study to the City Council. In summary, the study acknowledged that expanding our police station into the current City Hall building would be more cost effective than moving the department to a different location. The goal of increasing space for the police department would effectively be realized by moving City Hall and allowing the Police Department to expand into the vacated space. However, the purchase of a building for City Hall was not the listed priority_ project eligible for funding through the Capital Improvements Fund. Resolution No 2012 -04 listed Main Police Station as the eligible project. AMENDING THE LISTING OF CAPITAL PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING: On June 20, 2013, the Capital Improvements Committee held a meeting in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and City Council Resolution 2003 -14. CIP Committee members discussed the needs assessment study prepared by Wilson Estes Architectural Firm. At the conclusion of their meeting, the Capital Improvements Committee voted unanimously to submit a recommendation to the Owasso City Council to amend the priority determination of Main Police Station to Main Police Station /City Hall. PUBLIC HEARING: In accordance with the procedure for amending the priority determination of capital improvement projects, the City Council conducted a public hearing in order to receive and consider citizen input relevant to the recommendation made by the Capital Improvements Committee. The Public Hearing was held on Tuesday, July 2, 203 with five people addressing the City Council. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to recommend amending the priority determination from Main Police Station to Main Police Station /City Hall at the July 16, 2013 City Council Regular Meeting. 0 The City Wit out Limits. .,,removing obstacles standing in the way of people celebrating their lives. CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION This Confidentiality Agreement between the parties signing below establishes that all information discussed, heard or read in the City Council Executive Session on July 9, 2013, will not be released, copied, discussed or shared in any manner with any individual other than City Council members present in the Executive Session, members of City staff present during the Executive Session, and other persons authorized by the City Council to be present in the Executive Session. Breach of this Confidentiality Agreement may result in personal liability and potential violation of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. 1 have read the above statement regarding confidentiality and agree to abide by it to the best of my ability. Signed on this 9th day of July, 2013 ebrak"e, M i Chris Kelley, Vi e -May r Charlie Brown, Councilor 1 Patrick Ross, Councilor 'n J,19`31oberly, Councilor 111 N. Main I P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 City of Owasso A City Of Character lr� J lie L m di, y Attorney i 7 (918) 376 -1502 FAX (918) 376 -1599 www.cityofowasso.com Municipal Finance Services, Inc. 3325 French Park Drive, Suite 8 Edmond, OK 73034 Phone 405.340.1727 Fax 405.340.3607 • • • _..l�l.•�I1�1� Proposed Financing Plan for Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Project July 9, 2013 07/08/13 OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD CLEANWATER STATE REVOLVING FUND CWSRF LOAN PROGRAM • SRF Program funded from Congressional Appropriations provided thorough EPA to State Agencies based on formula system — established early 1990's • State of Oklahoma provides 20% State matching funds for the Clean Water Program • Funds made available from OWRB Leveraged Bond Issues or Cash • Since program inception, the Board has made 270 Loans for a total principal amount exceeding $1.186 Billion • Applications rated and placed on funding list based on year -to -year Intended Use Plan • Application Fee must be submitted with application Less than $249,999 $100.00 $250,000 - $999,999 $250.00 $1,000,000 or more $500.00 • Professional service contracts, such as, engineering, financial advisor, local counsel and bond counsel, must be in writing and submitted to the OWRB • Eligible projects include most wastewater improvements — not available for refinancing other obligations unless Project met Environmental Requirements prior to construction • CWSRF Loans are included in applicable rebate provisions and bank qualified determinations • OWRB has flexibility to take subordinate lien security; eliminates reserve fund requirement • Borrower must maintain rate covenant requiring net revenues to be at least 125% of annual payments • Repayment Term can be up to 30 years after project completion. Engineer must complete a Useful Life of Assets Worksheet to qualify for the 30 year repayment term • Interest rate tied to daily AAA rated Tax - Exempt Index reflecting 60% of market rate (40% subsidy). Fixed Rate for term of loan. (Rate set 10 days before closing). • Interest only payments during construction period based on amount actually drawn down, interest paid semi - annually directly to OWRB • Semi - annual principal payments with interest begin after project completion and are paid monthly to a designated Trustee Bank who then sends the semi- annual payment directly to OWRB every March 15 and September 15 1 Application and Closing Process • Submit Letter requesting to be placed on funding list • Complete preliminary engineering report, including environmental assessment • Some projects qualify for "categorical exclusion" from environmental review process • Prepare preliminary financial analysis and loan application documents • Set public hearing date and distribute environmental assessment to federal and state agencies for review and comment (Requires 30 day publication notice) • Hold public hearing (Requires 10 day comment period after hearing date) • Submit formal loan application and supporting documents to OWRB • OWRB prepares and distributes environmental decision (FONSI — Finding of no Significant Impact) to federal and state agencies for review and comment (Requires 30 day comment period) • OWRB 9 member Board formally approves loan application — approval usually good for one year • Borrower executes Letter of Binding Commitment • Plans and specifications approved by DEQ and OWRB • Advertisement of construction bids consistent with program guidelines • Receive construction bids for review and approval • Borrower and beneficiary provide final approval of loan documents • Receive Notice To Proceed from OWRB • Closing date scheduled • Loan Closing — Funds held by OWRB and disbursed based on draw requests 2 The Owasso Public Works Authority Summary of OWRB - Related Obligations As of July 2013 FAP Loans CWSRF Lo DWSRF Loans 1999B Note 20016 Note 2001C Note 2004 Note (1) 2010 Note 2012 Note 1999A Note 2001A Note 2002A Note 20096 Note 2oo9c Note 2011 Note 2006 Note FYE ans 30 -Jun 2014 42,597 140,560 76,196 248,466 87,011 125,700 49,046 53,499 46,399 696,505 280,336 193,333 2015 42,508 140,326 76,105 248,265 84,809 124,020 48,804 53,238 46,174 696,505 280,336 193,333 2016 42,283 139,741 75,670 82,608 378,380 48,561 52,977 45,949 696,505 280,336 193,333 2017 42,820 141,300 76,490 85,327 379,500 48,321 52,719 45,729 696,505 280,336 193,333 2018 42,322 139,719 75,973 82,969 48,077 52,455 45,500 696,505 280,336 193,333 2019 42,515 140,473 76,155 84,731 52,194 45,275 696,505 280,336 193,333 2020 45,051 696,505 280,336 193,333 2021 44,827 696,505 280,336 193,333 2022 44,601 696,505 280,336 193,333 2023 696,505 280,336 193,333 2024 696,505 280,336 193,333 2025 696,505 280,336 193,333 2026 696,505 280,336 193,333 2027 696,505 280,336 193,333 2028 696,505 280,336 193,333 2025 696,505 280,336 193,333 2030 696,505 280,336 193,333 2031 696,505 280,336 193,333 2032 348,252 280,336 193,333 2033 96,666 Totals 255,.045 842,118 456,588 496,731 507,454 1,007,600 242,809 317,081 409,506 12,885,336 5,326,386 3,769,992 Prin. Outstanding 264,200 872,900 472,900 690,000 525,000 985,000 262,762 411,814 421,048 9,985,375 3,898,645 2,929,690 (1) To be paid off in 2014 with reserve fund balance 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 263,873 131,937 3,562,290 2,801,378 Total Pavments 2,303,519 2,298,295 2,300,216 2,306,253 1,921,062 1,875,390 1,479,098 1,478,874 1,478,648 1,434,047 1,434,047 1,434,047 1,434,047 1,302,110 1,170,174 1,170,174 1,170,174 1,170,174 821,921 96,666 30,078,936 24,520,713 3 The Owasso Public Works Authority Non -OWRB Obligations As of July 2013 2014 2006 Util Sys and Sales Tax Rev Note 2006 Promissory Note 2007 Util Sys and Sales Tax Rev Note 2008 Sales Tax Rev Note Total Non -OWRB Payments Fiscal Year 2014 427,070 192,778 1,656,600 1,199,495 3,475,943 2015 428,105 196,498 831,626 1,200,450 2,656,679 2016 428,570 194,924 1,199,450 1,822,944 2017 423,560 193,153 1,198,265 1,814,978 2018 427,980 196,088 1,196,010 1,820,078 2019 193,729 598,455 792,184 Totals 2,135,285 1,167,170 2,488,226 6,592,125 12,382,806 Prin Outstanding 1,585,000 1,040,000 2,390,000 5,765,000 10,780,000 Security Senior Lien w Unsecured Subordinate Lien 1% CIP Sales Tax FAP Notes (School Loan) w SRF Notes Ord. No. 763 4 The Bond Buyer 25 Bond Revenue Index January 2012 - July 2013 5.50% 5.00% 6/27/2013 4.91% 4.50% 4.00% 12/6/2012 4.06% 3.50% (0\�� \,�ti \� \�,� \tip\ ti ti ti ti CITY OF OWASSO RANCH CREEK INTERCEPTOR PROJECT PREIMINARY COST ESTIMATE March 28, 2013 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mobilization /De- Mobilization 1 LS $165,000.00 $165,000.00 2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 3 Silt Fence 28,000 LF $1.50 $42,000.00 4 Construction Entrances 6 EA $2,500.00 $15,000.00 5 Construction Staking 1 LS $26,000.00 $26,000.00 6 Trench Safety System 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 7 Traffic Control & Warning Signs 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 8 R &R Insurance & Permits 1 LS $7,500.00 $7,500.00 9 36" PVC SDR 26 Sewer Line 69 LF $195.00 $13,455.00 10 30" PVC SDR 26 Sewer Line 12,072 LF $175.00 $2,112,600.00 11 30" Ductile Iron Pipe Class 50 220 LF $175.00 $38,500.00 12 18" PVC SDR 26 Sewer Line 147 LF $40.00 $5,880.00 13 15" PVC SDR 26 Sewer Line 18 LF $35.00 $630.00 14 54" Steel Casing 0.625" Wall Thickness 285 LF $150.00 $42,750.00 15 Bore For 54" Steel Casing 285 LF $900.00 $256,500.00 16 30" Steel Casing 0.500" Wall Thickness 100 LF $80.00 $8,000.00 17 Bore For 30" Steel Casing 100 LF $275.00 $27,500.00 18 Concrete Piers For 30" Pipe 4 EA $500.00 $2,000.00 19 Std. 5' Dia. Dog House Manhole 1 EA $3,500.00 $3,500.00 20 Std. 5' Dia. Manhole 35 EA $3,500.00 $122,500.00 21 Std. 6' Dia. Manhole 1 EA $4,500.00 $4,500.00 22 Std. 8' Dia. Manhole 1 EA $6,000.00 $6,000.00 23 Extra Depth Manhole Wall 5' Dia. 226 VF $150.00 $33,900.00 24 Extra Depth Manhole Wall 6' Dia. 6 VF $180.00 $1,080.00 25 Extra Depth Manhole Wall 8' Dia. 6 VF $240.00 $1,440.00 26 Connect To Existing Manhole 2 EA $2,000.00 $4,000.00 27 Cap Existing Line 3 EA $1,500.00 $4,500.00 28 Existing Manhole Flow Modification 1 LS $7,500.00 $7,500.00 29 Connect To Existing 36" Stub Out 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 30 12" Rock Rip Rap 200 CY $50.00 $10,000.00 31 Seeding 68,560 SY $0.50 $34,280.00 32 Strand Wire Fence 1,000 LF $5.00 $5,000.00 33 Final As -Built Drawings 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 34 lContingency 10% $307,801.50 SUB - TOTAL: $3,385,816.50 Engineering, Surveying, & EID: $175,000.00 Inspection: $50,000.00 Wetland Mitigation & Mitigation Plan: $100,000.00 ODEQ Permitting Fees: $3,600.00 1.5% Bond Counsel: $60,000.00 City of Owasso Legal Fees: $30,000.00 Perm. Esmts. 5.5 Ac. $10K/AC: $55,000.00 Temp. Esmts. 13.8 Ac. $10K/AC: $138,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE COST: $3,997,416.50 D The Owasso Public Works Authority 7/5/13 MMD Series 2013 CWSRF Promissory Note to OWRB Ranch Creek Interceptor Line Project Loan Repayment I Est. Interest Annual Monthly Est. Total Amount Term Rate Payment I Payment I Interest 3,990,000 5 Years 1.65% 834,655 69,555 183,277 3,990,000 10 Years 2.15% 445,561 37,130 465,609 3,990,000 15 Years 2.51% 320,856 26,738 822,833 3,990,000 20 Years 2.77% 261,182 21,765 1,233,639 Note: Repayment Term reflects amortization period after project completion 7 The Owasso Public Works Authority Series 2013 CWSRF Promissory Note to OWRB (Ranch Creek Interceptor Project) Preliminary Loan Sizing and Payment Analysis Component Amount Estimated Construction Cost 3,078,015.00 Contingency (10 %) 307,801.50 Engineering, Surveying & EID 175,000.00 Inspection 50,000.00 Wetland Mitigation & Mitigation Plan 100,000.00 ODEQ Permitting Fees 3,600.00 Permanent Easements 5.5 acres @ $10,000 /ac 55,000.00 Temporary Easements 13.8 acres @ $10,000 /ac 138,000.00 Bond Counsel Fee (1%) and Expenses 42,400.00 Financial Advisor Fee (.85%) and Expenses 36,415.00 Trustee Bank Acceptance Fee 500.00 Rounding 3,268.50 Total Note Amount 3,990,000.00 Total Costs of Issuance 79,315.00 Costs as % of Note Amount 1.99% 7/8/2013 Payment Analysis Note Amount Repayment Term Est.lnt. Rate Annual Payment Monthly Payment 3,990,000.00 15 Years 2.51% $320,855.54 $26,737.96 Note: Assumes first principal payment due 9/15/14 0 Owasso Public Works Authority Projected Debt Coverage w/2013 CWSRF Note Based on FY 2012 Audited Financial Statements Operating Revenues Charges for services: Water Wastewater Sanitation Penalties /late charges Recycle Internal service charge Other Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses Utility billing Administration Water Wastewater treatment plant Wastewater collection Refuse collections Recycle center Other Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Revenues Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses) Investment income Sales Tax Revenue - 2% Net Revenues Available for Debt Service Debt Service Payments Existing OWRB Note Payments Util Sys and Sales Tax Note Payments Proposed 2013 CWSRF Note Payment Total Note Payments Net Revenues Before Transfers and Capital Outlay Debt Coverage 10 Year Term 15 Year Term 1 20 Year Term 4,927,414 4,927,414 4,927,414 3,165,977 3,165,977 3,165,977 1,713,184 1,713,184 1,713,184 247,745 247,745 247,745 55,298 55,298 55,298 141,114 141,114 141,114 10, 250, 732 10,250,732 10, 250, 732 338,615 338,615 338,615 749,577 749,577 749,577 4,021,682 4,021,682 4,021,682 945,913 945,913 945,913 538,519 538,519 538,519 846,983 846,983 846,983 247,599 247,599 247,599 862,436 862,436 862,436 8,551,324 8,551,324 8,551,324 1,699,408 1,699,408 1,699,408 23,742 23,742 23,742 12, 228, 672 12, 228, 672 12,228,672 13,951,822 13,951,822 13, 951, 822 (2,303,519) (2,303,519) (2,303,519) (2,083,670) (2,083,670) (2,083,670) (445,561) (320,856) (261,182) (4,832,750) (4,708,045) (4,648,371) 9,119,072 9,243,777 9,303,451 1.89 1.96 2.00 E Owasso Public Works Authority Projected Cashf low Impact w/2013 CWSRF Note Based on FY 2012 Audited Financial Statements Operating Revenues Charges for services: Water Wastewater Sanitation Penalties /late charges Recycle Internal service charge Other Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses Utility billing Administration Water Wastewater treatment plant Wastewater collection Refuse collections Recycle center Other Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Revenues Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses) Investment income Net Operating Revenues Debt Service Payments Existing OWRB Note Payments Util Sys and Sales Tax Note Payments Other Sales Tax and Unsecured Note Payments Proposed 2013 CWSRF Note Payment Total Note Payments Net Revenues Before Transfers and Capital Outlay Transfers In Pledged as Security Transfers In - Unpledged Transfers Out Net Income 10 Year Term 1 15 Year Term 1 20 Year Term 4,927,414 4,927,414 4,927,414 3,165,977 3,165,977 3,165,977 1,713,184 1,713,184 1,713,184 247,745 247,745 247,745 55,298 55,298 55,298 141,114 141,114 141,114 10,250, 732 10,250, 732 10, 250,732 338,615 338,615 338,615 749,577 749,577 749,577 4,021,682 4,021,682 4,021,682 945,913 945,913 945,913 538,519 538,519 538,519 846,983 846,983 846,983 247,599 247,599 247,599 862,436 862,436 862,436 8,551,324 8,551,324 8,551,324 1,699,408 1,699,408 1,699,408 23,742 23,742 23,742 1,723,150 1,723,150 1,723,150 (2,303,519) (2,303,519) (2,303,519) (2,083,670) (2,083,670) (2,083,670) (1,392,273) (1,392,273) (1,392,273) (445,561) (320,856) (261,182) (6,225,023) (6,100,318) (6,040,644) (4,501,873) (4,377,168) (4,317,494) 18,470, 423 18,470,423 18,470,423 1,024,227 1,024,227 1,024,227 (13,981,987) (13,981,987) (13,981,987) 1,010,790 1,135,495 1,195,169 10 The Owasso Public Works Authority CWSRF Note to OWRB Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Project Proposed Time Schedule EVENT DATE OPWA authorized submission of Loan Application 4/16/2013 Application submitted to OWRB 5/23/2013 OPWA Approval of EID 7/16/2013 OWRB approval of loan and funds committed 8/20/2013 Advertise for Construction Bids August 2013 Receive Construction Bids September 2013 Interest Rate Set by OWRB September 2013 OPWA and City Council approval of Loan Documents Sept /Oct 2013 and award Construction Contract Loan Closing October 2013 Start Construction November 2013 11