HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.08.11_Planning Commission MinutesLASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday, August 11, 1998
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Bill Ellison
Bob Randolph
Larry Helton
Charles Willey
Tim Looney
'Theron Warlick
Marsha Hensley
The agenda for the regular meeting was posted i-n the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on
August 7, 1998 at 9:00 PM
L CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
and declared a quorum present.
MEETING.. The Commission reviewed the minutes of July 14, 1998 Regular Meeting,
Charles Willey moved, seconded by Bob Randolph to approve the minutes as written.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
4. Site Plan -- Kourtis Properties - A request for review of a site plan for Kourtis Properties.
The subject site is located immediately northeast of Bank of the Lakes, 124 -04 E. 86th
Street North, Owasso, OK. (This item was tabled at the July 14, 1995 regular meeting.)
Tim Rooney requested the Commissioners to table the Kourtis Properties Site Plan until
access into this property is resolved.
Ray Haynes moved to table this item until the September S, 1998 Planning Commission
meeting, Bob Randolph seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
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Charles Tilley -- Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
`° Annexation - Kour i_s �-�� ° 9_LLC ._ A request for the annexation of property for
Kourtis Properties, LLC. The subject property is described as the NE/4, NW/4, and a
portion of the SW/4 of Section 1.8, T21N, RME. The subject property is generally
described as all undeveloped land located within the square mile are bounded by E 96th
St N and E 106th St. No, and Mingo Road and Garnett Load and Contains 405.7 acres,
more or less. The subject property does not include the Kelley Ann Addition.
rim Rooney presented the annexation. The property is currently zoned PUD (Planned
Unit Development) with underlying zoning of CS (Commercial Shopping), OL (Office
Light), RS (Residential Single - Family) and AG (agriculture). If approved, the zoning
would automatically become AG until rezoned. Acceleration /deceleration lanes would
need to be included for all entries along Mingo Road, E. 106th Street North, Garnett
Road and E. 96th Street North. Also sidewalks would be required along arterial streets.
The water service in the area is within Washington County Dural Water District #3. The
developer would need to pay $50.00 for each tap desired to Washington County Rural
Water :District. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their July
29, 1995 meeting and had no comments or concerns regarding this annexation. The
Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their meeting on Monday, August
3, 1995 and recommended approval.
Bob Randolph moved to approve the Annexation request, Ray Haynes seconded, A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes m Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
Charles Willey m Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
6. Annexation - Vines Properties, Inc. - A request for annexation of property for Mines
Properties, Inc., of Owasso. The subject property is described as a portion of the NW /4
of the NW /4 and a portion of the NE /4 of the NW /4 of Section 7, T21N, R14E. The
subject property is generally located at the southeast corner of E 116" St. N and Mingo
road and contains 23.55 acres, more or less.
Tim Rooney presented a brief report to the Commissioners. He stated that the subject
property is zoned AG (.Agriculture) in Tulsa County and would remain AG upon
annexation until the property is rezoned. Along Mingo Road and E. 116th Street North
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sidewalks and acceleration /deceleration lanes would need to be included. Washington
County Dural Water District #3 also provides this area with water service. The
developer will need to pay Washington County Rural Water District a fee of $50.00 for
each tap. Notification of the annexation request was published on July 23, 1995. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed. this request at their July 29, 1995 meeting and
had no comments opposing the request. Owasso Annexation. Committee reviewed, this
item on August 3, 1998 and recommrended approval. Mr. Bob Bellernare, a surrounding
property owner was present to express his concerns regarding this property. Mr. Mooney
assured Mr. Bellemare that this was not a rezoning request and surrounding property
owners will be notified when a zoning application is received.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Annexation request, Bob Randolph seconded the
motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows;
Ray Haynes _.. Yes
Bill Ellison a Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Melton a Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
I. Annexation - Hart and Roach -- A request for the annexation of properties by Dorothy
Hart and Everett Roach. The subject properties are described as the lit /2 of the NW /4
of the NW /4 of the SW /4, and the ICI /2 of the S/2 of the NW /4 of the NW /4 of the SW/4
of Section 20, T21N, R14E. The subject properties are generally located north of
Morton Marine (5939 Garnett Road) and contain 3.60 acres and 1.66 acres respectively.
Tim Rooney presented the annexation request. The two subject properties are zoned RE
(Residential Estates). If approved the zoning would then become ACS (Agriculture).
Mater and sewer are currently supplied by the City of Owasso as both properties lie
within the city's service area. Sidewalks and acceleration /deceleration lanes would need
to be included for all entries along Garnett Road. Separate action needs to be taken by
the Commission and the City Council due to the properties being owned by two separate
individuals. Notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. The Technical
Advisory Committee reviewed this request on July 29, 1995 and had no concerns
/comments regarding this request. The Annexation Committee reviewed the subject
property at their August 3, 1995 meeting and recommended approval.
Charles Willey moved to approve the Roach property Annexation request, Ray Haynes
seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes -- Yes
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Bill Ellison -- Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton e Yes
Charlos Willey - Yes
'Fhe inotion carried 5 -0.
Charles Willey moved to approve the annexation request on the Hart property, pray
Haynes second the motion. A. -vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton -- Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 5 0.
& OLS -98 -06 -- Zobert Long -- A request for review of a lot split request for Lot 1, Block
1, hone Office Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, located. generally on the north side of 86"'
St. N, west of Bank of the hakes.
Theron Warlick presented the item to the Commissioners. This property resides in an
O Office Low Intensity) zoning district. The property contains a one-story, brick
office building with two tenants. The owner proposes a lot split that would create two
lots, Tract "A" and Tract "B". The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request
on July 29, 1998 and had no opposition. Charles Willey had questions concerning the
purpose of the lot split. Mr. Robert Long, the applicant was present to answer any
questions and stated that he planned to add onto the eastside of the building that currently
After all questions from the Commissioners had been answered satisfactory regarding this
request, flay Haynes mowed to approve the lot split. The motion was seconded by Bob
Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph w Yes
Larry Melton - Yes
Charles Willey - No
The motion carried 4-1.
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9. Final Plat hairwa_yL 1I1 - A request to review a proposal for Fairways 111, a 147 -lot
subdivision in the N/2 of Section 19, T -21 -N, R-14 -E, generally located on the south side
of 96 " St. N between Bailey Ranch golf Course to the west and unplatted land the cast.
Theron Warlick presented a brief report. The preliminary plat for the Fairways at Bailey
Ranch 111 and 111 Extended was approved in August 1997. The final plat has one mirror
change from the preliminary plat which is a reduction from 149 to 147 residential lots.
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this plat on July 29, 1995. All the
concerns and comments from that meeting have been addressed and are included on the
plat. Bill Lewis, the engineer on this project, was present to address concerns regarding
drainage problems in the area.
After discussion, Charles Willey moved to approve the Final Flat request, Ray Haynes
seconded the motion. A vote on the :motion was recorded as follows;
Ray Haynes w Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton _. Yes
Charles Willey Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
10. OZ -98-10 - German Corner_ gymnastics - The applicant, Linda Meeker, proposes
rezoning 2.56 acres, more or less, from AG (Agriculture District) to CS (Shopping
Center District). The subject property is generally located at the southwest corner of E
116 " St. N and Mingo Rd., further described as Lot 1, Block 1, Hillside Estates addition
to the City of Owasso.
Theron Warlick presented this item. He stated that a site plan would be submitted to the
Planning Commission through a separate process. The Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed this request at their July 29, 1998 meeting and no comments or concerns were
expressed. Mr. Bob Bellemare, an area property owner, was present opposing the
commercial zoning and had comments regarding traffic safety at the intersection of
Mingo & 116th Street North. Mr. John Dix also a surrounding property owner was
present to oppose the rezoning request. Ms. Linda Meeker, the owner of German
Corner gymnastics, were present to address concerns and answered questions.
Acceleration /deceleration lanes would be considered at the time of site plan review.
There was discussion regarding the possibility of rezoning the subject property to OL
(Office Low Intensity) in lieu of CS (Shopping Center District).
Charles Willey moved to approve the rezoning application but with an OL (Office Low
Intensity District) zoning, Bob Randolph seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
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Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Bob Randolph . Yes
Larry Dolton ... Yes
Charles Willey r Yes
The motion carried 5 0,
1. OZ-98-11 - Preston Lakes _- The applicant, Preston 1.- .ales LLC, proposes a rezoning of
254.3 acres of land, more or loss, currently zoned AG (Agriculture). The subject
property is located in the south half of Section 22, T-21 -N, R-14--E, City of Owasso,
Rogers County, Oklahoma, generally located north of E 86 " St. N between N 145 "1 E
Ave. and N 161" E Ave. The proposed zoning is as follows: from AC (Agriculture
District) to RS -2 (Residential Single- family Medium Density District) ± 231.1 acres,
RM-2 (Residential Multi- family District) ± 12.6 acres, CS (Shopping Center District)
+ 5.0 acres, and CC General Commercial District) ± 5.0 acres.
Theron Warlick briefed the Commissioners on this request. The property was annexed
in June 1998. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed zoning
change at their July 29, 1998 meeting. Letters were sent to property owners within a
3009 radius. The coning proposal for this tract appears to conform with the existing
Comprehensive flan and to the Zoning Code. Several surrounding property owners were
present to express their concerns. Mr. Kim Markey, a Cambridge lark resident,
expressed concerns with drainage in the area. He also had concerns with the 12.6 acres
of multi - family district. Mr. Dalton 'Thomas had comments regarding flood control on
this property. Mr. Mike Roark addressed the Commissioners regarding the request. He
stated concerns with traffic on 86th Street North. Another area property owner stated
concerns with the overcrowding of schools in the Owasso area. lair. David Charney, the
applicant, was present to address the Commissioners. Mr. Charney stated that this
development and extending the sewer line into Rogers County should help the drainage
situation in the area. Bob Randolph had concerns regarding the care and maintenance
of the parks in the purposed development.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the zoning application, Charles Willey seconded. A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison m No
Bob Randolph - No
Larry Melton - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3 -2.
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12. OPUD 15 - Preston Lakes e_ The applicant, Preston Lakes LL C, proposes a Planned Unit
Development on + 254.3 acres, located in the south half of Section 22, T -21 -N, R -14 -E,
City of Owasso, Rogers County, Oklahoma, generally located north of 86" Sc N
between N 1/15" k; Ave. and N 161" E Ave. The applicant proposes up to 500 single-
family detached dwelling units, 80 villas /townhouses, 450 multi - family units, and ± 11
acres of commercial development with a maximum floor area of 21.1,800 square feet.
Theron ` Iarlick presented the item to the Commissioners. In addition to the combination
of land uses, the developer proposes a 10.2 acre park. The highest intensity land uses
are at the southwest corner of the property. To separate the more intense from the less
intense land uses, the developer plans to use the topography as well as man -made
buffers. The Technical advisory Committee reviewed the PUD at their July 29, 1998
meeting, staff had several comments regarding the development. all of the comments
from the TAC meeting have been addressed by the developer. Mr. Warlick reviewed
the following staff recommendations:
A. That the applicant's Development Text, Tent Addendum and Conceptual
Development Plan be considered to be the Outline Development flan as required
by the POD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code;
tB, That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PIED,
single - family development shall meet the requirements of a typical RS -2 district;
C. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD,
multi - family development shall meet the requirements of a typical RM -2 district;
O. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD,
shopping center commercial development shall meet the requirements of a typical
CS district;
E. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD,
general commercial development shall meet the requirements of a typical CC
F. That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwellings shall not exceed 1,030
(530 multi - family, 500 single - family);
G. That minor transfers (10% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling
units from one residential development area to another can occur if a significant
change in the character of either development area is not created.
H. That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical advisory Committee for
subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD;
1. That a detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting, and
certification of such document by an engineer;
J. all covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall
incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of
Owasso beneficiary;
K. That no building permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria
outlined with Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the
August I.I., 1998
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L. Acceleration /Deceleration largos at each access point to the subject property along
the arterial street (two locations on E 86th St No, one location on N 145tt) E
Ave) -
M. The inclusion of sidewalks along the abutting arterial streets and the interior
drives within the proposed development;
Al. The submittal of detailed landscaping plans to be submitted at the time of site plan
0. The planning Commission reservers the right to prescribe additional buffering,
screening and setbacks during the platting process. 'To the extent that the
developer chooses to vary from the outline PUD, the developer can and should
expect additional buffering requirements as is necessary to ensure compatibility
with surrounding land uses.
Mr. Pittman of Pittman -Poe & Associates presented a brief- report of the proposed
development. Also, Mr. Dennis Dodo addressed. the Commissioners pertaining to
drainage in the area.
After discussion, Ray Haynes moved to approve; OPUD 15 application, subject to the
above staff recommendations. The motion was seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on
the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - -- Yes
Bill Alison w No
Bob Randolph m Yes
Tarry Belton - Yes
Charles Willey -W Yes
The motion carried 4-1.
13. Site flan - Schlotzkv's - A request to review site plan for a proposed deli on a 1.042
acre lot at 12551 E 86 " St. 1V, generally located on E 86 "' St. N between Bank of the
Takes and Warehouse Market.
"Theron Warlick presented the case. The parking spaces (45) and handicapped spaces (2)
are suitable for a building of this size and typo. The western 13' of the property will be
used as a common drive for access to Schlotzky's, Bank of the Takes and the proposed
shopping, center behind the property to the north.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Site flan request, Bob Randolph seconded. A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes w Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
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Larry Helton - Yes
Charles Willey v Yes
The motion carried 5.0,
14. Site Plan .--._.US Post Office Exp nsion - A request for review of a site plan for an
expansion to the Owasso host Office at 1,233 N Cedar Ave., generally located north of
E 86 "' St. N on Cedar Ave,
Theron Warlic% present the item. The site plan. shows a total of 67 parking spaces and
3 handicapped spaces. Two curb cuts for customers, and an additional curb cut for Lost
Office vehicles and employees and also shown. The Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed this site plan at the July 29, 1998 meeting and all comments /concerns have
been included on the site plan.
Bob Randolph moved to approve the Site Man request, Bill Ellison seconded.. A vote on
the :motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Melton -- Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
15. Site flan - Mill Creek Lumber - A request to review a site plan for an expansion of a
warehouse at Dill Creep Lumber, 7801 N Mingo Malley Expressway, further described
as Lot 1, Bloch 19, Elm Creep Estates.
Theron Warlic% presented a brief report. He explained that the dust from the site and
drainage runoff onto a neighboring property were of some concern. The gravel surfaces
have been treated with a mix of recycled asphalt millings. The applicant also plans to
treat the surfaces with an asphaltic emulsion. The applicant was present to answer
questions and address concerns.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Site Plan request, Bob Randolph seconded. A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Larry Helton m Yes
Charles Tilley - Yes
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Page No. 10
The motion carried 5-0.
16. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity,
17. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council.
18. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso,
19, Adjournment _. Charles Willey moved, Ray Haynes seconded, to adjourn the rueeting.
A vote on they motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - es
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
Charles Willey -- Wes
The motion carried 5-0-and the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM
Cha11pe1rs ®D