HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999.02.09_Planning Commission MinutesO ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION ISSION MINUTES Off" REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 9, 1999 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PPE'S ENT Ray Haynes Bob Randolph Larry Helton Charles Willey Bill Ellison MEMBERS A S N`I -, STAFF PRESEN,r Theron Warllck Marsha Hensley The agenda for the regular meeting was posted in the Owasso City hall, 207 S Cedar, on February 4 1999 at 4000 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at ` :00 ISM and declared a quorum present. . ROIL, CALL 1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 1.2, 1999 REGULAR MEETING. - The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 12, 1999 Regular Meeting, Charles Willey moved, seconded by Bob Randolph to approve the minutes. A; Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes w Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton -- Yes Charles Willey - Yes 13111 Ellison - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Rezoning Request I 0 01 - Charles Norjn .lohnson Prone a A request for rezoning of 4.26 acres, more or less, from OL, (Office Low Intensity District) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) .79 acres, from RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density District) to CS 2.42 acres, and from RS -3 to OL, 1.05 acres. The subJect property is located north of E 96t1i Street No, west of the Owasso Expressway. ®NABS® PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 1999 Page loo. Ray Haynes roved to approve the rezoning request, Larry Melton seconded the rnotion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph . Yes Larry Helton- Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bill Ellison -, Yes The motion carried 5--0. 5. Rez,on RMqest -_ OZ-99-02 _- Charles Norman,,a Kaiser Francis Oil _ A request for rezoning of 9.46 acres, more or less, from 01. (office Low Intensity District) to CM (Office Medium Intensity (District). The subject property is located on the south side of E €36`b Street North approximately 700 feet cast of the intersection of E 86" Street N and N 129t'-'E Avenue, Theron Warlick presented the item. The property in discussion is undeveloped and is planned to contain a large, two -story medical office facility. The rezoning request from OL to OM is consistent: with the established land use pattern. The proposal would change the maximum allowable floor area ratio from 25 % to 50 % . Charles Norman presented a brief presentation to the Connuissioners, Legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on January 21, 1999 and surrounding property owners were notified. Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning request, Bob Randolph seconded, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes - Yes Bob Randolph w Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bill Ellison m Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 6. Vacation of plat -m ROC Owasso - A request to vacate Lot 8, dock 1, ROC Owasso Addition. The subject property is located east of the Albertson's site on E 86`' Street N. The vacation will allow the platting of ROC Owasso U. Theron Warlick presented a brief presentation. This proposal would remove all of the easements; the primary utilities will come from the west border of the property. This vacation is one of the steps that are required to create the planned two -story medical mall. There were no comments or concerns regarding this plat at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Mr. Ricky Jones of Tanner Consulting was present to address the OASO PLANNING COMMISSION February 99 1999 Page No. 3 Commissioners. There were concerns expressed regarding easements. Mr. Jones explained that there would be an increase in easements, changing the west side from 25' to 4-5'. It was also stated that the CS (Shopping Center Comm er eial) zoning to the west will remain in place and the eastern nine acres will be OM (Office Medium Intensity). After discussion, Charles Willey moved to approve the vaeatior_ request, 1_aarry Helton seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes W Yes Bob Randolph _ Yes Larry Helton -- des Charles Willey w Yes Bill Ellison Yes The motion carried 5 - -0, 7, Final Plat - w ROC Owasso 11 - A request for review of a final plat for ROC Owasso 1.1, A 16.83 acre, one lot subdivision described as part of the NW/4 of Section 28, R-21-N, R- 14 -h;, The subject property is located ®n the south side of E 6`h Street Na West of ROC Owasso and north of the Greens at Owasso Additions Ray Haynes m Yes Larry Helt ®n m Yes Charles Willey _ Yes Bill Ellis ®n - Yes Bob Randolph .u- Yes OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 1999 Page No. 4 The motion carried 5_.11. & Kdimin M Plat _- Fairways Ill_.. Extended r... A request for review of a preliminary plat for Fairways IV Addition, an 8.23 acres 22 lob; subdivision described as part of the NW /r- NW /4 of Section 18, "I'_.21-N, R-- 1.4 -E. The subject property is located on the s oaa_th side of E 96"' Street N to the West of Fairways IV Addition, Theron Warlick presented the case to the Commissioners. He stated that the property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Developinent) which allows for several different types and sizes of single-family residential development, Drainage will be conveyed from east to wrest and released into the drainage pond to the west of the subject property via a pipe to be located between lots 10 and 11. The Technical advisory Connnittee reviewed the play: at their January 21, 1999 regular meeting, Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to staff and '-rAC recommendation. Larry Helton seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes,- }`des Larry Helton- `des Charles Willey m Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph. - Yes The notion carried 5 -0. 9. Final plat riendshi Baptist Church - A request for reviews of a final plat for Friendship baptist Church, a one lot subdivision consisting of 14.98 acres, more or less. The tract is described as past of the NE /4 NE /4 Section 28, T-21-N, -14 --E and is located on the south side of E 85th Street N, ,vest of N 145th E avenue. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 1999 Page No. and the shopping traffic. The traffic should be mainly on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings, Staff recommends approval with the condition that sidewalks be installed and acceleration /deceleration lanes be constructed as designed on the plat. Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat, subject to the above; staff reco i-n endations belay met: and the construction of acceleration /deceleration lanes as designed on the plat, along with the construction of sidewalks, Bill Eillison seconded the motion, A. vote on- the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Larry Melton - Yes Charles Willey _. Yes ;kill Ellison -- des Bob Randolph u- des The motion carried 5 -0. 10. Site Plan Friendship Baptist Church - A request for review of a site plan for Friendship Baptist Church, a church facility proposed on the south side of E 86' Street N, west of N 145" E Avenue, occupancy, 4. That sidewalks shall be installed on E 86th Strut No, 5e The developer shall apply for a separate permit for signagee Charles Willey moved to approve the site plan, subject to the above staff recornmendations, Larry Helton seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 1999 Page No. 6 Tray Haynes - Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey -- des Bill Ellison - -- Yes Bob Ran(olph _,, Yes The motion carried 5 -0„ 11. 'Vacation of Plat-- Forest Drive Industrial Pare f� yisterjs ..- A request to vacate Lots 3, 4. & 5, and Preserve " A" of the Forest give Industrial :bark addition, The subject property is located on the west side of the Owasso Expressway, north of E 76"' Street N and is further described as a tract of land located in the NE/4 SE /4 of Section 30, PT- -21-N, R - -14- E , Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Due to the lack: of signatures required for this vacation of plat, this item was tabled for 30 days. 12. Site Plan -- Twisters - A request to review a site plan for Twister, a motion picture theater on property currently described as Lots 3, 4 'r 5, and Reserve "A" of the Forest Drive Industrial Bark. The subject site is located on the west side of the Owasso Expressway, north of E 761h Street N. Ray Haynes moved to table this item for 30 days in order to give the applicant ample time to resubmit a workable site plan which will show parking redesigned and Lot: "C" removed. Bill Ellison seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Larry Helton m Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph _. Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 13. Site Plan ® Doherty ®ffice _Buildin g m A request to review a site plan for an office building proposed as Dots 3 -5, Block 19, Owasso Original Town Plat. The subject site is located on the south side of Broadway Street between Main and Atlanta Streets, "Theron Warlick presented the case. He explained the developer proposes 13 parking spaces including 2 handicapped spaces, The builder has also provided a landscaping plan. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their January 27, 1.999 meeting, Public Service of Oklahoma stated that an easement would be required to OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION ON February 9, 1999 Page N ®o 7 provide service from the alley. The diversion of water in the area was discussed briefly. The applicant: was present to answer any questions or concerns. Charles Willey had questions regarding the amount of traffic flow in the area. Ray Haynes questioned the applicant. on the construction of the building. The applicant stated that the building would have a. brief facade, Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan, subject to staff recommendations, Bob Randolph seconded the motion, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - des Larry Helton - des Charles Willey - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes `1-"he motion carried 5-0. Ray Haynes called a 10 rninute recess at 8:4.0 PM in order to give the applicant: for the next item ample ti_rrae to appear before the Owasso Planning Con- unission to address concerns. Ray Haynes reconvened and called the meeting to order at :52 Pte, 14. Site Plan - Owasso High School Auditorium - A request to review a site playa for a, public auditorium on the grounds of the Owasso Public High School, The subject property is located on the northeast corner of N 129 "' E .Avenue and E 86`" Street Na O AS O PLANNING COMMISSION February 9, 1999 Page No. S Bob Randolph moved to table this item due to the applicant being absent. Charles Willey stated that he would lire to see the entrance off 86`h St North lire up with the lire lane to male it a straight shot in for the fire trucks, He also suggested to have a lie of south side parking spaces be removed to have the road continue all the way around the facility, Finally, he requested a curb cut he closed on the west side of the parking lot and a new one made further° north, (Exhibit "A" attached). Mr. Willey also r°equested this fire lain to be paved, Mr, Dale Johnson, Owasso Public Schools Superintendent, arrived at 9:30 PM and Mr. Randolph withdrew his motion to table the item. Theron Warlick showed bale Johnson what the Corr missioners had drawn up containing the above; suggestions, Mr. Warlick stated this plan would allow traffic to flow around the building and would create access for emergency vehicles, Making the lire large off of 86 " Street North a straight rain was discussed. Charles Willey expressed concern.. with cars parking in the lire lane, He would lire to see curb stops along the large so people won't parr there and so the oars will not stick out and block traffic;. Sir. Johnson stated that the fire safety :large will always stay open and that he would have this lane striped red, Ray Haynes -moved to approve the site plan, sullject to the above staff recommendations and Exhibit "A" (see attached) which shoes a fire protection loop, This loop would be constructed of a hard, dust -free surface. Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Larry Helton a `des Charles Willey - Yes Bill Alison - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 15. Deport on monthly building permit activity. 16. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 17, Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 18. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Bill Alison seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: O ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION I ISSION February 99 1999 Page No. 9 Rey Haynes _a Yes Bob Randolph -- Yes Larry Helton - Yes Charles Willey - es Bill Ellison -- Yes The motion carried 5 Qand she et l ages �cljourned ,91 10: 07 PM Secretary Date Im Irms U 7:a TT a h9 Yr �j tr1 �� It I (I �� � - y� � tS h o iTi m tiC�ii VITT Ti1���1i11i�