HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.01.13_Planning Commission MinutesO ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, January 13, 2003 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Charles Willey Dale prevett Dewey Brown Bill Williams MEMBERS AASEN,r STAFF PRESENT Robert Moore Marsha Hensley Rickey Mayes The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on January 6, 2003 at 12:00 PM. L CALL TO ORDER m Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at TOO 00 PM and declared a quorum present. 1 ROLL CALF, 3. CONSIDER APPROV Al_, OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9, 2002 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of December 9, 1001 Regular Meeting, Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey Brower to approve the minutes, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey -- Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes Dale prevett - Yes Bill Williams - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Annexation Request — A request for the annexation of property containing approximately 10.65 acres, more or less. The subject property is located on the east side of N. 97th E Ave. approximately 2640 feet north of the N. 97th E Ave. and E. 116"' St N. intersection. The Chair introduced the item and the staff review was given by Robert Moore. The applicant is requesting this annexation in order to construct IBS -3 homes on the property. The subject property meets all of the requirements included in the Annexation policy. Staff published legal notice for three consecutive weeks. No calls have been received. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their December 30, 1001 regular meeting. The Annexation Committee also reviewed and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommends approval of the request, to annex into the corporate limits 20.65 acres, more or less. Mr. Patrick Shumacher, the applicant /owner, OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 13, 2003 Page No. 2 was present to address any concerns. Ray Haynes and Charles Willey questioned whether it was advantageous to annex the subject property. Interpretations of the State Statue regarding the annexation of contiguous property were also discussed. Robert explained that the property to the south will possibly be annexed into the city limits at a later date and it is Staff's opinion the annexation of this property is advantageous to the City of Owasso. He also stated that the annexation request does meet City policy and is adjacent to the public right -of -way. Hobert suggested tabling this item until the February Planning Commission meeting. Ray questioned that if the item is tabled could anything change if the applicant's attorney would be present. After discussion, Bill Williams moved to deny the annexation request. The motion was seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey - -_ Yes Dale Prevett _ Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes Bill Williams - Yes The motion carried for denial 5 -0. 5. OZ -02 -10 — A request to rezone approximately 15.00 acres, more or less from ACS (Agricultural General District) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). The subject property is located on the south side of F. 116`x' St N. approximately 1100 feet east of the F. 116' St. N. and N. Garnett Rd. intersection. The Chair introduced the case and Robert presented the item. The surrounding land use and surrounding zoning was described. The Owasso 2010 faster Flan identifies the subject property as having future land use of public and low density residential. Staff feels that this proposal is consistent with the Master Plan for several reasons. The Master Flan labels the north half of the property as having a future land uses as public. If this property did develop as a public use, it would be the third such land use category in this section, a use of high intensity residential would further- opportunities for home ownership. The Master Plan identifies the southern half of the site as a future use of low intensity residential. The plan defines low density residential as having a density of 2 --- 5 dwelling units per acre. The Morningwood Preliminary Plat contains 58 lots on 15.00 acres with a density of 3.8 units per acre. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their December 30, 2002 meeting. No comments were received. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family Nigh Density District). The access easement to the west was discussed. Mr. David Charney requested a brief presentation to the Commissioners. He stated that Owasso Land Trust feels that it was very important to develop this property in an OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 13, 2003 Page No. 3 attractive way. The price range of the homes will be approximately $100,000.00 and up with two car garages, -brick exterior, upscale shingles, etc. Mr. Charney also offered significant fencing requirements written into the covenants. The following are comments from residents of the area that were present: Mr. Randy Conrad - -- 11818 E 116 St No -- His property faces the proposed subdivision and world like to see less houses per acre, Mr. Frank Franklin _. 11822 E 116 St No - -1-1e enjoys his privacy. Mr. Ron McMillin -- 11326 N 123 E .Ave -- He enjoys his privacy and also has livestock; afraid they might be disturbed by this development. Ray Haynes moved to approve OZ- 0240, rezoning approximately 15.00 acres more or less, from AG to RS - -3, Bale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey - -- Yes Dale Prevett -- Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes Till Williams a Yes 'The motion carried 5 -0. 6. Prefindnary Plat -- Morningwood- A request for the review of a preliminary play for the Morningwood Addition containing approximately 15.00 acres, more or less. The Morningwood Preliminary flat contains 58 lots within 2 blocks. The subject property is located on the south side of E. 116 ' St. N. approximately 1700 feet east of the E. 116 " St N. and N. Garnett Rd. intersection. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Robert. He described the surrounding land use and the surrounding zoning. The 'Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Morningwood Preliminary Plat at the December 30, 2002 meeting. Several comments were noted by the staff and utility providers. Staff recommends approval of the Morningwood Preliminary Plat, subject to the following staff and 'Technical Advisory Committee conditions: 1. Community Development - The northern most east -west street shall be named E. 115 "' Ct. N. 2. Community Development The middle most east -west street shall be named 114"' Ct M ®WA S® PLANNING NG COM ISSI ®N January 139 2003 Page No. 4 3. Community Development The southern most east - -vest street shall be named E. 113"' Ct. N. 4. Community Development The western north - -south street shall be named N. 120`' E. Ave. 5. Community Development N. 120`' E. Ave. is considered a residential collector and is required to have an additio -nal 5' of right -of -way on both the east and west sides, 6, Community Development _- The legal description should be corrected, (states, ..."'southeast quarter (SE /4) Hof _ 1be ._of -,the--northeast quarter (NE /4),'9 take out one "of the99. 7. Comi-nunity Development - The east 20' of the access easement shown along the western boundary of the subject property should be vacated prior to final plat submittal. & Community Development ._ Addressing should be labeled on the final plat submittal. 9. Community Development - Covenants shall be submitted prior to final plat approval, 10. Community Development - A covenant stipulating that, "All residential structures will front and be addressed on the street with the greatest building setback line", shall be added, 11. Community Development -- The plat shall show 119 interior casements between rear lot lines and a perimeter 17.5' easement is required along the southern boundary. 12. Community Development - The property is subject to a $16.00 per acre siren fee or $241.44. 13. Community Development - Detention locations shall be shown on the Final Plat submittal. 14. Public Works - Sanitary Sewer main -line connections must be approved by the City's Engineering Department. 15. PS® /AEP - Side lot easements of 5' are required, 16. 'Tulsa County Engineering - Limits of No Access are required along the side lot lines of those lots adjacent to E. 116"' St. N. 17. Tulsa County Engineering -- Should be notified at such time that the acceleration /deceleration lanes are constructed. 18. Public Works ® Acceleration /Deceleration lanes are required on E. 116"' St. N. 19. Public Works - Sidewalks are required along E. 116`' St N Water detention and drainage of the subject property was discussed. Charles Willey suggested that Mr. Charney meet with surrounding property owners to discuss perimeter fencing issues, also the type of street lighting that will be used. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 139 2003 Page No. 5 Ray Haynes moved to approve Morningwood Preliminary flat subject to the above staff and TAC recommendations, Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes -- Yes Charles Willey - lees Bale Prevett --- Yes Dewey Brown- -- Yes Bill Williams -- Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 7, OZ- 02 -11— A request to rezone approximately 49.99 acres more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). The subject property is located on the east side of N. 97 "' E Ave. approximately 800 feet south of the N. 97t' E. Ave. and E. 116" St. N. intersection. The Chair introduced the item and Robert reviewed the staff report. Staff feels the rezoning proposal is consistent with the 2010 faster flan. The 'Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the rezoning at their December 30, 2002 regular meeting. No comments were received by staff or utility providers. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published. Staff recommends approval of OZ- 02 -11, rezoning approximately 49.99 acres, from AG (Agricultural General District) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). Mr. Brian Kellogg was present representing the applicant. Discussion was held regarding; the construction of a fence which would run parallel with the railroad tracks. Charles Willey stated that a requirement of a fence in Metro Heights 11 was stated in the minutes but has yet to be constructed. He explained to Mr. Kellogg that he would like to see something in writing regarding screen fencing between the houses and railroad tracks when the Preliminary Plat is reviewed for this property. Pill Williams moved to approve the rezoning of OZ- 02 -11, Dewey Brown seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey -- Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Bill Williams -- Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 139 2003 Page No. 6 & Final Plat - Attic Business Park -- A request for the review of a final play for the Attic Business Park containing approximately 5.45 acres, more or less. The .Attic Business Park Final flat contains 1 lot within 1 block. The subject property is located on the east side of N. Garnett Dd. approximately 2500 feet north of the N. Garnett Rd and E. 86"' St. N. intersection, 'The Chair introduced the case and review was given by Robert. The applicant is requesting this review to construct a business parr with mini- storage units as the primary use of the property, The applicant was present to address any concerns. There were questions regarding the architectural facade. The Owasso 'Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the Final Plat at the December 30, 2002 regular meeting. The items below are cormuents made at that meeting. Staff recoinmends approval of the Final Plats subject to the following conditions: L Community Development -- The property is subject to a $16,00 per acre siren fee ($16.00 x 5.45 acres = $81.20). The fee mast be paid prior to releasing the final plat for signatures. 1 Conu- nunity Development - An additional 30' of right-of-way is required along N. Garnett Dd. 3. Community Development Minimum required frontage is 1509 feet for CG zoning district development, 4. Community Development -- ,Sidewalks are required along N. Garnett Dd. 5. Community Development - Western easement book and page number are required prior to City Council approval. 6. public Works Acceleration /Deceleration lanes are required along N. Garnett Dd. 1. public Works - Deserve areas for detention must be shown on the plat prior to City Council approval. 8. 'Tulsa County - Limits of No Access must be shown along the area not included in the proposed curb cuts. 9. Tulsa County --- bust be notified at the time acceleration /deceleration lanes were constructed. Day Haynes moved to approve the Final plat of Attic Business park, subject to the above staff and TAC recommendations, Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Day Haynes - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dale Prevett -- Yes Dewey Brown -. Yes Bill Williams -- Yes O ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 13, 2003 Page No. 7 The motion carried 5-0. 9. Site Ilan ­ ,`il'h_e_ Storwa ggrce - A request for the review of a site plan for the Storage Source containing approximately I,89 acres, more or less. .The subject property is described as Tots 12 and 13, dock 5, Hale Acres Addition and is located on the west side of N. Garnett Rd. approximately 200 feet north of the N. Garnett Ind. and F. 112 °i St. M intersection. The Chair introduced the item and Robert reviewed. The subject property is :coned CG (Commercial General District) which permits mini -- storage units by right. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan. The comments from staff and utility providers are listed below. Staff recommends approval of the site plan for The Storage Source as shown and subject to the following conditions: I. Community Development - Handicapped parking spaces shall be shown as 12' X 20' not the 9' X 20' as shown on the site plan. 2. Community Development All signage will be approved by a separate permit. 3. Community Development - 'T'he address of the subject property shall be as follows: phase I & Il -- 11220 N. Garnett Rd. -phase III --- 11222 (A -- D) N. Garnett Ind. 4. Community Development -- An official copy of the shared access agreement with the property owner to the south is required to be submitted to the City of Owasso. Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. Fire Department - Fire hydrant locations must be reviewed, approved and coordinated with the City of Owasso Fire Department. 6. Tulsa County Engineering _ Must be notified at the time curb cuts were constructed. The site plan does contain the recommended changes. Access into the property was discussed along with a brief discussion regarding the building facade. The applicant was present and stated that he would discuss a shared access with Mr. `lines, the property owner, as soon as possible. Ray Haynes explained that he would like to see the entire access, which would include the subject property and the property to the south, be complete prior to the business opening. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan for The Storage Source subject to the above staff and TAC recommendations and subject to the shared access to be complete prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Dale prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION January 13, 2003 Page Noe 8 Ray Haynes __ Yes Charles Willey -... Yes Dale Prevett -`des Dewey Drown - Yes Bill Williams -- Yes 'rhe motion carried 5- -0. 10. Final Plat - Garrett Creek Estates - A request for the review of a final plat for the Garrett Creek Estates Addition containing approximately 23.12 acres, more or less. The Garrett Creek Estates Final flat contains SQ lots with I blocks. The subject property is located southeast of the N. 129 "' E. Ave. and E. 116 "' St. N. intersection. The Chair introduced the item and staff review was given by Robert. The plat contains 87 residential lots and l blocks. after review of the final plat application, staff found that the plat is consistent with the approved OPUD- 02 -02. The Owasso 'technical Advisory Committee reviewed the subject plat at their December 30, 2002 meeting. Below are the comments made at that meeting by staff and utility providers. 1. Community Development Department -- Street labels and addressing shall be shown on the final plat prior to City Council approval. 2. Community Development Department - -- A covenant stipulating that Sall residential structures will front and be addressed on the street with the greatest building setback line" is to be added to the plat prior to City Council approval. 3. Community Development -- Acceleration/Deceleration lanes are required along E. 116 `1 St. N. and N. 129 ' E. Ave. 4. Community Development _. An additional 10' of right-of-way is required along N. 129"' E Ave. 5. Community Development - Section I, C., #2 of the deed of dedication should state that 84 lots will be served, not 62. 6. Community Development - Section II, #4, should also state that all accessory structures must be approved by the City of Owasso. i. Community Development - Section II. , #4 should state, "The design and precise location of any ...... instead of "The design and precise locationy..." 8. Community Development - All covenants related to residential water service shall state that Washington County Rural Water District #3 is responsible for service and the maintenance of those lines instead of the City of Owasso. 9. Community Development -- Section II. , #11 shall state that all signs within the perimeters of the development shall meet the minimum requirements of the City of Owasso Sign Code. 10. Community Development - Sidewalks are required along E. 116 "' St. N. and N. 129`' E. Ave. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION ISS1 ®N January 139 2003 Page No. 9 11. Community Development - A drainage easement is to be shown in between pots 7 8, Block 2. 12. Community Development Loss 29, 30, 33, and 34, Block 1, easement does not follow lot lines and shall be corrected prior to City Council review. 13. Community Development - -- Lot 1, dock 5, easement is excessive and shall be corrected prior to City Council review. 14. Comrnunity Development --- A $16.00 per acre storm siren fee is required ($16.00 23,12 acres = $369.92), prior to releasing the final plat for signatures, 15. Washington County Dural - -- A 20' easement is required along E. 116 "' St. N. 16. Washington County Dural - -- "there is a 20' existing easement along N. 129 "' E. Ave. and is required to be shown on the plat. 17. Fire Department - - -- Fire hydrant locations must be reviewed, approved and coordinated with the City of Owasso Fire Department. 113. Public Works _. Section I., C. , #5 of the deed of dedication should be corrected to state, 66Pavement or landscape repair... ", instead of "Pavement of landscape repair.. . 99 . 19, public "Works - pots 3 -v. 9, block 3 shall have a 17.5 perimeter easement shown on the plat or 11' with an additional 11' dedicated by separate instrument. 20. public Works -- Lots 18 - 19, dock 1, easement is shown as 7.5 feet and should be corrected. to 5'. 21. PSO /AEP -- All lots within dock 4 shall have a perimeter 17.5 easement shown on the plat or 11' with an additional 11 j dedicated by separate instrument. 22. 'Tulsa County -- Dedication of right -of -way along E. 116"' St. must be accomplished by the filing of a separate instrument. 23. Tulsa County - Limits of No Access shall be shown on all areas that are not to be utilized as curb cuts. 24. 'Tulsa County -- Must be notified at the time curb cuts were constructed and acceleration /deceleration lanes were constructed. After a brief discussion regarding the detention of stormwater, Ray Haynes moved to approve the Garrett Creek Estates Final Plat, subject to the above Staff and 'TAC recommendations. Pill Williams seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey -- Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes Bill Williams - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. I /-, Adjournment - Bill Williams moved, Dale Prevett seconded, to adjourn the meeting, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes _. Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Dewey Brown -ales Bill Williams _._ Yes The motion carried, -5 0 and the meeting; was adjourned at 8:30 M _ t " Chap s Secretary Date