HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.02.13_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday, February 13, 2001
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Charles Willey
Bob Randolph
Bill Ellison
Larry Helton
Donna Sorrells
Stan Ewing
Marsha Hensley
the agenda for the regular meeting was posted in the Owasso City ball, 207 S Cedar, on
February 9, 2001 at 10 :00 A.
1. CALL, TO ORDER ER _ Chairperson Ray Haynes galled the meeting to order at 7:00 P
and declared a quorum present.
2. ROLL, C.AL,L,
Charles Willey moved to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2001 meeting, Bob
Randolph seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows
Ray Haynes ... Yes
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
4. Annexation - Lleritae Company - A request for review of an annexation to the City of
Owasso located in South Half (S /2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW /4) of Section 5,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The subject property is 38.39 acres, more or less.
(Ward 1)
Donna presented the case to the Commissioners and described the property location. She
stated that the property is zoned AG (Agriculture) and would remain so upon annexation.
The Annexation Committee reviewed and approved the request at their February 1, 2001
meeting. At that time the applicant was advised that the property was not contiguous.
The applicant is to annex a contiguous utility easement that extends east from North
Garnett Road to the subject property. Mr. Dennis 1lodo from DLL Engineering was
present and stated that the utility easement is on the Buller's property.
Acceleration/deceleration lanes will be required along North Garnett Road at the time of
platting. Donna also stated that the Tulsa County Assessor's office was not showing up-
to -date records of ownership on this property. The two consecutive legal notifications
will not be published until correct ownership is shown at the assessor's office. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request and had no comments.
Staff recommends approval of this annexation request subject to the following condition:
February 13, 2001
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1. A sealed engineering report or letter confirming the ability of Washington
County RWD 3 to provide adequate :fire protection standards be submitted
prior to approval of any plat associated with the annexed property,
Ray Haynes moved to approve the above the annexation subject to staff recorm- nendations
and subject to the landowners agreement being acquired prior to City Council. Charles
Willey seconded. ' T he vote on the motion was as follows:
Ray Haynes -Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 ... 0,
5. Easement Clos_= gith yW - A request for review of the partial closing of a 20'
Utility Easement along the west boundary of Lot 19 Block 19 The Bradfords of Silver
Creek located at 14102 E 86th Court N. (Ward 3)
Ray Haynes moved to approve the partial easement closure, Bill Alison seconded the
motion. The vote on the motion was as follows:
Ray -Haynes - Yes
February 13, 2001
Rage No. 3
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 - -0.
6. Easement Closure _- Igo B. Homes -- A request for closure of a portion of are I V Utility
Easement located along the east lot line of Lot 18, Flock 1, Double Oaks IV. The subject
property is located at 7901 N 125 "' East avenue. (Ward 3)
Donna presented the item. The applicant is requesting a partial closing of the platted I F
utility easement to accommodate a 0.9' encroachment. The Technical advisory
Committee reviewed the request and had no comments. Staff recommends approval of
the partial closing of the existing I F utility easement located on Lot 18, block 1, Double
Oaks IV, Mr. Fete `full, the applicant was present and stated that all the utilities ran in
the rear yard. He has been building since 1976 and this is only the second time he has
had to do an easement closure. Bill Ellison stated that he would vote no every time, on
an easement closure request, if the applicant has past history of corning before the
commissioners fog° closures.
Ray Igaynes moved to approve the partial closing of the 119 utility easement, Charles
Willey seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows;
Ray Haynes u Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Rill Ellison - No
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 3-1.
7. Final Plat - First a request for review of a final plat for
the First Baptist Church of Owasso, a one lot, one block subdivision containing 20.09
acres, more or less. The subject property is located north of E. 96`" Street N. and east of
N. 129" E. avenue. (Ward 1)
Donna presented the item. She explained that the existing residence at the southwest
corner is to remain through the life of the current occupant. The Technical advisory
Committee reviewed the final plat and the applicant has made the revisions requested and
resubmitted to the City Planner. The developer will be connecting to the sewer line
located along the south side of E. 96"' Street North. The applicant has paid the
assessment fee for the payback sewer extension, which was done for Pleasant View
Estates, The applicant was present to address concerns. Ray Haynes had concerns with
the utility easement that goes around the home, not being shown on the site plan. The
Technical advisory Committee reviewed the final plat and the revisions have been made.
February 13, 2001
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Staff recommends approval of the final plat for First Baptist Church of Owasso subject to
the following conditions:
I. The City of Owasso be made beneficiary of the covenants, conditions and
restrictions .
2. All TAC comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing
Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations being net. Also, subject to the recommendations being met on
drainage and the retention designed on this platy prior to City Council, Dill Ellison
seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
& Site Plan - Fast Baptist Church of Owasso - A request for review of a site plan for the
First Baptist Church of Owasso generally described as a portion of the Southeast Quarter
(SE /4) of the Southwest Quarter (S /4)
Staff recommends approval of the site plan for First Baptist Church of Owasso subject to
the following conditions:
1. All TAC comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing body.
2. Phase I parking shall total 300 spaces and an additional 425 shall be provided
at the time of Phase 2.
Ray Igaynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations being net. Bob Randolph seconded the motion. 'fhe vote on the
motion was as follows:
February 139 2001
Page No. S
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Bill Ellison -- des
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
9. Final Plate - Loon Commercial Center . -_ A request for review of a final plat for Loon
Commercial Center, a two lot, one block subdivision containing 2.5 acres, -more or less.
The subject property is located south of E. 116`h Street N. and west of N. Garnett Road.
(lard 1)
Donna presented the item to the Commissioners. She stated that the Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this plat at their regular meeting and had no comments. Sidewalks
and acceleration /deceleration lanes are required along E. 116`' Street N. The applicants
were present to answer questions from the Commissioners.
Staff recommends approval subject to the provision for sidewalks and
acceleration/deceleration lanes within the text of the covenants and restrictions prior to
City Council approval.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations being met, Charles Willey seconded the motion. The vote on the
motion was as follows;
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey a- Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
10. Site Plan - A request of a site plan for the Dirty Dawg Car
Mash generally described as the Northeast Quarter (NE /4) of the Northwest Quarter
(NCI /4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE /4) of Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 14 East
and more particularly described as Lot 1, Block 1, Moon Commercial Center (final
approval and recording pending). (Ward 1)
Donna presented the case and described the location. The subject property is zoned 1L
(Industrial Light). The Technical advisory Committee reviewed the site plan with
several comments. The applicants have been working the PSO and the Owasso :Public
Works Department. Sidewalks and acceleration /deceleration lanes are required along
E, 116 "' Street N.
February 13, 2001
Page No. 6
Staff recommends approval of the site plan for the flirty Dawg Car Wash subject to the
following condition:
1, All TAC con- mients are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing; body.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations being met. bill Ellison seconded the motion. The vote on the motion
was as follows:
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Bob Randolph _. Yes
Bill Ellison - - -- Yes
Charles Willey --- Yes
The motion carried 4.. -0.
11. , Site Plan - Elite Pools _. a request for review of a site plan for Elite pools described as a
portion of Lot 2, Block 9, Ator° heights 3" Addition. The subject property contains
11,750 square feet of the overall 7.35 acres and is located north of E. 86"' Street N. and
west of the Owasso Expressway. (Ward 2)
Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions:
1. All TAC comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing body.
2. The area containing functional pools and /or ponds shall be fenced and locked
while not attended by employees of Mite fools.
Ray Haynes moved to table this item until the March 13`h Planning Commission meeting
in order for Ms. Sorrells to review the site plan with the Owasso City Council, Mr.
Noble Sokolosky and the applicant for Elite Pools. Mr. Haynes would also like his
concerns regarding the site plan to be shared with the City Council. Charles Willey
seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph - des
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles `Tilley - Yes
February 13, 2001
Page No. 7
The motion carried 4 -0.
12. Site R Plaza PUD _ A request for review of a site plan for a co-n ereial
building located within the Ram Plaza PUD, north of E. 86 "' place N, and west of N.
129"' E Ave (east of TruValue Hardware. (Ward 3)
Donna presented the item. The proposed commercial building is 9320 square feet.
Parking was discussed briefly. The 'Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site
plan, which included comments from Public Works. Ray Haynes had a concern with the
natural flow of rainwater increasing by this development. The applicant has been
working with Phil Lutz, for guidance. Mr. Michael Roark, the applicant was present to
address concerns and answer any questions. The history on this PUD was also discussed.
Staff recon -mends approval of the site plan for the commercial building located within
Ram Plaza PUD subject to the following conditions;
1. All TAC comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing body.
2. Grading and drainage, erosion and sedimentation control and utility plans be
submitted to and approved by Public Works prior to the issuance of a building
3. Landscape plan be submitted to and approved by Community Development
prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations being met and subject to the drainage of this property being designed
properly. Charles Willey seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows;
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph _ Yes
Pill Alison _ Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
13. Site Plan - Owasso Center - A request for review of a site plan for the RCB Center
described as Lot 3, dock 1, RCP Center located south of E. 96" Street N. and west of
the Owasso Expressway. (Ward 1)
Donna presented the item to the Commissioners. She stated that the proposed building is
33,750 square feet. Parking was discussed. Staff is requesting assurance from the owner
that additional parking will be supplied if more that 50 % of the lower level of the building
is leased as commercial /retail space. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the
site plan with few comments. The applicant was present to answer questions.
February 13, 2001.
Page Noe 8
Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions:
1. All 'TAC coraments are addressed to the satisfaction of the reviewing body.
2. Additional parking will be supplied if, in the future, more than 50% of lower
level of the building is leased as commercial /retail space.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site playa subject to the above staff and TAC
reco- mmendations being met. Bob Randolph seconded the motion. The vote on the
motion was as follows
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey . -- Yes
The motion carried. 4 - -0.
14. Reports on monthly building permit activity.
15. Deport on planning items previously forwarded to City Council.
16. Discussion of development in and near Owasso,
17o ADJOURNMENT - Charles Willey moved, Bill Alison seconded, to adjourn the
meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 Ply.
Chairpe n