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2014.01.27_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, January 22, 2014. / 1. Call to Order Brenda Snow, Chairman 2. Roll Call Juliann Stevens Regular RECEIVED January 27, 2014 6:30 PM 14N 2 2 1014 Old Central -,e< City Clem'g office 109 N. Birch Owasso, OK and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk AGENDA 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Committee approval of the July 22, 2013 Minutes Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment # 3 4. General Discussion of Projects and Status Reports Roger Stevens Larry Langford John Feary Larry White Attachment # 4 5. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports Linda Jones Sherry Bishop Attachment # 5 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to request for Committee approval of project completion reports Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment # 6 A. FY 2012 -2013 Street Rehabilitation Project B. Golf Course Equipment Purchase 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Committee approval of the Progress Report for Public Distribution Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment # 7 Sales Tax Watchdog January 27, 2014 Page 2 8. New Business 9. Adjournment OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 22, 2013 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in regular session on Monday, July 22, 2013 in the Old Central Building, 109 N. Birch, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, July 19, 2013. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Brenda Snow called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Don Hutchings Josh Burton Brandon Shreffler Malinda Palmer Matthew Roberts Mark Schneider Brenda Snow Rob Wright Abhijeet Utturkar ABSENT David Boggs Danny Ewing Michael Amberg Steve Mowery Bryan Overton Erik Miller ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 28, 2013 MINUTES Josh Burton moved, seconded by Mark Schneider to approve the minutes of the January 28, 2013 regular meeting. AYE: Snow, Hutchings, Roberts, Schneider, Burton, Shreffler, Wright, Palmer, Utturkar NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 9 -0. ITEM 4: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS AND STATUS REPORTS Mr. Stevens, Mr. Langford, and Mr. Chambless reviewed the status of various capital improvement projects. Discussion was held. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS Linda Jones, Finance Director, reviewed the financial reports included in the agenda packet. Discussion was held. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT COMPLETION REPORTS A. Sportspark - Baseball 4 plex South B. Police Vehicles Josh Burton moved, seconded by Abjiheet Utturkar to approve the Progress Completion Reports as submitted. AYE: Snow, Hutchings, Roberts, Schneider, Burton, Shreffler, Wright, Palmer, Utturkar NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 9 -0. Watchdog Committee July 22, 2013 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Discussion was held. Abhijeet Utturkar moved, seconded by Melinda Palmer to approve the Progress Report for Public Distribution as submitted. AYE: Snow, Hutchings, Roberts, Schneider, Burton, Shreffler, Wright, Palmer, Utturkar NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 9 -0. ITEM 8: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT No report. ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS None, ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Josh Burton moved, seconded by Abjiheet Utturkar to adjourn the meeting. AYE: Snow, Hutchings, Roberts, Schneider, Burton, Shreffler, Wright, Palmer, Utturkar NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 9 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM. 2 Brenda Snow, Chairman CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT January 27, 2014 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: E 86th Street North Widening (from Main Street to N Memorial Drive) - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - In early April 2012, Construction commenced on the 1.5 mile roadway improvement project. In February 2013, the project was at the final completion stage with the two bridges, 4 -lane roadway, signalized intersection, curb and gutter, drainage improvements and right -of -way restoration. - The Federal Highway Administration is finalizing the financial audit on the construction phase of the project. Staff has been informed that one additional invoice will be received related to inspection and construction services within the next couple of months. Staff anticipates a project completion report will be forthcoming at the July 2014 Sales Tax Watchdog committee meeting. E 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection improvement Project - A $750,000 grant from ODOT Small Cities Program was approved in February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, City Council awarded an engineering design contract with PSA Dewberry in the amount of $119,500. - On June 21, 2011, the City Council authorized a contract in the amount of $110,495 with ONG for the purpose of relocating a main gas line located in a private utility easement owned wholly by ONG. - AEP /PSO, ONG, AT &T and Cox completed their utility relocations in early June 2012. - In October 2012, INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $1,800,510,58 for construction and administration costs. In February 2013, City Council approved the ODOT Funding Agreement with an estimated roadway and inspection total cost of $2,402,145.38. The 20% local match and utility relocation of City of Owasso and Washington County Rural Water District #3 water lines will be required. - On April 5 2013, ODOT awarded a construction contract to Paragon Contractors in the amount of $1,952,952; an additional $116,250 is estimated for contract administration for a total cost of $2,069,211. - On July 8 2013, Paragon Contractors began relocating the City and Rural Water District #3 water lines with completion occurring in October. - In October 2013, the contractor began installing the new stormwater infrastructure with completion occurring in December. - in early December 2013, the contractor began establishing a base to install the temporary lanes at the intersection. In early January 2014, the temporary asphalt lanes were installed which allowed the contractor to begin preparing the south bound and east bounds lanes for concrete pavement. Staff anticipates the installation of concrete commencing on the south and east bound lanes by the end of this month. - As result of utility conflicts and weather delays, the project is approximately 90 -days behind schedule. The intersection improvements are now scheduled to be complete in April 2014. E 76th Street North Widenina (from U.S. Hwy) 69 to N 129th East Avenue) - In July 2010, City Council approved Resolution No. 2010 -10, requesting ODOT to consider the selection of the engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation phase as candidate for federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program. - Following a recommendation by the Capital Improvements Committee in September 2010, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2010 -13, amending the Capital Improvement Priority Listing of projects eligible to receive funding from the Capital Improvement Fund to include the E 76th Street North Widening Project. - In October 2010, INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% fund match is required. This phase of the project is targeted for federal assistance in FY 2014 or sooner, depending on funding availability. In July 2011, City Council approved Resolution No. 2011 -08, requesting ODOT to consider the construction phase as a candidate for federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program. - In October 2011, INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% fund match is required. This phase of the project will be targeted for federal assistance in FY 2015 or sooner, depending on funding availability. In February 2012, ODOT and INCOG representatives informed City staff that federal funds were available for the planning phase. in March, INCOG Board of Directors approved to advance funding from the year 2014 to 2012 in order to fund the planning phase of this project. In May 2013, City Council approved an engineering agreement with Poe & Associates ($430,000 or 7.8% of the City estimated $5.5 million construction). Costs of engineering services are divided, whereby Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program provides 80% of the negotiated fee ($344,000) and City of Owasso provides the remaining 20% ($86,000). In July 2013, Poe and Associates commenced with the engineering design. The design is approximately 30% complete. This phase of the project is anticipated to be complete in June 2014. • Garnett Road Widening (from E 96th Street North to E 106th Street North) - In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry in the amount of $345,600. - In September 2013, Council approved Resolution No. 2013 -15, requesting ODOT to consider the construction phase as a candidate for federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program. - In November 2013, INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3.2 million for construction and administration costs. A 207o fund match is required. This phase of the project will be targeted for federal assistance in FY 2017 or sooner, depending on funding availability. - With federal funds being utilized for this project, an environmental study is required. With the additional work added to the design phase, the design Is approximately 4017o complete. The anticipated time frame for design completion is now July 2014. • E 96th St N & N 129th E Avenue Infrastructure improvements - In April 2012, the City Council approved a construction agreement between the OPWA and Sam's Real Estate Business Trust for the construction of street, water, and sanitary sewer infrastructure improvements. Sam's will initially pay all costs incurred and be reimbursed for the actual costs of the public improvements, minus their contribution of $500,000, from the sales tax generated from that site. - Completed transportation improvements include the widening of E 96th St North to 136th E Avenue; N 129th E Avenue to the ODOT frontage road; and the ODOT frontage road from 129th East Avenue to 99th Street North. - Completed water distribution improvements include the construction of a new 16 -inch water main approximately 1.2 miles from 96th Street North and Garnett Road to the development along the north side of the existing Walmart. - Completed Sanitary Sewer improvements include the extension of the closest sanitary sewer line capable of serving the site (west side of CVS Pharmacy). - Staff is awaiting final invoices and anticipates a project completion report will be forthcoming at the July 2014 Sales Tax Watchdog committee meeting. • FY 2012 -2013 Street Rehabilitation Project - in May 2012, City Council approved the FY 2012 -2013 project listing. in July 2012, City Council approved an inter -local agreement between the City of Owasso and Tulsa County for asphalt overlay portions of the project. All invoices have been received for total project cost of $1,190,861.76. A request for consideration and appropriate action related to the Project Completion Report is Included on the January 27 agenda. • FY 2013 -2014 Street Rehabilitation Program - in August 2013, City Council approved the FY 2013 -2014 project listing. in September 2013, City Council approved an inter -local agreement between the City of Owasso and Tulsa County for asphalt overlay portions of the project. - On November 19, 2013, City Council awarded a contract to Keystone Construction to perform the necessary asphalt crack sealing. The crack sealing portion commenced in December with completion expected in January 2014. - On January 21, 2014, the Council awarded a bid for the base, curb, and gutter work to Tri -Star Construction. Construction is scheduled to commence in February with completion in June 2014. Transportation Master Plan Study - in February 2013, the Capital Improvements Committee recommended this item be included on the Capital Improvements priority list. In April, City Council approved Resolution 2013 -06, amending the current priority listing to include, among other items, the Transportation Master Plan Study. - In September 2013, City Council approved an agreement for engineering services with Guernsey Engineering. - The Transportation Master Plan is expected to be complete by September 2014. The results of the study will provide a 5, 10, and 20 year plan for improving the transportation system in Owasso to keep up with the projected growth. RECREATION AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT: • Elm Creek Park Renovation - On November 20, 2012, City Council awarded an engineering service agreement to Impact Engineering and Planning, PLC, of Owasso, Oklahoma for the Elm Creek Park Improvement Project. - Three public meetings were held to solicit input and suggestions from citizens regarding design and layout. Considering public feedback, Impact Engineering finalized the preliminary engineering and design of park improvements and submitted a Master Plan Concept on May 15, 2013. The proposed improvements are anticipated to be a multi- year project with several phases. Impact Engineering and Planning, PLC, of Owasso organized the phases and established cost estimates for each phase. - On August 20, 2013, staff was presented with the preliminary cost estimates for the proposed improvements. Upon review of cost estimates, Impact Engineering and Planning, PLC, of Owasso is re- organizing the design and establishing new cost estimates for each phase for a more realistic and manageable scope of work. • Golf Course Equipment Purchase - in February 2013, the Capital Improvements Committee recommended this item be included on the Capital Improvements priority list. in April, City Council approved Resolution 2013 -06, amending the current priority listing to include, among other items, the purchase of golf course equipment. - A request for consideration and appropriate action related to the Project Completion Report is included on the January 27 agenda. POLICE SERVICES DEPARTMENT: • Main Police Station /City Hall On November 6, 2012, City Council approved an agreement with Wilson Estes Police Architects for a needs assessment study for a main police station and city hall. A report was presented by Wilson Estes Police Architects to the City Council at the May 14, 2013 work session. The study determined that expanding our police station into the current City Hall building would be more cost effective than moving the department to a different location. On July 16, 2013 the City Council approved Resolution No. 2013 -13, amending the priority determination to change the Main Police Station project name to Main Police Station /City Hall. On August 20, 2013, City Council approved the purchase of the former First Bank of Owasso building located at 102 West 2nd Avenue in the amount of $1,600,000. it is anticipated that the entirety of the existing City Hail will be fully occupied by the Owasso Police Department upon renovation and vacation of City Hall staff. In October of 2013, staff initiated a Request for Qualifications process in order to select an architecture /engineering firm to prepare and design a renovation plan of the former bank building. Council awarded a professional services contract to BKL Incorporated on December 17, 2013. BKL has begun the process of evaluations in order to determine the best use of space with the funding available. The estimated completion date of the renovation is January/February 2015. During the time in which the New City Hall is being renovated, city staff and police department personnel will begin to develop both a budget and logistics process pertaining to the necessary renovations of the existing City Hall to facilitate the future needs of the Owasso police Department. SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: • Vehicle Maintenance Facility - On November 6, 2012, City Council approved an agreement with Matrix Architects, Engineers, Planners, Incorporated for professional architecture and engineering services. - Matrix Architects met with members of the Support Services and Vehicle Maintenance staff to review the needs of each department. They compiled information about the space requirements of the equipment needs for the new Vehicle Maintenance Facility and developed a conceptual design. Site surveys have been conducted. - Matrix has determined a location south of the current building could accommodate the new facility. The geotechnicai survey provided under the Agreement with Matrix for the proposed site has been completed. Matrix has concerns pertaining to the loose landfill which was part of a previous dirt and rock dumping site. They will perform further excavation and testing concerning this landfill. - Matrix has requested City personnel to obtain measurements concerning depth and circumference of a water well located on the proposed site. - Matrix expects to finish all designs and testing in 60 to 40 days with plans to advertise for bids in April. City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund Project Status Summary Report As of December 31. 2013 Resolution Percent of Percent of Completion Project Cost Project Expended Expended Contract & Budget Work Report Estimate Budget FY 2014 to Date Encum Expended Complete Approval 2007 -05 86th Street, Main - Memorial 2,750,000' 2,779,175 8 2,679,182 60,000 96% 100% 2008 -01 106th /Garnett Intersection 1,808,089- 1,808,089 11,784 1,804,104 3,984 100% 40% 2010 -13 76th Street Widening 1,700,000 * 656,174 0 86,675 0 13% 5% 2012 -04 Garnett Widening, 96th -106th ** 4,600,000 ' 991,722 33,145 60,318 285,282 6% 1% 2012 -04 96th /129th Infrastructure Improvements 4,566,300- 20,069 1,558 19,378 0 97% 100% 2012 -04 Street Rehabilitation FY 2013 1,190,862 1,190,862 90,144 1,190,862 0 100% 100% 2013 -06 Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 1,020,000 1,020,000 7,856 7,856 35,000 1% 1% 2013 -06 Transportation Master Plan 200,000 200,000 0 0 197,900 0% 10% 2012 -04 Elm Creek Park Improvements 2,400,000 186,498 13,623 47,262 0 25% 2% 2013 -06 Golf Course Equipment Purchase 125,000 124,752 26,580 124,752 0 100% 100% 2013 -13 New City Hall 3,200,000 1,993,956 1,615,963 1,615,963 140,000 81% 2% 2012 -04 Main Police Station 1,500,000 245,088 0 45,629 0 19% 1% 2012 -04 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2,350,000 275,000 20,850 41,750 97,250 15% 2% $27,410,251 11,491,384 $1,821,510 $7,723,731 $819,416 67% Future Priority Projects § Resolution 2010 -13 (Highway 169 Service Roads - E 66th St N/E 126th St N) 'Note - Additional Project funding will be provided by other resources. ** Majority of funding provided by SAM's. Repayment through sales tax payback agreement beginning in FY 15 Proposed Proposed Date Vendor 86th Sheet, Main- Memorial 12/12/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER 106th /Garnett Intersection 08101113 OWASSO FENCE 08/29/13 SEVEN C'S ENTERPRISES 08/01/13 SAV -ON PRINTING 08/15/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 08/15/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK E 76th Sheet Widening Garnett Widening, 96th -106th 08/15/13 PSA - DEWBERRY INC 10/30/13 PSA - DEWBERRY INC 10131/13 PSA - DEWBERRY INC 10/31/13 PSA - DEWBERRY INC 96th /129th Infrastructure Improvements 07/31/13 SAV -ON PRINTING 08/28/13 SAV -ON PRINTING 09/11/13 DONNA HELLARD Sheet Rehabilitation FY 2013 08/01/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 08 101/13 APAC 08/01/13 APAC 08101/13 APAC 08/01/13 APAC Transportation MosterPlan Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUNDS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2013 THRU DECEMBER 2013 Description PROPERTY TAXES $ 86th Street, Maln- Memorial FENCE REPLACEMENT ROW PROGRESS SIGNS RELOCATION OF GAS LINES LOWES -WOOD 106th /Garnett Intersection mount Protect Total FY Total 8.00 7,551,00 1,500.00 400.00 2,200.00 133.33 11,784.33 0.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 455.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,770.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,704.50 ENGINEERING SERVICES 26,215.00 Garnett Widening, 96th -106th 33,144.50 TEMPORARY ENTRANCE SIGNS 360.00 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 300.00 HEDGE TRIMMING 897.50 96th /129th Infrastructure Improvements 356.40 0.00 ROADSAFE- TRAFFIC SIGNS 3.343.20 ASPHALT 31,067.84 ASPHALT 10,165.32 ASPHALT 4.860.30 ASPHALT 40,707.18 Sheet Rehabilitation FY 2013 10/31/13 TERRACON CONSULTANTS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT 7,500.00 12/30/13 COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS BIDS 356.40 Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 Elm Creek Park 08/01/13 IMPACT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FOR ELM CREEK 13,623.00 Elm Creek Park Golf Course Equipment Purchase 08101/13 P & K EQUIPMENT GREENS MOWER 26,580.00 Goff Course Equipment Purchase New City Hall 08/27/13 BURTON PROPERTY APPRAISAL 3.000.00 08/27113 FIRST BANK OF OWASSO DEPOSIT 10.000.00 08/28/13 BLACKSHARE ENVIRONMENTAL ASBESTOS TESTING 2,500.00 08/29/13 INVESTORS TITLE PURCHASE OF BUILDING 1,578,454.71 10/10/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PAM DISTRIBUTORS- TRANSFORMER 9.90 10/10/13 DONALD TAYLOR KEYS 255.00 10110/13 BRIDGESTONE AMERICA WARRANTY TRANSFER OF ROOF 100.00 10/10/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FEDEX- SHIPPING 251.75 1.557.50 90,143.84 0.00 7,856.40 13,623.00 26,580.00 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUNDS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 2013 THRU DECEMBER 2013 Date Vendor Description Amount New City Hall (cont.d) 10/31/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INTERSTATE- BATTERY 15.95 10/31/13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE SUPPLY -LIGHTS 461.52 12/12/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 17,099.00 12112/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 879.00 12/12/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 933.00 12/12113 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 154.00 12/12/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 1,384.00 12/12/13 TULSA COUNTY TREASURER PROPERTY TAX 465.00 New City Hall Main Police Station Vehicle Maintenance Facility Building 12/12/13 MATRIX ARCHITECT ARCHITECT DESIGN 20,850.00 Vehicle Maintenance Facility Building Total FY'14 Expenditures as of December 2013 Protect Total FY Total 1,615,962.83 0.00 20.850.00 $ 1,821,510.40 TWIT, Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun City of Owasso Sales Tax Collections and Restricted Use of One Percent Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Three Percent Sales Tax One Percent Interest Collection Sales Tax (1/3) Revenue Amount Available for 2007 Sales Tax 2008 Sales Tax Fees/ Capital Rev Note Rev Note Arbitrage Improvements $ 1,704,985 $ 568,328 $ 68 $ (138,118) $ 1,678,483 559,494 114 (138,118) 1,617,952 539,317 (137,972) 1,677,145 559,048 73 (137,972) 1,612,339 537,446 (137,972) 1,748,989 582,996 (137,972) (99,599) $ - $ 330,679 (99,599) 321,891 (99,599) 301,746 (99,599) (1,988) 319,562 (99,599) 299,875 (99,599) 345,425 06/30/14 $ 10,039,893 $ 3,346,631 $ 255 $ (828,126) $ (597,595) $ (1,988) $ 1,919,177 Debt issued to fund capital projects: 2007 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $10,000,000 issued 09/10/2007, matures 09/01/2014 2008 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $7,680,000 issued 12/09/2008, matures 12/01/2018 City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2013 -2014 2012 -2013 2011 -2012 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Jul $ 1,704,984.63 $ 1,630,956.50 $ 1,521,672.39 $1,485,552.57 $1,523,296.22 Aug 1,678,483.46 1,521,846.41 1,485,585.66 1,409,806.38 1,457,190.41 Sep 1,617,952.06 1,518,488.35 1,485,891.81 1,433,235.57 1,384,785.99 Oct 1,677,144.73 1,560,824.24 1,517,700.88 1,467,321.34 1,386,073.05 Nov 1,612,339.06 1,447,595.59 1,420,986.61 1,362,551.29 1,222,181.35 Dec 1,748,989.23 1,605,740.09 1,488,693.19 1,423,010.85 1,481,442.33 Jan 2,073,56417 1,792,033.55 1,655,568.87 1,640,74137 1,558,964.00 Feb 1,817,864.08 1,748,279.70 1,675,132.30 1,660,458.42 Mar 1,500,013.52 1,405,820.76 1,327,302.74 1,283,250.04 Apr 1,499,708.03 1,454,786.62 1,310,850.43 1,288,894.21 May 1,629,482.38 1,610,102.97 1,506,255.74 1,506,435.50 Jun 1,643,877.95 1,547,91&80 1,487,18233 1,513,720.24 $12,113,457.44 $19,168,430.69 $18,343,008.26 $17,528,942.91 $17,266,691.76 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Street Rehabilitation Program (FY 2012 -2013) DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: May 2012 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: July 2013 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Public Works Department STAFF COMMENTS: Included in FY 2012 -2013 Budget the Capital Improvements Fund allowed for the expenditure of $1,200,000 for the repair and/or resurfacing of residential and non - residential roadways throughout the city. The work was completed via a private - public partnership Part I of the rehabilitation program included crack sealing by a private contractor (Keystone Services) in the amount of $39,755.9.1. Part II of the program included pavement repair, fog seal as well as concrete curb and putter replacement by .a private contractor (Tri -Star Construction) in the amount of $1,009,690.08. Phase III of the program included the paving and /or surfacing of approximately six lane -miles (3,671 tons of asphalt) of roadway surface In July 2013 City Council approved the purchase of asphalt material in the amount of $134,000.80. Tulsa County provided the use of County labor and equipment for the paving and /or resurfacing and the City purchased the necessary materials such as asphalt Other material such as tack oil and traffic control signage were purchased in the amount of $7,414.97. Total expenditures amounted to $1,190,861.76. Roger Stevens PROJECT COORDINATOR January 17, 2013 DATE Approved this 27th day of January, 2014, Brenda Snow, Chairman PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Golf Course Equipment Purchase DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: October 16 2012 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: September 3 2013 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT:_ Recreation and Culture STAFF COMMENTS: In February 2013 the Capital Improvements Committee recommended the purchase of golf course equipment not to exceed $125,000, be included on the Capital Improvements priority list On April 2 2013, City Council approved Resolution 2013 -06 amending the current priority listing to include among other items the purchase of golf course equipment. Three of the six pieces of equipment quotes were under $25,000 and fell within the City Manager's purchasing authority The three pieces of equipment purchased within City, Manager's purchasing authority were one (1) TurfBreeze greens fan ($8,935), one (1) Ben Pearson equipment lift ($4,924.71), and one (1) Toro ProCore ..648 walking greens aerator 1$23,842.80). On May 17 2013,_ City Council approved the purchase of one (1) John Deere 2500E hybrid riding greens mower in the amount of $26,580.00 and one (1) John Deere HD200 Sprayer with ProGator Utility Vehicle in the amount of $30,949.60 and one (1) Peerless 7000 reel grinder in the amount of $29,520. All invoices have been received for a total proiect cost of $124,752.11. Larry Langford PROJECT COORDINATOR January 17, 2014 DATE Approved this 27th day of January, 2014. Brenda Snow, Chairman CITY OF OWASSO SALES TAX PROJECTS FY 2013 -14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS Progress Report #62 Dated 12/30113 Expended PROJECT Resolution Cost Estimate Pro ect to Date Design Bid Construction 86th Street Main - Memorial 2007 -05 $2,750,000 $ 2,679,182 106th /Garnett Intersection 2008 -01 1,808,089 1,804,104 76th Street Widening 2010 -13 1,700,000 86,675 Garnett Widening, 96th -106th 2012 -04 4,600,000 60,318 96th/129th Infrastructure Improvements 2012 -04 4,566,300 19,378 Street Rehabilitation FY 2013 2012 -04 1,190,862 1,190,862 Street Rehabilitation FY 2014 2013 -06 1,020,000 7,856 Transportation Master Plan 2013 -06 200,000 0 Elm Creek Park Improvements 2012 -04 2,400,000 47,262 Golf Course Equipment Purchase 2013 -06 125,000 124,752 New City Hall 2013 -13 3,200,000 1,615,963 Main Police Station 2012 -04 1,500,000 45,629 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2012 -04 2,350,000 41,750 Total 807,746 $27,410,251 $ 7,723,730 COMPLETED PROJECTS Dept Expended Completion Approval Computerization 000 $624,481 01/23/06 TCClTTC Land 150 3,076,475 02/02/09 Quality of Life Initiative 150 118,710 07/25/11 Purchase Police Cars 201 125,000 07/22/13 Fire Station #2 Remodel 250 248,468 07/28/08 New Fire Station #3 250 2,199,155 02/02/09 86 & Main Intersection ROW 300 303,625 07/24/04 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 300 1,747,745 01123/06 96 & Hwy 169 interchange 300 1,349,964 01/23106 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 300 5,601,858 01/22/07 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 300 4,929,552 01122!07 Intersection Engr, Prelim 300 100,000 07/23/07 Street Improvements FY2007 300 807,746 01/21/08 861h & Mingo Intersection 300 861,524 07/28/08 Main Street Redevelopment 300 29,384 07/27/09 Street Improvements FY 2008 300 1,210,046 07/27/09 86th Street Widening 300 3,319,241 01/25/10 129th E Ave Widening 300 8,620,898 01/25/10 TTCITCC Access Road 300 1,559,679 07/25/11 Street Improvements FY2009 300 937,633 07/25/11 Street Improvements FY2010 300 236,038 07/25/11 Street Rehabilitation FY 2012 301 390,385 01/28/13 Silvercreek Drainage 370 877,049 01/22/07 YMCA Pool 515 1,000,000 01122/07 Sports Park Expansion through FY07 515 2,062,418 01/21/08 Sports Park Baseball Field 41 515 488,428 07/27/09 Sport Park FY 2009 Waterline 515 22,253 07/26110 Sports Park Restroom 515 155,821 07/23/12 Sports Park FY 2013 - Baseball 4 -piex 515 541,223 07122/13 Total Capital Improvement Projects: $43,544,801 Legend: 1 -In Progress ', X - Complete ''I. N -Not Applicable © © 0 Q Legend: 1 -In Progress ', X - Complete ''I. N -Not Applicable