HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.02.11_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE
February 11, 2014
6:00 pm
Old Central Building
109 N. Birch
FEa o.' 10\4'i
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Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cler: and posted on the City Hall bulletin boprd
at 6:00 pm on Friday, February 7, 2014.1
uliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk
1. Call to Order
Mayor Doug Bonebrake
2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the
purpose of discussing an economic development proposal to entice a business or
businesses to locate in the Owasso area; such request pursuant to title 25 O.S. § 307(C)(10)
Chelsea Levo
3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the
purpose of confidential communications between the City Council and the City Attorney
concerning the litigation matter styled Larissa Darnaby v. City of Owasso; such request
pursuant to title 25 O.S. § 307(B)(4)
Julie Lombardi
4. Presentation Relating to Governmental Accounting Standards
Linda Jones
Attachment #4
5. Discussion Relating to Administrative and Operational Items
Warren Lehr
Attachment #5
A. Storage Area Network Project
B. Private Stormwater Detention Pond Inspection Review
C. Rezoning Request - First Baptist Church
D. Final Plat Request - Owasso Memory Care
E. Community Development Block Grant 2014 - Community Meeting Review
6. Discussion Relating to City Manager Items
Warren Lehr
Attachment #6
A. OPGA Financial Reporting
B. Sales Tax Report
C. Legislative Update
D. SAM'S Transportation Infrastructure
E. City Manager Report
Owasso City Council
February 11, 2014
Page 2
Discussion Relating to a Financial Disclosure Policy
Councilor Charlie Brown
8. Discussion Relating to the Code Of Ethics and Conduct For Elected and Appointed City
Council Members
Mayor Doug Bonebrake
Report from City Councilors
10. Adjournment
The City Wit out Limits.
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Owasso
FROM: Linda Jones, Finance Director
SUBJECT: Budgetary vs. Accrual Basis of Reporting
DATE: February 7, 2014
Municipal governments typically prepare financial reports on a budgetary basis of accounting.
The budgetary basis is designed to demonstrate the government's adherence to state
budgetary laws. Typically, state statutes limit and regulate in some way the level of spending of
municipal entities. The City of Owasso is no exception to this regulation. Therefore, the monthly
interim financial reports, as well as, the annual budget are prepared on this basis. The
budgetary basis in Oklahoma is a cash basis of accounting further modified by encumbrances
(purchase orders) liquidated by September 30 following the fiscal year end. The primary
purpose of budgetary -basis reporting is to measure the municipality's compliance with legal
spending restrictions.
Annually, however, the City of Owasso prepares audited financial statements on an accrual
basis of accounting (GAAP) in compliance with Governmental Accounting Standard Board
(GASB) requirements. GASB standards have evolved over time gradually bringing governmental
reporting closer to private industry reporting in an effort to enable readers to better understand
the financial condition of governmental entities. GAAP statements, for example, now include
reflection of fixed assets such as land, buildings, and roads; as well as, accrued revenues and
liabilities such as retirement benefits and accrued vacation.
It is important to note that both types of reports are accurate; they are simply prepared
according to different standards and for different purposes. An example of a significant
difference would be the purchase of a building. Under the budgetary basis of accounting, the
entire cost of the building would be reflected in order to measure the totality of spending in
comparison to the appropriation authorized, Under the GAAP basis of accounting, the cost of
the building would be reflected as an asset rather than an expense in the entity -wide financial
statement. Furthermore, only one- fiftieth of the cost would be reflected as an expense in the
year of purchase. The remainder of the cost would be spread over the next 49 years or the life
of the asset.
GAAP basis reporting is especially informative for Enterprise funds such as the OPWA and the
OPGA where fixed assets are a significant cost of operations. By spreading fixed asset costs over
the useful life, year -to -year comparisons for purposes of evaluating performance become more
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Andrew Neyman
Information Systems Administrator
SUBJECT: Storage Area Network Project - Phase 1
DATE: February 7, 2014
This project will implement a new storage area network "SAN" along with a VMware virtual
server deployment in two phases. Phase 1 of the project will include the primary site with the
SAN. Phase 2 is necessary to build a secondary site for load balancing and system redundancy
across multiple locations. The goal is to create a server architecture that can be managed and
monitored at a granular level while providing a system that is: flexible, secure, efficient, stable
and resilient. The estimated total project cost is $250,000.
The City has approximately 20 servers. Most are running on obsolete hardware with many at
maximum capacity. This project will replace 50 -75% of those servers while expanding or
enhancing the platforms with greater stability, security, storage capacity and processing power
for future growth.
This project will have multiple benefits:
1. Replace a substantial portion of the City's aging servers and storage architecture while
providing greatly enhanced efficiencies through the utilization of virtual server technologies.
2. Expand the City's data storage capacity in order to keep up with current and future utilization
3. Provide better data security, critical systems redundancy and enhance data backups
through real time replication and hourly data snap shots.
4. Enhance the efficiency of data storage through the utilization of data compression and de-
duplication technologies.
5. Increase system uptime and reduce outages. The virtual server environment provides the
ability to perform real time maintenance and upgrade processes without the need to take
servers offline.
Phase 1 of this project has a budgeted amount of $125,000 and is included in the FY 2013 -14
approved budget. In order to assure the best pricing for the Storage Area Network, staff will
request proposals through a formal RFP process. Staff will purchase the VMware software, switch
and servers through the Oklahoma State Bid Contract, for cost efficiency.
The City Wit�iout Limits.
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Owasso
FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E.
City Engineer
SUBJECT: Private Stormwater Detention Pond Inspection Services Agreement
DATE: February 7, 2014
In December 2011, Council adopted the Private Stormwater Detention Pond Policy. The purpose
of the Policy is to create guidelines and procedures to aid in the consideration of requests from
private stormwater facility owners for public assistance.
In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Meshek and Associates
for the inspection of selected private detention ponds contained within the Owasso stormwater
collection system, to include a visual survey of the pond, inspection of the outlet structure(s), and
an analysis of the storage capacity for each pond. In addition, the inspection would determine
each pond's functionality as a stormwater detention facility and identify any necessary
maintenance in order to protect the integrity of the city's stormwater system.
Forty -three (43) ponds were selected for inspection. These ponds are both private and semi-
private ponds contained within Owasso's stormwater collection system. These ponds are as
No. of
Subdivision /Area
No. of
Subdivision /Area
1 -3, 6
Country Estates
4 -5
Crescent Ridge
Garrett Creek Residential Pond
8 -11
Lake Valle
12 -14
Saw rass
Burbegy Pond
16 -18
Honey Creek
19 -20
Afar Hei hts
21 -22
Bailey Golf Course and Fairways
Three Lakes III
Central Park
25 -28
Preston Lakes
Elm Creek
Three Lakes
31 -33
Lakes at Bailey Ranch
Barrington Point
Windsor lake
36 -37
Bradfords at Silver Creek
Villages at Silver Creel
41 -43
Coffee Creek
It is important to note that small detention /retention areas, such as ponds less than an acre and
parking lot detention, were not inspected. (See Attached Map)
The criteria used in the inspection was derived based on information needed to make a
determination whether or not the pond is a detriment to the City of Owasso's storm drainage
system. The primary focus was on stormwater detention, but safety concerns and aesthetics
were also reviewed. The ponds were reviewed for general detention, safety and health;
vegetation control; capacity; structural integrity of the conduit; structural integrity of the berm
and spillway.
General Detention - Each site was identified as private or public ownership based on the
deeds and covenants currently in place. Each pond was identified as a retention (wet)
pond or detention (dry) pond; whether or not it was functioning properly; whether or not
it was constructed as designed, if alterations were evident and if a licensed survey is
needed for more information.
Safety and Health - Each site was checked for site security, site fencing, signs of litter on
the site, illegal pollutant dumping, odor, mosquito presence, homes in jeopardy of
flooding, and degree of safety hazard.
Vegetation Control - Each site was inspected to determine if adequate vegetation
growth was established and maintained, as well as whether or not invasive plants (such
as cattails or willow trees) are present.
Capacity - Each pond was inspected for silt /sediment, vegetation overgrowth and
whether or not these items had a negative impact on the pond's storage capacity. A
visual inspection of the pond was made to see if the capacity has been reduced and
estimate the reduction. The inspection also determined the presence or necessity of a
trickle channel.
Structural Integrity, Berm - Each site was inspected for berm erosion, presence of
burrowing animals, presence of holes in the berm, and if the berm appeared to be weak
or showing signs of failure.
Structural Integrity, Conduit - Each site was inspected for discharge structure and /or
conduit integrity, such as the operational condition of the discharge structure; structural
conditions of the inlet and outlet structures; needs for riprap, and signs or evidence of
scour /erosion in or around the structure.
Structural Integrity, Spillway - Each site was inspected for an emergency spillway,
functionality, signs of debris, scour or erosion.
Each pond condition was rated based on the pond's need for attention and the affect the
condition has on the detention or safety. However, only pond conditions that affect detention
adversely will warrant city participation.
After review of the ponds, Meshek and Associates and Public works staff determined that the
ponds considered severe, are having an adverse impact on the City of Owasso drainage system
and needing immediate attention are the following:
Subdivision /Area
Country Estates: Linda Logsdon, Owner -The issue with this pond is that beavers
have dammed up the outlet structure and continue to re -build after the beaver
dams are removed. The pond stands full of water and has erosion issues. A survey
and design plans are needed to determine the extent of the needed correction.
Responsibility of land owner due to no maintenance.
Country Estates: Lone Wolf and Land Development Company, Owner - The outlet
structure is adjacent to the railroad embankment and the vegetation on the
downstream side (railroad side) is keeping the pond from draining correctly. The
water needs to be diverted to a new channel allowing the water to flow northeast
to keep from eroding the railroad berm further. A permit to work on the railroad
property will be needed. A survey and design plans are needed to determine the
extent of the needed correction. Responsibility of land owner due to no
Lakes at Bailey Ranch: Battle Creek Land Dev LLC, Owner - This pond appears to
have experienced a severe amount of siltation. This pond needs to be surveyed to
see if the designed capacity is still present. Landowner will be responsible for
providing current survey to verify siltation deposits. Responsibility of land owner to
determine extent of siltation and correct deficiencies.
Lakes at Bailey Ranch: Battle Creek Land Dev LLC, Owner - Energy dissipaters may
be needed on the outlet structure to keep erosion at bay. As -built plans for this
pond are on file. HOA will be responsible for providing current survey to verify
siltation deposits and extent of erosion. Land owner is responsible to correct
Windsor Lake: Windsor Lake Association, Owner - Windsor Lake pond will always be
a concern due to the fact that houses are lower than the pond and downstream.
Several rodent holes saturating certain areas were noted during the inspection. A
survey and full inspection of the pond is needed to make sure the berm in
structurally sound.
Meshek and Associates and Public Works staff determined that the following ponds are having
moderate issues, creating an adverse impact on the City of Owasso drainage system and need
attention in the near future:
Subdivision /Area
Country Estates: City of Owasso, Owner- Water stands in the pond but should drain.
The box under the railroad appears to have settled and will not drain the pond. This
area needs to be surveyed to see if the water can be drained down the railroad
right -of -way to a downstream pipe to keep the pond emptied. Responsibility of the
City of Owasso
Sawgrass: Bailey Ranch Inv. Group, LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention pond. This
pond has quite a bit of erosion between the sidewalk and the area where the water
surface meets the berm. The electrical box controlling the aerator looks low and
may need to be raised. Responsibility of land owner to determine extent of erosion
and correct deficiencies.
Honey Creek: Owasso Public Schools, Owner - This pond is a detention pond. Pond
has erosion issues and ditches that need to be graded. The floor of the outlet
Meshek and Associates and Public Works staff determined that the conditions of the following
ponds are adequate and only continued routine maintenance are needed:
structure is on earthen bottom and opening may have fluctuated based on
siltation. No as -built surveys were found of the pond; therefore the City will need to
perform an analysis of the pond outlet to make sure it is operating correctly.
Property owner will be responsible for the removal of silt.
Coffey Creek: Coffee Creek Property Owners, Inc., Owner - This pond is a detention
pond. This pond is in relatively good shape. Survey needs to be performed to
determine amount of sediment in the pond and if a future dredging project
needed. Estimated Cost of survey of wet pond - $7,500. Responsibility of land owner
to determine extent of siltation and correct deficiencies.
Coffey Creek: Coffee Creek Property Owners, Inc., Owner. -This pond is a detention
pond. Small trees at the outlet structure need to be removed. No as -built surveys
were found of the pond. HOA will be responsible for the removal of silt.
Meshek and Associates and Public Works staff determined that the conditions of the following
ponds are adequate and only continued routine maintenance are needed:
Subdivision /Area
Crescent Ridge: Crescent Ridge LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention pond. The
pond is a retention pond designed to hold a small amount of water. The pond is in
good shape with only a few maintenance issues.
Crescent Ridge: Crescent Ridge LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention pond. The
pond is a retention pond designed to be wet. The pond is in good shape with only a
few maintenance issues.
Country Estates: Lone Wolf and Land Development Company, Owner - This pond is
a detention pond. The inlets and outlets of the pipes need to be cleaned of
and debris.
Garrett Creek: Falls at Garrett Creek HOA, Owner - This pond is a detention pond.
The pond discharge structure needs to be retrofitted to remove the metal
from the exposed concrete surface. This is a safety issue.
Lake Valley: Lake Valley Investment Group LLC, Owner -This pond is a detention
pond. The earthen bank that comes in contact with the water has eroded and
sloughed into the pond. May need to be pulled back to surface and slope re-
established. Piers for fishing dock appear unsafe due to erosion.
Lake Valley: Lake Valley Investment Group LLC, Owner -This pond is a detention
pond. The earthen bank that comes in contact with the water has eroded and
sloughed into the pond. May need to be pulled back to surface and slope re-
Lake Valley: Lake Valley Investment Group LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention
pond. The earthen bank that comes in contact with the water has eroded and
sloughed into the pond. May need to be pulled back to surface and slope
reestablished. Piers for fishing dock appear unsafe due to erosion
Lake Valley: Lake Valley Investment Group LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention
ond. This pond is in ood sha e with onl a few maintenance issues.
Sawgrass: Bailey Ranch Inv. Group, LLC, Owner - This pond is a detention pond. The
electrical box controlling the aerator looks low and may need to be raised. Survey
needed to verify issues of electrical becoming inundated with water.
1 Saw gross: Bailey Ranch Inv. Group, LLC, Owner _ This ond is a detention ond. The
electrical box controlling the aerator looks low and may need to be raised. Survey
needed to verify issues of electrical becoming inundated with water.
Burberry: Bailey Ranch Inv. Group, LLC, Owner - Small issues with erosion need to be
addressed in the near future.
Honey Creek: Honey Creek At Bailey Ranch Home Owners Assoc Inc, Owner -The
HOA has asked that this pond be considered for conversion to a dry pond, due to its
shallow depth. HOA will need to consult with engineer to determine feasibility. The
vegetation and large trees are a concern on the berm. These trees will need to be
eventual) and the roots removed.
Honey Creek: Honey Creek At Bailey Ranch Home Owners Assoc Inc, Owner -This
pond has some erosion concerns and needs to have work to remove smaller trees
and re-grade the pond berms .
Ator: Several Individual Owners - This pond is not on the Owasso storm drainage
system. It is a decorative ponds installed as a neighborhood amenity before
detention requirements were established. The southern pond provides very little
Ator Heights: Several Individual Owners - This pond is not on the Owasso storm
drainage system. It is a decorative ponds installed as a neighborhood amenity
before detention requirements were established. This pond is immediately upstream
of Pond # 19. Routine maintenance is the responsibility of land owner.
Fairways: City Of Owasso /Fairways At Bailey Ranch Property Owners Association,
Owners - These ponds were constructed as part of the Bailey Golf Course for water
features and water storage for irrigation. The ponds were not designed for
detention /retention but are in the City of Owasso Storm Drainage System. The
ponds are experiencing erosion issues and deep cuts in the embankments that are
not allowing water to be stored. Erosion grading is needed along with a weir
installed on the upper pond to control water level.
Three Lakes III: City of Owasso, Owner. City of Owasso repaired the pond berm in
2006 -07 and corrected several problems.
Central Park - So Central Park II Association, Owner -The Central Park pond appears
to be in good shape, but there is erosion where the water surface meets the berm
that needs to be repaired. The banks will need to be re-graded and re- sodded.
Preston Lakes: Kum and Go, Owner -This pond is a retention pond. The pond was
added after the original ponds were constructed and is great shape.
Preston Lakes: City of Owasso, Owner - This pond is a retention pond. The pond
appears to need a little finish grading and sodding to keep erosion under control.
Preston Lakes: City of Owasso, Owner - This pond is a retention pond. The pond
appears to need a little finish grading and sodding to keep erosion under control.
Preston Lakes: City of Owasso, Owner - This pond is a retention pond. The pond
appears to need a little finish grading and sodding to keep erosion under control.
Elm Creek Pond: City of Owasso, Owner - Elm Creek pond is in Elm Creek Park. The
wet pond is for recreation and detention. The pond has erosion issues but with the
improvements to Elm Creek Park in the near future, these issues will be rectified. Any
adverse impact to the City of Owasso stormwater system will be rectified with this
Three Lakes Pond: Three Lakes Property Owners Assoc Inc, Owner -This pond
underwent improvements in 2011. The silt on the north and east ends were dredged
and the material removed. The banks were repaired and erosion corrected. Pond
will eventually need the west end cleaned as well. Based on the Master Plan,
adding an outlet structure will add detention at this pond.
Barrington Point: Barrington Point HOA, Owner -This pond is a dry pond and is in very
good condition. There are a few trees and brush that should be removed to keep
The private detention ponds in Owasso have been inspected and rated as having severe,
moderate and routine maintenance needs. The severe needs ponds need to be addressed by
Public Works staff visiting with the property owners of each pond, detailing the concerns of each
pond, discussing actions to explore solutions, and make the corrections as soon as possible. The
ponds will be scored in order of severity in accordance to the Private Stormwater Detention
Pond Policy.
The moderate ponds should be evaluated and a plan derived for each pond. The pond should
be placed on the priority list following correction of the severe ponds. Ponds should be re-
evaluated annually to see determine changes in the pond's condition or additional HOA
Routine maintenance ponds should be corrected by the Owner as preventative maintenance
issues and remain on the routine maintenance list until conditions warrant a higher priority.
A. Location Map
B. Private Detention Pond Policy
growth under control.
Nottingham I Pond: Nottingham Estate Association, Owner -This pond is a detention
pond. This pond is in good working order. There are signs of erosion at the pond
surface where the slope meets the water surface has sheared away from the pond
edge. Eventually, when the pond level is low, dirt which has sloughed into the pond
will need to be pulled back up onto the bank, re- graded and sodded. The pond is
having no adverse impact to the City of Owasso stormwater system.
Nottingham II Pond: Nottingham Estate Association, Owner -This pond is detention
pond. The HOA re- established vegetation on the slopes last year. Erosion control
seems to be doing well.
Camelot Estates: City of Owasso, Owner - Camelot pond is a City of Owasso pond
that was constructed to protect the residents in Silver Creek development from
flooding. The pond needs some minor drainage work and brush clearing.
Bradfords at Silver Creek: Silver Creek Property Owners, Owner - This pond is a
detention pond. The Bradfords pond is in relatively good shape. The pond is a wet
pond with a sidewalk around the perimeter. The sidewalk has been undermined in
areas and needs to be repaired before storm drainage pil2e is damaged.
Villages at Silver Creek: Silver Creek HOA, Owner - This pond is a detention pond.
The Villages pond was recently re- graded and a trickle channel installed. Only
routine maintenance needed in the next few years is aesthetic.
Coffey Creek: Coffee Creek Property Owners, Inc., Owner -This pond is a detention
and and appears to be in good condition.
The private detention ponds in Owasso have been inspected and rated as having severe,
moderate and routine maintenance needs. The severe needs ponds need to be addressed by
Public Works staff visiting with the property owners of each pond, detailing the concerns of each
pond, discussing actions to explore solutions, and make the corrections as soon as possible. The
ponds will be scored in order of severity in accordance to the Private Stormwater Detention
Pond Policy.
The moderate ponds should be evaluated and a plan derived for each pond. The pond should
be placed on the priority list following correction of the severe ponds. Ponds should be re-
evaluated annually to see determine changes in the pond's condition or additional HOA
Routine maintenance ponds should be corrected by the Owner as preventative maintenance
issues and remain on the routine maintenance list until conditions warrant a higher priority.
A. Location Map
B. Private Detention Pond Policy
I i
Owasso City Council
Policy Statement Relating to Private Stormwater System Improvements
In its desire to pursue the highest quality of life for citizens of the Owasso community, the
City Council recognizes the importance of stormwater management. The City of
Owasso continues to face difficult issues concerning the reliance of storm water
facilities constructed by land developers and maintained by subsequent landowners or
Home Owner Associations. The City of Owasso stormwater system contains
approximately 45 public or private detention stormwater detention facilities.
Stormwater detention facilities and related infrastructure require routine maintenance
to function properly and in the long -term can require significant investments for repair
and replacement of structures in order to prevent flooding of adjacent properties as
well as minimize the negative impacts of excessive flows on public roads, private
property, public facilities, and to aquatic habit downstream areas,
More and more often, the burden of assuring the integrity of the public stormwater
facilities subsequent to the failure of a private storm water management facility falls on
the local government. The purpose of the Private Storm Water System Improvement
Policy is to create guidelines and procedures to aid in the consideration of requests
from private stormwater facility owners for public assistance. Therefore, the City Council
adopts the following guidelines and directs the municipal staff to endeavor to
implement the policy as a priority in the administration of the staff's duties:
The following requirements must be met in order for a private stormwater facility to be
eligible for funding consideration and appropriate action by the Owasso City Council:
t. The Private Stormwater Facility must be part of the City's stormwater system; and,
2. A determination made by the Owasso Public Works Engineering Division that the
basin's intended stormwater capacity has been reduced resulting in a risk of
flooding to the adjacent, upstream, or downstream properties; and,
3. A determination made by the Owasso Public Works Engineering Division that the
weakened or eroded areas of the dam or barrier poses a likely threat of a dam
or barrier failure; and,
4. A determination made by the Owasso Public Works Engineering Division that the
request for assistance is not to achieve purely aesthetic enhancement of the
basin or surrounding area (i.e., vegetation control, landscaping etc.).
Public Works will rate and prioritize each project request utilizing the following set of
• Cost Participation by Property Owners - 10 points (max): Points awarded = (% of
property owner funding x 10)
• Capacity degradation - 10 points (max): Extent to which the capacity of the
basin has been reduced as determined by Public Works Engineering Division.
Points awarded = (Estimated % surface area x 10)
• Erosion - 10 points (max): Extent of erosion along the dam or barrier, as
determined by the Public Works Engineering Division. Points awarded =
(Estimated % surface erosion x 10)
• Safety - 10 points (maw: Degree of safety hazard (Scored by Public Works
Engineering Division):
a. None = 0 points awarded
b. Low = 1 to 3 points awarded
c. Medium = 4 to 6 points awarded
d. High = 7 to 10 points awarded
Public Works will have the sole discretion in defining the scope and characteristics of
the work necessary in order to bring the private stormwater facility into compliance with
the City of Owasso Engineering Design Criteria (Ordinance No. 812).
In an effort to reduce future maintenance costs and potential flooding risk, the City of
Owasso will perform, or cause to be performed, an inspection of the private stormwater
detention facility on a bi- annual basis to ensure the property owner or Horne Owner's
Association is providing adequate maintenance of the detention facility. The City staff
will provide notice to the property owner,
scheduled date and time of the inspection,
show signs of inadequate maintenance,
enforcement action.
via certified or registered mail, of the
Should the stormwater detention facility
the City will take appropriate code
ADOPTED by the Owasso City Council on the 20'h day of September, 2011
u Bonebrake, Mayor
The City Wit,,, limits.
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson
Director of Community Development
SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Baptist Owasso
DATE: February 7, 2014
The City of Owasso received an application for review and approval of a rezoning request for a
portion of the property of First Baptist of Owasso. The subject property is located east of the Willis
Farms (Sam's Club) addition located approximately 'I/ mile east of the intersection E N 129th E
Ave and E 96th St N on the north side of the road.
Land Use Plan
Office Light
RS -2
Number of Reserve Areas
Within PUD?
(Single - Family
Within Overlay i
Water Provider
City of
RE (Residential
City of
RS -2
(Single - Family
Ci City of
City of
Property Size
1.58 acres
Current Zoning
RS2 -Single Family
Residential Medium Density
Proposed Use
Office Light
Lots /Blocks
Number of Reserve Areas
Within PUD?
Within Overlay i
Water Provider
Cit of Owasso
Applicable Pa' backs
Storm siren fee of 35 /acre
Streets (public or private)
The rezoning submittal requests a rezoning of the subject property from Medium- Density
Residential (RS -2) to Office Light (OL). The property is currently used by First Baptist of Owasso for
church- related activities. A commercial area lies to the west of the property and a residential
subdivision lies to the east of the parent tract for First Baptist. The owner of the property proposes
to use the rezoned area for light office activities. An older home on the subject property had
been used for church - related activities, but was recently removed. The rezoning request would
be in compliance with the Land Use Master Plan and would offer an area of transition between
the commercial area directly abutting the property to the west and the lower intensity
residential uses to the east.
Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning,
and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and
sidewalks. The City of Owasso will provide sanitary sewer service.
The Owasso 2025 Land Use Master Plan identifies the subject property and its surroundings as
having a future land use of transitional. The proposed rezoning to office light will be in
conformance with the Land Use Master Plan, as office uses are allowed in transitional areas.
The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on February 10,
A. Area Map
B. Aerial Map
C. Zoning Map
D. Land Use Map
First Baptist Rezoning
/ / r ✓
I m
_ _
... •965TN _ _
_ __
/ - -� of �__ ,
599 ft !
E :9_4•
1" = 376 ft
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions_ To be sure of complete accuracy.
please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to -date Information.
First Baptist Rezoning
1" = 376 ft 02105/2014
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure otcomplete accuracy,
please contact Owasso stall for the most up -to -date information.
First Baptist Rezoning
1" = 752 ft 02/05/2014
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy.
please contact Owasso stall for the most up-to -date information.
Lane Use Master Plan
,( d
; k.
1" = 752 ft 02/05/2014 { }- \
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy,
please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date Information.
The City Witiout li mils.
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson
Director of Community Development
SUBJECT: Final Plat - Owasso Memory Care
DATE: February 7, 2014
The City of Owasso received an application for review and approval of a final plat for Owasso
Memory Care. The subject property is located north of the First Christian Church on the Owasso
Medical Center campus located approximately I/ mile south of E 1061h St N on N Garnett Rd on
the west side of the road.
Land Use Plan
i lot in i block
Number of Reserve Areas
2 drainage reserve areas
City of
City of Owasso
Storm siren fee of $35 /acre
Streets (public or rivate
City of
Sho in
City of
City of
Property Size
3.52 acres
Current Zoning
-CS-- Commercial Shopping
Proposed Use 2
Lots /Blocks
i lot in i block
Number of Reserve Areas
2 drainage reserve areas
Within PUD?
PUD 16 -A
Within Overlay District? !
Water Provider -
City of Owasso
Applicable Pa backs
Storm siren fee of $35 /acre
Streets (public or rivate
The final plat for Owasso Memory Care provides a lot for the development of a dedicated
Memory Care Facility located on the Bailey Medical Center Campus. The plat shows one lot on
one block and provides for the facility to be connected to future developments that may occur
on the medical campus. Two access points are shown on the plat, connecting to E 103rd St N.
Development on the lot is planned to occur in two phases, with this plat providing the
easements for the second phase, making this planned future phase easier to develop.
Perimeter and interior utility easements will provide utility companies adequate access to
provide and maintain service to the proposed development. Any development that occurs on
the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements
including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. The City of Owasso will
provide sanitary sewer service.
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for Owasso Memory Care at their
regularly scheduled meeting on January 22, 2014. All TAC comments have been addressed by
the applicant.
The Owasso Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on February 10,
A. Area Map
B. Aerial Map
C. Final Plat - Owasso Memory Care
Owasso Memory Care
1" = 752 ft 02/0512014
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To he sure of complete accuracy.
please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to -date Information.
Owasso Memory Care
1" = 752 ft 02(0512014;;
This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual Geld conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy,
please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to -date Informatlon-
Final Plat
Owasso Memory Care
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Final Plat
Owasso Memory Care
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The City Wit,out Limits.
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Owasso
Linda Jones, Finance Director
OPGA Negative Cash Balance
February 7, 2014
Each year since 2004, the OPGA Trust has operated at a loss. As a result of the repeated
operating losses since 2004, the OPGA's negative share of City pooled cash has grown from
($374,402) in FY 2004 to ($3,507,719) as of June 30, 2013. It is not illegal for a trust to incur a
negative cash balance, and most governmental entities who report on an accrual basis under
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) reflect the negative cash balance as a "due
to" another fund. (Historically, the City of Owasso has prepared its annual audited financial
statements using this method.) The fund(s) chosen to offset the negative fund balance must
have adequate cash balances to cover the deficit and have the legal ability (contingent upon
City Council approval) to transfer money to cover the deficit.
Accumulating a negative fund balance in the OPGA fund has been a concern of the City for
some time. Measures have been undertaken to address the growing concern. These measures
include, among other things, since 2005 hiring a management company to oversee operations,
discussing the lease or sale of the facilities, various other options aimed to increase revenue and
reduce variable expenses wherever possible, and restructuring the golf course fee schedule. In
FY2013, a $250,000 fund transfer was budgeted from the General fund to the OPGA to
supplement golf revenues. Although this transfer reduced the annual deficit for FY2013, clearly
additional measures will be required over future years to eliminate the negative cash position.
Note that other than the $250,000 budgeted by the City Council for transfer to the OPGA, no
additional funds were actually transferred to the OPGA. The reflection of the "Due to" the
General and OPWA funds is simply an effort at transparency in the financial report to show
which funds could be used to cover the deficit.
Adoption of an annual budget for a public trust is required by Oklahoma Statute, State Law
does not restrict spending to the budgeted amount. The budget is considered a financial plan
and as such, state low allows municipalities to amend the budget throughout the year as
necessary. Rather than amend the OPGA budget to meet actual revenues and expenditures,
the City has historically taken the approach of keeping the original budget for comparative
purposes to show exactly how for revenues and expenditures have exceeded or fallen short of
Negative Share of Pooled Cash
Negative Share of Pooled Cash
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013