HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.07.10_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, July 10, 2006
Owasso Old Central
109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma
Duane Coppick
Marilyn Hinkle
Dan Draper
David Vines
Kevin Vanover
Eric Wiles
Marsha Hensley
Chip McCulley
Joe Nurre
Julie Lombardi
Rodney Ray
J B Alexander
Rickey Hayes
The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on July 3, 2006
at 9:00 AM.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Duane Coppick called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and
declared a quorum present.
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of June 12, 2006 regular Meeting.
Duane Coppick moved and Dan Draper seconded the minutes for approval. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
4. Election of Planning Commission Chair - The Planning Commission will nominate and
elect a chair for the 2006 -2007 year. The election will be effective in August and serve
through July, 2007.
The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. Duane Coppick was
nominated by Dan Draper. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were
declared closed by Dan Draper moved that Duane Coppick be elected by acclamation;
seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Recuse
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion was approved 3 -0.
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Election of Planning Commission Vice -Chair - The Planning Commission will
nominate and elect a vice -chair for the 2006 -2007 year. The election will be effective in
August and serve through July, 2007.
The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Vice - Chairperson. Dan Draper was
nominated by Marilyn Hinkle. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were
declared closed by Marilyn Hinkle moved that Dan Draper be elected by acclamation;
seconded by Duane Coppick. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Recuse
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion was approved 3 -0.
5. Changing the time of Planning Commission Meetings from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm. -
The staff believes that a time change moving the start of Planning Commission meetings
from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. would be appropriate. Twice in the past year Planning
Commission meetings have lasted past 11:00 p.m. The meetings will still be held on the
Monday following the first Tuesday of every month.
Dan Draper moved to approve the time change from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The motion
was seconded by David Vines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion was approved 4 -0.
6. Annexation OA -06 -09 - A request to review and approve the annexation of
approximately 78.47 acres, located at the west of North 129`'' East Avenue, approximately
1 /2mile north of East 66`' Street North, just south of the Baptist Retirement Village.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process and annexation process was described. It is the applicant' s intent to develop the
property for residential single - family use. Staff has published legal notice in the Owasso
Reporter and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within a 300' radius.
The Annexation Committee unanimously voted to recommend approval at their June 28,
2006 meeting. The staff recommends approval of annexation #OA 06 -09.
Duane Coppick moved to approve annexation #OA 06 -09; the motion was seconded by
Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
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Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
7. Annexation OA 06 -10 - A request to review and approve the annexation of 10 properties
in close proximity to the city limits of Owasso. These areas include properties near the
intersection of East 96th Street North and North 129`' East Avenue, the right -of -way of
Hwy. 169, two elementary schools, and a church.
Eric Wiles presented the staff report. He explained that the staff has studied the
possibility of annexing ten different properties in close proximity to the city limits of
Owasso. The areas of property are:
1. 12919 East 96' Street North
2. 12901 East 96' Street North
3. 12937 East 96' Street North
4. 9302 North 129' East Avenue
5. 9441 North 129" East Avenue
6. 9309 North 129' East Avenue
7. The undeveloped tract at the southeast corner of East 96"' Street North and North
129'h East Avenue
8. The right -of -way of Hwy. 169 from East 96"' Street North to East 126`'' Street
North, and the right -of -way of Hwy. 169 from East 76' Street North to the
railroad overpass 3 /anile to the south
9. The new Barnes Elementary School, 7809 East 76`'' Street North
10. Hodson Elementary School, 14500 East 86`'' Street North
The steps for annexation were explained. On June 20, 2006, the City Council directed
the city staff to prepare and publish notice of two public hearings concerning the
annexation. The staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City
Council approval of the annexation of the ten subject properties. The Chairperson asked
if anybody had concerns with the annexation request. Ms. Elaine Guilfoyle (12919 East
96 Street North) had questions regarding zoning. Her questions were answered; she was
not opposed to the annexation.
Duane Coppick moved to approve annexation #OA 06 -10; the motion was seconded by
Dan Draper. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
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8. Lot Split OLS -06 -04 - A request to review a lot split of 5 acres located west of North
145`' East Avenue, south of East 93rd Place North at 14220 East 93 Place North. Three
lots are proposed: 2 lots are to be 1 acre in size, and the other lot is to be 3 acres.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process and lot split process was described. The applicant is requesting this lot split in
order to donate the two 1 acre lots to his children for the future construction of single
family homes. A 15' mutual access easement as been provided for access into the new
properties. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the easement closure on June
28, 2006. No concerns were expressed. Staff recommends approval of OLS 06 -04.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve lot split #OLS 06 -04; the motion was seconded by
Duane Coppick. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
9. Rezoning Request OZ -06 -04 - A request to review and approve the rezoning of two one
acre lots from (AG) Agriculture to (RE) Residential Estate, located west of North 145'''
East Avenue, south of East 93' Place North at 14220 East 93' Place North.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The applicant is
requesting this review in order to donate the two one acre tracts to his children for the
construction of single family residential homes. The request is to rezoning the two lots
from AG (Agriculture) to RE (Residential Estates). Letters were mailed to surrounding
property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter.
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the rezoning request on June 28, 2006. No
concerns were expressed.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the rezoning request #OZ 06 -04; the motion was
seconded by Dan Draper. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
10. Final Plat - Kum & Go - A request to review and approve a final plat proposing 1
commercial lot, on approximately 2.17 acres of property zoned CG (Commercial General
District), located at the northeast corner of the North 1451' East Avenue and East 86''
Street North.
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Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The commercial
development process was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to
facilitate a commercial development on 2.17 acres. The Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the final plat on June 28, 2006. At that meeting the following concern was
1. The applicant must identify the southwest corner of the property as the point
of beginning.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the final plat subject to the above Staff and TAC
recommendation; the motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
11. Site Plan - Kum & Go - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a 6,347
sq. ft. commercial facility on approximately 2.17 acres of property zoned CG
(Commercial General District), located at the northeast corner of the North 145th East
Avenue and East 86`' Street North.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The property is zoned CG (Commercial General). The applicant
is requesting this review in order to facilitate a commercial development on 2.17 acres.
The Technical Advisory Committee approved the request at the June 28, 2006. At that
meeting the following conditions were recommended:
1. The applicant must show the finish floor elevation of the building.
2. The applicant must show radii on curb returns
3. The applicant needs to provide impervious area.
4. The applicant needs to acquire permission from Verdigris Valley Electric to
locate monument in their easement.
5. Identify adjacent property to the south and west
6. Relocated access to E. 86' St. N. to the east or make access right in, right out
Staff recommends approval of the site plan for Kum & Go. Mr. Jim Beach with Sack &
Associates described the onsite detention facility to the Commissioners.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
recommendations. The motion was seconded by David Vines. The motion was recorded
as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
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Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
12. Site Plan - Northeast Elementary - A request to review and approve a site plan
proposing a 15,810 sq. ft. educational addition located on 10 acres of property, located at
13650 East 103`d Street North.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
15,810 sq ft educational facility addition on 10 acres, currently occupied by the Owasso
Northeast Elementary. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at the
June 28, 2006 regular meeting. At the meeting the committee recommended approval of
the site plan with the following conditions:
1. Applicant must show offsite topography
2. The applicant must show surrounding zoning and uses.
3. The applicant must show easements and setbacks.
4. Storm water calculations must be approved by the City Engineer.
A brief discussion was held regarding storm water detention.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
conditions; the motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. The motion was recorded as
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
13. Site Plan - Owasso 6"' Grade Center - A request to review and approve a site plan
proposing a 19,993 sq. ft. educational addition located on 14.24 acres of property, located
at 8101 North 129` East Avenue.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
19,993 sq ft educational facility addition on 14.24 acres, currently occupied by the
Owasso 6`' Grade Center. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at
their June 28, 2006 regular meeting. The committee recommended approval with the
following conditions:
1. The applicant must show surrounding zoning and uses.
2. The applicant must show easements and setbacks.
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3. Storm water calculation must be approved by the City Engineer.
Joe Nurre with Owasso Public Works Department discussed the storm water detention.
He stated that this property has a small detention pond and he asked the applicant to
investigate the use of that pond. He also assured the Commissioners that a storm water
report will be submitted and reviewed by the Engineer prior to construction.
Dan Draper moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
recommendations; the motion was seconded by David Vines. The motion was recorded
as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
14. Site Plan - IHOP - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a 4,964 sq. ft.
restaurant facility on approximately 0.53 acres of property zoned CS (Commercial
Shopping District), located on Lot 3, Block 2, Smith Farm Marketplace.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
4,964 sq ft restaurant on .53 acres. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping).
The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the June 28, 2006
regular meeting. At the meeting the committee recommended approval of the site plan
with the following conditions:
1. The applicant must show the finished floor elevation of the proposed building.
2. The applicant must provide the city engineer with storm water calculations.
3. The applicant needs to coordinate outdoor lighting.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the IHOP site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
recommendations; the motion was seconded by Dan Draper. The motion was recorded as
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
15. Site Plan - Steak `N Shake - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a
4,350 sq. ft. restaurant facility on approximately 1. 15 acres of property zoned CS
(Commercial Shopping District), located on Lot 1, Block 1, Tyann Plaza II, 9533 North
Owasso Expressway.
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Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
4,350 sq ft restaurant on 1.15 acres. The property is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping).
The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the June 28, 2006
meeting. The committee recommended approval with the following condition:
1. The applicant must conform with the outdoor lighting ordinance.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
recommendations; the motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. The motion was recorded
as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
16. Site Plan - Forest Creek Lot 5 - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a
4,500 sq. ft. commercial facility on approximately 0.35 acres of property, located on Lot
5, Block 1, Forest Creek Business Park.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
4,500 sq ft building on one .35 acre tract. The property is zoned CG (Commercial
General). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their June 28,
2006 meeting and had the following conditions:
1. Applicant needs to show a bar scale on the site plan.
2. Applicant needs to allow for adequate handicap parking and meets all ADA
3. Applicant needs to show the impervious area for the site.
Duane Coppick moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
conditions; the motion was seconded by David Vines. The motion was recorded as
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
17. Site Plan - Forest Creek Lot 7 - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a
2,400 sq. ft. commercial facility on approximately 0.31 acres of property, located on Lot
7, Block 1, Forest Creek Business Park.
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Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
4,500 sq ft building on one .31 acre tract. The property is zoned CG (Commercial
General). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their June 28,
2006 meeting and had the following conditions:
1. Applicant needs to show a bar scale on the site plan.
2. Applicant needs to allow for adequate handicap parking and meets all ADA
3. Applicant needs to show the impervious area for the site.
Joe Nurre discussed this projects storm water issues.
Dan Draper moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
conditions; the motion was seconded by Duane Coppick. The motion was recorded as
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
18. Site Plan - Forest Creek Lot 9 - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a
4,500 sq. ft. commercial facility on approximately 0.41 acres of property, located on Lot
9, Block 1, Forest Creek Business Park.
Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development
process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate a
4,500 sq ft building on one .41 acre tract. The property is zoned CG (Commercial
General). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at their June 28,
2006 meeting and had the following conditions:
1. Applicant needs to show a bar scale on the site plan
2. Applicant needs to allow for adequate handicap parking and meets all ADA
3. Applicant needs to show the impervious area for the site.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the site plan subject to the above TAC and Staff
conditions; the motion was seconded by David Vines. The motion was recorded as
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
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The motion carried 4 -0.
19. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity.
20. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council.
21. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
22. Adjournment - Duane Coppick moved, Dan Draper seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dan Draper - Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
David Vines - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.