HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.06.13_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, June 13, 2005 Owasso Old Central 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Marilyn Hinkle Duane Coppick Kevin Vanover MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Chip McCulley Eric Wiles Marsha Hensley Rickey Hayes Joe Nurre The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on June 2, 2005 at 2:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 2005 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of May 9, 2005 Regular Meeting, Duane Coppick moved, seconded by Marilyn Hinkle to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 4. OA 05 -02 - A request from Mr. and Mrs. Davidson for the annexation of approximately 6.64 acres located south of E. 96' St. N., between 1 /,and ' /amile west of N. 145` E. Ave., immediately east of Nottingham Estates. Chairperson Haynes presented the item and Chip McCulley gave the staff report. At their June 8, 2005 meeting the Owasso Annexation Committee unanimously recommended approval of OA 05 -02. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were mailed. Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation request; the motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 13, 2005 Page No. 2 The motion carried 4 -0. 5. Amendment to Master Plan - A request from Mr. and Mrs. Davidson for the change of land use of approximately 6.64 acres, located south of E. 96' St. N., between 1 /,and 1/2 mile west of N. 145' E. Ave., immediately east of Nottingham Estates. The applicant is requesting that the 2015 Land Use Master Plan be revised to allow for transitional use for the entire 6.64 acre tract. Currently the property is zoned AG (Tulsa County Agricultural) and is designated for Residential. The Chairperson presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are requesting that the 2015 Land Use Master Plan be revised to allow for Transitional use for the entire 6.64 acre tract of land. The Master Plan calls for residential development on that tract of land. Legal notice was published and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within a 300' radius. Staff recommends the property to remain residential. Chip stated that fourteen letters opposing the amendment have been received. The zoning districts that fall within transitional zoning were described. The following are concerns and comments made by several property owners present: Jim Ponton - 13807 E 93 Cir No - He stated that 90% to 95% of the homeowners in Nottingham Estates were against this request. Concerns with property values dropping. Jim Russell - 9311 No 138 E Ave - Concerns regarding the increase of traffic. It seems as if money and kids are top two priorities. We moved to Owasso because of good family values and because of the Owasso Master Plan. Mark Bedair (Representative for the Davidson' s) - They are not seeking commercial zoning for this property. Feels that office zoning would be much less invasive than commercial and residential, office traffic would only be from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If zoned residential it would be a consistent flow of traffic. Phil Harizal - 9005 No 135 E Ave - Opposes the amendment. Concerns regarding increase in traffic. The aesthetics will be changed. Dr. Lim - 8801 N 145 E Ave - He feels that this development will be similar to the one he offices in at Preston Lakes; his office complex does not have a high volume of traffic. The type of office building that the Davidson' s are proposing will be very aesthetically pleasing with the beautiful Nottingham Estate homes behind it. He also asked for the definition of " Staff' and how many employees does that include? Kayla Puckett - 13825 E 94 St No - Does not have a problem with the amendment. She feels that the Davidson' s care about their neighbors and would rather see office zoning than a two story home looking down on her back yard. Bob Schroeder - 13820 E 94 St No - Would like to see the property remain residential. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 13, 2005 Page No. 3 Rick Priest - 9208 N 137 E Ave - He had questions regarding which direction the office buildings would face. Kaye Williams - 9202 N 138 E Ave - Had traffic concerns. Sharon Davidson - 13918 E 96 St No - Most people from Nottingham Estates that she had spoke with were happy for her and told her to " go for it, it' s your property". Twelve years ago we fought for Nottingham Estates not to be built. Wants the names of the people that wrote letters opposing the amendment. Richard Carter - 13811 E 94 St No - Would prefer an office complex to a two story house. Also had concerns with the increase in traffic. Enjoys watching the horses. Debbie Phillips - 13819 E 94 St No - Enjoys the animals at the Davidson' s. Has small children and wants them to be safe that' s why they chose Nottingham Estates. She doesn' t want traffic increased or dumpsters in her back yard. Rosemary Priest - 9208 N 137 E Ave - Against the amendment change. Will set a precedent by getting away from the Master Plan. Gayla Turpen - 9510 N 134 E Ave - No objection to zoning light office, she trusts the Davidson' s. Would rather have office that residential next door to her. Terry Hyatt - 9719 Dover Place - Would like to see it developed nicely, maybe office buildings in a residential style. After a brief discussion, Ray Haynes moved to deny the amendment to the Owasso Master Plan. The motion was seconded by Duane Coppick. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 6. OZ 05 -03 - A request from Northeast Investments L.L.C., for the rezoning of 27.59 acres to be zoned from AG (Agriculture District) to CG (Commercial General). The applicant is also requesting that 8.06 acres of property adjacent to the residential property to the south and to the east be rezoned to OM (Office Medium). The property is located east of the Hwy. 169, between E. 98' St. N. and E. 101s` St. N., North of V Baptist Church. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 13, 2005 Page No. 4 Chip McCulley presented the staff report and described the location of the property. The development process was discussed. The Land Use Master Plan calls for commercial development on approximately half of the 35 acre tract and residential development on the remaining area. On May 17, 2005 the council approved an amendment to allow for commercial and transitional use of the 35 acre tract. Legal notice was published and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within 300' . Staff recommends approval of OZ 05 -02. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the zoning request; Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 7. Final Plat - Ator Center- A request to review and approve a preliminary plat proposing 3 lots, on approximately 9.73 acres of property zoned CG (Commercial General), located on the northwest corner of E. 86"' St. N. and Hwy 169. One the east and west side of N. Garnett Rd. The Chair introduced the case and Chip McCulley presented the item. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at the June 1st regular meeting and recommended approval with the following condition: 1. Locate a 10' u/e along the northern and western perimeter of Lot 1. Staff recommends approval subject to the above TAC recommendation. Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat for Ator Center subject to the above recommendation. Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. 8. Election of Planning Commission Chair - The Planning Commission will nominate and elect a chair for the 2005 -2006 year. The election will be effective in July. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 13, 2005 Page No. 5 The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. Duane Coppick was nominated by Kevin Vanover. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and Kevin Vanover moved that Mr. Coppick be elected by acclamation; seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and Mr. Coppick was elected Chairperson. 9. Election of Planning Commission Vice Chair - The Planning Commission will nominate and elect a vice chair for the 2005 -2006 year. The election will be effective in July. The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Marilyn Hinkle was nominated by Ray Haynes. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and Ray Haynes moved that Marilyn Hinkle be elected by acclamation; seconded by Kevin Vanover. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and Ms. Hinkle was elected Vice Chairperson. 10. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 11. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 12. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso 17. Adjournment - Marilyn Hinkle moved, Ray Haynes seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 13, 2005 Page No. 6 ChAirperson E/�)IMWE�m Im-l-M Dak