HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.08.09_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, August 9, 2004
Owasso Old Central
109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Marilyn Hinkle
Duane Coppick
Kevin Vanover
Dale Prevett
Duane Cuthbertson
Marsha Hensley
Dan Salts
Eric Wiles
Rodney Ray
Ron Cates
The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on July 29, 2004 at
12:00 PM.
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and
declared a quorum present.
- The Commission reviewed the minutes of July 12, 2004 Regular Meeting, Marilyn Hinkle
moved, seconded by Kevin Vanover to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle — Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
4. OA 04 -06 — Request to approve annexation of 2.25 acres located immediately south of
Remington Place Addition near N. 120th E. Ave.
Duane presented the request and described the property location. Staff received an
annexation petition from OLT, requesting to annex 2.25 acres of property in order to ensure
that the detention pond proposed for the Remington Place II is inside the corporate limits.
Staff published legal notice in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were mailed
to property owners within a 300' radius. Staff recommends approval.
Ray Haynes moved to approve OA 04 -06, seconded by Duane Coppick. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
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The motion carried 4 -0.
5. OPUD 04 -03 — A request from T.E.P. & Associates for the review and approval of a
Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposing the development of a Hospital, offices and
assisted living residential on 66.42 acres located north of Owasso Market Addition and west
of N. 129th E. Ave.
Duane presented the item and described the property location and the surrounding zoning.
The development and PUD process was explained. With this PUD a full service hospital,
associative medical office space and assisted living residential attached housing is proposed.
In addition to the allotment of green space within the PUD the applicant is proposing a 50'
building and landscape buffer adjacent to all residential districts. The applicant has agreed
to provide additional landscape screening in the form of a row of evergreen trees. Mr. Jerry
Ledford, Jr., the applicant, made a brief presentation to the Commissioners. The two tie -in
streets were discussed. Legal notice was sent to surrounding property owners and
advertised in the Owasso Reporter. Staff has received numerous phone calls concerning the
proposed development. A neighborhood meeting between the applicants and surrounding
residents was held on Thursday, August 5, 2004.
Staff recommends approval of OPUD 04 -03 subject to the following conditions:
1. That the applicant's Development Text and Conceptual Site Plan be considered to be
the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD chapter of the Owasso Zoning
2. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, office
building lots shall meet the requirements of a typical OM district.
3. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, multi-
family residential shall meet the requirements of a typical RM -2 district.
4. That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for
subdivision Plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD.
5. That no building permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria
outlined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the
6. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall
incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso
7. That a detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting.
8. Sidewalks will be required along all public roads within the PUD.
9. Detailed landscape plans (type, species, size, location and irrigation) shall be required to
be submitted with site plans of any commercial development. Said plans will be
reviewed by staff and must be approved by the Planning Commission.
10. That all signs permitted within the PUD area comply with the Owasso Sign Code.
11. That all TAC conditions are met.
The following list was compiled from comments made by citizens in attendance:
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Larry Price — 9925 N 120 E Ave — Presented a petition with 125 signatures. Would like the
zoning to remain as is. Concerns with the safety of children due to the nonresidential
traffic. Concerned with the noise pollution this development would create. Concerns
regarding the possible decline in property values.
Sandra Kesler — 10109 N 124 E Ave — Concerns with the helipad, generators, traffic,
biochemical waste, cooling towers and the assisted living residential portion. Would like
more time to explore both hospital requests and decide which one is best for local residents.
Ken Taylor — 11901 E 100 St No — Would like to see limited access for emergency traffic
only on E. 100 St. No. Maybe install a barrier gate or crash gate at that location.
Cindy Landwehr — 10220 N 124 E Ave — Agrees with all the concerns. Also concerned
with the height of the hospital, four story building is not compatible with the residential to
the north and west. It will be an invasion of privacy.
Jack Whitaker — 11323 N 96 E Ave — Stormwater management concerns
Joe Esposito — 10110 N 124 E Ave — This request is not responsible land development, the
residential neighborhood will be destroyed. A 50' buffer is nothing, keep the zoning
residential. The light pollution and blowing. trash from Wal -Mart is incredible this
development will be the same.
Mike Helm — 20233 So 4080 Rd — Concerns with water suppression. Concerns regarding
traffic on N. 129th E. Ave. at the bridge, especially on Sunday mornings with church traffic.
Give this request more time.
Beverly Jennings — 11417 E 101 St No — Owasso needs a hospital but not two hospitals.
Following discussion, Ray Haynes moved to approve OPUD 04 -03 subject to the above
staff and TAC recommendations. Also subject to the following conditions being met:
1. Provide a 5' elevated berm, with an orderly row of trees planted on top adjacent to
residential districts.
2. A maximum height of 45' for the assisted living residential in Tract "E ".
3. Provide a crash gate on E. 100th St. No. entrance into the hospital development.
4. Restrict the cooling tower height to 20'.
5. Provide a masonry screening wall surrounding the utility yard consistent with the
building materials used for the hospital.
6. Provide shielding on all pole lights blocking lights from residential districts.
7. Submit a photo metric plan for Planning Commission approval at site plan stage.
8. Submit a grading plan for review that illustrates the landscaped berms.
9. Lighting shall produce no more than two (2) additional foot candles measured
adjacent to residential districts.
10. Ensure that improvement plans for N. 129th E. Ave. are considered in coordination
with the hospital improvements.
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The motion was seconded by Kevin Vanover. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
6. OZ 04 -09 — A request to rezone 66.42 acres located north of Owasso Market Addition and
west of N. 129th E. Ave. from RS -3, RS -2 & RE to OM.
The Chair introduced the item and Duane Cuthbertson gave staff report. The Longford
Group is requesting a review and approval of a PUD rezoning approximately 66.42 acres
for OM (Office Medium Intensity) uses to enable the development of a hospital, medical
office spaces and assisted living residential. Duane explained the development and
rezoning process. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and a legal
advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff has received several calls from
the public. Most of the concerns expressed are regarding the conflict between residential
and office uses. The residents concerns are additional traffic, light and noise associate with
the development. A neighborhood meeting was held on August 5, 2004 with the developer
and city staff. Staff recommends approval of OZ 04 -09 to change the zoning of the subject
property to OM (Office Medium Intensity District).
Ray Haynes moved to approve to rezone 66.42 acres to OM (Office Medium Intensity), the
motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Marilyn Hinkle — Yes
Duane Coppick - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
7. OZ 04 -10 — A request to rezone approximately 7.34 acres located in the southeast corner
of E. 96th St N. and N. Garnett Rd from AG to CS.
The Chair introduced the case and Duane presented the item. The development and
rezoning process was explained to the Commissioners. The Hunt Properties is requesting to
rezone 7.34 acres of addition property to incorporate into the Smith Farm Marketplace
development. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and legal advertisement
was published. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence from the public. Staff
recommends approval of OZ 04 -10 to change the zoning of the subject property from AG to
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Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the rezoning of approximately 7.34 acres, Ray Haynes
seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
8. Final Plat — A request from Hunt Properties for the review and approval of the Smith Farm
Marketplace final plat located in the southeast corner of E. 96th St. N. and N. Garnett Rd.
Duane presented the item and described the property location. Hunt Properties is
requesting approval of this Final Plat which consists of 15 lots and three reserve areas, in
two blocks on 66.23 acres, more or less. To accommodate the Garnett Road improvement,
the plat has dedicated 60' of Right -of -Way. The Final Plat was reviewed at the Owasso
Technical Advisory Committee on July 28, 2004. The following comments were provided:
1. Community Development — Correct typos in the covenants; change the "City of
Broken Arrow" to read "City of Owasso ";
2. Community Development — Provide proper addressing for the lots;
3. Community Development — Illustrate a 24' Mutual Access Easement along the
entire length of the northern portion of Lots 1 -3 connecting N. Garrett Rd. to N.
121 St E. Ave. along the back of the proposed development;
4. Community Development — Show a 25' Building Setback Line along either side
of N. 121st E. Ave.
Staff recommends approval of the Smith Farm Marketplace Final Plat subject to the
successful execution of the above comments. Stormwater detention was discussed briefly.
Mr. Khoury explained if the final plat is approved the development will have 3 detention
facilities Reserve A, B and C.
Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the final plat subject to the above staff and TAC
recommendations. Also subject to providing a mutual access easement on the lots in Block
2, Ray Haynes seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
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9. Site Plan— A request from Hunt Properties for the review and approval of a site plan
proposing commercial /retail development in the southeast corner of E. 96th St. N. and N.
Garnett Rd.
The Chair introduced the case and Duane gave staff review. Surrounding land use and
zoning was described. Duane explained the development process and site plan review
process. The proposed development consists of five independent structures, with the largest
being 453,174 sq. ft. and houses the primary retailers. Primary access to each commercial
space will be derived from N. 121st St. N. Drainage details are being reviewed. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at the July 28, 2004 regular meeting.
The following comments were provided:
1. Community Development — Reduce the entrance lane count on N. 121 st E. Ave.
from two to one, essentially eliminate the stripe.
2. Community Development — Provide an even distribution of Handicap parking
stalls throughout the northern development parking lot.
3. Community Development — Phase out the middle turn lane as N. 121st E. Ave.
transitions to the existing roadway north of the subject property.
4. Community Development — Provide access details to the parking stalls along the
eastern side of the proposed development on Lot 8 of Block 2.
5. Public Works — Provide an as -built survey of detention ponds to ensure the
ponds capacity corresponds to original design capacity.
6. Community Development — Provide mutual access easements along all shared
boundary lines between buildable lots in Block 2.
Staff recommends approval subject to the above Staff and TAC recommendations. Mr.
Khoury addressed some concerns regarding drainage plans. Joe Neely with Owasso Public
Works Department gave a brief review on the widening project of N. Garnett Road.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above Staff and TAC comments
being met. Also subject to the following:
1. Create a mutual access for Lot 8 and Lot 9 of Block 2 or eliminate the parking
spaces on the eastside of the building.
2. Require pole lights be fully shielded, not to exceed 40 feet with flat lens.
3. Provide landscaped islands for pole lights.
Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
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10. Site Plan — A request from Sonic Restaurants, Inc. for the review and approval of a site plan
proposing a Sonic Drive -in restaurant at 13314 E. 116th St. N.
Chairperson Haynes presented the item and Duane described the property location. The site
plan review process was explained. The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,526 sq ft
building to serve 29 park and order spaces and a drive through lane. The Technical
Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their July 28, 2004 meeting. The following
comments were provided.
1. Community Development — Place the sidewalk along E. 116th St. N. one foot
inside the R -O -W.
2. Community Development — Eliminate the existing unused drive directed at the
property from the arterial.
3. Public Works — Ensure that the drainage plans for the Sonic Site are consistent
with the overall drainage plan for the Garrett Creek development.
4. Oklahoma Natural Gas — Move the gas meter to the front of the building.
Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the above execution of TAC
comments. The Sonic drive through window concept was discussed. Also discussed
briefly was the location of the grease trap.
Ray .Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the Staff and TAC comments being
met. Also subject to ensure safe traffic flow, create a "right turn only" at the north end
entrance. Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
11. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity.
12. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council.
13. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso.
Mr. Rodney Ray addressed the Commissioners regarding the Owasso City Employees
dedication concerning the correction of stormwater runoff problems.
14. Adjournment — Ray Haynes moved, Duane Coppick seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
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Ray Haynes - Yes
Kevin Vanover - Yes
Duane Coppick — Yes
Marilyn Hinkle - Yes
y -o
The motion carried.@ and the *ieeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.
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