HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004.03.08_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 8, 2004 Owasso City Hall Annex 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Dale Prevett out @ 8:OOPM Marilyn Hinkle Kevin Vanover Duane Coppick MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Duane Cuthbertson Eric Wiles Rickey Hayes Dan Salts Marsha Hensley Ron Cates Rodney Ray The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on February 27, 2004 at 12:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2004 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 9, 2004 Regular Meeting, Dale Prevett moved, seconded by Ray Haynes to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 2004 SPECIAL MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of March 1, 2004 Special Meeting, Marilyn Hinkle moved, seconded by Ray Haynes to approve the minutes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Abstain Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0, Abstain - 1. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 2004 Page No. 2 5. OA 04 -02 - A request for the approval of an annexation of 42 acres located in the northwest corner of E. 106' St. N. and U. S. Highway 169. The Chair introduced the item and Duane Cuthbertson gave the staff review. The applicant is requesting this annexation petition in order to begin a process that will result in the development of facilities to the site which would include an addition to the existing church, private faith -based school and day care and the addition of senior housing and sports fields. The applicant is aware that their entire site must meet city standards before any additional development is permitted. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within 300' of property. On February 25, 2004 the Owasso Annexation Committee unanimously recommended approval of the request. Mr. Mike Culbreath was present on behalf of the applicant. Staff recommends approval of OA 04 -02 to annex the subject property into the city limits of Owasso. Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation request (OA 04 -02), seconded by Dale Prevett. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 6. OA 04 -03 - A request for the approval of an annexation of approximately 29.8 acres located in the 12300 block of N. Garnett Road, immediately north of the Country Estates VI addition. The Chair introduced the case and Duane presented the item. The applicant is requesting this annexation petition in order to begin a process that will result in the development of a single - family subdivision similar to the Country Estates additions. If annexed, any development proposed for the property would be required to meet the Owasso Zoning Code and the Owasso Subdivision Regulations and any appropriate site engineering standards. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within 300' of property. On February 25, 2004 the Owasso Annexation Committee unanimously recommended approval of the request. The applicant's engineer was present. Staff recommends approval of OA 04 -03 to annex the subject property into the city limits of Owasso. Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation request (OA 04 -03), Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 2004 Page No. 3 Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Chairperson Haynes requested Item #12, to be heard at this time. 7. Consider appropriate action relating to a proposed change of the zoning ordinance. Eric Wiles, Community Development Director, reviewed the staff report. He stated that staff was directed to revisit Section 650 of the Owasso Zoning Code and present a proposed amendment to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Zoning Code states no sexually- oriented business shall be located within 500 ft of a church, school, or park, or within 300 ft of areas zoned residential or within 300 ft of a nonarterial street. Staff recommends increasing the required distance between the businesses and churches, schools, and parks from 500 ft to 1,000 ft, between the businesses and residentially *zoned areas from 300 ft to 1,000 ft, and between the businesses and nonarterial streets providing access to residentially -zoned areas from 300 ft to 1,000 ft. Chairperson Haynes asked if there were any questions or concerns from the Commissioners or the public in attendance. Mr. Michael Loffer, a nearby property owner requested the definition of a sexual - oriented business. He also inquired about the 1,000 -foot requirement whether it would be measured from the front door of a church sanctuary or the corner of the building. Following a brief discussion, Ray Haynes moved to approve the amendment of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 650 - Location of Sexually- Oriented Businesses. Duane Coppick seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 8. OZ 04-02- A request for approval to rezone approximately 35.3 acres located south and west of the southwest corner of E. 96`h St. N. and N. 1291h E. Ave. adjacent to the east side of U.S. Highway 169 from RS -3 /OM to CS. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 2004 Page No. 4 The Chair introduced the case and Duane gave staff review. If the application is approved, the property would be zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on February 12, 2004 and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. No phone calls or correspondence in opposition were received. Mr. Steve Compton with Tyann Development was present to answer any questions. Staff recommends approval of OZ- 04 -02, rezoning approximately 35.3 acres, from OM /RS -3 to CS. Dale Prevett moved to approve the rezoning of 35.3 acres, from OM /RS -3 (Office Medium Intensity/Single Family Residential) to CS (Commercial Shopping). Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 9. Lot Split (OLS 04-03) - A request for the approval of a Lot Split for property located '/a mile east of U. S. Highway 169 on the south side of E. 116`' St. N. The Chair introduced the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The requested lot split is in anticipation of the current owners selling the property to a buyer interested in developing a bank outlet on the site. The applicant proposes to split off a parcel of property containing 1.78 acres. During the review process the Oklahoma State Department of Transportation was given the opportunity to provide input as the proposed new lot would be accessed from a state highway. Mr. Pete Kourtis of Owasso Land Trust was present to answer any questions. Staff recommends approval of the Lot Split request. Access into the property was discussed briefly. Mr. Kourtis explained that access will be on the east side of the property. Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split. Kevin Vanover seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 2004 Page No. 5 10. Lot Split (OLS 04 -04) - A request for the approval of a Lot Split for property located in the northeast corner of the U. S. Highway 169 service road and E. 103`d St. N. in the Coffee Creek Addition. The Chair introduced the case and Duane gave the staff review. The property location was described. The applicant to requesting approval of a lot split proposing to create a separate parcel of property containing approximately 3.27 acres within the Coffee Creek development. The requested lot split is in anticipation of selling the property to a buyer interested in developing a bowling alley on the site. Staff recommends approval of the lot split request. Ray Haynes moved to approve the Lot Split request, Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 11. Site Plan (Twenty First Properties) - A request for the review and approval of a Site Plan proposing an addition retail building in the Mingo Valley Shopping Center located in the northeast corner of U.S. Hwy 169 and E. 86d' Street North. The Chairperson presented the item and Duane reviewed the staff report. The owner /applicant is requesting a review of this site plan for the addition of an 8,400 sq. ft. retail building in the southwestern corner. The site will be served water and sewer by the City of Owasso. The Board of Adjustment approved a variance in January 2004 allowing the southwest corner of the structure to encroach upon the western boundary's 50' setback requirement. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan and recommended approval with the following conditions: 0. Community Development - Provide a sidewalk along the U.S. Hwy 169 service road for the length of the pad site. 0. Community Development - Be aware that no additional free standing signage will be allowed with this additional building unless it is in coordination with an overall Shopping Center sign plan. 0. Public Works - Revise the site plan to illustrate a sanitary sewer connection in the southeast corner of the building as that is the location of the sanitary sewer. Discussion was held regarding the requirement of a sidewalk along the property line adjacent to the Owasso Expressway service road. Mr. Greg Simmons with Twenty First OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March S, 2004 Page No. 6 Properties was present on behalf of the applicant. Commissioner Vanover expressed concern with the lack of landscaping on the site plan. Mr. Simmons stated that landscaping the parking lot islands would be considered. He also explained that the asphalt would be excavated before the foundation is laid and a 35' driving lane in the rear of the proposed building. The developer also proposes to add 14 parking spaces in front of the building which will include the required amount of handicapped accessible spaces. Ray Haynes moved to approve the Site Plan subject to the TAC and Staff recommendations being met, Dale Prevett seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Dale Prevett - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. The following was submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on February 27, 2004. Chairperson Haynes requested this item to be heard last. 12. Consider appropriate action related to the election of a Vice Chairman and Secretary. The By -Laws of the Owasso Planning Commission state that the Commission shall have a chairperson, vice - chairperson and secretary. The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Vice - Chairperson. Dale Prevett was nominated by Ray Haynes, with the nomination being seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and Dale Prevett was elected Vice - Chairperson by acclamation. The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Secretary. Marilyn Hinkle was nominated by Ray Haynes with the nomination being seconded by Kevin Vanover. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and Marilyn Hinkle was elected Secretary by acclamation. 13. Report on monthly building permit activity. 14. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 15. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 2004 Page No. 7 16. Adjournment - Dewey Brown moved, Ray Haynes seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Kevin Vanover - Yes Duane Coppick - Yes The motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM. Chairper , o Secretary Date