HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.11.07_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 7, 1995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given Rev Bill Stinson, Associate Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Burris. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D Cates, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17. 1995 REGULAR MEETING. OCTOBER 26. 1995 SPECIAL MEETING. AND OCTOBER 30. 1995 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $37,357.79; (2) Workers Comp Self-Ins Fund $15,209.78; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,273.44; (4) E-911 $1,846.55; (5) City Garage $4,664.63; (6) Capital Improvements $1,973.27; (7) Capital Projects Grant $310.00; (8) Interfund Transfers $3,666.47; (9) Interfund Transfers $25,887.50; (10) General Fund Payroll #1 $107,597.43; (11) General Fund Payroll #2 $106,610.84; (12) City Garage Payroll #1 $2,085.46; (13) Garage Payroll #2 $2,064.54. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Helm, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING VANDALISM. Mr Harry Miller of 305E 19th St addressed the Council concerning vandalism to his property, and speeding on 19th St. Mr Miller requested that some action be taken to curb the vandalism and speeding problem. Council directed staff to work with the Police Chief on these problems, perhaps holding a neighborhood meeting or setting up a neighborhood watch. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RELOCATION OF THE NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY COMPANY. SUCH IMPROVEMENTS FUNDED THROUGH A CDBG-ED GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Bids were opened on October 26, 1995 for roadway and utility improvements for the NSP building. The City was awarded a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to fund water and sewer improvements, and from the Department of Transportation for construction of the roadway and box culvert bridge. Six firms submitted bids, however, one firm bid on the water line portion only. Bids were evaluated and the recommendation was to award the contract to the low bidder, Yocham Enterprises of Sapulpa, OK. When questioned by Mayor Burris about awarding each portion of the contract separately, Mr Carr said the bid documents did not indicate that portions of the work could be awarded to separate bidders, but rather that the total project be awarded. City Attorney Ron Cates concurred with that statement. Councilor Ramey said that it would be difficult to coordinate the water, sewer, and roadway portions of the project if they were awarded to separate bidders. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to award a contract to Yocham Enterprises, Sapulpa, Ok in the lump sum amount of $180,772.74 for the construction of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP project. 2 Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 AYE: Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE GRANTING OF A UTILITY RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR THE LOCATION OF A WATER LINE FOR THE NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY PROJECT, GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH AND EAST NSP PROPERTY LINES. National Steak and Poultry has granted an easement to the City of Owasso for construction of approximately 1350 LF of 8" water line along the north and east property lines. The original plat did not include the easement. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to accept the above mentioned water line easement on the NSP property. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE OFF-SITE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE BAILEY RANCH ESTATES SUBDIVISION. Mr Groves reported that the on-site sewer lines serving Bailey Ranch Estates were accepted by the City Council on December 20, 1994. There was a delay in the completion of the off-site utilities because of the bankruptcy of the original contractor. The bonding company completed the improvements under the performance bonds for the project. Upon completion of the utility installation, the lines were inspected by city staff and passed all testing procedures. Mr Cates said that a problem occurred because the maintenance bond form used is one taken from the standard City of Owasso bid documents and makes reference to "Owner", which is not defined in the bond but is understood throughout the entire bid document. Since this form does not specify who the Owner is, the bonding company must clarify that the City of Owasso is Owner and that must be documented in writing. He said that the requirement has been met. A second issue relates to some items that remain to be completed. Following the walk-through inspection, a punch list of items needing completion was developed. Because of some misunderstandings between the bonding company and the developer concerning those things remaining to be done, the bonding company placed the City on notice of an intent to file a lien on the public improvements. Mr Cates advised that the acceptance of this public improvement become effective only upon the release of any lien interest that Mid-Continent Casualty (the bonding company) might have. Mr Ewing asked about the items to be completed. Mr Groves said that 3 Owasso City Council they aze not items that contribute to the associated with ground cover and debris. acceptance of the off-site sanitary sewer November 7, 1995 workings of the system, but rather aze minor items Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to deny line serving Bailey Ranch Estates. Discussion on the motion followed. Jeff Tuttle, Engineer for Bailey Ranch Estates, and also one of the owners, said that the contractor (bonding company) has threatened to file a lien because they have not received final payment. The developer does not want to make final payment until the city accepts the improvements. Mr Tuttle asked that the city not deny acceptance of the project because of the minor items on the punch list. Mayor Burris asked how long it would take to complete the items on the punch list and Mr Groves responded that there is approximately one day's work to be done. Mr Tuttle said that he could have the work completed in one day if the improvements aze accepted. Mayor Burris called for a vote on the motion to deny acceptance. AYE: Ewing NAY: Burris, Helm, Baznhouse, Ramey The motion was defeated 4-1. Mr Ramey moved to accept the off-site sewer line for Bailey Ranch Estates with the condition that the punch list be completed as soon as possible, and conditioned upon the receipt of a release of lien by Mid-Continent Casualty. Motion seconded by Mr Helm. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion cazried 5-0, and the off-site sewer line for Bailey Ranch Estates was accepted with the stated conditions. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF SOFTWARE FOR WATER LINE MODELING. Staff recommended the purchase of a water distribution modeling softwaze package to be placed on the computer system in the engineering department. This softwaze will allow for water flow and pressure condition data evaluation for each new subdivision within the city prior to completion of the construction plans and approval of the final plat. Such an evaluation assists the city in providing adequate water service to all customers. Also needed will be an expansion of the CAD hazd drive from 250 megabytes to 1000 megabytes at an approximate cost of $250, and a lazger monitor at an approximate cost of $900. Funds have been budgeted for those two items. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the purchase of a 1000 pipe CYBERNET water distribution system modeling softwaze package from Haestad Methods Inc, Waterbury, CT, in the amount of $1995, and authorization for payment. 4 Owasso City Council AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. November 7, 1995 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF A 1996 CHEVROLET CAPRICE FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The FY95-96 operating budget for the Owasso Police Department contains funding in the capital outlay section for the purchase of one police patrol vehicle. Funds have also been budgeted. for the emergency equipment for the vehicle. The state bid for full size police cars is the Chevrolet Caprice from Quality Chevrolet in Yukon, OK. The police department sent a letter of intent to Quality Chevrolet in June for the purchase of one vehicle, contingent upon approval of the 1995- 96 budget. The request was honored, however, demand for the vehicles exceeded the supply. Therefore, Chevrolet manufactured additional police units, but they are 1996 models since the 1995 model year had closed. Because a 1995 vehicle had been reserved for Owasso and then sold to another department, the 1996 vehicle is being made available at the 1995 state bid price. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the purchase of a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicle from Quality Chevrolet, Yukon, OK, at the 1995 state bid price of $16,492, and authorization for payment. AYE: Helm, Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #516. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO CS COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER) AND OL (OFFICE LIGHT), SUCH PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE, CONTAINING 16.9 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. At the October 17, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG to OL and CS on approximately 16.9 acres of land located east of the southeast corner of 86th St N and 129th E Ave. Ordinance #516 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve Ordinance #516. 5 Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PARK 5IGNAGE POLICY. Because of banners or signs being placed on fences surrounding city parks, damage is occurring to those fences. Staff recommended that City Council adopt a policy for the placement of banners. The proposed policy allows banners to be placed on the outfield fences for the entire season of the sport for which they are permitted, providing they meet specific design standards. Size of banners would be limited to 3' x 5', containing blow-through holes. A permit fee of $5.00 would be charged for temporary banners not exceeding three days time, and $25.00 for seasonal banners. Exemptions from the permit requirement would be allowed for community interest/awareness campaigns or promotional signs placed by the City of Owasso. A request was made from the audience to also allow school championship teams to be exempted from the fee. Mr Ramey requested that staff develop a proposal to present to Council for some type of permanent sign at to be erected at Rayola Field that would depict state or conference championship teams, and allow for the addition of years in which future championships are won. Mr Ramey moved to approve the Policy Statement regarding park signs banners, with the addition of an exemption that would allow for school championship banners at no fee. Motion seconded by Mr Ewing. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: Helm Motion carried 4- l . ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Chief Alexander reported on the Veteran's Day Service to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 11, 1995 at Fairview Cemetery. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 17: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS No report. 6 Owasso City Council ITEM 18: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 19: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 20: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None November 7, 1995 Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Ch es L Burris, Mayor Marcia outwell, City Clerk 7