HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.05.18_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 18, 1993 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 18, 1993 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 1993. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Girl Scout Troop #283. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Bob Randolph, Mayor John Phillips, Vice Mayor Jim Smalley, Councilmember Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilmember Charles Burns, Councilmember ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF May 4, 1993 REGULAR MEETING. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 5: R~ZUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS John Phillips moved, seconded by Jim Smalley, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) General Fund $22,407.12 and Interfund Transfers $162.50; (2) Workers' Compensation Self- Owasso City Council May 18, 1.993 Insurance Plan $783.40; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $39.50 and Interfund Transfers $3,386.14; (4) Capital Improvements Fund $350.00; (5) City Garage $3,135.30; (6) General Fund Payroll $87,183.47; (7) City Garage Payroll $3,383.48. AYE: Phillips, Smalley, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING RECYCLING Jennifer Worley and Mary Ross, representing Girl Scout Troop #283 addressed the Council concerning the recycling of plastics. They requested that the City of Owasso consider recycling plastics at the Recycle Center. Co-leaders of the troop are Cindy Stephens and Trudy Sparks. ITEM 7: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL ON A MATTER RELATING TO THE IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A STORM DRAINAGE- WAY LOCATED PARALLEL TO FORREST DRIVE SOUTH OF FOURTH STREET Patricia Marlar addressed the Council on behalf of Ms Nancy Wampole and Ms Marie Fields, who reside along the drainage ditch. She suggested that the drainage ditch has not been properly maintained, therefore the water does not properly flow from the ditch. A request was made to make sure there are sufficient funds in the budget to clear and maintain the ditch. It was also suggested that the City consider exceeding the amount in the capital improvements budget to make sure the ditch is clear and properly sloped. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN ASPHALT SURFACE ON THE ENTRANCE ROAD TO THE OWASSO SPORTSPARK Contract documents and bid specifications have been completed for an asphalt surface on the west 26' of the existing entrance road to the Owasso SportsPark. Specifications call for 4" of Type "A" asphalt on that portion of the road, with the remainder being done at some time in the future. After the entire road has been asphalted, a final wearing surface will be added. Charles Bums moved to authorize the solicitation of bids for the asphalt paving of the Owasso SportsPark entrance road. Motion was seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 2 Owasso City Council May 18, 1993 ITEM CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE ZUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE DESIGNATION OF THE OWASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AS A "PROJECT SAFE-PLACE" FACILITY Chief Allen and Firefighter DeMauro requested that the Owasso Fire Station be designated as a "Project Safe-Place" facility. This would be a place where teenagers would be able to go for help with any kind of trouble they might be having. When a young person goes into a Safe Place and asks for help, an employee calls the Tulsa Youth Services, whose staff will send a trained volunteer to the site the assist the youth and take appropriate action. There is no direct cost to the City for such a program. Jim Smalley moved, seconded by Charles Burns, to designate the Owasso Fire Department as a Project Safe Place facility. AYE: Smalley, Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 1 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE A "DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST" WITH THE DISTRICT COURT IN THE MATTER OF HUD VS LADONNA DANIELS. ET AL The City has been served as a co-defendant in a legal action wherein the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking foreclosure on property owned by LaDonna Daniels and others. At one time the City held a cleaning and mowing assessment lien on the property, however, that lien has been satisfied. The disclaimer is a document that states that the City has no claim against the property and no interest in the property in any form. This removes the City from the legal action. A question was raised concerning easements on the property. Mr Cates was instructed to modify the disclaimer to reflect the City's interest in easements. Jim Smalley moved to authorize the City Attorney to file a Disclaimer of Interest in the above-referenced matter. Motion was seconded by Charles Burris. AYE: Smalley, Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FY 1993-94 LABOR CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND FOP LODGE #149 On March 2, 1993 the Council authorized the City Manager to conduct labor contract negotiations with the FOP and established parameters for those negotiations. Negotiations have 3 Owasso City Council May 18, 1993 been concluded and an agreement has been reached. That agreement has been ratified by a vote of the lodge, and staff recommended Council approval of the contract. Charles Bums moved that the Council approve the contract between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 and that the Mayor be authorized to execute such document. Motion was seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF ANA TION TAKEN BY THE CITY MANAGER WHEREIN THE MANAGER EX EEDED THE SPENDING AUTHORITY ALLOWED BY CODE BY AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO A CITY AMBULANCE On April 27, one of the two ambulance had a fuel system problem and had to be taken out of service. It was taken to Don Thornton Ford for an estimated cost of repairs. The estimated cost of those repairs was $1200, which exceeds the City Manager's spending authority. Because of the emergency situation created by having an ambulance out of service, the City Manager authorized the repairs, and placed this item on the Council agenda to ratify that action. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to ratify the action of the City Manager relating to the expenditure of funds for ambulance repairs. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carved 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #460, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED ORDINANCE (~53) RELATING TO THE VACATION OF RIGHT- OF-WAY BETWEEN BLOCKS 9 & 10 OF GREENLEE'S ADDITION In 1964, Ordinance #53 was adopted closing the public right-of--way referenced above. The property owners who requested this action, did not follow through and process the action through District Court. A descendant of one of the original property owners recently began the process to complete this action. In doing so, it was discovered that the original ordinance (#53) contained an error in the legal description. Therefore, Ordinance #460 was brought to the Council to correct that error. John Phillips moved the adoption of Ordinance #460. Motion was seconded by Jim Smalley. 4 Owasso City Council May 18, 1993 AYE: Phillips, Smalley, Burris, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE VEST THAT THE STAFF BE AUTHORIZED TO DEVELOP DOCUMENTS TO PRESENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL PROVIDING FOR A CONDTI'IONAL GRANT TO THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $400000, SUCH GRANT TO BE RETURNED TO THE CITY OF OWASSO IN ADDITION TO INTEREST PAYMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE GRANT DOCUMENTS. The City of Owasso maintains 12 funds that currently have reserves or contain restricted monies. These funds have increased to a level that allows the City to begin making long-term investments that produce a higher interest income for the City. However, current interest rates are so low that return on traditional investments would not produce an income much higher than what is now being received. One of the alternatives researched by staff was a "conditional grant" to the Owasso Public Golf Authority, which would yield a higher return on the investment and would allow additional funds for the golf course project and provide cash for start-up of the course. After determining that there were no legal barriers to such a grant, the City Attorney, OPWA Financial Advisor, and Bond Counsel agreed to work together to produce an agreement for a conditional grant. All five OPGA Trustees were present, and the Chairperson spoke in favor of the grant. Owasso bankers were also positive about the concept. Following discussion, Mayor Randolph moved to authorize the staff to develop documents relating to a conditional grant as set forth in the agenda for presentation to the Council in June. Motion was seconded by Charles Bums. AYE: Randolph, Burns, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO DESIGNATE THE MAYOR AS THE CITY'S CERTIFYING OFFICER AS PROVIDED FOR BY THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SIGNING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS TO COMPLETE THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MAX BUCHANAN CDBG- ED GRANT. PROJECT #5252. This item was placed on the agenda to designate the Mayor as the certifying officer to sign the Environmental Certification and Release of Funds Request and to make findings of No Significant Environmental Impact and Exemption of Administrative and Engineering Services 5 Owasso City Council May 18, 1993 in regard to the infrastructure improvements connected with the Max Buchanan site development. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to so designate the Mayor as the certifying officer for the Max Buchanan infrastructure project. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST THAT A FINDING OF "NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT" WILL OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THE MAX BUCHANAN PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR A FINDING BY THE CITY COUNCIL THAT ADMINISTRATIVE AND ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATING TO PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 AMAX BUCHANAN INFRASTRUCTURE GRANTI ARE EXEMPTED FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT OF 1969 DUE TO THE NATURE OF THESE ACTIVITIES AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH "24 CFR PART 58". ITEM 1g: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE FOR PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 (MAX BUCHANAN INFRASTRUCTURE GRANTZ ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A "REQUEST FOR THE RELEASE OF FUNDS', AND THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENTS AS REQUIRED TO GAIN A RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN "ANTIDISPLACEMENT PLAN" FOR PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 (MAX BUCHANAN INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A "MANAGEMENT PLAN" FOR PROJECT #5252 CDBG-ED92 (MAX BUCHANAN INFRASTRUCTURE GRANTI. Owasso City Council May 18, 1993 Items 16-21 are a series of steps that have to be taken in order for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to release the CDBG funds for the infrastructure improvements connected with the Max Buchanan site development. All are house cleaning type items. Charles Bums moved that items 16-21 be consolidated and that Council approve the recommendation of staff on each item as set forth in the agenda. Motion seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 22: No report. ITEM 23: No report. ITEM 24: None. ITEM 24: None. ITEM 25: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY UNFIl~TISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT John Phillips moved, seconded by Charles Bums to adjourn. AYE: Phillips, Burris, Smalley, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ~~.=,.--c~~ ob Randolph, Mayor Marcia outwell, City Clerk 7