HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.10.18_Planning Commission Minutes'0 IIAILIAN TJIUVWay. October 18, Wbu, 7700 01, 'WaHsu Comannity Kente't., hay VIayivv,,, Pat fmbrimyy� Vilapiran Wil toy STAFF PRESVWV Steve foug"= Marcia Doatwvk� Who Wnn Uie afsolaia for Wal WoUlug TO= r,ushed to tW vQNSEOD City tin! I MY S Codai, un KIWIM01, Q, KAR)" 1- UALI 11) ORDEb, fkl-fl) (Alf, (Thalramui flay Haynes eallad Khe Wouting to nrder at 7:00 p.m. av& derointred a viuuYniat jn�escnvt- AVIqWIJ('/'-kJI 1101, -t ' HTNOTEW (W [19PTWH39R Q), U99) 10,r vbmuAnriun w3vicaped the mlnuQ.-�.,' o't , J"-'I"9'v)' 1 (' Ambria"o moved, sevounded by Clary V1011s, W approve the my"Mus vy� Wri t hen. A vow on thn motion wao zwecir"Ied as fallovhn� Put imbriann Wry Wells Y e Raw lWynes Y e The qwtiun Uarried AM, A for a Reviev of the Preliminary Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center, 1h, Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of 76th Street North and. North 122nd East Avenue, Hlynes introduced the case and staff reviewed the back- ground. The applicant is requesting a Preliminary Plat review for Wts 1. -5 , 1, Baptist Retirement Center I'f , a. dup&x dwelling area. The applicant is subniitting preliminary drawings the development; howevei4 a Yinal Plat will b,,,,-,, submitted on lots 1 15, Block 1 only. Tl'iC-' Adv:.I.sory committee reviewed the P.'L.,,tt al.. their Wtoher 10, They reconmended approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the following concerns: 1) There will be a need to dedicate a general. utility easement frain 76th Street to the sa.,ibiec.t lot.s. the purpose of providing utility access to said lots,, 2) There will be a need to dedicate easements for all off- site public utilities and receive approval of the final constructioxi plan.s for sanitary stormwater drainage.. Uwaoso Planning Commission Mirvoten ()f October 18, 1990 Page .,i' 3) That the final approval of the preliminary non8urnptioik plans be subject to thw KiLy Ruglueer"s final reylow and app) qYVII L - 1) Thn covenants WU neml inj toe amanslov to Ancivuh) P(A, unloj, t., .>.., additionzy propossul Q 003 apvliciantn in, their lohtey� blkt '15so 1"FePeumns K) Kable TV's nou ml emonmontly and a minknum k"yar yard (oil :w shouid he lidded. y r onneE tu nrear ovitibin phann 'I U11CRILd bp daQW-0- Much of Uo Enqiinem,_'. hanni) now been imd, mid Btaf,"i approval of the plat. The applicanL, David Hall, anid' c on"ISee er, 1T.W. Stennis, gunstions. Area residents Jim DawnHy. Vic Keonning, do Knonning, =1 Jnek presenL mul expmossual concerns atwu t Um dvaillage in Up) nreol. P'ollowing a LeDgWy discussiou, Ray Haynm� lUO40NI t!"A tjya prmliminary plaL b", approved nubjnrt tu TAI_: CKARMWARIX ions. Thn mutiun dind Qw? look of a owvnwal. khriser d0wuEaton On drainage cant! water 104 antion followed. TV-- applicant presented drainage plans for vallowing 1"ArTiver discusoinn mu l a raview of Lhe drainage pjans, Pat Jmbriarm moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Oklahoma, HapLi6L Retirem: nu Center 11, subject to the above noted onncorn,,.:� oaul ccuRiihlona. 1:,)y o'f-i tilhuo mntion was reuuraed as follows: Pat imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 8-0, 4,. M11"At'.31 _1 R. i 1 G_MNTER.120141 - A requeat for a Review of the Final Plat for Mingo Valley C,ey 1xicated North of the Northeast Corner of 86th Street North and the Mingo Valley Expressway., Chairman Haynes introduced the case and staff reviewed the back- ground. The applicant is requesting a Final Plat review for a, tract of land located Northeast and Northwest of the intersection of B6th Street North and 117th East Avenue,, 7he 'I"ecIhnic,,al Committee has reviewed the final plat and agreed upon all easement locations and widths. The City has received the document from the 1"c-,r the dedication of the right-of-way for 117th East, Avenuie mull. the ai-,tie-ri.ded language for Uh't�,-�_; of lkdiicatima referencing Wal-Hart"xis shared ire sponoibi -1.1, -L-,y t.he, of t1u; detention facility axi.d the mutual ance, (Wasso Planning Commission MinuroB of October 18. 1990 P finalized. Staii recommeumly aj4n,oval of the Vinal, Plat 1!?.. `P tw Kaff rev Tow and approval of the oc"plehad Wed of Dudicaticon, Vay Haynes U10,10d, Ewncolyled by Gary Well" to ajjnove Un Knal via", for blin8o Valley Shopping Center, suln1unk. tA) Staff i,miuni nrwwoval uf Lhe numpLoted Deed of Podication, A. V"Oho on tin, nuchlow vals 1"Onoylled ar, fulloyv�n Pat imbrianu Yn-, Gary h9olls Yes Ray Haynes Yes The wntion carriud 3-0- I Utility 2 1 Ora i I lago 1 Ilaynes introcluned the nany, aw statf reviewed Aw baekground. Thin case addresses A Hequest Ov EuHemoni utility easement that exists cni three sides of a small tract of Land that was split from the North end of Uit 1, VawaLions Banking Genter and a for Mingo Valley City for the detenti(wi Shop,ping (!enter, needed to handle the Mor ti{ wateir drainage from W,,iJ,- I a-'ril"", l.. ni.. t tun1 -".', Sbopping Center tract. Some t& the Northeast the applicant want--,,, Lo Urner of HP3th Stiniot North and the Mingo VaUoy Eivressway, I Utility 2 1 Ora i I lago 1 Ilaynes introcluned the nany, aw statf reviewed Aw baekground. Thin case addresses a request to vacate a, genora) utility easement that exists cni three sides of a small tract of Land that was split from the North end of Uit 1, Block 1, Liberkv Banking Genter and a drainage easement tint w,,�',is li'vy !Ahu,", City for the detenti(wi facility needed to handle the Mor ti{ wateir drainage from W,,iJ,- I a-'ril"", l.. ni.. t tun1 -".', Sbopping Center tract. Some of this land is now being platted and the applicant want--,,, Lo c,-I.eas-i t.q) some o.- ea(sements. Technical- Advisory Committee has reviewed these cases and a,�p Cr,C1"VE,)J,, of vacating the easements. Staff also recommends closure of both uasumenta Pat i all briano mcived, Eneronded by Gary Wells, to approve the vacation of both easements. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows., Pat Imbriano - Yeii Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 3-0- 11 Reqplest for a Site Plan Review for a Restaurant Located on Lot 13 Block -JIL, MJLr.ipo Valley SImITing Center- M011dwo of (010hoor 0, 191R) pnin "I 1%, is 1.0110 10,111 vn�'"Rwl On, Kim i I � '� " , J " t a r vn3 wi u v; ui L (at J n N ; w K hwo N i P can 1 ut v 0 t H H L h K t 1 Nochl, ain! AlYLb K,h Aveoue. Tho Q Ln plau lunp Nnov Evovinwq& Qo, a. Advioca�' UqnMILLOct, nod thwy 1 Unjund. oil movonol tanvi LiAmn foc 1 "y wok , VaUnwmg a puyinst 310 d0olumlynn, MY irw wouctil, ;nIrmInIcAl 1"', 4 11 V No 1 i Thn K him 3 1 Y Kh Uant Ava cntry r""d a 1 A pnw"o for a n:mss watev Kraunition djukulau KAwcatol KW 'V _ii kh ot VAIVI de"I&MY! Mrwnt ;pill tU s4happlom awntur s "WIVOW CIAVY dylve, 91in bwaild hu: NqAgrhid timing curb nn&gnUnr- y ThaIL Won oacusn dpWNvays otf tho entry otval in, ilnhun& �q tly KI) jv)" tc)p Qie, finniji clinivo asid 22 for Lho NorLh dinivu. Own>, rd"mild W AnAgin)d nuiNg c"kAj and wintum, W '11U, t� KRY ;UzPOVIN AnNawRyn alonly Khm 010M nivin KIP inqwt PuMned ill Vadth ho Lot lQuan and hVin yarviiw Int &Anro shnuh! N, closigumnA UVAng mam-and guLtwv. 4) ZOIL Or ThaL 0"M nimp Mavis Lao jonmAdis! MY tlo Wo dPlvvul :u: on, to ths wynt' "I ) FlIat; Film 1118 Prime, Sign je r " Now Nt Lu unlmxm Uiat At is loowt,ed outivide VwBult in the loss of uin jurbing space. 0) That the Light Package 010 locateci a 1 ang Lim WOE! L projerty line be moved to an outside of th(,-,t easement. it may be possible to field louaLe this light close Ko ,,ocation luring construction, 7) That a fAull be ap1q,ovod by Liu, UlLy Engineer pricir to the !Bsuanue of a building permit,, N ) That a. landsoape plan tie arproved fly Uun City Flarnley andl, inHtallad prior to occupancy.. 9) That three sets of building plat-i,-,-i be Tulsa City/County Health Department for their review and approval. 10) That the Final Plat for the Mingo VaKey Shopping Uenter be approved and pvoperly filed of reo0rd in the offA,ce of thel Wcomy Clark, Owasou Planning Connission Minirtes (if (MoLkyr M, 11190 1Qqqe b A vuhu an thn w(Whon was venunded as tullu=,: VaL Nbriano - y0e, Gary Wei! o L- M,, Hay tdasn flopoEkal AmtMh3ments bu the (AAM 'N kh"Unalyles iop hh"I KiQ 0'' in Parbiuulap', 1%vt U-Manuing. Zoning aivi Mvelopmeni,, Mapter A— Zoning Regu tat; ionvo, SeMlun 202---SiEgg Regulations w1uptynd, as rioune ineopporaten; Lar4juage of ChUirwrine Ember 310 , --t n d o d by :152, amending sawe Q,,, yUhstit"ALnq,-,!" 'R'C)-_i_rd M it,31,101 Mlann!! im. 10equiremento, Subsection "A- hirojewh lon DeFtlind Nulamwees; by unibst! Untine the ,S td'. lieu of tile (SILY Coulud.1 in Motion W- QvmtruntAon Subsectlun A -Area MaMer; by suhBti buting tho Board of Adjustumint jai lieu M Mo MNY under Sertion 6 -Monstvuntjon ReqyirempntH�, Awneut 1 oil H( 11) N a 1 a L i n in, Tempormiry Tsigns, "q, subshA hutlaq; the PIRnning Mixinission in Mi place of LKe flovexqiing 10dy n:il-' l-"di" (_),k]_ i � , i_!,i ­I,J_ons, Subsection A(1) subs t i tut l"a,"inlug Conuuission for taw) City counuU, -District Sign Regulations, Subseut.ion it In"I'y repealing Sections 7 and 13 Rotating WD Nonconforming., Sigirn cuid Appeal and Variance, Directing DeciarAng an EffecLive Date, Ile purpose of these proposed changes is to take the Uity Council (M of the review arul 'variance ; and responsibilities with the Planning Commission or Board a Adjustment. Staff recommends approval of the proposed changes Q') 1, s i, rd 1 nance. 9bere were IV) citizens Present, for Me, ,dhe ,, l,,,ri o Maring . Ray Haynes moved, secondet] 'by Pat T.t.li"Llriano to approved the proposed changes to the sign ordinance. A vote on the motion was recorded as followa:. Pat imbriana - Ye,­, Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes 11 -- -- - 3 portable wig.,n. Nc-�w [,`usineso Staff will begin developing a policy for nonsideration.. i 0 'Old I A