HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.09.20_Planning Commission MinutesWrY V01111 - Whi Vat imbriano yu"!� chmrAer WAIINY Y 0;, Ray HNWnOH - Yen; '1110 n"Sion aawr-hed TO; 3. MINGO VAILha SOWING QENT1,'UJy01Q - A Requenst for a WvW,'i at PTAI Vallev Shoppin, Center. Geuerall",/ Umated North of the Northeast. Corner of 8601 StreW North and the Mingo Valley Expressway. (31aWmAn Haynes c-iod, staff reviewed the hack. grc"nid. The applicant is requesting a, PreliminaiT Plat review for a tract of land located Northeast arul Northwest of the intersection, of BOU Stroet North aim! 117th East Avenaie. !'he proposed 1)00"' nunuisLs of one hloch­, a-i-icli twu, J.ots, both of which have access to public utilities. The applionnt expects to lot-split Lot 2, Blooli I in the future when specific uses and needs are identified. The Technioal Advisory Committee has reviewed the case and recommended approval of the ._nit plan subject -Lt:�) con'cerri"_'i beirtg Staff has also reviewed the case anc] uoncurs with the concerns of TA C. The owner of adjacent property has been in contact with staff MY We expressed concer."i the easenieril"'s 'by utility companies. Ted Sack, the applicant "s engineer was present, to a.nswer questions, and stated that they tire working with hh(_) Mility companies on the easement concerns. foul-ther disousision centered _. ­n, "khe ',nt,imAber of lots Wing platteKl raid potenatial. WO, splits, TwimAny, K&ITamhur 20. 000, 74H) Wi, JP3] IVJV"ffi 41-' _ ",';, 51%FF 1TESINT W(A. The numul"; ,,T. Lha on Kephunber 15. 1990, A. CA TO 14) ()RDhat AND Wid, UAW, (WaKiwin lay H"yriew calind W,, qw,053ty W) order at YWA p.m. and declared a quorum p' Wit`,_. AwIdAW, (14 '110 WNUPW (AY SAKAUT 16, LOW) lw WOUTWUll roviewed tile lnivulnnul ut Wagusi. 113' :1 � � '�) 0 AW hy YaM Awbuinuu, A u(TO oil ths WoLinn Was Ln appruvu tho w! niAna Y1,Y)WInd as f CIA 1 InAvn: as wy t LLHo WrY V01111 - Whi Vat imbriano yu"!� chmrAer WAIINY Y 0;, Ray HNWnOH - Yen; '1110 n"Sion aawr-hed TO; 3. MINGO VAILha SOWING QENT1,'UJy01Q - A Requenst for a WvW,'i at PTAI Vallev Shoppin, Center. Geuerall",/ Umated North of the Northeast. Corner of 8601 StreW North and the Mingo Valley Expressway. (31aWmAn Haynes c-iod, staff reviewed the hack. grc"nid. The applicant is requesting a, PreliminaiT Plat review for a tract of land located Northeast arul Northwest of the intersection, of BOU Stroet North aim! 117th East Avenaie. !'he proposed 1)00"' nunuisLs of one hloch­, a-i-icli twu, J.ots, both of which have access to public utilities. The applionnt expects to lot-split Lot 2, Blooli I in the future when specific uses and needs are identified. The Technioal Advisory Committee has reviewed the case and recommended approval of the ._nit plan subject -Lt:�) con'cerri"_'i beirtg Staff has also reviewed the case anc] uoncurs with the concerns of TA C. The owner of adjacent property has been in contact with staff MY We expressed concer."i the easenieril"'s 'by utility companies. Ted Sack, the applicant "s engineer was present, to a.nswer questions, and stated that they tire working with hh(_) Mility companies on the easement concerns. foul-ther disousision centered _. ­n, "khe ',nt,imAber of lots Wing platteKl raid potenatial. WO, splits, ;f1 '1. W VNIPLUIN)OV 01). USTo Kay"Y' !6"J'v � M I' Av�a-, �'J- Lc� ova kh a 0 in p L no n IQ JK' A, 1" K-3'_ I"[ Low j ivahmins being met:, _rte .t M141 A request for a Review 1 Voo Wli himp V 11 17 1) ennerm Uthilty pasomank Went, Kim North jw0ponvy, onamph t1w nxtremto West, wrojull 10 1X& V wlu�H lk will T& LOW aluag the North 11100 (it L!", Hntvy yv'wl: Tulsa County,, (Yk1abo:vna,. nzwomoot the e_. at sidn A: fw)t 1. ond NO, 4. Thia, camuhl j Hai- to a 1W vviWh selmom it, avcmsep thn entry ynmh renjuesting a Site Plan A - The arbiltimi "I a, 0! ponsmi L unil ity cuAwnwant, 1 j " a0hon V31 C 10, of the North pruperty line of 10A 1 robi extsWi1q; uornol-" the 117th Rost Avenue entry Pond,,, of a 1Y.5" general utility nnnnm�nt nlum' !Jm Anutneast prop"rty Line of Ilat 2� it, %w JOUNK Coll (A pank hvpnup,,. Kim 1 fghk oi, valy h1jr, Lila 1.10 np LQW, V, 91au rail 4 =C? LOA plovaronclu in 01 publAn RM USA lind privoto Ot UtTlihAes", j :1 1 - V� " add!Uiou ho Khoo Dound of %dinatinn rofervivne to Wal %rt-n ywopanolhiltty sun the maintanallee of t&r detention facility and the nmhual access pondways- 10LUm zKo"moled toy Pat lnd)riano. fir. thick quenLYmmul the (Junnission about utility easomcnLs on the Final Plat meeting tho iYajuiraimanks of the utility companins WEI agread to laidev "agntiatimm ourrenti-Ay oarried owt. A voto (ui tim motion wa,-E rounvinled as foJlclws� Ray Haynes Pat Inmriano - yeq,� Gary Wells - Yes Charles Willey - Yes, The motion carried 4-0 ft J"t _rte .t M141 A request for a Review of the Site Plan for the Addition uf a Counseling Center, Generally Located an Lots 1 thru 6, Bloc t-',, 1 of Elm Creek Amended, City of Owasso, Tulsa County,, (Yk1abo:vna,. Cimirwain Haynes intruduc-c , case ar& statf reviewed the bnak- ground. T.he is renjuesting a Site Plan Reirieu, for a. Qnwnh related counseling ami WnMorary &YU, ing! klenter. q 11 Owasso Plannina Commission Minutes of September 20, 1900 Page 13 propose! wouid lie to locate three buildings Oil Ill. site fronting on 123rd East Avenue. The proposal would also include a bridge over, tile (IiAlet" of the site to tie Lhe new Center to the oxisting church parking lot which is Located on the West side of the drainage ditch. Ths Tochuinal Advisory Committea has reviewso--_ the naso and identified several connerms. Staff has reviewed the-� i~ t> Plan and camicurs with Uni recommendaticni (if the TAU with Oddition of one iurhher crauiltion, the approval 1_)y fliu,"_'r",-'I "A: Adjnstment of a Special Exception he allow this use in a, residential area. TI-Aa Toil-! was 1wesent 't" o, explain to the Connission the pr,ipqnsed site plan. Vol Kwing discaulsion Cal tile propol.led w ]_Ls Charles Willey, to approvs the Site Plan for the Christian Church Counseling Center, subject to the following cnnditions� 1- That there be no paving over the easemont a]"I"o:i-,q,�', the draillage dit(Al alml special precautions in; tnkon N) protect t9:^ existinM g3 and electric lines located in this easeumut; 12. ThaL each of the Unyoo proposed Auildings he no larger that 3000 squnrm feet in siAus ruld that one handicapped par SS. ine, space be 1x rt. vided Fop enoh building, 13. 'Pilaf; D, Ew2reening fence and/or landscape buffer bl-� provided along tile South property line between the subj ENAL. tract and Ihe abutting single-family zoned lot., 4. That any bridge constructed ovar the drainage ditch muat be designed in such a manner that it does not restrict the design flow of the ditch. in addition, the bridge would bave to a.-,,,,l.(J constructed so 3_', wo',_tI(_-_". Paola the, runoff from a 100 -year frequency rainstorm under full urbanization; 5� That of At: i&_u­-,,,tment approve a request for a Special Exception to the Zoning Code -to ..1 ?...biz residential area,, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows,-. Gary Wells - Yes Pat imbrinnn - You Charles Willey - Yes Ray Baynes - Yes The motion carried 4-0. 5. 1!TE,kLAN,Bs B f §TR,STREET,TEXAQQ,iflllI - A Request for, a Review of the Site Plan for the Addition of a Star laTe Facility, Qvaoca) Mnnaing Minuten ()! Septumber 20. 10Y) Yd kknolvilly QHMM Im II)t X , !"junk, 12, Manam 15113hunnt jinvk, ati Addition to LM Gity ul' 14010 M? 4i (MMUmv, MuMmmAn Havvlcuv lromocb)ned i4m; ea: wQ wild U&M nNyvionaNA MV: 11M applicant its t"nvuy"Knp it Shilo !`Jl l '11"'-�"'_i�:�--'%' "-o:' WiLlAm Lij Mmip roxjuting kociLitius 01 p stand ajono, qujop 1,Uo-- fall k! ing. DO" Bob AvOrMild of Mxa= was prcuiont ho Hrv�wwj- (Ixplaln of", acpVtepl, ill Me fu tv 1 Inavy GOMM than rov i awed K hi LS raval it t thc-11, Septumbov An, 190"? Heveral cl ti. ninno", Shr"KV has MKO povicintcul Khov; Elite Plum axid Alickimb" SM Man Nobject im t1w following-,, Charlen Willey - Yes, Pat Imbriano - Yes, Gary Wells - Ray Haynes - ym:' 1%0 Untion 4 OMM 4-0. Owasso Planning Commission on' 20. WN) Page 5 ANNEXATION REVIEWS, il Trao A of 1MUL31", UnAahcal Dkrth Ulf dam; tu,-,� khth East AvHnuo,. 'Clio 11PIP10nult On requesting, CkL this TAVIO-aeve tract Located npivro :Li ately 1/4 mile WorLh o f tkw 14hhh Enu3t Avennia and 86tb Street Nca,tk, It, is valmant and it, Po ko UP lonation Kr hole new Owasm) conumh WE PAY,, Nazarene. it is suvrounded an three side by thn City of (AnoBo_ this oase at their Augum 30, tau! rehoonnuenchy! that the tract be annexed, recumnmmd tc, Counnil annonation m: Lhis ttncL. The motion was seconded by Gapy WeAhm, and D vote n-n tim MoLion Wns rHoordud am follows: charinm Willey - ym� Gary We!Q - Yeti Pat imbriano - ynf2, Ray Uayues - 91. motion carried 4-0, 7 " I _!_ , 1, Val Lay Expresswax -Way Between 76th. Streel, North and 96th Street #}„'. 3, March 30, 1969 t A . e<; QJ..(,-),n City annex the Mingo Valley Expressway right-of-way i'�b8 . 76th Street North and 86th Street North. The City of Owasso, with the consent of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, is makin,,-_), this request to annex €aJgl-rvtiay righto-of-way thaL pass through the community. Since thalt­, tinle the propoE,,�al h.as been to include those parts of Old Hwy 169 between 03t3`I Street North arn.,11, 961',_kj, NOPth that! d.s State of Oklahomz.,,. owru d" Annexation Committee reviewed this case for a second time at their August 30, 1990 meeting t d re corn-mended t" be Pat Imbriano moved to rec,­_)yayn(---,,.ald to the City Council annexation of these tracts. The motion, was by (4a-.t,y we]_]_­'.3,, t,',,1nA-J a Vtste on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Charles Willev Ray Haynes - YeE The motion carried 4-0,, Owasso Plannins Connissioi ,--inTenMer 20, 1990 Page 6 Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano y 0 Nny Hayneo The nwLinn carried 4-0, it Tract Ixt till 1 "0010- QU i of 116th Stroet Morth and plingo IM nubioct tract is vacEwo; La"I union rnearmy parchnned by the (A i the jonposed location ot thn view Owasso Sports-PLen," activity. over UU3 rMuch 13 W 10 yeaxs. The AnnexAMiu,, Cummittee wHviewed this case at their the meeting. A vote an the motion wan recorded as follows-, alalexud'. Gary MAN moveyl to XSICSAM=V o Mut. The motion waB seconded by Charles WiUey, and a votu oii Me motion wan recorded ani follows,,, Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano y 0 Nny Hayneo The nwLinn carried 4-0, 1) . pleso 1TUMIlesB - Mon(,", M. INSCUSSIM OF 195719UMENT fl"A, c-t-trront and pynywaied building activity. M5 arle"3 Willey moved, Gary adjouim the meeting. A vote an the motion wan recorded as follows-, Charles Willey - M,,,,� Gary Wells - Yes M Imbriano - Ye Ray Haynes - Yes The meeting was at I x if -I / Chairman 1"', Secietary Date