HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.07.19_Planning Commission Minutes�,,',01 T.4USSION Marcia Mu"tw"11 1SAMI tunn"', Tow; ageynia Wor Wo 1D. tM MaNta Mtv MAj M', K (jedar, up July 1j, MY 1- GAM D-) ,, klND =0 CAU - Ghmirman Hal Haynon called M'- Tbu:klsday, MY 19, 1950, Y:00 pil'-I order at 7AN) p, ui, aw 0un6aimid a quorum jvvNent, immediately alection rof eanh M! S G"lar, Maputo, Mlalvmv-' The Chair opened UY THE 11MAQVIS M' JON!" 11, 1990 UP: 151Y Iblylva, by acclamation. 'IMPY 10r, A a 100. CUM WLK nominat-i deela.-rt(15 closed cID(J (,TI,3,'-'I,(-,)E' Rick joInunwi milniter; Haynes nominated MNXIes WA Marcia Mu"tw"11 1SAMI tunn"', Tow; ageynia Wor Wo 1D. tM MaNta Mtv MAj M', K (jedar, up July 1j, MY 1- GAM D-) ,, klND =0 CAU - Ghmirman Hal Haynon called M'- a;naMpI to order at 7AN) p, ui, aw 0un6aimid a quorum jvvNent, immediately alection rof eanh Officer- The Chair opened UY THE 11MAQVIS M' JON!" 11, 1990 UP: nominationo were declarod closed and Ray was elected Chairperson by acclamation. The Chair opened the floor fox, nominations for Vice Chairperson. Ray Haynes nominated Charles Willey- I"I e i,1 ri I nc) 1: u r t he -i"' nominations, the nominat-i deela.-rt(15 closed cID(J (,TI,3,'-'I,(-,)E' Willey was elected Vice Mairperson by acclamation- tile milniter; Haynes nominated of Fun , 21 , 1990. Ri rim jolnluu,-'; NoWnih), Us wipjaAmou the ovinilar aB vn4MAnn vollyl (Ilk IMU OMMI wou; Pat Imbuiana GIM1100 WUMV M� =7 Baynes Y e The motion eavvied 4-0- Hiection of Officers. Term of Office) 100res Muie SO. 1992, commission sLaLes thal; M-I'k-, Commission shall 1 wx e a chairperson. vioe-chairpersun MU-i secretary, EUKI thzt election of" sald officers "hail Ims h" U,'4 biennially at the first nmehing of the Commission after July I ot each of UnD evei"raimbered years. The term of each. office Mail be "�Or two immediately alection rof eanh Officer- The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. Ra,,,!, Haynes was by '�/41--*,Lliey. blearing no further nominaMons, the nominationo were declarod closed and Ray was elected Chairperson by acclamation. The Chair opened the floor fox, nominations for Vice Chairperson. Ray Haynes nominated Charles Willey- I"I e i,1 ri I nc) 1: u r t he -i"' nominations, the nominat-i deela.-rt(15 closed cID(J (,TI,3,'-'I,(-,)E' Willey was elected Vice Mairperson by acclamation- 101 Minir opened the floor for nominations; Wr secretary Ray, Haynes nominated RUM .1ohnson. Hearing no furthnr nominations, the r Planning Commissio-n, Minutoo of July 19, 1990 Paw; >-', iwi c wvwy decny hosed and MQ Xinncni wnk; ; anowinations elected, Nearptavy K NUCLamation- V PMRRI MVgQMp [QQ4) - A raccutint Davatcul at 11604 RoM YNK bhveet Nophh- Mai Eimin Havoeso tIn cqAENw. V11"Ove (A)MIKA"n n"2 )IOD.01 t1w Gpoe ilia UQUIDMI! MvUsovy Committee flat' kinvinwHIA suEnn-oval ul UP witm plan. uuNjew, 14) L, uQuiv, irl 010 plantowint of hhe sign, YOVISUni "f the "Orkiug Ant, IM, approval "I, Lhe Hanitary . £f mervipe i toe aiml lift Matints by Am, Qty snaff ban r, V11. ka C.. ME as EU311 ja Mwxlea WI Iley moved Lo appy"ve h1w MH pi an aubi out to thn Hi Oil AculaNUA Elth"'HII IeRt sh"M of the !(Alation on IM PIVU1, i.,,arking lot hoing revi8ad par staff drawing Lc) pKavide YwMer PirouLatiou and neue=. A[ Ho subjeK, Ko 111I)II)VIII of M4 ht SLUMCM }'Sr tha City Hnginenr PoJ, Imbrinno. A vote on thu mntfun was re(wrcred as fnljnws:. chories Willey Y 0 !At Thbriano Y es, Rick johnson Y 0 e The motion car:, V Hatinyl a c, , , �"o� -- Jk'ecomnmnvIaLAq1 cal a Rt. gueat Mr a Waiver of the Platting Requivement (Section 260 ot, Ow i- Zoning (Axis) for an Armory to be Located in the 500 Block of South cedar Street. Chnirman Flays.-,,jeE 1..C. .., a. J C £ i (,.:_, is J , P �. ° case and staff presented IAr,,.e bankground. The tract is on the ol- development and miy further developnwnt to the Soutu would be inho the Bird Creek floodplain. The Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this case and recommended approval subject to the filinb,-,, of rcocercl at the (Iounty Clerk"a Office c--t-- 17.b' perinmte.r easement, a 20 easement for a force main sanitary sewer running across the southern portion of the trace, and .':3. aeccnid 20 ' easement for an H" gravity flow sanitary line running across the southeri-J. portion of the tract. Staff also recommended approval of the Plat Waiver subject to all nouessary utility easements as identified by the TAC being filed of record in the Office of the County Clerk., Pat Imbrianu moved. sneconded by Charles willt -, , c --", IL'o t'h't", City Council approval of the Plat Waiver subject to all necessary Owasso Planning Commission MinuWR uf July 19, 1990 vmge 3 ,utility easements No identified by the TAP and jistad abovy hwhq-, KInd uk ymmawl in Lhu Wf4cm of We Comd;y Plork. and &W.1unr nuhjnch tu Lim Most,! K QQ=meut njoroval "I a sltH pjnu� Put Imholann - ym:� (3.xlps Willey - yn;�' RICO johnson , jan; Ray Haynes - ym� 15 - GNPSAL """'N 1=0 till! 1 ON L3 Cal ")OUPO-IC!d '�:�Ilhdivloion RegulationB in ou Will m o"'. t"I"t'e 'ICieetJ -��,c," �ti J asked to nuako Bure that all uf tho rcyjuested changtas haul ine luded, Also preseitt waB Wayryo Vininaa. with Hubw suggestiu= V� xagaxy to VIUMOVII- Ity NL vnm Kim tv"movymis that Lue .3 £'k! neerhid ovimn Knkn in, ile jnWjWSIMj 0401geB .1. £0.?. WAUUMV diUMAXEMAX)n and =14 EWBIWAM V100", Wxvdujoyl Ky, the rngulsix August meeting. Ataff raquested that Mr,' Vinnant uulwiL hio in wvhting so Muir onn lip inclunled, ED the Agendn Paubet. cirair ordinatlue vxak� WIX&CA", Lo Gre Commlosion fur their review. It m""I'A Uh3eullqj agninda an; a dismuBsIon item" Wal Hon Kojin reviewed. u"xrent and propmand b"ilding acUvity.. 'ADJ()ILJ"'NN (21arlan; Willey nave( 10J, In' ad,imum Lhe i-'J'h"'--'- Charles Willey - yeCI Pat Shriann Yes Rick johnson Ray Haynes - Yes