HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.06.20_Planning Commission MinutesO ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Thursday, June 20, 1991, 7;00 PM
Owasso City I -Tall. Conference Hoorn
201 S Cedar, Owasso, Oldalrorna
:flay Haynes Gary ells Steve Coinpton
Pat MnrbrIano Marcia Boutwell
Charles Willey
The agen.da for the meeting wa.s posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, or) June
20, 19910
9. e CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL., . Chairperson Ray Haynes called the rneetin ;
to order at 7000 p.rn, and declared a guorrrr -n present.
23 CONSIDER. APPROVAL., OF THE E MINtl lTS OF MAY 16, 1991 -- The Commission
reviewed the minutes of May 16, 1991, Pat lmbriano roved, seconded by Charles Willey, to
approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows,
Pat finbriano - Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
Ray Haynes _. Yes
The motion carried 3 -0.
3. TEXACO FUEL (31.14) -. A Request for a Review of the site Plan for a Subway
Sandwich shop as a Part of the Facility Located on Lot 2, Block 2, Owasso Business Park, an
Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
The Chair introduced the case and staff= reviewed the background. The subject tract is located
at the Southeast corner of 76th street North and Dogwood street. It is zoned CS and contains
an existing Texaco service station with food mart, car wash, and quick -lobe facilities. The
applicant is requesting a Site Plan Review for the addition of a Subway Sandwich business to
the facility, with 150 square feet of floor area being enclosed along the forth side of the existing
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this case at their June 12, 1991 meeting and
recommended approval, subject to a list of conditions. following discussion and questions, Pat
Imbriano moved to approve the site plan for a Subway sandwich shop at the existing Texaco
facility, subject to the following conditions:
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 20, 1.991
Page 2
1, That plans be submitted to an approved by the City- t '-ounty Health Department
prior to the issuance of a building permit;
2. 'That all applicable building, and fire code requirerrients be met prior to the
issuance of a building perl.ral;
T- 3a s - e t
a1., That the �,xrstrrrg srgnagc display sLrrfE�c �= area not be rr:�c;:r�,asedo A sign 1 °�:�r° the
sandwich shop can be erected as shown on the last page of the applicant's
drawings; however, an equal amount of display surface area would have to be
removed from the existing sign,
(lotion seconded by Charles Willey, A vote orr the motion was recorded as follows:
hat 1_rnbriano -
Charles Willey
- Yes
Ray Haynes _
` "des
The motion carried 3 -0a
F I N AL, 13'L AT'
4 OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RL,'i'1REM�,l�T t✓E%1 f ER 11 (3214) _ A Request for a Review
of the Final Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center Ili, Generally Located South of the
Corner of 122nd Fast Avenue and 122nd East Place.
The Chair introduced the case and staff reviewed the background. The subject tract is located
South of the intersection of 122nd East Avenue and 122nd Fast Place, The applicant is
requesting a Final Plat approval for a one block, two lots subdivision, The Planning
Commission previously approved the Preliminary Plat and the 'Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the Final Plat for this addition at their June 12, 1991 meeting and recommended
approval, subject to conditions.
Following discussion and questions, Charles Willey moved to recommend approval of the Final
Plat, subject to the following conditions:
1, That the 20' utility easement shown along the West property line be extended to
the South side of the East /Nest drainage and utility easement that is shown to be
15' either side of the South property line;
20 That the City of 'l lrlsa standards and specifications be referenced;
Owasso planning Commission
Minutes of June 20, 1991
Page 3
3. That during and followIlIg constraletion, all disturbed areas be protected from
erosion until vegetation is reestablished;
4 That all ,Mato Health l epari:nlent approvals are completed and the City has
received notification of those; approvais prior to acceptance of any water or sewer
line into the City's systems,
5� That the proposed detention facility be constructed prior to construction of any
structures on Lots 1 & 2;
. That erosion protection be installed froze the Outlet of the storm sewer pipe to the
Southwest corner of Lot 2 for all fill or disturbed .soil areas. Of specific concern.
is the protection of the detention facility berm adjacent to the outflow ditch, If
Mortared Rip-Rap is lased, a specification should be included;
7. That sewer and water is available to berth Lots l & 2 prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
Lotion seconded by :fat lmbriano. A vote on the niotion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
.pat lmbriano - Yes
Ray Haynes - des
The motion carried 3-0.
5. OL S- 5 - MINGO VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER - Review of Redesigned Water and
Sewer Lines That Were previously .Adopted by the planning Commission as a part of the
Approved Lot Split Case OL S -75.
At the April 18, 1991 planning Commission meeting, action on the approval of this lot- -split was
taken. As a part of that approval, water and sewer plans were submitted, reviewed, and
approved. Since that approval, the applicant has requested amendment of the water and sewer
plans to better conform; to the anticipated future use of the lots created by the approved lot - split.
The amended plans have been approved by the appropriated City officials, and staff recommends
Following review of the amended plans, pat llnbriano moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to
approve the Amended Water and Sewer plans for OL S -75. A vote on the motion was recorded
as follows:
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 20, 1991
Page 4
Pat ImbriEano -- des
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
a.aa ia,otiora ;arraed 3 --0,
6. NEW BUSINESS - Steve Coinptor) ril (la.ted the Corm— nission.. on the, s atus, of recent
County Referral cases.
7, 1SCUSSI 1' ill VE11OP1 °✓11�,N'.l, IN AND NEAR OWASSO - Staff discussed Current
development and construction.
$a ADJOURNMENT -- Ray :Haynes i-noved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn the
rneetfn e A vote on the motion was recorded as lollows°
Ray Haynes _ Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
Pat finbriaiao Yes
'l ,-'he rnotion carried 3- -0 and the i- neeting) was ad,joLir.-ned at 7a4-0 hoar,
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