HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991.02.21_Planning Commission Minutes11.) agelmla 441" the menting was 1K)HUM! in tQ(""
207 K Kedav, an Yebruary 18, 1991,,
1, C M TO ORDER AND WILL GATT - (1hairworson Vay Haynes call un,"'
the mneting to order at 7:05 `s' m, am! darlarmi a, qViorjun prfonent,,
8110T)VA1, 04'
17, }z r1 4% ( �
(Amuniva0m) myvievK0
Onutes of axo1maW
!UP!, 7:00
Lhe nh yniteFn 13,;
WK t Len. A V"te
on the nwLior
in size, mostly vacant and
zoned AG District. It is located along
the West side of the city
from 3rd St on the South to 96th Street
On the North and generally
East of Mingo Road and the AT&SF railroad,
0 -1,
11.) agelmla 441" the menting was 1K)HUM! in tQ(""
207 K Kedav, an Yebruary 18, 1991,,
1, C M TO ORDER AND WILL GATT - (1hairworson Vay Haynes call un,"'
the mneting to order at 7:05 `s' m, am! darlarmi a, qViorjun prfonent,,
8110T)VA1, 04'
17, }z r1 4% ( �
(Amuniva0m) myvievK0
Onutes of axo1maW
19ol ChRplu;'�
Wi !ley aunvvnh
an the North and East of the AT&SY Railroad
Gary WO 1 H, LO
Lhe nh yniteFn 13,;
WK t Len. A V"te
on the nwLior
in size, mostly vacant and
zoned AG District. It is located along
har h
Ray Haynes Ym_�
Thu motion earrind 4-0.,
The applicant is requesting a combination of Commerciai Shopping
(CS) , Residential Rulti-Family Low Density (RM-1) , and Residential,
Single-Family Low Density ((t,S -3) zoning (m the subject tract.
to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing
428.2 Acres, More or Less,,
11 A(-'Y' (Agricultural General) t o N11
(Residential Multi -Family
inul Density) , 3IO-03 (Residential. Single-Family
Higb Density), and (A,
(Commercial. Shopping Center) Districts,
Generally, Located. Along the
West Side of the City from Third Street
on the South to OBtb Stroe-t,
an the North and East of the AT&SY Railroad
and Mingo Road (97th
East Avenue),,
The Chair introduced the case and staff
reviewed the background,
The subject tract is 428.2 gross acres
in size, mostly vacant and
zoned AG District. It is located along
the West side of the city
from 3rd St on the South to 96th Street
On the North and generally
East of Mingo Road and the AT&SF railroad,
The applicant is requesting a combination of Commerciai Shopping
(CS) , Residential Rulti-Family Low Density (RM-1) , and Residential,
Single-Family Low Density ((t,S -3) zoning (m the subject tract.
Owasso Planning Commission
Mbyntpu of bhbruaxy 21, 1991,
pave 2
Ntnff % nf
ophil(w thaj the yonnW
inquem no Yonsistput with
I, ii.
Plait at
nj1proval of
He ruqunnywd
"OnAnm distrUts
'IM babi
foot uf
Lhe Worst
166.7 fn{ J
&WHar (A
Inv 1jul shy-MMICIN11
QualTar (NW/4,
21 North, Hanmev
14 East of hlk-�
WhIlan Ha c.
City ok
Owa,Hso. TuIsm (O"nty,
amid track
11R, f0uth
1 Uet of
t VO WerT
1 l the Southwest
wuartor (SWAt
of Finution
7 own8hip
:0 FortY, Range
14 East LU
baijan Dane
Meridian ,
1),ilsa County,
void trant
3 x. V
Tlay North jKK) feet of the West 766.7 feet ot the Northwest O"arteiv-,
(A Onytion 0), %wnnihip 10
U&M. Range 14 Hast of tlw:,,� I,)i:
Cknnity� OlUalumna, said tra(�T�
aupos, more or ions; anol,
The North Of the West 703.7 b-,,,(-d-; of Khe
Wuarter of' tivi Northwest Quarter (NW/4 c) J
North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian,
City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the Nort(�l
466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said tract containing 8.5 acres,
more or less; and
'tile South 766,,V :'(.,�et o-J,. -Ulhe West feet� of." 't-,he Sout,; ? -.:
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ('SW/4 SW/4) ("! Section 19,
Township All North, Range 14 East of the indian Base and Meridian,
City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the Soutl-.,,
466.7 feet of the West 466.7 feet, said trapt containing 8.5 acres,
more or less; an(A
'the North MY() feet of the Northea.,�,,-I., (I)uartex.- o- 'tile
Quarter (NE/4 NE/4) of Section 25, Township 21 Nortb, Range 13 East
of -t.-,he I.-ndian Ba(-,, a.ri(.3. Mc',)ridian, City of Owasso, Tu-1.,".'a County,
Oklahoma, lying North and East of the Atehis(-)n, and, Fe
Railroad Right-of-Way Line, said tract containing 1.6 acres, more
or less,,
Owasso Planning MmKslon
611rultes of 141hruary 21, 199:1,
(US-0) Diotriy't
questions from the Planning Commission and a large group of area,
Following discussion. Miarles (i"B illc)v r(-w)v(-A 1;o
to the City Council approval a-,,"-.' th�e zoni,-'t- g- 1.'-J o I-, i on'
seconded by Pat Imbriano. A vote on the motion was recorded as
f o 1 lows "
Charles Willey - Yes
Pat imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
(INIM/4) of Sention, 11"),
1,. J4:ant of Ue
1ralian Base nuad Meridian, City of uwanso:,
(�"ol'an'ty, OklahomaL,
IMS AND N�X( (1:1"J" !"-,! 0 i'-� o�' Lh"--'-�
(66.7 feet and
Quarter (SW/4)
LESS AND ENDEPT the Eautheast Quarter of
Southwes-, Ruarteir,
','IW/4) Ll!01",;S AN-L-)
at. ;a point
16.5 feet Rant awAl 16,5 feet North of! UK,,
(Verner cd` ",Aae So't.,tthweat Quarter ("-M/c SW/4),' t1tex-.toe Nf(-)xIA"!
feet to the POINT OF :BEGINNING; tliei-.ice J!:z-,-,u t', 1'.'eetz
200 feet; thence
West 330 feet; thence South 200 feet to the
AN11) EICEPT the South 766.7 feet of the
7BB.7 feet, said
tract enntaining 256 acres more or less,,
avPlica,nts wern
uresent snd. n1no"; with Rtnff. nnownwMe!
questions from the Planning Commission and a large group of area,
Following discussion. Miarles (i"B illc)v r(-w)v(-A 1;o
to the City Council approval a-,,"-.' th�e zoni,-'t- g- 1.'-J o I-, i on'
seconded by Pat Imbriano. A vote on the motion was recorded as
f o 1 lows "
Charles Willey - Yes
Pat imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
Owaonsu Planning Commission.
Flintolen, (11, yohr"ary 41, 1991
Page 4
4. Wspolahno. it 154nnnnt
Tract ofk t Loa 1 ning 428.2 MrVoN, Mope or 11van,
, Rfx't- 1 and (IS Yj MUD, V), f era 1. ly JU "'-)
Kida W tin; City fTwon Third StYqM = Wo South W MIA htre(& cni
J'Aortll ioul HaNK oT thy AT&IT' Rallrond and Flingo Hc & (07th X0,31
11W (Wir in"r(RbAned UKO Unny) ruld nhaff reviownd MW
11w une at ,a l., 114) U;uKWqiYi in a way to amend a zonjoy; ordinarDw;
w6tJlh ,� complete, cuurdinVold 10rul (01' devillul,menh for
a Targer parcs! ranhor thaii plecomeal uhanges (a, variances Wi;
noonlip, T"qTQntWnH. The applicant is requesting approval ol. FUD
ow,plemental zor)Ing on the previo"s zoning cuise tna the Enihjrn&�
1_z-"u'd, would lie daveloped An acn,ordanco with. a EWMIKU"111
1"1 cva�ekqwent Plan and Text. The plan and text call for hk:�
deveLoy,mant W HA nst acres of commevoiHA HT the NortheraHt c"mmy,
Of MY411 SWOOL wn! P1irQ") 14V Ad, 10.5 net, WYMS Of Mt TIA TAWily
VIACKUly WWI of 110) commerol"ll trai.. k, H.1 net acron of attoohn"'!
Hingle-family directAy Woth of t1m) (Qmw'�Ie'r the
pcemaiinler of the area (384.5 neL noron) developed as a
(it a hyllf" cournu with alai singin family dotanbod
nail & W Winns at a variety nt densities.
it is otaff"s opinion that tile PLYD in consistent, With tW?
Aupmehensive Plan, in in harmony with the existing and expected
development of nurroundit a well thought (nm proposal awn,11
utilizes the features of the site quite well, aim! is ooru*HteiW
with the stated purposes 'an(l od_' P0.11) Ordinance. Staff
apj�.,roval of 0PUD-T subject to the following conditions-.,
(1) That the applicant"s Development Text, Conceptual Dav&opmeni�
Plan, and illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the
Development Standards - Golf Course insert; and the Revised i otting
Plan for the southern most point of the site, be incorporated an a
condition of approvaK,
(2) ThaV the applicant"s Development Text, Conceptual Developmeni-,
Plan, and illustrative Master Plan, including the addition of the
Development Standards - Golf Course insert and the Revised Lottinl:,F,
Plan for the southei n. most point of the site, be considered to be
the Outline Development Plan as required by thB PUD Chapter of the
Owasso Zoning Code.,;
(8) That unless specifically set out in. the standards and
conditions of t-Ini.,_,,� 1"(JI), single-family detached lots shall meet all,
the requirements of a typical RS -3 district, single-family attache,611,
shall meet all the requirements of a typical RTH district. multi-
family shall meet all the requirements of a typical RM-1 district,
Mason Planning Commiusion
plinuMs of
pngn '�
kynt all the a
(4) Mt with!" then MM W, nunninmim 1MUMM ot
'TYK("MJ MWO 110 101 (MUMPlyba M 1 ;uW W :4 moning din LYVAin W U
VOUIVWt Up to WAX OWWA.0111 tallkn) aim! Wth W10 (InnnWon Wj TAnyry,
vvyAw AnAll ju• rywe(Q a swMuunn "I U7,H00 Hquaym hwi�,
(5) ThaL Ndowalkys WMA Inv py,xvichn! ivy till arenan of the lhjjy�
(G) Mat tho privajo njadway Haoeinw 'ti n shall cnnyiniko. ot an out . >_
cmannuent 80 feet in W!dLh tor the plaremerm of thn paventent, PIU8
two utility easemento each 10 feet in width, innated para,I Lei aud
n0janent to both rolden of the acn:eNio
(7) TbNt all private roadwayH No cmnstimutnd tu meM th" My M-
(H) That jAip yjAjjQrtmj iny, aA lhl_w
Wuplo-!�Mljy detaMn! WK, Mail lun 80 Feet,
(9) That Unt taivirmun Wile Y00 of any Foinglo tamily wnu&ud�
(MVILM8 located. (01 a no3' 1mr ]i 0-, a'f''O" mac, is 1"J''in
Mnat, SIVIll W it) UHL Cal a publio antreet sun, no feet (ql a
privatu ruDdway"
(10) That, the minimum Wont Yard Wr a Wllgle-faMily dotaohed 3.t ..t3
Wine when abutting a private roadway be 30 feet in order to Rilow
I or automobile parkinM (mi the dW_vc,_' -Vvo'.y
oidowalk traffic,,,
(11) That an extensive landscape buffer consisting of a combination
of fencing, berins, evergreen and deciduous plant no.terials and
varying in -"Eroyn 10 feet to 25 feet ha"t.]. be
talong h Hast property line in the southern most portion of khe
development where a private roadway is proposed In) be located close
to the exiting single-family lots fronting Carlsbad Street;
(12) That all landscaping plans Mall be reviewed and approved by
the Owasso Planning Comilission and installed prior to the occulwancy'
of any buildings;
(13) That two Property Owners" Associations be established, one for
that area where private roadways are to be const.,ructed can,(J. a aecond.
for those areas where public streets are to be used.
(14) That the reference on page 29 of the PUD text pertaining to a.
1',-)eio.g on at Property Owners'
personal Property" be changed to "real Property''.,
i- Planning Commissioii
hliiyntein of Ulabrunry 21, 1991,
P a g e (""
1h) That minor Lransfex,B (20% inuroa= or doorl=no ill o'
area," deriNity) of dwelling "nitH fvow one rosidonLlwl
(hyvolopment d en to another wali =r,ur if a miHnifinant nhBnge K�l
!Me rhavautor of elkher devolo1munt area is not crwatnQ
( AM Thn L a pivuvalsiou Qr a ved i i (toilar hurip arol U& !N� tn1yuj doW ad,
Mun Inul of 113th 8typet,
(1 7) !Vat nil wund!Lhonvi imptyied by 10o Owasoo, Torhoinal Advlqopy
Ammitt"n for Nnbdivinnion 3/ it alTmoval no meL Rai ronviltioryl (rf t 4c'
(it!) That the City of Moose, Imblix utility nual cummuninaLlon
or their employons be granted the right uf frnn acmv=
(Mev all privatH W:1"11hiLn t;'!_ uo
W) Thok any rtaueot Tur a watHi, wap looated wiLhin tva urmn,
111A 11,0=0 hy 0. A. Dichrint c1uturt pay a $50 UO font W Lt ;.".
G'uunty Rural Water DiBtrioh 03 before Mina allowod to
hop into tho 1""Iluniuipal Water symLem",
(20) Tin& a anAbdivision plat he aplyciyuc(l 1,.ho C`JJ',-y i''
;Mal filed of! recoiAil in the it_ .t t 11ork-o otficn) In4or 1A) lin,,
A,Huan(. e of M bUK)"(111i"u"", ' uof')it. That said oovenantH Hhall
incorporate all 14)1) invi corylitiontm of approvoil and makc-,,
Qw Qty of Owasso a heneficiary-
%prosentativen nT the applicaM�,,,i ""o
Tim Terrell of the firm of Pittman-Poe & Associates presented au,,
environmental impact study.
After till qpaestiun,,,--_-, bolc..J,-1 P.1axi.l.-3i.rig
general public were answered satisfactorily Pat 15briano moved to
recommend to the City Council approval of OP1. {{D-9 subject to the 20
conditions listed above., Motion seconded by Gfa,i y We,'1_`I,,'_ A, v(-,)�,e on
the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 4-0,,
The Chair declared a 15 minute recess at 8: 45 p.m. , reconvening the
meeting at 9:00 p.m.
OwaBHo Planning Commisnin-,
Mirynteri of %bruary 21 , MY)-
Page 7
LON 001 N-11 A SSU Und f 11 VVIIHIMN
1), L C, : f Q !� vM
Vim, �nivrpnk K Lavithak Wth 13u; fail Umny 'zi Manyin and Mie p! aiaiud
nolmUnHitin" of MrAcc)"ry nod Main-
V ., A 1M CAIRO GO; M t 1 WY 1M "O'd, Pat ST & to") vvnncn"M, V)
adjuinw KK uxuAliql. il v"W un MA im)VIA01 'alks 141VA)rKid OtB 1111h),afl:
cq"MN Willey M-"
PHT Thypl ii' o - Yet",
Gary vVellp; - Ynn
Ray Haynes Y
lhe woMon cwMad 4-0 oval Unn meeting was adjourned at Mb p,m,
31 c �' rM "any