HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.05.21_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULA R MEETING Thursday, May 21, 1992, 7.00 P Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PIMS-El',114T Ray Haynes Dewey Brown! Pat Imbr1ano Gary Wells Charles _ lley STAFFIMESENT Mike Augustine Garcia Boutwell The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on May 15, 19924 I. CALL TO ORDER AND R01_,1, CALL - Chairperson flay Haynes called the meeting to order at 7,.09 pm. and declared a quorum present, 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL, O '1'1- E MINUTES OF APRIL 1_6 1992 The Commission reviewed the mints of April 16, 1992. Charles Willey moved, seconded by Pat Imbr1ano, to approve the rninutes as written. A vote on the motion was recur °ded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbrlano - des Dewey Brown - Yes Gary Wells - des Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5 -0a L That all vehicles be parked behind a screening fence or in the garage; Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 21, 1992 Page 2 2. That all lighting; be sc;reene(d and/or directed down and away from any residential land use; 3. That working hours be restricted to 7 0110 a..i . to 7:00 p,rn. sip days a week, with no work to oce'ur° on Sundays; That all. wor k occur within an. enclose(A stmetu e and that xcess ve noise be estr lc;ted; 5o That all materials be stored within the garage; 6. That the existing screening fence be let in good repair and additional screening nln fence be placed, if needed, to separate the tract from the abutting residential uses; 7. That si na. e be limited to one 1 eight square foot yard sign placed behind the sidewalk and., iflil li.ted, to be by constant light to :rninir -nine the impact to the font yards of the residential dwellings north and south of the tract. The site plan meets the requirements of the City and the utility companies and the staff recommends approval of the requested site plan, Following discussion, Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Gary Wells, to approve the site plan. vote can the motion was recorded as follows: Dewey Brown - Yes Gary ells _. Yes Pat 1mbriano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes N Yes The motion carried 5-0. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 21, 1992 Page 3 The site plan was submitted as a part of the building permit application, reviewed by staff, and approvc-A. This was an information item only and required no formal action. 5. OZ-87 - R E BRIGHT (3114) - A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT Or LAND FROM RS -3 TO CH, GENERALLY 1,0CATED AT304 S BIRCH. - Because of a petitioll circulated in the neighborhood protesting the zoning change, the applicant has subrnitted a letter, withdraming his r(%juest for a zoning change on Lot 1, Block 30, OriginalTown of Owasso. The applicant did not appear at the meeting and staff recd inryiended that no action be taken. 6o CZ-199 - WATER PRODTJCTS OF OKLAHOMA, INC (3214) - A REQUEST TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 2.8 ACRES FROM RE TO IL, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7300 N 117TH E AVE - - This was an "Input Hearing" to gather information for TMAPC. TMAPC's public notice states that no vote will be taken and no recommendation made by the local Planning Commission. Comments and concerns will be compiled and sent to TMAPC. The subject tract is located in the area south of 76th St N on the west side of 117th E Ave. This area is designated by the Owasso Comprehensive Plan as Rural Residential with -9. -Development Sensitive buffer area separating the High Intensity Industrial area along the east side of the Mingo Valley Expressway and the residential development. 'the tract is presently zoned RE, with IL as the proposed zoning. The proposed use would be warehousing and housing material assembly. A large group of area. citizens was present to protest the zoning change. The following list was compiled from comments made by staff, citizens, and Commission members: STAFF-- 1 0 Drop off tail piece on the east side of the property and make access only through property to the west. CITIZENS- 1. Don't allow any business traffic through the residential neighborhood. Residentially zoned property should not have businesses on it, - James Williams 20 Residential property has been damaged by trucks getting in yards when they drive through neighborhood (ruts in yards, fences knocked down), -- Carolyn Kirkwood, Jeri Eslinger, Donald McAninch, James Williams 3. Noise from trucks driving through neighborhood. - Jeri Eslinger 4. Don't allow industrial to encroach into residential area. Planning Commission should submit opinion opposing industrial areas moving towards 117th E Ave. The neighborhood has Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 21, 1992 Page 4 no representation because they are not in the city limits and feel. they are getting no help from the county,, -, Jan Gaylord 5 Place restriction on industrial property that there is no access from 117th E Ave, Ronald Young & One County Commissioner is being a. lowed to dictate to everyone and does r.tot listen to the needs of the people,, ... Dave Reeder PLANNING COMMISSION-­ 1. Teo not allow truck (semi) traffic on 117th. E Ave. Place si na e to restrict the traffic. Haynes, Willey, Brown Mr. Brown questioned the purpose of an input hearing if the Planning Commission is unable to take fc)ranal Faction, Mr. Augustine stated that the comments gathered at, the hearing will be coinpiled1 and sent to TMAPC. He also stated that, if directed by the Chair, someone from staff will attend the `lMAPC° to present the comments. Mr. Haynes requested that a staff inember attend the `1"MAPC :meeting on May 27, when this case will be heard. He also requested that all Planning Commission members attend if they can, The Chair called a five.-.minute recess at 7 :40 and the meeting reconvened at 7:45 porn, 7. FINAL PLAT m DOUBLE OAKS (2914) _ A REQUEST FOR A REVIEW OF THE FINAL PLAT" FOR DOUBLE OAKS, AN ADDITION TO HE CITY OF O ASSO, TULSA COUNT`", OKLAHOMA, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 129TH E AVE AND 76`T Il ST N. 8. FINAL PLAT - DOUBLE DADS ESTATES (2914) - A REQUEST FOR A REVIEW OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR DOUBLE DADS ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF O ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH AND WEST OIL 126TH E AVE AND 77TH PT_, N. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes utes of May 21, 1992 'age 5 Charles Willey -- Yes Gary Wells -- Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Ray Hynes - des The motion carried 5-0. 9 NEW BUSINESS - None 10. DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT IN AND NEAR OWASSO - ,Staff discussed current development and construction in the Owasso area, 1 L ADJOURNMENT - Charles Willey moved, Pat l-mbriano seconded, to adjoug °n tiic aneeting,,, A Grote on the motion was recorded as Follows: Charles Willey .. Yes Pat I- rnbriano Yes Dewey Brown -'des Gary Wells- Yes Ray 1..laynes - Yes The motion carried 5 - -0 and the meeting was adjourned at :1.0 1:). m Secretary Date