HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.10.21_Planning Commission MinutesO ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEFFING Thursday, October 21, 1993, 7:00 P Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma K T i q'RS PRIT1,4ENT MEDA RS ;I SI =" T STA-FFPRJW9r1,NT Charles Willey Gary Tells °:t'im Rooney Ray Haynes Dewey Brown Charlotte Wlniw Pat Imbriano Rohn M. unn. The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City flall, 207 S Ce(lar, on October 12, 1993 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL _, Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meetili to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES ES OF S ;P`-r ,!,M BER 1. 6, 1993 AN -1) OCTOBER 4, 1993 -The Coma -f ission reviewed the minutes of September 16, 1993 and October 4, 1993. Pat Imbriano moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to -pprove the minutes as written. A Grote on the motion was recorded as followso Pat Irnbi lano - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 3 -0o 3. SITS; PLAID REVIEW - DR TRACY STANDRIDGE CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE -- A Request for a Site Plan review of Dr. Tracy Standrid e Chiropractic Office, Ut 2, Bloc 1, Ram Plaza, This item was tabled from the October 4, 1993 Special Meeting. Mira Rooney presented the report. Dr. Tracy Standrid e, of Owasso, has submitted a proposed site plan for a new office which would be located on Lot 2, Bloch 1, of Ram Plaza for his Chiropractic Office. Rain Plaza is heated on the northwest corner of 86th Stmt forth and 129th Past Avenue. Because the subject property is contained within a PU , both its site plan and landscaping plan must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to any development. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1993 Page 2 This item was tabled as a result of no detailed laridseapin plan being submitted at the October 'l99 Special Meeting, Ray Haynes motioned to approve the site plan as sulbinitt ed. Pa", 111"Ibliano secondledl the rnotion. A vote; on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - "`i°es Pat linbriano •- Yes Charles Willey Yes The notion earri.et3 34 .a il�'i ,..�r 1��st f��r if the amended site plan for Tierra Vista Nursery on a Portion of Lot 26, Block 5, of Three 14 es Addition. The Site is Generally T,oeatmd on the East Highway hway 169 Service Road, Jest South of E. 83rd Street 'North. Mira coney presented the report. Previously the Planning Commission approved a site plan for Tierra Vista Nursery in May of 1993. At that meeting, the Pl. nin Commission unanimously approved the submitted site plan conditioned upon a preconstruction meeting being held with city staff. That meeting was held prior to the issuance of the building permit. Mr.. Flood has resubmitted a site plan for the Planning Commission's review, moving the proposed structure approximately 20 feet closer to the Highway 169 Service Road. Staff explained that there were no objections to the amended site plan as both bulk and area requirements and necessary parking spaces are being met. Mr. Rooney parent on to explain that he could not approve this site plan amendment at the staff level. Charles Willey motioned to approve the site plan as submitted. Pat Imbrian® seconded the ruction. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows- Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbriano W Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 3 -0a 5. Extension of Time RNuest - Qklahoma Pa tist Retirement tenter TI 3214 - A Request for an Extension of Time for a Preliminary Plat Previously Approved by the Planning Commission in October of 1990. The Subject Property is Located at the Southwest Corner of E. 76th Street North and North 122nd East Avenues Mr. looney presented the report. Staff stated that the applicant is going to pursue final plat approval from the Owasso Planning Commission at the November meeting. Time expired on the preliminary plat for the Oklahonna baptist Retirement Center 11 preliminary plat in November of 1992 Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1993 Page; 3 Ray Haynes motioned to approve the extension of time request with the understanding that the Commission would be seeing the final plat at the November meeting. Charles Willey seconded the motion, A Grote on the motion was r ordeA as follows, Ray Haynes Yes Charles Willey - Yes Pat 1rn ri no v Yes The motion carried 3-0. 6. OLS .- 2 - MingQ Manufacturing 14. Request for a Lot Slit on a Portion of Lot 1, Block 20 of Elm Creek Estates First addition, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma. The General Location of the Subject Property is the Large Parcel that Includes azzio's Restaurant on the Northeast corner of the Fast highway 1.69 Service load and E. 80th Street North, Mr. Rooney presented the report. Mingo Manufacturing is requesting a" formal" lot split from the Owasso Planning Commission for are area of property containing the existing azzi 's Restaurant and property further North, located on the northeast comer of the Fist Highway 169 Service Road and Fist 80th Street North. Ray Haynes motioned to approve the lot split. Pat Inibriano seconded the motion. a Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Pat 1mbriano - Yes Charles Willey m Yes The motion carried 3-0. 7 "Preliminary Plat" - Ming—o (Lo merce Center X214 ) -- A Request uest fir a Review iew f the Preliminary Plat for Mingo Commerce Center, a Resubdivision of a Part of Lot 1, Block 0, Elm Creep Estates First Addition, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma, Mingo Commerce Center is Generally Located just East of azzio's on E. 80th Street North. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1993 Page 4 CS (Coniniercial Shopping C(anter). Approximately 4.6 acres are contained within the subject plat. Stiff explained that the applicants would be pursuing final plat approval in November aind all `l='AC requirements have been agreed, upon by the applicant. Pat fr nbr%ano motioned to approve the preliminary plat: including all of the TAC ;r eAlnirernents being made,, Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the, motion was re orddl as follows: Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey __ Yes Ray Haynes ..., des The motion carried, 3 -0. 8. 97 raiE§.u..U- ;tIdJk 1Qp- ;��r�A�a.. �q��.y,�� � ld� ; A Request to ezone a Tract of and :Located in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 14 East from RS -- (Residential: Single-Family I ediu n Density) to RS -3 (Residential: Single Family High Density). Generally located jest north. of Owasso Jr. High School, just Fast of the proposed Barrington Point Addition. Noble Sokolosky of Trail's End Development, marketing conditions have changed in rent objecting to their proposal, and there wasn't development. inc., addressed the Commission explaining the months, no neighboring property owners are nuch of a difference between RS-2 said RS ®3 The Planning Commission reviewed different alternatives to an entire rezoning of the parcel. Charles Willey motioned to approve the request to maintain the North 300 feet as RS -2 and rezone the remainder of the tract to RS-3. Ray Haynes seconded the motions A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1993 Page Charles Willey -dyes Ray Haynes Yes Pat Imbriano -- Yes The motion carried- 3-0. 9 ����� ���.Y: Cam&E!! y. ��.,����...,._ A t exquest for a Review of th e Final Plat for Camden lark, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Camden Park is Generally :located just West of Windsor fake 11 Addition, Fast of 129th Fast Avenue. Camden park was formerly included within the Windsor Lake I11 Preliminary Plat. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed a preliminary plat for Windsor I ke 11l at the June _Manning Commission meeting. Since that time frame, the applicants, 'rail's End Development, have adjusted their development plans, The final plat for Camden Park contains a por-tion of the property contained within the Windsor lake 111 preliminary plat. Because the basic layout found in this plat was reviewed at the June meeting, staff is perinitting the applicant to proeml with a final plat application of Camden park. Ray Haynes motioned to approve the final plat for Camden Park, with the condition that the construction plans be completed and TAC requirements net before being sent to pity Council. Pat Imbriano seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes N Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Charles Willey ® Yes The motion carried 3 -0. 100 Review of the Owasso D sl�n Criteria Mr. Munn, Owasso Engineering Technician, presented the introduction of the Design Criteria. Ray Haynes motioned to approve the rough draft ®f the Design Criteria and to go ahead and notify the general public for their review and comments. Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote ®n the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey -``des Pat Imbrian® ell Yes Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 1 993 Page The motion e ax -rigid 3_ --0. I ., R "pri on Planning Items Previously Forwa-rdffl to City Council. Action - Nb-nc, 11 Discussion of Development In and Ne -oar Owasso - `r. Rooney briefly discussed th uto Zone, 14 Adjournment Charles Willey movexJ, Pat finbriano seconded, to adjourn the in ting. vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Pat l mb ano - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion cwr -ic -1 3-0 and the meeting was ad'jo- reed. at 9 :10pma� Secretary �, z Date