HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.08.26_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMrVUSSION
Thursday, August 26, 1993, 7:00 PM
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Elaynes Charles Willey 'I"irn Rooney
Gar-r Wells Charlotte `Wfikite
Dewey Brown
Pat Imbrland
The agenda for the meeting was -posted in the Owasso City F[a][1, 207 S Cedar, on Ai.jtgust 2,
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meecting
to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present,
2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTIJ OF JULY 27, 1993 --,('he Conimission
reviewed the minutes of July 21, ;199:x° Dewey Brown moved, saorided by Pat Imbriano,
to$ ,il)prove the minutes as writtern. A vote on the motion. was recorded as follows:
Dewey Brown - Yes
Pat Imbriano - Yes
Ray Haynes- Yes
Gary Wells- Yes
The motion car-ried 4-0.
I FINAL PLAT - BARRINQ'IQN POINT f Z-1-21A4 A Request for a Review of the
Final Plat for Barrington Point; an Addition to the City of Owasso; Containing a Part of
the NW14 of the SW/4 of Section 21, T21 N, R14 Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
Barrington Point is Located just North of Owasso High School, Immediately East of
129th East Avenue.
The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat for Barrington Point at its June
15, 1993 meeting. At that meeting, the Owasso Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval of the preliminary plat for Barrington Point subject to the conditions of
the Technical Advisory Committee being met prior to final plat submittal, A copy of the staff
memorandum from Barrington Point's preliminary plat review was included for your information.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 26, 1993
Page 2
The final plats for Barrington Point were presented to the Technical. Advisory Committee at its
August 4, 1993 nnneetin . At that time changes were recommended 11-0 be made to the final plats
and have been included, to the final Copyt
Because the developer requested that thy; l &nnd area be platted into three separate groups,, thds did
r1equire soy-aae changes to the construction plEanas above and beyond what was submitted for review
as the preliminary plat stage. Unnfortianat l.y, these amended plans were not ay.ailable at the
meeting time
General discussion regarding lack of construction. plans was held„ Mr. Haynes motioned to take
no action on the plats lone to a lack of construction plans. Mr. Wells seconded. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes __, "des
G'arny Wells - Yes
Dewey Brown - 'des
Pat Innbriano - des
`;floe motion carried 4-0.
a 1 w 2- - - :3 1 - .-.1`i 4- Request for a Lot Split Located on Lot 2, Block 1, l�lm Creek
Condominiums. The subject property is located. on N. 123rd -:a.st Avenue, immediately south
of Dr. Russell Co 's Chiropractic Office,
The City of Owasso has received a lot split request from Mr. Ronnie Sink for property intended
to be used for a beauty salon located on 123rd East Avenue, just swath of Dr. Fussell Co gs
Chiropractics Office on 123rd East Avenue.
It is important to note that there is no side yard setback requirement for structures within ann OM
zoning district and therefore Dr. Cox had intended to build at zero lot lined However, any error
must have occurred in the placement of the structure on the site, thins resulting in the .80 foot
Gary dells moved, seconded by Pat Irnbriano to approve the Lot Split. A vote on the motion
was recorded as follows:
Gary Wells w Yes
Pat Imbriano w Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Ray Haynes - "des
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 26, 1993
The inot on carried 4-0.
5. Discussion of Planning Cornmission, Meeting Dates fog. 199.,
Mr. Rooney reviewed Planximg Commission meeting scho-luling problems. Upon
discussion by the members, all felt the second Tuesday of eu -,ch month would or el ,,
. Rooney explained that this will require formal action at a - nature, meeting rid teat
this change would begi n in January of 1994
6. New Business - none
7 m-t on Planning Items Previously F r rw-ded to City Council for Action Brief
discussion held.,
8:, Discussion of Da;velopin.ent In and Near Owasso - Dayl to Donut Shop �,nd Sonic Drive
9. Adjoumment - Peat Imbriano moved Gary Wells seconded, to adjourrk the m t ng�
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Pat li briano - Yes
Gay Wells - Wes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brawn - Yes
The motion cam 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7.45 p.m