HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.06.17_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Thursday, June 179 1993, 7000 P
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oldahoma
Ray Haynes Pat fi-ribr"iaano -Hn Rooney
Charles Willey Gary Wells; Charlotte Brinle
Dewey Brown
ffi� agenda or the mee-ting as posted in the Owasso City flail, 07 S Cedar, on Jena 3, 1993,
i CALL O ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairperson Ray :Haynes galled the meeting
to order at 7000 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
20 CONSIDER _ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1993 d The C'ornaussion
reviewed the minutes of May 20, 1993. Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey
Brown, to approve the minutes as written. A Grote on the motion was recorded as
1 °0110ws;
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown -- des
Ray Haynes .- Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 19i OR LAKE 111921-21 d1 A request for a Review
�f the Preliminary plat for Minds ®r sake 1119 an Addition to the City of Owasso; Being
a Part of the E/2 of Section 21, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Windsor sake
111 is Generally Located jest South of Windsor Lake 11, East of 129th East Avenue.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June; 17, 1993
Page 2 of 6
At the :tune: 2, 1993 `l AC. meeting, the Windsor :fake; 111 preliminary plat was reviewed
a a,in. Staff recommended Planning Commission approval of the preliminary plat
conditioned upon the following TAC recommendations-
1, All rear, back to tuck easements a minimum of l 1 feet.
2 Add a 10 soot easement along; the north property line of Lot 11, Block 2
3., Add, a 10 foot easement along the north property lire of Lot 9; Block 3 and
across they north liner of the neighboring drainage detention area,
Add a 5 foot casernent along they shared property lines of both Lots 6 and 7 of
Block 3
5, Add U. foot easements to the rear of Lots 11 and 9 of block 5 by separate;
instrument (This is to enable:, the utility companies to loop the service of the
too Add 1705 foot easements east of Block 5 and south of flock 6 by separate
instrument. (This is also to enable the utility companies to loop the service of the
7. Easement through Lots 10 and 15 of fleck 1 to be increased to 15 feet,
8. Easements need to be dimensioned on the following lets:
Common lot line between Lots 12 and 13., Block 2
Common let lira between Lots 3 and 4, flock 5
Common lot lines between Lots 3 and 6, Block 5
Common lot line between lets 10 and 11, Block 5
Common lot line between Lots 12 and 1.3, block 5
9� laase rnents need to be dimensioned. in the following lots:
Lot 16, Block I
Lot 8, flock 3
Lots l and 2, flock 4
100 Change they bearing along the vest lot lire of Lot 13, Block 5
110 Correct the dimension of the rear lest line of Block 5 to match the outisde
12. Add a tae conduit across the entrance road from 129th East Avenue.
130 Add a 6 or 8 inch conduit at the south end of 132nd East Avenue,
140 Street names to conform to staff copy,
150 If "Drainage Detention Area" is to be utilized as "parr Area" it needs to be
designated as such on the plat.
Setback lines designated in the covenants need to be changed to reflect RS -2
zoning requirements (Front yard = 30 feet, back yard = 20 feet)
Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve the preliminary plat. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dewey Brown - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried 3 -0.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 17, 1993
Page 3 of 6
4. PRELIMINARY PLAT ._- BAR1UNGTON POINT (21-21W 14 - A Request for a Review
of the Preliminary Plat for Barrington Point, an Addition to the City of Owasso; Being
a hart of the NW /4 of the SW/4 of Section 21, T21N, RME, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
Barrington Point is Ge ne rally L-
catec just,-Korth of Owasso -g: gh School, East of 12901
East Avenue.
Mr. Rooney presented the report that the City ofOwasso initially received a preliminary
plat; for Barrington Point; in May for review at the Technical advisory Committee and
Planning Commission meetings. Due to several. "Changes" recommended at the TAC
meeting and due to staff's recommendation of the developer providing access to
unsubdivided land to the east, staff` recommended that Mr. Kourtis resubmit the
preliminary plat for Barrington Point in order to address these concerns and to allow the
Planning Commission to view both Barrington point and Windsor 1 -ake I11 together as
they are abutting properties, The enclosed preliminary flat has addressed those changes
previously recommended by staff.
At the June 2, 1913 TAC meeting, the Barrington Point preliminary plat was reviewed
again. Staff recommended Planning Commission approval of the preliminary plat
conditioned Upon the fullowing "fAC rc c ornrnendations:
10 All. rear, back to track easements a nainimurn of II feet.
20 provide an access easement to cover a 38 foot radius cul -de -sac (pavement type
to be the same as remainder of street)
'all Provide an 8 inch PVC conduit at the entrance to the subdivision from 129th E
4 Provide a 3 inch PVC conduit across N. 130th E. Avenge, from Lot 3 of block
2 to Lot 8 of Block 3
5. Provide a 4 inch PVC conduit across N. 133rd E. avenue, from Lot 8, Block 4
to Lot 115 Block 5,
6. Add 7.5 foot easements north and south of the property line shared by Lots 8 and
9 of Block 4a
. Eliminate Lots 19 through 23 of Block 2 as these have been determined to be
needed by the Project Engineer for drainage detention area.
8. Add a limits of no access to north and south side of entry road,
9. Street names to conform to staff copy.
10. If "Drainage Detention Area" is to be utilized as "park "area" it needs to be
designated as such on the plat,
L Item Moo 4, reference to Homeowners Association should be changed tc
"Barrington Point association" rather than "Windsor Lake Association."
20 item No 15, "Electric, Telephone, Cable Television ,Service " needs to be changed
to conform with that of recently recorded subdivision plats.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 17, 1993
Page 4 of 6
Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey Drown, to approve the preliminary plat for
Barrington point. A vote or). the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey -- des
Dewey Brown -fires
Ray Haynes - Yes
The motion carried � -0.
5., FINAL P AI _ �irs� ,��1��/I�M���:���1W,rt 1 N-f' W,��_��_.��(� :.�1W_��� ... �� 1�e�1vest for a
Review of the Final plat for Owasso Commercial � enter fl, an Addition to the City of
Owasso, Tulsa. County, Oklahoma; Being a part of the NE /4 NW/4 W/4 of Section 32,
`1721N, RME. Owasso Commercial Center 11 is Generally Located on East 76th Street
North, East of Highway 169, Between Perry "s Restaurant and Owasso Veterinary
The Final plat was presented to the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee at is June 2,
1.993 me- sting. Comments received regarding this plat concerned misspellings within the
covenants on the plat itself, The applicant is aware of those errors. Staff recommended
that the Planning Commission review this plat as a final. plat due for its simplified nature
(1 Bloch, 1. Lot).
In addition to the "technical Advisory Committee review, this item was reviewed by the
Owasso Board of Adjustment for a variance request. The applicants were required to
obtain a variance because of the pr =operty not meeting the bulls and area requirements of
a CG (Commercial General) District.
The applicants have submitted an agreement to obtain a private easement through the
LaPetite property in order to provide a private sewer service line to their property. Staff
has further reviewed these plans and has found no problems or issues of concern.
Ray Haynes moved, Charles Willey seconded, to approve the final flat as corrected,
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes u- Yes
Charles Tilley w Yes
Dewey .Brown - Yes
The emotion carried 3.0.
Request to Amend the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Relating to
Chapter 5, Section 510, Principal Uses Permitted In Office Districts. More Specifically,
to Allow for the Development of Beauty Salons and Barber Shops in an Obi (Office
Medium Intensity), Zoning District.
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 1 1, 1993
Page 5 of 6
It appears that at the time of establishing the zoning code, the permitted activities within
an OM district were strictly limited to those that did not involve the retail sale or display
of merchandise and is specified numerous tunes in list above, It also appears that those
accessory uses Iserinitted by Special Exception in an 01, or 1il9M district were more so
directed coward an ur° a -n at@°nosphere off, "downtown Tulsa". ��� any times ser�iarces ik-
those are offered in the round floor of high rise office buildings.
Mr. Rooney explained. that whi
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of June 17, 1993
Page 6 of 6
100 Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Ray Haynes seconded, to ad.jou n the meeting.
vote on.. the motion was recorded, as f 'ollows:
("'hares Willey - Yes
Ray f-Aayz° es - Yes
The unction carried 3-0 and the rnecting was adjourned at 820 p —m-
Chair j' erso