HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.04.15_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, April 15, 1993, 7:00 PM Owasso Comr-runny Center 301 S Cular, Owasso, Oklahoma M E M: B E R S .11011 'S E N'fl- Ray flaynes Charles Willey Gary Wells Dewey Brown Pat Imbriano MENME11S ABSET4T or STAFTADRESEN,r Thn Rooney Charlotte Brinlee The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on April 6, 1993, 10 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the uneeting to order at 7.00 p.m. and declared a quoruni present, 2� CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 18, :1993 -The Commission reviewed the nrinutes of March 18, 1-993. Charles Willey moved, seconded by Dewey Brown, to approve the. minutes as written. A vote on the rnotion was record(A as f"ollows: Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes The motion carric4 5-0. 30 PRELIMINARY PLAT -- DOUBLE OAKS III - A REQUEST FOR A REVIEW OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR DOUBLE OAKS 111, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, GENE-RALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF 129TH EAST AVENUE, JUST SOUTH OF EAST 82ND STREET NORTH. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Tim Rooney. Subject property is a 19.68 acre tract containing 63 residential lots. It is zoned RS-3 and will be developed for single family residences. The Preliminary Plat has been reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and they have asked for the following correction s/addition s: Owasso Plarnrrirng Commission Minutes of April 15, 1993 Page 2 To the Plat 10 Cross emements are, n.e -ded through Black L PSO will work with Mr. Lewis to deternnine these exact locations, Locations are to be provided on the l,nrna; :Mat, 2. An e asset` Brit needs to be provided din I..,ot .7 of Block I for the sewer that ,user es /coirnes from Copper Meadows to Double flaps 111. Lot 6 of Block 3 should have a 15 foot Building Line on its rnord-1 side, 4. T_Aot p of Block 3 should have a 25 -foot turning radius at its northwest point, 5. Lot 12 of Block 1 and Lot d of Block 3 need to have the proper dirnensi9ons listed 6. SO °'i foot utility easement that ruins along the west boundary of the subdivision ncod.s to b e continued through Lot 35 of Block 2. In addition, the _t moot .as rnent also needs to be continued in the same location. Mr., Lewis requested that this casement be narrowed through 1.,ot 35, if possible, to allow -for an acceptable building pad. Mr. Lewis and PSO will. attempt to accomplish this task, as it was P SO's f ,,,I ng that this width could possibly be narrowed to 1. fount. 7 'he street; listed as "East 81st Street" should be changed to "East 80th Place North o " Ray Haynes moved to approve the Preliminary Flat for Double Oaks III with the condition that all of the above itenns listed are corrected and/or addressed prior to Final Flat submittal. Motion was seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey m Yes Dewey Brown w Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - des Pat Irrnbriano - Yes The motion carried 5-0. 4e REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF HE OWASSO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS _. APPROVAL, OF THIS DOCUMENT WILL ALLOW THE OWASSO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS TO BE FORWARDED TO THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC FOR INPUT AND RENEW. Mr. Rooney presented the corrected subdivision regulations. Approval of this document will allow staff to submit the subdivision regulations to the development community. Gary Wells moved to approve the Owasso Subdivision Regulations, allowing staff to submit the document to the development community for comment and review. Seconded by Pat Imbriano, A vote on the moti ®n was recorded as follows: Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of April 15, 1993 Page 3 Ray Haynes Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Charles Willey Yes Pat lunbriano -- Yes The motion carriexi 5-0. 5. J BUSINESS Mr. Rooney presentex.1 meiribers of the Com i- nission with copies of the letter sent to Budgget Industries regarding upon -cor plia ce with both Planning Corm- uission and hoard of Adjustment site plan. requirements. 6. REPORT ON PLANNING ITEMS PREVIOUSLY FORWAR-DEDTO CITY COUNCIL FOR ACTION - No report. Nt��� �� ��� Staff ��� x � rCO� ���MET\ and possiblefuture development and construction in the Owasso area, including Bud's Discount Warehouse which will. be locating at Gerunan.. Corner, Sonic rive In near Walma t, and a Pawn Shop at the Northwest corner of 76th Street North and Birch. a ADJOURNMENT Dewey Brown moved, Pat Imbnano seconded, to adjourn the ineeting. A Grote on the inotion was recorded as follows- Charles Willey - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Ray Haynes -- Yes Pat Ix briano - Yes The motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7 :30 p.m. 3 Cha . is - Secretary C ' Date