HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.11.08_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF RE, GULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 8, 1994, 7,00 P Owasso Community Center PRESENT 301 S Cedar, D esso, Oklahoma MEMBERS ABSENT tta3NT T A F F401?.L_ "L;.lNT Charles Willey Dewey Brown Tim Rooney Jerry Cole Charlotte White Gary wells Ray Haynes The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City hall, 207 S Codas, on Thursday, No November 3, 1994. 1 CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Tray Haynes called the rneeting to order at 7-00 .m. and declared a quorum present. 20 ROLL CAT -1, 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES TES F OCTeOB R 11, 1994. PCEGULAR MEETING. The Commission reviewed the minutes of October 1. 1, 1994. Charles Willey moveti, seconded by Jerry Cole to approve the minutes as written, A vote on the notion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Tray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes The motion carried 4 -00 40 Site Plan - Owasso Mass l xpaaslQn A request for a review of the site plan for Owasso Glass, an expansion at their current location, which is described as the South 55.17 feet of Lot 5, Block 26, Original Town of Owasso. The subject property is further described as the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and lain Street, or 205 Se Main. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The site plan for Owasso Mass was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their October 26, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the site plan was presented to the area utility companies. A that meeting the utility companies had no objections to the submitted plan. Owasso Planning Conunission Minutes of November 8, 1994 Page Jerry Cole moved- to approve the site plan for the Owasso Glass expansion,, seconded bar Gary Well s. A vote on thy; niotio was - recorded as :follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes Yes Charles Willey - es The niotl ern carried ied 4 -0. iftelftRtLa t.. i dl t s 1 - A request for a review of a preliminary plat for Candle Estates, an addition to the City of Owasso, Old.ahoinao The subject property is generally located 570' west of the southwest corner of E. 96th Street 'North and Garnett Road and would contain 20 RS-2 zoned lets on ar 1 1.42 acre area. Dgpar°tment, ,rho Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, ,rho Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the prelirniDary plat at their October 26, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicant was provided a list of aJl staff comments regarding the plant. In addition to staff comments, several utility representatives also provided casement requests. All requests have been completed. Gary Wells moved to approve the preliminary plat for Candle Estates, seconded by Jerry Cole. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: G °y Wells ® Yes Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Whey - Yes The motion carried 4-0. 6. New Business. None 7. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council & Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso _ bj.,ie s , Adjournment Charles Willey mo�vecl, Jerry Cole seconded, to adjourn the A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Jerry Cole W Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Malls - Yes Secretary Date