HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.08.09_Planning Commission MinutesO AS O 13LANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday August 9, 1994; 6 :00 PM
Owasso Community Center
301 S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Charles Willey
Jerry Cole
Gary Wells
Ray Haynes
Dewey Brown
1 "i Rooney NN
Charlotte White
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City hall, 207 S Cedar, on "TUesday,
August 2, 1994,
1. CALL TO ORDER -- Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.rn.
and declared a quorurn present,
1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Ol, of ULY 12, 1991 -. 'Thc commission
reviewed the minutes of July 12, 19940 Mary Wells moved, seconded by Charles
Willey, to approve the minutes as written, A vote on the motion was recorded as
Gary Wells - Yes
Charles Willey m Yes
Ray Haynes W Yes
Dewey Drown -- Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
4a Annexation request - Joe & Ivor Caudle An approximate 18.5 acre tract located at the
Southwest Corner of E. 96th Street Forth and Garnett road, further described as the N/2
of the NE /4 of the NE /4 of Section 19, I"21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney.
The property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural) and would remain zoned ACS if annexed by
the City of Owasso. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the
lowest zoning classification (AO) until any rezoning request is received.
If annexation is approved, the subject property will have to go through all platting requirements
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 9, 1994
Page 2
of the City of Owasso prior to any development. Initial development challenges presented to
the owner /developer consist of extending sewer /water service to the site and storm water
detention on site.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the annexation, seconded by Dewey Brown.
A vote can the notion was recorded as follows:
:tray Haynes _ales
Dewey Brown .. Yes
Gary dells - Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 4 -0,
5 ite Plan .-Owasso it- -N Go -- A I eauest for a review of the site blast for Owasso Git_ -N -,
Go, a commercial service station and convenience store to be located on I.,ot 4, block I
of loam Plaza, an addition to the City of Owasso, generally located in the, SE/4- of
Section 20, 21N, :1 ME, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, 'The subject: site is the northwest
corner of Bo 86th Street North and lea 129th last Avenue.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney,
The site plan for Git -N-Go was reviewed by the 'technical Advisory Committee at their July 7,
1994 meeting;. At that meeting, the site plan was presented to the area utility companies. At
that meeting the utility companies had no objections to the submitted plan.
The site plan submitted conforms to the Ram Plaza BIJD and all of its development standards
and restrictions. In addition, the site plan submitted contains the necessary parking, spaces as
rewired in the zoning code for the use and building; proposed,
Dewey Brown moved to approve the site plan, with the condition that a pre - construction meeting
with staff be held prior to buildings permit being; issued, seconded by Charles Willey.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Dewey Brown w des
Charles Willey -`des
Ray Haynes - Yes
Gary Wells w Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
Owasso Planning Co fission
Minutes of August 9, 1994
Page 3
6e Site, Plan m S R Investments- A Request for a review of the site plan for S R Investments,
a commercial structure to be located on the north 35' of Lot 1, Block 21 and all of the
vacated street right-ofway between Lot 1, Block 21 and Ut 4, Block 20 of the Original
Town of Owasso, `ruisa County, Oklahoma. The subject property is located directly
north of the Depot Steals House.
The Chair introduced the case and the staf "t review 1nr<ls given by Mr. Rooney.
Ray Haynes moved to table i_tern until 9- 1:1 -94 niceting;, seconded by Clary Wells,,
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes . Yes
Gary `dells - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Charles Willey -`files
The motion.. carried 4.__ 00
Site Plan _.Kenny Jones Offices-, A Request for a review of the site plan for Kenny Jones
Offices, a commercial/office structure to be located on Lot 5, Blocks 1 of Ram Playa, an
addition to the City of Owasso, generally located in the SE/4 of Section 20, T21N,
R14E, Tulsa County, Okdahornao The subject site is directly north of the planned site
of the flit -N -Go facility (See agenda item #5)
The Chair introduced the ease and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney,
The site plan for the offices was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their July
27, 1994 meeting, At that meeting, the site plan was presented to the area utility companies,
At that meeting the utility companies had no objections to the submitted plan.
The site plan submitted conforms to the Rain plaza PUD and all of its development standards
and restrictions. In addition, the site plan submitted contains the necessary parking spaces as
required in the :coning code for the use and building proposed,
Gary Wells moved to approve the site plan, with the condition that a pre - construction meeting;
with staff be held prior to building permit being issued, seconded by Dewey Browne
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Gary Wells - Yes
Dewey Brown r Yes
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 9, 1994
Page 4
Ray Haynes Yes
Charles Willey -?yes
The rnotion carried 4-0.
& OLS- -94.03 .. A Request I r a review of a lot split -application fr °orn lvlr. Edwin Collins
and Mr. I.acon Stagg on Lots 1,7 & 18 of the Hale Acres Addition, an addition to the City
of Owasso, Oklahoma, The subject property is l erierally located on the west side of
Garnett Road, :360' south of E. 114th Street North.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr, Rooney,
T'he lot split request was reviewed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee at their July
2 7, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the area utility companies reviewed the request and
recommended that a 17.5 utility easement be added to the unrest boundary of both proposed lots
so that there would be no complications with utility services.
One problem exists when review ril this lot split request. The Owasso Zoning Code requires
a mininiu.. -m frontage of 150 feet on the arterial or Service load for Commercial General zoned
property and Garnett Road is designated as an Arterial Road in Owasso. Therefore, the
applicants will need to process a Variance request through the Owasso Board of Adjustment to
enable there to receive a variance in this frontage requirernent,
Charles Willey moved to approve the request for a lot split, with condition that applicants obtain
a Variance from the Owasso Board of adjustment, seconded by Gary Wells.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey - Yes
Gary Wells -- Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brown d Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
,ferry Cole entered the meeting at 6040 p.m.
9. Preliminary flat - Central_ Park Second Addition „- A Request for a review of a
preliminary plat for Central Park Second Addition, an addition to the City of Owasso,
generally located in a portion of the F/2 of Section 20, T21N, R14F of the I.B. & M,,
Tulsa County, Oklahornao The subject property is directly south of Central Park First
Owasso Planning Coucunission
Minutes of August 9, 1994
Page 5
Addition and contains 13 lots on a 37,86 acre area.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney„
The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed thy, ��elhrrina� plat at their Jul 17. 1994 craeetiri U
� l Jl July
that meeting, the applicant, was provided a -list of all staff comments regarding the plat. In
addition to stat"IC comments, several utility representatives also provided casern nt requests.,
'rhe construction plans are now a separate process from the platting process. Applicants are
required to submit construction plans between the preliminary and final plat stages with the
understanding that at the final plat will not be acted upon by the City Council. until a final set
of construction plans are approved from the Engineering Division of the Public Works
Gary Wells moved to approve the preliminary plat for Central Park Second Addition, with the
condition that construction drawings be complete before final plat is .submitted, seconded by
Jerry Cole.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Gary Wells - lies
Merry Cole .- 'des
Dewey Brown "des
Charles Willey a Yes
Ray Haynes -- Yes
The motion carried 5 - -0.
10. Prelitninary plat a Camden Park 11 - A Request for a review of a preliminary plat for
Central Park II, an addition to the City of Owasso, generally located in a portion of the
S/2 of the NW/4 of Section 21, `I "21N, R14E of the LB. &pia, Tulsa County,
Oklahoma. The subject property is directly south of Windsor Lake If Extended and
contains 25 lots on a 7.50 acre area.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was liven by Mr. Rooney.
Camden Park If is similar to Camden Dark I in the sense that the applicants will be requesting
variances from the Owasso Board of Adjustment on several of the lots within the addition. All
lots within Camden Park II meet RS-2 Bulk and Area requirements, however if RS-2 setback
requirements were applied to every lot in the addition, the building pad on these lots would be
very small,
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 99 1994
Applicants are _required to submit construction plans between the prelimmary and final plat
stages with the understanding; that the final plat will not be acted upon by the City Council until
a final set of construction plans are approved from the Engineering Division of the Public Works
Charles Willey moved to approve the prelii- ninary plat for Central Park 11, with fife condition
that the "1 "echnica_l. Advisory Cornmittee evaluation be co npleted and construction plans be
corraplete before final plat is ,su bmitt€ d,sec ondod by Dewey Brown,
A vote on the motion was recorded as f o:Ilows°
Charles Willey Yes
Dewey Brown . Yes
Ray Haynes -`des
.ferry Cole -- Yes
Dewey frown .° Yes
'Fhe motion carried —0
11 ° Plat Amendment :�.._ oublbl €__ Oaks ._. ,states - A reau €,st to amend the final flat of Double
Oaks Estates, an addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, changing; the name of said
plat to Broadmoor Heights.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney,
Charles Willey moved to approve the name change on the final plat from Double Oaks Estates
to Broadrnoor Heights, seconded by Jerry Cole.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Charles Willey w `des
Jerry Cole - des
Ray Haynes -`des
Dewey Brown - Yes
Clary ells -- Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
12, New Business
Owasso Planning Commission
Minutes of August 9, 1994
Page 7
13" Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council,
140 Discussion of Development In and Tar Owasso.
15. Adjourrim ent - Dewey Brown rnov€ d, Jerry Cole seconded, to adjourn the meeting
A vote on the rnotion was recorded as f6l:Iows,
Dewey Brown Yes
Jerry Cole w Yes
Ray Haynes --- Yes
Charles Willey -. Yes
Gary Wells ® Yes
The motion. carried 5-0 and the,,rneeting w arljourned at 1011 p gin"
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