HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.05.10_Planning Commission MinutesDewey Brown. Pat Imbriano Charles Walley Gary ells Ray Haynes D AS SO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday May 10, 1994, 7: 00 P Owasso Corm- nun.ity Center 301. S Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEATBERS ABSENT %,,rAF'F PRESENT '_t "h-n Rooney The agenda. for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 07 S Cedar, on Monday May 2, 1994° 10 CALL TO ORDER ... Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at '° .00 p° rno and declared a. quorurn.. present. 2 ROLL CALL 3 a CONSIDER APPROVAL VAL OF T_l11 MINUTES O APRH, 12, 1994 - The Commission reviewed the minutes of April 12, 19940 Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Charles Willey, to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Dewey Brown - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Gary ells - Yes Pat 1mbriano - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5 -0o 40 Site Plan Review - Pete Kourtis w; A Request for a Site Plan Review of Kourtis Office :enter, Lots 11 and l2, Bloch 2, Elm Creep Commercial Corner. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by lair° Rooney. The site plan does adhere to Owasso ,Zoning Code requirements for setbacks, parking, etc. It should be noted that this area is zoned CG (Commercial General), suitable for both commercial and office uses. At this tune, two tenants have been identified° fete Kourtis Homes and Delta Software plan to locate their facilities at this location. Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan for Elm Creep Mini Storage, seconded by Charles Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 1.0, 1994 Page 2 Tilley. A Grote on the motion was :recorded as follows- Ray Haynes -- Yes Charles Willey -- Yes G'Nary Wells - Yes Dewey Throw_ -n - Yes Pat brib ria:no -.. Yes I' he motion carried 5-0. o OZ-9402 lie__ lcy__� _L,)_ .._A Request to Rezone a. 'bract of band Located in Section 31, T21N, R 14E from RS-3 (residential Single-Family High Tensity) to CG (Commercial General). The Subject Property is More Particularly Described as -Lots 3 y 4, Block 33, Owasso Original down Addition and is Generally I.,ocated at the Southeast Corner of Sr Main Street and Fourth Avenue. e. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Mr, Rooney explained in his report that the property was once used as a residence, He gent on to say that if approved, this would be the first IL zoning within this block. While it is possible that at one time the subject property could obtain IL zoning, staff felt it was not a logical expansion at this time. A letter from nearby and surrounding property owners opposing the request was presented to the Planning Commission. Robert Young stated that the property has not been used residentially due to being located within the flood plain. He explained that it had been over thirty years since the property flooded. Melody Mayes stated she has been there for many years and has two children. There are no sidewalks and all activity is within the street. She felt it needed to stay as residential. Charles Willey moved to deny the request to rezone, seconded by Pat Imbriano A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - `des Pat Imbrian® - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5 -0, Owasso Planning Conunission Minutes of May 10, 1.994 Page 3 6. 40 t r,pf wa sp J11 _14 — A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Located in the 'I4 of Section ell, T21 N, 1.14 ', from an A (Agricultural) and RM. -I (Residential- ult:i. -Faa ily Low Density) districts to 11, (Industrial Light). The General Location of the Subject Property is Directly South of Cedarc rest Apartments. 1 1he Chair introduced. the case and the staf review was given by Mr. Rooney, As stated in the previous zoning case, the expansion of a zoning of this intensity should be of a logical planned pattern, rather than 99spot zoning" to be surrounded by a largely different zoning classification. This site is abutted on two sides by _industrial zoning and development and a rezoning of this property to the same classification is Logical. In fact, without a rezoning, one is likely to never see, the subject property develop further in any manner. Dewey Brown moved, to approve the request to rezone, seconded by Pat Irnbria o. A rote on the motion was recorded as follows: Dewey Brawn ... Yes Pat Imbr.iar:io - Yes Charles Willey a Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - No The motion carried 4 -1 7. Preliminary Plat - Bailey Ranch Estates_Phas 1 714) - A Request for a Review of a Preliminary Plat for Bailey ranch Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Generally Located in the I2 of Section 17, T21N, 1 14E of the I.B. ., Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The Subject Property would Contain 118 Lots on a 40.64 Acre Area. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Pat Imbriano moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Bailey ranch Estates, seceded by Gary Wells A vote on the motion was recorded as follows- Pat Imbriano w Yes Gary dells - Yes Ray Haynes _, Yes Dewey Brown d Yes Charles Willey - Yes Owasso Planning Commission A/linutes of May 10, 1994 Page 4 The motion carried 5-0. 8. Final-Plat .._..Double Oaks Extended - A Request for a Review of a Final Plat for Double Dabs :extended, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located in Section 29, T21N, R14 -E of the i.B.m., Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The Subject Property would Contain 95 Uts on a 29.32 Acre Area.. `1'be Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. 'rwo citizens were present to voice objections to th e Double Dabs Extended Final Plat. They explained that when they purchased their lots, they were showed a snap that had larger lots can the Double Dabs Extended, property, not the smaller canes being proposed. They asked the Planning Commission to table the plat, Mr. Rooney explained that the plat meets all Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulation recquirements and therefore should not be tabled or denied, Ile stated the concerns voiced by the gentleman may be valid, but need to be addressed by the developer. Mr, Rooney offered to set up a meeting with the developer and thy:, gentleman so that opposing parties could discuss this before Council action. Gary Wells moved to approve the Final Plat for Double Oaks Extended, seconded, by Dewey Brown, with the recornraendation that Mr. Rooney set up a. meeting with the developer and the aggrieved parties A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Gary Wells _- Yes Dewey Brown ._ Yes Ray Haynes W Yes Charles Willey - Yes Pat Imbria.no d Yes The motion carried 5-0. 9. Final_ Plat w Central Park - A request for a Review of a Final Plat for Nottingham ,states, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located within the SE /4- of the /4 of Section 31, "T21N, R14E of the I.B. a, Tulsa. County, Oklahoma. The Subject Property would contain 46 Tots on a 26049 Acre Area. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The construction plans have been reviewed by the Public Works Department and its Engineering ineering Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of May 10, 1994 Page Division with several corrections being requested. All major changes have been made and any remaining changes are viewed as minor and should not prevent action on this final plat. The Planning Commission and the applicant should note that no action will be taken on this plat by the City Council until a final set of construction glans exist, Pat Imbria o move-1 to approve the Final Plat for Ceiatral Park, seconded by Charles 'Willey., vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbrian - Yes Charles Willey -- yes Dewey Brown - Yes Gary dells __ Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 10. Final _ lit -jjN ttjngL _.._Estates _ A Request for a Review of the Final al Plat for Nottingham Estates, an Addition to the pity of Owasso, -Located within the SE /4 of the NW /4 of Section 31, T21N, R14E of the 1_.B.. ., `Balsa County, Oklahoma. The Subject Property would contain 46 Lots on a 26.49 acre Area. The Chair introduced the ease and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. die explained that the two areas of concern during the preliminary plat have been addressed. Sanitary Sewer was obtamed via an easement through the Brentwood Estates property. An agreement has been reached regarding the construction entrance. The Planning Commission recommended that the developer install this road as quickly as possible. Pat imbriano moved to approve the Final Plat for Nottingham Estates, seconded by Charles Tilley A Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Pat Imbriano -- Yes Charles Willey -Yes Dewey Brown d Yes Gary dells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5-0. 11. New easiness Owasso Planning Connnission Minutes of May 10, 1994 -Page None 12. Report on Planning Reins Previously Forwarded to City Counicil. None 13. Discussion of Developinent In and Near Owasso, None 14e Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Pat I i riano seco- nded, to acljourn the meeting A vote on the motion was recorded as follows- Charles Willey -- Yes Pat Ir riano a. `des Ray Haynes - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes ne motion carried 5-0 and 4ae meeting,,Was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.