HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.06.13_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center 301 S Cedar, Owasso, Ol.dahoina MEMBEIRS PRESENT Ray Haynes Charles Willey Gary Wells Dewey Brown Jerry Cole ML ERS ABSENT ,rim Rooney Marsha 1- lensloy The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Wednesday, June 7, 19950 10 CAT-1,, TO ER -- Chairperson Pay Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:15 �ra and declared a quorum present. 2 � ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1995 R1w,,GU ,AR MEETING F The Commission revie-wed the minutes of May 9, 1995. Dewey Brown moved, seconded by Gary Wells to approve the iTtin rtes as written. A Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Dewey Brown w Yes Charles Willey w Yes Ray Haynes W Yes Gary ells - Yes Jerry Cole W Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of June 13, 1995 Page 2 The Chair introduced the case and a presentation was given by Mr. Wayne Alberty, the planner fior Kaiserrt Fraincis Oil Comp -any, a j)lic nt and owrierz He discussed he shortage of apartments in Owasso aaa 4 that taes x ,y were all nU nnin g at 9 A 001/11s o%;cupaiie.yo Approxiinately 1.00 surrounding property owners were present to protest the zoning change, The following list was cornpil_exl from comments made by citizens and Commission members, :1. Traffic considerations such as widening 129th and 1.45th Street. Concerned with flooding it that location. _.. Sid f kert I, Declining house- evaluations in anticipation of the apartments en,/entuai.ly becon inn :low income and Lack of ri.mled police force, .... Jean Webb 3. tapped wells in the area. - Mark lase s residential should stay residential.. bill. Massey 5. the effect of apartments that close to schools. - Randy Holmes o The apartments will look beautiful at first, but will go down fast, afraid promises of keeping property looking nice will not be kept. --- Lynn Mansur 7e Golfview will have 223 wits, we don't need two large apartment complexes that close together. - Linda Younger 8. The apartments will brim in more children ajid the schools are crowded now, - Joy Hughes 90 Graceland Acres resident worried about water problems. - Mary Williams 100 Apartments attracts crime, he sees it everyday. Mould like to see it be zoned without apartments. w Randy Brock 110 Noise from trucks with commercial buildings in area, «.Alen Moore 12. Update or change the apartment zoning. The cemetery on that land would need to be moved. - Susie Higbee -Olsen Owasso Planning Conunission Minutes of June 13, 1995 Page 13. Owasso is a family oriented town and a crime frec cornaaunity, we should not have apart�a� nts in this area, = � � r �ya11.e 14 `11u:, city should go west, on their travel patterra at as getting entirely to crowale�l in than urea. - Frank tlagyaari 1. `o Would, dike to upgrade Tract LI, dogs not, want ana convenience stare peat on that cornen - Wayne -Wilson COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: _.n It is riot fair to chastise, apartment dwellers, pie can t �Aassify a group of people by where they live. Population growth males crime increase not apartments. -- Jerry Cole 2., There is no neod to have apartments across the street frorn a school. - Charles Willey 3. Bad people only don't live in apartments, this is not saying we don't need apartments, We have not seen a, plat, we are jest considering zoning at this th-ne. - Gary ells 40 We need a buffer between coininercial property and housing. - Ray Haynes Jerry Cole moved to approve the zoning, seconded by Gary Wells, A vote on the motion was recorded as fellows: Charles Willey - N® Dewey Brawn --- No Gary Wells - No Pray Haynes m No Jerry Cole m Yes The moti ®n was denied 1v -4o Chairperson Ray Haynes recessed the meeting at 8 :45 p.m. and reconvened at 9005 perm, 5. Site Plan Review Lee Rollins - A request for review of a site plan for I,ee Rollins. The subject property is located on Lot 1, Block 1, Ram Plaza, further Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of June 13, 1995 Page 4 described as 12701 E 86th Street North. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review "��`rJa give -, bj -- Rooney, (,wary Wells moved to approve the site plan, seconded. by Charles Willey, A vote on the motion was rmorded as follows: Charles Willey -Yes Dewey Brown d Yes Gary `Tells -`ides Tray Haynes _. `des Jerry Cole .des The motion car °i.ed 5.,..0. 6. ;IE-alat n--irrrt ....�1 °a1 wsi for a review of the proposed plat amendment to Central Park. Said amendment would allow the covenants of the plat to be changed in order to allow -for a setback of twenty feet in the rear yard, The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. Jerry Cole moved to approve the request, seconded by Charles Willey. A Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey .e Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Gary Wells Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Jerry Cole - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 % Annexation Request m Owasso public Schools - A request from Owasso Public Schools for annexations of an approximate 15,83 acre tract located West of El Rio Vista Addition and North of Bailey ranch Golf Course on E. 96th Street North, described as a portion of the ,Southwest Quarter (S /4) of Section 18, Owasso Planning Commission ides of Juno 1, 1995 Page Township 21.:'Nord , Range 14 East of the Indian lase and 1 Cridian, Tulsa, County, Oklahoma. The srhj -xxt property ;antai�n nax Bailey Elcn,a enta k j School, The Cbmir° introduced the case and the staff' review was gki/en by 11r. Rooney, Cha es Willey moved to approve the annexation request, seconded by Dewey Brow sUbject to a Letter" sent to Dale Johnson at the Owasso drool Board. Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes Gary ells - Yes tZay 1layne s Yes Jerry Cole -loo The motion carried 4-1 8. New Business. None o deport on Planning Items Previously Forward to City Council 100 Di Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of June 13, 1995 Page 6 Secretary L&Yt, � NO'T'FS FROM NEIGHBORHOOD MEE'T'ING ON JUNE 29, 1995 B 1) Do you, City employees and Council Members, feel that this zoning is good for Owasso! Not everybody lilies to see change but the City Council has good information to Hulse a decision. Just because it is food planning practice, does not mean it is best for the community J. 2) Is Owasso ��"'0�0ing beyond t c .� a i " li flood '1 = 'r Y° $ re 19 b -ity �i poa1 I aaos a�, �,'ei4J ` Yes, we have the sairic number of police officers as we had years ago, we ar trying to change the sewer, plant, we are trying to manage the growth. 3) low many multi-family structures are in the aaea'P Tiidwood Apartments, Brookwood, apartments off of amain Street, behind imbell's Hardware, Baptist Retirement, south of Kimbell"s Hardware, property by the golf coarse and out toward German Corner. 4) Have you had thy; Opportunity to look at other cities for this type of zoning? 'We have checked frdnlond., Moore, Broken Arrow, Dallas, 01dahoma City and 3 areas in Tulsa. What is the approximate amount Of apartinents to be built in the area and the current availability? There are 618 apartment units on the drawing; board in Owasso, Apartments in the area are running at 95% to 100% occupancy. Has Owasso applied for any grant money for lour housing? No, the staff would not consider to suggest that at this time. One unit that is going in behind KAmbell's Hardware has been approved. At the time it was approved we did not have the Hearing process option, 7) is there any indication as to ghat will actually be developed on this land? There are no tenants for the Commercial area, no tenants for the office and no proposals for the RD portion. 8) What are the steps to prevent flooding downstream of the zoning area? Zoning approval Plat Process Technical Advisory Committee Final Plat to Planning Commission Si