HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.04.11_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINTTTES OF REGULAR MEE TN 'T'uesday, .April 11, 1.995 The Owasso planning Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, .April 11, 1.995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of flublic Meeting and Agenda posted on the City 1- --fall bulletin board at 4:30 pore, on Thursday,, March 30, 1995n -f`-1 °L?M 1: C ,(-.L ' -f'O ORDER Chairpersom Ray Haynes (;alle;d the meeting to o de,r at `7:04 p,rr. ITEM 2: R01.1, CALL ABSENT Ray Haynes Gary Wells Jerry ole Dewey Drown Charles Willey STAFF Tim looney Marcia Boutwell A quorurn was declared present, ITEM 3: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINv,rES OF MARCH 14, 1995 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Cole moved, seconded by Mr Wells, to approve the minutes as submitted. AYE: Cole, Wells, Drown, Willey, Haynes NAY: bone Motion carried 5 -0, The Chair introduced the case, with the staff report given by Mr Rooney. The site plan request is a reconfiguration of parking facilities for the church to add 21 new parking spaces on the west Owasso Planning Commission April 11, 1995 side of the church and three handicapped parlding spaces along Broadway, The current parking along Birch Street will be removed. Technical .Advisory Committee has reviewed the site plan and offered no objections, Mr Cole mowed to approve the site plan for Church of the Nazarene, Motion seconded by Mr Wells, AYE: Cole, Wells, Brown, Willey, 1- aynes ICI -AYE Norie Motion carried 5 -0, ITEM 5_o. ANN XA1'fON REQUEST_-A_ _.W'Dl VELOPME1 "i-.A ZE FOR A REVIEW OF AN ANNEXATION RE, ��'_R �_._A.. & �1SE�i"�,LOPMEI FOR AN APPRO IMArE 100 ACRE `IRAC.T LOCATED NOR,rH AND ' ZEST OE THE, NORTHWEST CORNED OF E 116TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD,, FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF THE SE/4 OF SEC'TION 6, T21M R14-E OF'--rHE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TU SACOUNTY, _ __�I�� AI 0MA,. T'lie Chair introduced the case, and the staff report was given by Mr Rooney. A A Development has submitted a petition of annexation to the City of Owasso for the above - described property, The property is currently zoned AC (Agriculture) and will remain in that zoning classification until a request for rezoning is received. Notification was given as required by law and the Annexation Con-irnittee and Technical Advisory Committee bath reviewed the case and gave unanimous approval, Chairman Haynes moved, seconded by Mr Willey, to approve the annexation of approximately 100 acres as requested by A & W Development. AYE: Haynes, Tilley, Cole, Brown, Wells NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED SOUTH 2 Owasso Planning Commission April. 11, 1995 AND EAST OF E 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNE TT ROAD AND CONTAINS 126.805 MORE OR LESS The Chair introduced the rase, and the staff report was given by Mr Rooney. PUD x,13 contains 126.805 acres of undeveloped land, with the exception of a residence. The subject tract is bordered by U -,S, Highway 169 on the east, Garnett Road on the west, 96th. Street North on the north, and prol)crty zoned RE (Residential Estates) on the south. The planned zoning would allow for the development of a single -- family low density residential. area and a multi family low density area., allowing villa and townhorne development, Other zoning areas include an office/research/and light; industrial area and commercial tracts. Although the Comprehensive Plan calls for the area to be zoned low density residential, it was last updated in 1985 and is outdated as -it applies to this area, 'The applicant's request follows existing development trends. Several area residents were present and voiced their concerns, The major areas of concern were low water pressure, drainage, and the condition of 96th Street North, The main concern of the residents was that of drainage and the problem of water standing in the area. A detailed drainage report will be submitted by the applicant. :Manning Commission concerns related to the condition of 96th Street North, notably the fact that it is a two-lane street, and will be carrying much traffic and there are dangerous areas where the street curves. A concern was also expressed about; the intersection at 96th St N and Harnett Rd. Mr Cole moved, seconded by Mr Willey, to approve f1PUD -43 subject to the following conditions: 10 'T'hat the applicant's Development Text acid Conceptual Development Plan be considered to be the Outline Development plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. 2a That, unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, single - family detached lots shall rneet all the necessary requirements of a typical RS-1 district. 3. That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and tiled with the County Clerk's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit. Said covenants shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. 4. All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. 5. A detailed drainage report be submitted by the applicant, 3 Owasso Manning Commission April 11, 1995 6a That within the pUD, the rnaximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 1.70 units, 7/ Sidewalks shall. be provided, along all streets within the p1.fD subject site, as well as East 96th Street North and Garnett Road, & That att landscaping plat-is for the buffer areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso planning Commission and installed prior to the construction of ai -iy area abutting the residential portion of the IT[), AYE: Cole, Willey; Wells, Haynes NAY: Drown Motion carried 4- -1 PROPERTY FROM AG GRICULTURE) TO CG f N Z _, }_1 AND _O%l1_- f'l'l� I)l l ) OCA- -fE 11�w`�'��E SE /4_ OFT HE NW/4 OF SECTION 20, T21N, RHE OF THE INDIAN BASE AND "UL SA COUNTY, .__OKI..,AHOMA AND CONTAINS .,_18.3 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THREE LAKES ADDITION, WEST OF SMITH ELEMENTARY. Tyarin Development requested a rezoning of recently annexed property from AG to CCU and OM. The property is located directly north of Three Lakes 11 subdivision, east of U.S. Highway 169, and west of Smith Elementary School, and contains approximately 18.399 acres. Although most of the plot will be zoned CG, an CAM buffer zone will be required between the CG zoning and the existing residential area. The buffer area will require the construction of a site obstructing fence, a minimum setback of 40 feet from any of the abutting residential and school property, and substantial landscaping along the abutting lines with the residential property. A detention area has been included in the southeast corner of the property. Several citizens were present with a list of their concerns. Those concerns included water pressure, drainage, the type of fence and where it will be placed, drainage, types of businesses allowed and their hours, size of buildings, lighting, traffic through the residential area, what will happen to existing trees, will this development encourage loitering, does the site plan have to be followed, the width of the buffer zone, commercial uses close to a school, and a detention pond close to a school. Mr Steve Compton, representing the developer, addressed each of the concerns. The residents were reminded that the planning Commission will review any plat and all site plans that may occur within this property, 4 Owasso Planning Commission .April 11, 1995 Mfr Cole moved, seconded by Mr 1 -laynes, to approve the rezoning request submitted by Tyann. Development, AYE. Cole, Haynes, Brown, Willey, Wells NAY: None Motion carried 5..0, 'l:h.e ("'hair recessed the meeting at 8:38 p,rno a nd reconvened at 8.50 p.m. ITEM 8: OLS-95-02-CITY OF OWASSO---A 'FOR A LOT SPLIT BY THE CITY OF OWASSO. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS DESCRIBED AS BEING L,O -,C' ''-r l -„ IN_'3HE_ NE /4, OF Et ION 31_, T21N. .14E OF THE INDIA N BASE AND MER1DIA_tT U _ A_.COUNTY., A AND CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY THREE ACRES, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED :IO1_ITH OF THE OWASSO RECYCI_,E CENTER. The pity of Owasso requested approval of a .lot split for property located south of Precision Components and the Recycle Center, The three -acre tract will be split into two 11l2 -acre tracts. One of the tracts will be purchased by a co:rnpany wanting to relocate. The property is zoned Ali (Agriculture) and will need to be rezoned prior to the property being utilized. The Technical .Advisory Corm- nittee requested a 17.5 foot utility easement around the perimeter of both lots created by the lot split. Mr Willey moved, seconded by Mr Brown to approve the requested lot split. AYE: Willey, Brown, Cole, Wells, Haynes NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Tyann Development has submitted a request for a review of the preliminary plat for Castle Point Commercial Park, This is an 8.86 acre tract located immediately north of Wal-Mart. It was 5 Owasso planning Commission April 119 1995 recently annexed and zoned CG and OM. When this property was rezoned, the City Council rluested the ability to enforce the covenants of this addition, if the developer does not enforce therm., and that item has been added to the covenants. All comments presented by the 'Technical Advisory Committee have been addressed, Mr Cole moved, seconded by r Wells to approve the preliminary plat for Castle point Comn2ercial Park, YE. Cole, Wells, 1liown, Willey, Haynes IA`i' None `l-`he motions ca-ried `i.-O, ITEM 10: FINAL PLAT-THE VILLAGE ATSOUTHERN LINKS - A REQUEST FOR A REVIEW OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE VILLAGE AT SOUTHERN LINKS, AN ADDITIONTO THE CITY OFOWASS0. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED SOUTH OF E 86"1 I STREET NORTH H AND FITS WITHIN THE W/2 OF SECTION 30, '1721N, R14E AND CONTAINS 61 RESIDENTIAL, LOTS CAN 1`x,19 ACRES, Items 111, 11, and 11 were discussed as one, however, each of the three items was voted on separately. This development is located south of 86th Street North and is the development surrounding the southern portion of the golf course. The property is ;coned PUD and allows for several different size residential lots. No coniniercial, office, or rmulti- family development is included within this portion of the PUD. All three plats have been reviewed by the ;technical. Advisory Committee. All comments received from that committee have been addressed. The Golf Authority has expressed some concerns about the covenants for the development. The developers will be meeting with the Golf Authority at their April meeting. An area of contention for the planning Commission was a statement in the staff report alluding to the fact that The Summit may become a "gated" community. That issue was discussed at length, with the developer assuring the Commission that it is not his intention to "gate" The Summit. Mr Cole moved, seconded by :fir Wells, to approve the Final Flat for The Tillage at Southern Links AYE: Cole, Wells, gown, Willey, Haynes NAY- None The motion carried 5 -0. 6 Owasso Planning Commission April 119 1995 ITEM 11: FINAL PLAT-TFIE ESTATES AT SOUTHERN LINKS - A 1�E QUEST F'OR-A REVIEW OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE ESTATES AT SOUTHERN LINKS,,,AN ADDITIONTOTHE CITY OF OWASSO. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE VILLAGE AT' SOUTHERN LINKS AND LIES WITHINTHE W/2 OF SECTION'L0,.T?. ND ---- ----- -------- C"ONT-AINS 23 RES IDE-�'NTIAL. Lf-ar'S, OF 11.31 ACRES. -.- - ------ - - ---- ----- ---- Mr Wells moved, seconded by Mr Willey to approve the Final Plat for The EsU.UeE,; at Southern 1,,inks. AYE: Wells, Willey, Brown, Cole, Haynes NAY: None 'he motion carried 5-0, ITEM 12: FINAL PLAT-THE SUMMITATSOUTFIERN LINKS - A . ..... . .. ... U3 TOR-A- REVIEW OF THE FINAL, PLAT FOR THE SUMMIT AT SOUTHERN LINK AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, THE PROPERTY IS IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF THE ESTATES AT SOUTHERN LINKS AND LIES WITTIINTHE W/2 OF SECTION 30,72IN, R14E AND CONTAINS 29 RESIDENTIAL LOTS OF 15.30 ACRES. Mr Willey moved to approve the Final Plat for The Summit at Southern Links, with the following paragraph being stricken frorn the staff rnernorandurn- "It is also likely that the areas contained with The Summit at Southern Links will. contain some form of 'private access" to this portion of the development. An agreement will have to be obtained between the developers and city emergency and utility services as to the extent of which this "private access" is utilized. Again, this agreement will likely be presented to the Planning Commission at a later date for approval." Motion seconded by Mr Brown. AYE: Willey, Brown, Cole, Haynes NAY-, Wells The motion carried 4-1. 7 Owasso Planning Commission April 119 1995 ITEM 130 NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 14: REPOR1' ON I-"I..,ANNfNG ITEMS PREVIOUSLY FORWARDED TO C111"Y COUNCI I.., Mr Rooney discussed. Planning ing Con- u-nission iterns recently acted upon by City Council rrEM 15: DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMEN'J" IN AND NEAR OWASSO. Mr Rooney announced an annexation request at the southeast corner of 86thi St N and 129th E Ave, ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Mr Willey moved, seconded by Mr Brown to adjourn. AYE. Willey, Brown, Wells, Cole, 1-lay.,(ies NAY: o alone Motion carried 5-0 acid the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p,rn_ r Chairpero3 ra Secretary Date Approved