HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.11.12_Planning Commission MinutesO A SO PLANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday, November 12, 1996
Owasso City ball
207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray 11ayiies
,ferry Cole
Dewey Brown
Charles Willey
_Dill Ellison
Tim Mooney
Marsha 1-1eiisley
T'he agenda for the meeting was hosted in the Owasso City gall, 207 S Cedar, on November
6, 1995 at 4;00 PM
1. CALL. TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7 :00 PM
and declared a quorurl` present,
MEETING AND ocrOBER 25, 1995 ,SPECIAL, MEETING - The Commission
reviewed the minutes of October 8, 1996 and October 25, 1996, Dewey Brown moved
to approve the minutes with an amendment of adding Bill Ellison to the members present
list on the October 25, 1996 minutes, Jerry Cole seconded, A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes -ales
Dewey Brown - Yes
Bill Ellison - ales
Charles Willey - Yes
Jerry Cole - Yes
The motion carried 5 -00
ale FINAL PLAT - BRENTWOOD PARR - A request to review a final plat for Brentwood_
Parr, an addition to the City of Owasso located immediately east of Brentwood Estates,
consisting of 20 residential lots on 8,41 acres, more or less, The subject property is
further described as a portion of the SCI /4 of the SE /4 of Section 21, Township 21
North, Range 14, East,
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr, Rooney. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat, PSO and TCI had no comments
and /or corrections. ONG shows the existing 17,5' utility easement in Lots 19 and 20.
Also, continue the 15' u/e around the cut --de -sacs in the front of the lots. The applicants
will be required to add sidewalks along the portion of E. Stith Street North that abuts
their portion of the development. Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat for
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Brentwood parr subject to staffs memorandum and the following recommendations:
L The 17.5' utility easement is identified along; the southern boundary of the
plat through Dots 19 and 20 of Block 1, and that it be identified as an
ON G easement.
Tliat the 15' La /e be continued and identified in the front: of all the cut-
-de-sac lots.
Charles Willey seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes _. Yes
Dewey Drown _. Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
:ferry Cole . Yes
'The motion carried 5 -0.,
5 -OLS -96 -08 _. LEGACY _pROl ERT'IES, INC. - A request to review a lot split located
within a portion of Lot 1, Bloch. 5, Ator Heights Third Addition. The subject property
is located south of Mowery Funeral Homes, North of 9100 N. Garnett Load,
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The
subject property is zoned CG and would create two commercially zoned lots. One would
contain the dimensions of 116.46 x 250', while the northernmost lot would be 98 x 250'.
At the TAC meeting on October 30, 1996 no comments and /or concerns were offered.
Staff has no objections to this request. Jerry Cole moved to approve the lot split, Dewey
Brown seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Jerry Cole _. Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
6. OZ -96 -01 - TIM TERRAL - A request for rezoning of property currently zoned RS -2
(Residential Single - Family Medium Density) and AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential
Single - Family Medium Density) and CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The purpose
of the request is to establish underlying zoning for OPUD -14. The general location of
the subject property is north and west of the northwest corner of E. 86th Street North
and N. 145th E. Avenue. The entire subject property contains 136.30 acres, more or
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The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr, Rooney, The
proposed rezoning would create the needed underlying coning in order for OPUD -14 to
be considered by the Planning Commission, The request for RS -2 zoning is consistent
with the past development trends in the area, it also meets the Comprehensive Flan of
the area, The 5 acre parcel to receive CS coning also is consistent with the
Comprehensive flan. Staff recomnhends approval of the RS -2 zoning, also staff
recommends approval of the requested CS zoning, ,ferry Vole moved to approve the
rezoning request, Charles Willey seconded, A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray 1-laynes Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
.ferry Cole - Yes
Pill Ellison ._ Yes
Charles 'Tilley ,_ Yes
The motion carried 5 -0,
7 OPUS .1j__- _`f- TIM TERRA , - A request for approval of a Planned Unit Development
OPUD -14- is located north and west of the northwest corner of E. 86th Street North and
N� 145th E. Avenue. The entire subject property contains 136.3 t acres, consisting of
131.30 acres of residential development and 5 acres of commercial development.
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by /Ira Rooney. The
Planning Commission reviewed a presentation made by the applicant and received
comments and questions from approximately 10 interested citizens, 'There were concerns
with traffic problems in that area and drainage questions, Also, concerns regarding fire
and police protection. Dewey Drown moved to approve the OPUD -- -14 request subject
to staff's memorandum and the following recommendations:
1, That the applicant's Development Text and Conceptual Development pan
be considered to be the Outline Development plan as required by the PUD
Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code,
2. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this
PUD, single - family lots shall meet the requirements of a typical RS -2
3. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this
PUD, all commercial development shall meet the requirements of a typical
CS district,
4, That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwellings shall not exceed
4.67 (underlying Rs--2 zoning would permit up to 525 dwelling units),
5o That the reference on page 16 of the PUD text pertaining to a lien being
placed on a Homeowner's Association members "personal Property " be
changed to "real property,"
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6o That minor transfers (15 % increase in a developments area's density) of
dwelling units from one residential development area to another can occur
if a significant change in the character of either development area is not
I, That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee
for subdivision plat approval be net as conditions of the PUD,
8, That no building; porn- its be issued within any portion of the PUD until all
criteria outlined with Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision :regulations are
met by the developer.
9a All covenants of any subdivision plat: containing property within the PUD
shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make
the City of Owasso beneficiary,
100 That a detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting, and
certification of such document by an engineer,
1-1 That if the street layout proposed_ is similar to that which is proposed, a
stop sign shaft be require at the third 4 way intersection frOin E, 86th
Street North,
12 That the Northernmost access point to N, 145th E, Avenue om [lie PUD
property shall line up with the southernmost access point: of the
Whispering pines Addition (Rogers County).
154 Acceleration /Deceleration. lanes will be required on E. 86th Street Forth
and N. 145th E. Avenue,
1444 Sidewalks will be required along E. 86th ,Street North and Na 145th E
15 e No flag lots are permitted within any portion of the PUD
160 If needed, commercial area may be required to provide on -site detention.
This to be determined at site plan review for commercial property,
lie Detailed landscaping plans (type, species, size, location, irrigation) shall
be required to be submitted with site plans of any commercial
development, Said plans will be reviewed by staff and must be approved
by the planning Commission,
Motion was seconded by Charles Willey and a vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
Jerry Cole - Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
'The motion carried 5 -0o
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proposed amendments to the Owasso Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 8, Sal
"Intentions ", Article E and Chapter d, 4,11 "Acceptance of Improvements". Said
amendments, if approved, to be forwarded to the Owasso City Council on November 19,
This item was fabled, to be presented at a later date,
9, Report on Monthly Building, Permit Activity.
[fir, Mooney discussed October building permits,
10o Deport on Planning Reins Previously Forwarded to City Council.
11. Discussion of Development In and bear Owasso,
12, A )J 1JRNM1HN`I_'. Charles Willey moved, D( wey Brown seconded, to adjourn meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
.ferry Cole - Yes
Bill Ellison _ Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned, at 8 :22 PK