HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.04.09_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday, April 9, 1996
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray I-laynes
Merry Cole
Charles Willey
Gary Wells
Dewey Brown
Tim Rooney
Marsha Beasley
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on April 2, 1996,
at 11: 00 AID.
1 CALL TO ORDER ... Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P
and declared a quorum_ present.
MEETING ... The Commission reviewed the minutes of March 12, 1996, Jerry Cole
moved, seconded by Ray L1aynes to approve the minutes as written.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
.Jerry Cole - Yes
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3 -0e
4 final flat - betty SLnitli busines�._Park - A request for a review of the final plat for Betty
Smith business Park, an addition to the City of Owasso, The subject property is
described as a part of the NW/4 of Section 20, Township 21 forth, Range 14 East,
Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and contains 1 lot on 15.70 acres, more or less. The subject
property is located south of E. 96th Street forth, wrest of the Owasso Expressway.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat for Petty Smith business Park, subject to
the requirements Made by staff. Seconded by Charles Willey.
Owasso Planning Commission
April 99 1996
Page No. 2
A vote on the notion was recorded as follows:
Jerry Cole - Yes
Racy Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey -`des
'-1,he motion carried 3-0.
`i final flat - Hidde n View _ Addition _.. A request for a review of the final plat for Hidden
View Addition, an addition to the City of Owasso. The subject property is located at the
southeast corner of fifth and Carlsbad and contains 10 residential lots on 1094 acres,
more or less.
"Me Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The final plat
contains all recommendations made by staff during the preliminary flat review with the
exception of addresses needing to be added.
Jerry Cole moved to approve the final plat for Hidden View Addition with the condition
of addresses being added to the plat, Seconded by pray Haynes.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Jerry Cole - Yes
Ray Haynes _. Yes
Charles Tilley - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
6. Site flan Review - Mingo Malley Shgppin Center v- A request for a review of a site plan
for Mingo Valley Shopping Center. The subject site is located nn a portion of Tract D,
Lot 2, Mingo Valley .Shopping Center,
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan at their March 27, 1996 regular
meeting. Comments from the utility companies and city personnel were are follows:
10 Add an additional 6.5' to the existing 119 utility easement that runs
north /south behind the proposed structure.
2. Stop signs be added at both exits from the parking lots,
3, That a fire hydrant be added within the parking lot island that is proposed
to contain a sign.
The members of the planning Commission had concerns with traffic cutting through the
parking lot, placing islands with curbs and guttering in the parking lot were agreed to
by the applicant,
Owasso Planning Connnission
April 99 1996
Page No. 3
Merry Cole moved to approve the site plan with the requirements of the three (3) above
TAC items and landscaping (curbed and guttered) of the parking lot islands `seconded
by Charles Willey,
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
.ferry Cole- Yes
Ray Haynes ... des
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
T Lot .John Williams - A request for review of a lot split for 1.,ot 1, Block 2 of the
Ram Plaza Addition. The subject property is located immediately cast of flit former
Owasso Food Lion Building.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, The., Owasso
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the lot split request at their March 27, 1996
meeting, At that meeting no comments or concerns were addressed by the utility
companies. Staff recommends approval of OLS- -96 -02 with the following conditions.
1. That the applicant proceed with a plat amendments changing the "limits
of no access" as shown on the original loam plaza plat.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split subject to the recommendation made by staff.
Seconded by Charles `Tilley.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows
,ferry Cole - Yes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey w Yes
The motion carried 3_.0a
8, Lot Split - Min o Properties - A request for review of a lot split for Lot 2, Block 1,
Mingo Commerce Center. The subject property is located directly east of Mazzio's
restaurant and if the lot split is approved, would correct a surveying error.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was presented by Mr, Rooney. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request, the only comment received from
the utility companies was to ensure that the utility easement be maintained. Staff had no
objections to the lot split.
Merry Cole moved to approve the lot split subject to the maintaining; of the utility
Owasso Planning Commission
April 9, 1996
Page No. 4
easement. Seconded. by lay Haynes,
A vote on the motion_ was recorded as follows
,ferry Cole - Yes
Ray Haynes -- 'es
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
9, Lot p1 f_ t u: John J. LIy stun -.A request for review of a lot split fog° a tract of
land situated in Lot 1, Block 19, Elm Creek Estates First Addition. The subject property
is located immediately cast of the Owasso auto Zone and is the future site of Owasso
Attic Storage.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was presented by Mr. Rooney, The
Trechnical Advisory Committee reviewed this request on March 27, 1996 with one
comment, The utility compardes want to ensue that a 17.5 utility easement be granted
along the west, south and east boundaries of the entire subject property.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split subject to ' AC recommendation, Seconded
by Merry Cole.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Merry Cole - Yes
Pray Haynes - Yes
Charles Willey a Yes
The motion carried 3 -0.
10, Easement A request to close a portion of a 1705 utility
casement located within Lot 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition. The subject property
is located at 13305 E. 93rd Street North, Owasso, OK.
The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The applicant
wishes to construct an in- ground pool in their back yard. It is necessary for the applicant
to seek a portion of the 1705' utility easement be closed. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed this request on .March 27, 1996 and had no objections to the
applicant's request.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the casement closing. Seconded by Charles Willey.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows
Owasso Planning Connnission
April 9, 1996
Page Noe
Jerry Cole -- Yes
Ray Haynes - -- Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
The motion carried 3 -0,
I L Owasso Zoni ',Code' t - A. continued review of Chapters 8 and 9 of the Owasso
Zoning Code.
The planning Commission members tabled this item for tl"te May 1.4, 1996 regular
meeting 5
12. New Business - The Commission will be reviewing the final plat on Barrington Point 111,
also preliminary plats on Country Estates 11 and Nottingham Estates 11 at next monda's
13 Report on Planning Items P-r vio sly Forwarded to City Council,
14. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
15. Adjournment - Charles Willey moved, Jerry Cole seconded, to adjourn meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows
Jerry Cole - Yes
Ray Haynes w Yes
Charles Willey a Yes
The motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7 :45 PM.
Chairper m ,