HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.03.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES O , GULAR MEE TING Tuesday, March 12, 1996 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRES)ENT Ray Haynes Charles Willey Jerry Cole, Gary 'ells Dewey Brown MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PIUT;SEN`h 1'im oom,,,y -Marsha l enslev 'fhe agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on March 8, 19960 L CAL T O ORDER - Chairperson day Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 P and declared a quorum present. 2. RO -[,.,L CALL 1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 13, 1996 REGULAR MEETING AND THE MARCH %, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING -- The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 13, 1996, Jerry Cole moved, seconded by Clary ells to approve the minutes as written, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes -- Yes Charles Willey -- Yes Gary Wells u.. Yes Dewey brown -, Yes The motion carried 5N0. 4, Preliminary Plat - Betty Smith Business Pgrlc - A request for a review of the preliminary plat for Betty Smith Business Park, an addition to the City of Owasso. The subject property is described as a part of the NW/4 of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 Bast, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and contains 1 lot on 15,70 acres, more or less, The subject property is located south of E. 96th Street North, west of the Owasso Expressway. The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by lira Rooney. The preliminary plat was review by the "Technical Advisory Committee at their meeting on February 24, 1996, The utility companies requested a 17.5 perimeter utility easement be added. Also, PSO stated that an easement has been recorded by separate instrument along the northern boundary of the plat and should be shown, Mr. Tuttle, the engineer Owasso Planning Commission March 129 1996 Page Noe for the project, advised that the building line south of drainage easement may shift northward slightly. Staff requires acceleration/deceleration laws at the entrance and inclusion of the city landscape covenant within the covenants of the addition, Mr. Willey stated concerns with infi °a-- structure on 96th Street Mr. Haynes colifirtned that City Council will be reviewing this item for approval.. Gary Wells moved to approve the preliminary play: for the betty Smith Business Park, also to inform City Council of the concerns to the infra - structure of 96th Street, seconded by Charles Willey, A vote on the motion was recorded. as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray llaynes u.. Yes Charles Willey _.. Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 5-0. 5 OLS-9 -01 - John Williams - A request for a review of a lot split described as Lot s and the east 150 feet of Lot 2, Bloch 2, Ram Plaza addition, Rant Plaza is located at the northwest corner of E. 86th Street forth and N. 1 29th past .avenue, The Chair introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, The lot split was reviewed by the "technical .advisory Committee on February 24, 19960 The only comment by staff and the utility companies was a request for a 15' utility easement along the eventual west property line of the entire lot to be created. Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Jerry Cole w Yes Ray Haynes m Yes Charles Willey d Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes The notion carried 5-0. 6. Site Plan - Sterling House Coro ®r�ti(�n -� A request for. the review of a site plan for an Elderly Assisted hiving Facility to be located on Lot 3 and the east 150 feet of Lot 2, Bloch 2, barn Plaza .addition, The subject property is located west of N. 129th Eat Owasso Planning Con Fission March 129 1996 Page %loft 3 Avenue, immediately south of the Owasso Ninth Grade Center. Mr. Haynes introduced the case and staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, The staff has concerns that two additional curb cuts would. exist on the lot immediately to the west,and two more on the lot further to the west, leaving us with six curb cuts. Mr. Rooney feels it is important to limit the amount of access points to the subject property. An alternative access drive for the westerly access point was developed and would allow for joint utilization between the assisted living facility and the eventual -user to the west. Jerry Cole moved to approve the site plan with the following conditions: I a That the site plan submitted be amended to include the alternate access drive as shown in Option 20 2, rhat the applicant proceed with a plat amendment changing the "Bruits of no access" as shown on the original Rau. Plaza plat, Seconded by Dewey Drown, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes Charles Willey .r Yes Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried. 5 -0. 70 Easement Closing_.: PB I -Iomes Inc..,- A request to close the western most 1 foot of the eastern I F utility easement heated on Lot 7, Block 2, Double Oaks III Addition. The subject property is located at 7902 ale 126th East Avenue. The Chair introduced the case and the staff report was given by Mr. Rooney. The request for easement closing was sent to the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee on March 5, 1996, The utility companies have responded that they have no objections to the request as they have no utilities located within that portion of the easement. Staff recommends approval of the easement closing request, Ray Haynes moved to approve the easement closing request with the recommendation for the applicant to bring a foundation survey to the City Council meeting, seconded by Crary Wells, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Owasso Planning Conmission March 129 1996 Page No. 4 Jerry Cole - No Ray Haynes des Charles Willey _. Abstain Gary Wells - Yes Dewey Brown Yes The motion carried --1 o Owasso _% ni � A continued review of Chapters 8 and 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code, Mr. Haynes introduced the item, Mr. Looney recommended mended this item to be tabled. o New Business - None 10� Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council Mr. Rooney reported on Hidden View Subdivision, stating that it was approved by the Board of Adjustment, 11, Discussion of Development In and. Near Owasso Mr. Rooney stated possible opening for Warehouse Market to be May 1, 19960 Ribbon cutting ceremony for National Steals and Poultry is set -for April 25, 1.996o 12. Adjournment - Jerry Cole moored, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn. meeting. A Grote on the motion was recorded as follows: Jerry Cole - Yes Ray Haynes a Yes Charles Willey - Yes Gary Wells a Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motiop c carried 5 0