HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.11.11_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Tuesday, November 119 1997
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes Bob R.arrdolph
Charles Willy (in at 7 ; 0; PM
Bill Ellison
Dewey Brown
f "irn Rooney
Marsl_ra Hensley
The agenda for the meeting; was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on November
4, 1997 at 1:30 PM.
1.. CALL TO ORDER a Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p
and declared a quortr_rrr present,
2. ROLL t._'AIJ,
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of October 14, 1997, Dewey Brown
moved, seconded by Bill Ellison to approve the minutes as written. A vote; on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison w `des
Dewey Brown _. Yes
The motion carried 3 -0.
4. Preliminary Plat -ROC Owasso e A request for preliminary plat approval for ROC
Owasso, an addition to the City of Owasso containing 6 lots on 25.568 acres, more or
less. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of E 86th St lei and N 129th
E Ave and is commercial zoned.
Mr. Rooney presented this item to the Committee. The Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the preliminary plat and provided several comments /corrections, all of these
corrections have been addressed on this preliminary plat. Charles Willey had questions
regarding street improvements at the intersection of 16th Street North.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat, motion was seconded by Dewey
Brown. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
November 11, 1997
Page Noe
Ray Haynes ... Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown ... Yes
J'he motion carried 4 , fl.
t€3 rmnaytw:._sti ,.. % °equc;st for preliminary flat approval for Caudle
Estates, an addition to the City of Owasso containing 38 lots on l :I , 3� acres, more or
less, The subject property is located west of the southwest corner of U 96th St N and
Garnett Road.
A review was given by Mr. Rooney. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the
plat at their October 29, 1997 meeting and no comments or corrections were made.
There is a possibility of opposition from the property owner to the south wanting to
obtain access through Caudle Estates property. This would not be recommended and
would be more appealing routing traffic through the commercial zoning also established
on the property.
Charles Willey moved to approve the preliminary flat, motion was seconded by Ray
Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - des
Dewey brown -_ Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
6. Site Ilan - Owasso Auto Care -- A request for approval of a site plan for Owasso Auto
Care's Quick Lube Facility to be located on the northwest corner of West Third Street
and North Main, Owasso,
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney.
Regulations apply in a CS district that is classified as a Use Unit 169 such regulations are
as follows:
1. No open air storage is permitted except the incidental open air display of
tires, batteries, lubricants, and automobile accessories.
November 11, 1.997
Page Nom 3
. Jherrever` abutted by property coned residential, the commercial use shall
be screened along the lot line(s) in common with the residential district: by
the erection of a screenings gall or fence.
,A, » ff �,
bia� �a plan Aec,�al�,sa Advisory k.a�ifaa$t��s,�� i "� �1�a�4iv�� Lt�� �1tC; ��l�i1i and no con-Ifne1 "lid Wer
received at that meeting. The lot located to the west was questioned, This lot could be
ernployee parking; or customer, but should riot be used for inoperable vehicles and would
require:, a, hard surface, Staff recommends the planning Commission require the
installation of a site obstruction fence along the common lot: lines of the residential
district (west and north) and prohibit outside storage other than what is permissible by
the Zoning Code,
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above staff recommendations
plus, a clarification of the location of a trash dunipster, Dewey Brown seconded. A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
May Haynes ... Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey Yes
Dewey Brown Yes
The motion carried 41.. -0.
7. Site plan -- Kourtls 3ro�t� - A request for the approval of a site plan for Kourtis
Properties for a commercial building to be located at Ator° Shopping, Center of Garnett
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Sir. Rooney. The
proposed building is to be 3,000 square feet and is proposed for storage use. The
parking spaces required would be 6, one which should be handicap. There was a
meeting held on November 5, 1997 with the property owners to the west, the developer
and the City to discuss drainage concerns. A retaining wall, a site obstructing fence
above that gall, and the planting of some pine trees will be completed within the next
thirty days. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Six (6) additional parking spaces to be added, one of which is to be
labeled for handicapped accessible.
Charles Willey moved to approve the site plan subject to the staff recommendations
stated above, Bill Ellison seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as
November 11, 1997
Page No. 4
Ray Haynes Yes
Bill Ellison Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
`l"he motiOD. carried 4 -0.
Ii. Easernent_Q , _i xgr ous_IIo
A re luest -for the closing of a portion o a utility
easement located on fog: 8, Block 1, The Fairways at Bailey Ranch. The portion of the
easement to be dosed is described as the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 11 foot: utility
easement:, from a point beginning at the 25' building line for a distance of 40 feet. The
Technical Advisory Committee and staff reviewed the request arid has no concerns or
A review of this item was given by Mr. Rooney. Comments and concerns were
expressed by the Commissioners regarding why a survey was not done before or at the
time of the looting, The applicant, irrmoras wasp °esent and .xplained the reason.
for the error was the surrey pin being pulled out when the neighbor's fence was built.
Ray Haynes expressed his concerns with easement closings happening so often do to the
lack of property being surveyed,
Ray Haynes moved to approve the easement closing request hut, expressed his
disapproval with -repeated easement closings, Dewey Brown seconded. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey -ales
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 4--0.
9. OLS- -96 -06 -David Nimes - A request for a lot split approval located on pots 6 and 7,
Block 5, Hale Acres Addition.
Mr. Rooney reviewed the lot split request with the Commissioners. This lot split would
split two existing platted lots and create 3 total lots for duplex development. The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the lot split request and had no comments or
concerns were offered by the utility companies. A building permit would still be
required prior to any construction.
November 11, 1997
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Charles Willey moved to approve the lot split request subject to a building permit being
issued prior to any construction, motion was seconded by hay Haynes, A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes `,r
Dill Ellison Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown ... Yes
The motion carried 4-0.
10 Site Pla�ri- Owasso ,Sixth Grade Center . A request from Mr. Dale Johnson, Superintendent
of Owasso Public Schools, to address the Planning Commission regarding the site plan
requirements of the Owasso Sixth Grade Center. More specifically, the site plate
requirernent to construction are escape lave on the west side of N. 129th E. Avenue,
Tim Rooney introduced lair. Dale Johnson, Superintendent of Owasso Public Schools.
Mr. Johnson presented his appeal regarding the requirement for the construction of an
escape lane along North 129th East. Avenue, Mr. John Groth questioned Mr. Johnson
regarding 'why this issue was not resolved prior to this point. Mr. troth explained that
some months ago he had spore with Mr. Johnson and brought the escape lane to his
attention. Mr. Groth also felt like whatever was necessary for the safety of the children
should be done.
Mr. Johnson stated that the escape lane could not be accomplished legally according to
the school district's attorney. Mr. Rodney Ray, City Manager, addressed the
Commissioners. Stating that all BOLA codes have been met in the building of the
school. He explained that the escape lane is more of a traffic flog issue and holding up
the opening of the school is not in the best interest of the community. The proposal is
to install a "No heft Turn" sign for traffic heading south. fir. Johnson stated the
flashing light is on order and is part of this project. He also stated, buses will not turn
around or go through neighborhoods in order to get heading north, to turn right into the
school. Mr. John further stated that he had no problems with this alternative.
Mr. Ellison addressed bus traffic concerns, whether all the buses coming from the same
direction would cause them to stack up. A concerned citizen that lives east of Owasso
on 76th Street North and uses 129th East Avenue regularly to get to 86th Street North,
was also worried with the flow of traffic.
Shay Haynes called for a recess at 5:50 PM.
November 11, 1997
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The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 RN /L
Ray Haynes stated he would rather see the school totally complete, but could see a "No
Left Turn" sign being a possible tercel: .)orary solution., He also stated the County, School
Board and the City of Owasso shoU,ld share hn the cost of the escape lane. Mr. Johnson
reported that the signal lights are not a problem. The school has a contract with beeline;
Traffic Contpany and, the signal lights were left up to them. Mr. Johnson also stated tie
would work with the City of Owasso in building other schools even if they were located
in the County. Mr. Ray stated, regarding the flashing lights, we could after 5 (five) days
check back with the school and check to see if the lights are in the process of being;
installed. Dewey Brown suggested lifting the time frame of 5 (five) days in compliance
for the manual light. Bill Ellison added, a police officer should be there directing traffic
and assuring the safety of the children until the manual light is complete, at the expense
of the school.
Ray Baynes moved to allow the school board to not construct escape lanes for an
occupancy permit, which will be at Rodney lays discretion to be issued, but to be
installed at the earliest time possible. Additionally, a "No Left Turn" sign should be
installed for the southbound traffic. Flashing school zone lights are to be installed and
completed prior to occupancy. City of Owasso will provide police protection for two (2)
days after school opening, then the school is to be responsible for the police protection,
until a manual light is installed. The motion was seconded by Dewey Brown. A vote
on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - `des
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 4 -0.
11. Detachmentd Nuest -Allen Robinson - A request for the detachment of property from the
City Limits of Owasso. The subject property is located in the B/2 of the NE/4 of
Section 31, T21N, R14B.
The City of Owasso has been in negotiations with the applicant to obtain right -of -way for
the proposed extension of S. Fifth Avenue from NSB to the service road. The applicant
expressed a desire to construct a billboard on his property at the location described in the
detachment request. Because billboards are not permitted in the City of Owasso and the
subject property is on the southern boundary of the city limits, staff advised Mr.
Robinson to seek a detachment request rather than a Variance from the Board of
November 11, 1997
Page No. 7
Adjustment. ' "Iffic Annexation Corrmince reviewed this request and hay no concerns,
Charles Willey moved to approve the detachment request, seconded by Bill Ellison. A
vote on the motimi, was recorded as bilows;
Ray Haynes _ Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown _.. Yes
The motion carried 4-0,
12. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity _. October report was reviewed,
11 Deport on Planning lterns Previously Fo-r yarded to City Council.
14.. Disciission of Development In and Near (.)wasso
15, Adjournment- ewey Brown moved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
Dewy Brawn - Yes
The motion carried l— i and the meeting was adjourned at 9.25 PM.
Cllairperscn „f