HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.08.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
"Tuesday, August 12, 1991
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Charles Willey
Bill Edison
Dewey Brown
Bob Randolph
Tim Rooney
Marsha Hensley
The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on August 5,
1997 at 12:00 PM.
1. CALL TG ORDER -- Chairperson ray Haynes galled the meeting to order at 1 :00 P
acid declared a quorum present.
2. ROLL CA11,
MEETING ... The Commission reviewed the minutes ol` July 8, 1997, Charles Willey
roved, seconded by Bill Ellison to approve; the rnirrutes as written, A vote on the
notion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes .. Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
In order to accommodate the citizens that were in present, rezoning items #8 and #9 were moved
up to this portion of the agenda.
4. OZ -97-03 - Kourtis Prooerties - A request to rezone the Northwest (quarter of the
Northeast (quarter and the Northwest (quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter of Section 19, x'21, R14E from AG (Agriculture) to RS --3 (residential Single -
Family High Density). The subject property is immediately north of Ator Heights ICI
and contains 50 acres, more or less.
Mr. Rooney presented this item to the Committee. This property would allow the tie in
of Bailey Ranch Golf Club and Ator Heights IV. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes, as
well as sidewalks, will be required along E. 96th Street North. Notices were mailed to
property owners surrounding this rezoning. Calls requesting information were received
by the Community Development Department, but no opposing comments. Several
surrounding property owners were present with concerns on drainage and the density of
the single- family developments, Mr. Bill Lewis the engineer for this project was present
August 12, 1997
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to a)uswer questions and concerns from the surrounding property owners.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the request for rezoning subject to Staff recommendations,
motion was seconded 1yy Bill .F;llison. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes Yes
:Bill Ellison _. Yes
Charles Willey . Yes
The motion carried 3 B.
5. OZ-9 -04_:- lohnson Trust - A request to rezone the West halt of the Southeast Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1.6, T21N, h14E from AAA (Agriculture to S_.2
(Residential .single - Family Medium density). The subject property is irnmediately north
of the Pleasant View Addition.
A review was given by Mr. Rooney. The subject property is undeveloped with the
exception of a residential dwelling. Notices were :wailed to surrounding property owners
and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. A few calls were
received, but no comments opposing the request, Several surrounding property owners
were present and had questions regarding the size of the lots.
Charles Willey moved to approve the request for rezoning, motion was seconded by Ray
Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows.
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey w Yes
The motion carried 3 - -0.
6. Final Plat o Owasso Industrial Park e A request for the review of a final plat for Owasso
Industrial Dark. The property is located immediately south of the National Steals and
Poultry facility and would contain 5 lots on 7.41 acres, more or less.
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney.
Preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission on July 8, 1997. A total of
6 lots appear on this final plat, one more than the preliminary plat and was created by
identifying the size of the necessary storrnwater detention, putting the detention on one
lot as opposed to all of the lots. This plat was reviewed at the TAC meeting on July 29,
August; 12, 1 997
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1997. No comments were noted from the utility companies and staff's comments were
requesting of the labeling of the streets and the inclusion of addresses on the plat.
Bill Ellison moved to approve the final plat for Owasso Industrial Park subject to staff
r(,;c c) mien dat's_ons, R.Zcy' l 'layr-tes Vie(; ont'led. ik vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes .e Yes
Dill Ellison .files
Charles Willey _ Yes
The n -lotion carried 3._.0.
_ .Pleb mare_ Plat -- Windsor Lae III - A request for the review of a preliminary plat for
Windsor Lake III. Windsor sake II is located south of Windsor Lake 11, north of
Barrington Point and Barrington Estates, east of Camden harp:, and west of Nottingham
Estates. Windsor Lake III consists of 32 residential lots ;coned IBS -2 (Residential Single- -
Farnily Medium Density),
The Chair introduced thy;, case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, Windsor
Lalke III will now connect Windsor Lake II and Windsor sake II Extended, Nottingham
Estates, Barrington Estates and Barrington Point I. This request was reviewed by the
Technical Advisory Committee, which several comments were noted and those items
have been addressed at this time.
After discussion, Charles Willey moved to approve the preliminary plat request, Pill
Ellison seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3 -0.
8. Preliminary Plat w The Summit II at Southern Links - A request for the review of a
preliminary plat for The Summit II at Southern Links. Summit II is located southeast of
The Summit at Southern Links and consists of 14 lots on 7.50 acres, more or less.
A review of this item was given by Mr. Rooney. This plat has been involved in a
review process of an extended period of time in order for it to be acceptable by staff and
forwarded to the Planning Commission. The developer has agreed to the following
modifications due to the concerns of staff:
August 12, 1997
Page No. 4
1. Maintain the lU' landscape buffer as .required by the PUD.
1 Require the standard 50' right --ofway, but allow the actual location of the
pavement within the right -of --way to shift in order to accommodate the
existing water line.
a � k l f 1 55' s. •<d 1 � f
<7. r� r��w$:�ce� s�tt5a%s� a��o'w'ar�c�; of � q.�� � {i.ia Iia�� line, la:� i9i�+�r ia5
accommodate the water line, which would allow for a larger buildable
area on Lots 8 through 14.
At the July 29, 199 / TAC meeting the utility con panics requested additional. easements
at several different locations and these are included on the preliminary plat. No building
permits will be issued in the ,Summit 11 until the "'nubble lane" is constructed along E.
86th Street North at the Southern Links entrance.
Ray fhiynes moved to approve the preliminary plat request, subject to the above
modifications and the addition of a privacy fence along the entire oast side, Bill Ellison
seconded. A vote on the _notion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes .. des
Bill Ellison Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
':1'he motion carried 3 - -0.
9. Preliminary Plat _w _`1'he Fairv�ays ;I _ �il�� ranch 111 and III Extended - A request to
review a preliminary plat for The Fairways at Bailey Ranch III and III Extended. The
subject property consists of 149 residential lots on 66.34 acres, more or less. A portion
of this property is contained within the above rezoning request.
Mr. Rooney reviewed the preliminary plat with the Commissioners. This plat was
reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their July 29, 1997 meeting. Several
requests for additional utility easements were made and are included on the plat. Staff
had the, following comments and /or corrections.
1. Street designations are available.
2. remove contour lines on final plat submittal.
3. Covenants need to be submitted with the final plat.
4. Addresses are available and should be included on the final plat.
5. Construction plans need to be submitted with the final plat.
6. Acceleration /Deceleration lanes will be required along E. 96th Street No.
`/. Sidewalks will be required along E. 96th Street North.
August 22, 1997
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'fhe developer, Mr. Pete ourtis was present and addressed questions and concerns
regarding the flag lots and drainage in the area,
Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat subject the above 'l.' ✓fit✓ and Staff
recommendations and subject to the adjustme- t of l`lood control, motion was seconded
by Charles "Tilley. A vote= on the otio_n was recorded- as follows:
Ray Haynes ... Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3-0.
10. Report on monthly Building Permit Activity -- July report was reviewed.
I I. Report on Planning Items 1-1ren o sly Forwarded to City Council,
11 Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso
13. Adjournment _. Charles Willey moved, hill Ellison seconded, to adjourn meeting.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
The motion carried 3-'O )and the rheeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.
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