HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.03.11_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING G COMMISSION
Tuesday, /larch 11, 1997
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
3 erry Cole
CliaY les Willey
Bill 1= 31 ison
Dewey Brown
Tien Mooney
Marsha Hensley
rllie agenda for the meeting was posted in ttie Owasso City Ball, 707 S Cedar, or) Marct) 6,
1997 at 9,00 AK
1. CAL1_, TO ORDER - Chairperson Tray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7°00 PM
and declared a quorum present.
7. ROI -J", CA_ 1,
MEETING G - The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 13, 1997, .Jerry Cole
moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written with the exceptioll
of changes on item #4.. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Jerry Vole -- Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey -. Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
4. Site plan - KourtiS properties - A request from Mr. mete Kourtis for a review of a
comprehensive site plan for three commercial /office buildings located within the Ator
Heights Third Addition. Said buildings to be located on property approved via a lot split
(Oh,S- 96 -08).
The Chair introduced the case. Drainage drawings have not been submitted, Mr. Mooney
suggested this item to be tabled.
S. OLS -97 -01 - 'Tyann Development - A request from 'Tyarm Development for a review of
a lot split within the Castle Barb Addition, more specifically creating two lots from three
platted lots. Castle Point is located within the SW /4- of Section 20, T21N, R14B.
March 119 1997
Page No. 2
'The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. if
approved, this lot split would combine three existing platted lots into two lots, thus
creating two lots with larger building areas, The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the lot split request at their February 16, 1997 regular meeting, No coinnrencs
or concerns were offered by the utility companies,
Following discussion, Dewey Browii moved to approve; the lot split ( "harles Willey
seconded, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes `°f"es
Terry Cole d Yes
Bill Ellison w- `des
Charles Willey Yes
Dewey Brown Yes
-ne motion carried 5 -0,
6, — ifla1_ Plat - 1=akeshore.Cireens, �- A request from Tuttle and Associates for review of a
final plat for Lakeshore Greens, air addition to the City of Owasso, containing 2 rnulti-
farnily logs zoned PUD (underlying zoning of Rill -1) on 14,18 acres, more or less, The
subject property is located north of the northeast corner of E. 86th street forth and
Mingo Road, further described as a portion of the SW /4 of section 19, T2tN, R14E.
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney, The
subject property is zoned PUD, with the underlying designation of Residential Multi-
Family Low Density, No tax credit, low - income, or rent subsidized housing is being
proposed by the applicants, The final plat was reviewed by TAC at their regular meeting
on February 26, 1997, The only comment from the utility companies was the need for
an additional easement along the shared property lines of Lots 1 and 2. This correction
has been added to the final plate Recommendations from staff are as follows
1. Aceeleration /Deceleration lanes will be required at the entrance off of
Mingo Road.
20 sidewalk along Mingo Road will be required.
3e There are different /conflicting easements shown on the east side of Mingo
Road on the plat and the site plane Ps0 requested an additional 17,5'
utility easement outside of the right -of --way at the preliminary plat
meeting. This item has been corrected on both the plat and the site plane
March 11, 199;7
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Following discussion and question frorn the Commissioners, Charles Willey moved to
approve the final plat subject to the inclusion of the above comments provided by staff,
E)ewey Brown seconded, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes .. Yes
Jerry Cole .. Yes
Bill Alison - des
Charles Willey _. Yes
Dewey brown . Yes
The motion carried 5.0
%o Site Plan _.Lakeshore Greens - A request form Architects Colle ive for a review of a
site plan for Lakeshore Greens, a Multi- family residential complex containing 120
residential units on l,ot 1; Block 1, of the proposed f,akeshorc Greens Addition (See
Tlie (;hair introduced the case and the staff -review was given by Mr. Mooney, This
property is coned PUD with an underlying RM -1 zonings `i:he area for multi- family
development limited the total. amount of multi - ,family units to 223, The first phase
proposes a total of 120 multi- family housing units, 'The Owasso Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the site plan at their February 26, 1997 regular meeting. Several
comments /corrections were submitted by staff and the utility companies. Ms, Viviana
Varnado of Architects Collective addressed those comments either by a revised site plan
or -via a letter° harping spaces required for this project is 240 (% of those being
handicapped spaces). Concerns regarding ample handicap parking were addressed by
Mr. Larry C. Fester from Architects Collective. Several questions concerning traffic
coming through the occupied portion were addressed, Staff recommends approval of the
site plan with the following conditions, with the exception of the amendment on item #5o
1 o Plan for the Emergency Vehicle, Override for the Access Control gates
shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Police and Fire
departments prior to installation. Applicant to submit plans to Community
Development Department for distribution.
2, Wind /Trash fencing to be installed around the entire subject site prior to
the issuance of a building permit.
3. Silt fencing to be installed along the portion of the subject property prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
Alarch 119 1997
Page No. 4
4o Separate permits will be required for signage and are not included within
the building permit,
`i, No occupancy of any buildings prior to project completion and obtaining
a final inspection on all of the buildings. An exception to allow
occupancy of the office /club area prior to project: completion would be
6, 1_,andscaping to be installed per submitted detailed landscaping plan,
7, All other corrections identified in March 4, 1997 letter from Architects
Collective shall be required,
.ferry Cole moved to approve the site plan request, subject to the above T AC and staff
recommendations with the following changes on Meru #5:
5. No occupancy of any buildings prior to project completion and obtaining
a final inspection on all of the buildings, An exception to allow
occupancy of the office /club area and the two (2) buildings neighboring
the clubhouse as long as the rest of the buildings are sectioned off,
The motion was seconded by Charles Willey, A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Merry Cole _. Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0,
8. Final plat - Central hark 11 - A request from mane Development for a review of a final
plat for Central Park 11, an addition to the City of Owasso, containing 96 single - family
residential lots zoned RS -3 on 44056 acres more or less. Central hark 1I is located south
of Central Park Addition and east of Lakeridge Addition.
The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr, Rooney, This plat
was reviewed by the 'technical Advisory Committee at their February 26, 1997 meeting
Requests for additional utility easements were made by the utility companies and were
added to the final plate The intersection that is located in the northwest portion of the
i aach 11, 1997
Page No. 5
plat Moos not meet minimum distance required for streets to be offset. This should not
create a problem with the traffic flow, only four residential homesites are located in that
Ray Haynes moved- to approve the final plat for Central. Park 11, subject to staff
requirements, Dewey Brown seconded, A vote on the nnotion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes . `des
,Terry Cole Yes
Bill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey Yes
Dewey Brown Yes
The motion carried . -0o
9 reliminarv_ Plat .- Silver Creek -. A -request frorrr Silver Creek Development foal the
review of a preliminary plat for Silver Creek, an addition to the City of Owasso
containing; 85 residential lots zoned PUD (underlying; zoning of RS - -2) on 33,02 acres,
more or less. Silver Creek is located immediately oast of Brentwood Park,
The Chair introduced the case and the stale review was given by Mr. Rooney, The
Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this preliminary plat at their February 26, 1997
regular meeting. Several comments were submitted by utility companies and staff and
have been addressed at this time. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat
with the following condition of approval;
10 Correct the layout of the cul -de-sac that provides access to hots 22
through 26 of Bloch 3.
Jerry Cole moved to approve the preliminary plat for ,Silver Creek, subject to the above
staff requirements, Dewey Brown seconded. A vote on the rrrotion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Jerry Cole - Yes
Bill Alison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Dewey Brown - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
March 11, 1997
Page No. 6
10, Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity February report was reviewed.
11. Deport orr Planning Items Previously Forwarded to C'Ity Courrc;il,
12, Disc;ussilorr of Development In and Near Owasso,
13. Adjournment ...ferry Cole moved, Dewey Brown seconded, to adjourn meelirig,
A vote on the rriotiorr was recorded as follows.
Ray flayues - Yes
.ferry Cole - Yes
Dill Ellison - ,des
Charles Tilley Yes
Dewey Brawn . Yes
The motion ca'�j-icd 5-0 �-Int 'I tbe meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
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