HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.02.13_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION mwum OF SPECIAL MEETING G Thursday, February 13, 1997 Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT E,l�av�➢TY Ray Haynes Jerry Cole Charles Willey Bill Ellison Dewey Browu MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRI,,;Sm3;N'T Tim Rooney Marsh-l. Hensley T'he agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Halt, 207 S Cedar, oil February 4, 1997 at 11:00 AM, 1. CAL L TO ORDER -- Chairperson Ray Ilayrles called the meeting to order at "1000 PM and declared a quorum present. 1 1:ON:11D11R AP11ROVAL O "1'HE,, MINUTES OF JANUARY 1/1, 199 7 REGULAR MEETING -- The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 14, 1997, .ferry Cole moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the ]notion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes _. Yes Jerry Cole Yes Bill Ellison _ Yes Charles Willey a Yes Dewey Brown _. Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 4. Geraldine Frances Maas Edison - A request for annexation of an approximate 20 acre parcel of land located south of the southwest corner of E. 96th ,Street forth and Garnett Road. The subject property is further described as the S/2 of the NE /4. of the NE /4 of ,Section 19, Township 21 forth, Range 14 East. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. This property is zoned RMT within Tulsa County, which allows for the development of attached single- family townhouse dwellings. If an applicant already has RMT zoning in Tulsa County and wants to maintain the same zoning in the city limits, no zoning process is necessary. This request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their January 2, 1997 nreeting and had no comments. The Annexation Committee also OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 139 1997 Page %loo 2 reviewed the request at their February 3, 1997 Special Meeting and did not oppose, Following questions and concerns regarding the property remaining at RMT (Residential Multi- Farni_ly 'l'ownhouse) zoning opposed to going to A (Agriculture) zoning, Jerry Cole proved to approve the request for annexation under the AG zouing, Charles Willey seconded. A vote on the n- lotion was recorded as follows: Ray l f aynes - Yes Jerry Cole - No Bill E'llisou - Abstain Charles Willey - No Dewey Brown - Yes 1-he motion was denied 2 - -2. After urtlrer discussion, lay Haynes moved to approve maintaining the same zoning of RMT, Dewey Browii seconded was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes -ales Jerry Cole -- No Bill Ellison -Flo Charles Willey d Yes Dewey gown - Yes The motion carried 3-2. the annexation request . A vote on the motion 5. Preliminary Plat - Lakeshore- Greens - A preliminary plat for Lakeshore Greens located north of the northeast corner of E. 86th Street North and Mingo Road containing 14.18 acres of property. The subject property is further described as a portion of the SW /4 of ,section 19, T21N, R14E. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The property is zoned PUD with the underlying designation of Residential Multi - Family Low Density. However, no tax credit, low- income, or rent subsidized housing is being proposed by the applicants. The only comment at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting on January 29, 1997, was PSO requested an additional 12.5' utility easement along the east side of the 50' of Mingo Road right -of -way. The staff provided the following comments: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Page lob 3 1.- ,imits of no access will need to be added along the property line abutting the Mingo road right -of -way to match up with that of the submitted site plan. Only one access point is being recornlnetided by staff at this Mimeo 2, Sidewalks will be required along Mingo Road, 3.. Acceleration /Deceleratiori lanes will be required along Mingo Road a(. the entrance 4, Construction plans will be required at the time of final plat submittal, Following discussion, Dewey Brown moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above TAC and Staff recommendations, full Ellison seconded. A vote on the 1-notion was recorded as follows: Ray Flayties fifes Jerry Cole _. 'Yes Dill Ellison _. Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown Yes The motion carried 5 -0, 6, Final plat .: Countryy Estates It - A final plat for Country Estates 11 located north of Country Estates Additional containing 193 residential lots on 49,0018 acres, more or less. Y The subject property is further described as a portion of the SE /4 of Section 6, 5 211V q�I, R14E. The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. This plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their January 29, 1997 regular meeting. At that meeting, the following comments were made: 1 e The 5' utility easements located on the property limes of Lots 5 and 6, Bloch 1 need to be changed to the property lines between Lots 6 & %, Block 10 o ,South of Lots 5 through 9, Block 12, a separate I V utility easement needs to be filed by separate instrument. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 113, 1991 Page No. d Jerry Cole moved to approve; the final plat subject to the inclusion- of the above easement changes /additions requested from the Technical Advisory Coruraittee, Charles Willey seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes . Yes Jerry Cole .. 'des Bill Ellison Yes Charles Willey Yes Dewey Brown Yes The motion carried 5­0, %, OZ-97­01 - Owasso Firs t Assembly y,_.. of God - A request for a rezoning of a 8.90 acre parcel on Lot 1, Bloch 1, Owasso first Assembly of God from A (Agriculture) to OM Office ediurci), ' 'l-re subject property is located south of the southeast corner of N, 09th E. Avenue and E. 9th Street: North and is the current site of Owasso Asset -ably of Cod Church, 'The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Mr. Rooney. The OM zoning would allow the Owasso First Assembly of God church to operate as a permitted use at that location. Charles Willey moved to approve the rezoning request, Dewey gown seconded. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows May Haynes _. Yes Jerry Cole -- Yes Bill Alison -- Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown -- Yes The motion carried 5 -0. 8. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity - January report was reviewed with the Commission 9. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. W. Discussion of Development In and Near Owasso ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 13, 1997 Pace No. 5 I I , Adjourni -nent - Charles Willey moved, Dewey Brown seconded, to adjourn meeiing, A vote on the notion was recorded as follows Ray Haynes - ' "des Merry Cole - Yes Bill Ellison ... Yes Charles Willey _ Yes Dewey Browo, - Yes 'The r rotion,ca Tied 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. t. C Date