HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.02.10_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF 1 TING Tuesday, February 10, 1998 Owasso Community Center 301 ,South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Haynes Charles Willey 71 7- ii:r�.... ��Li9 i.JaiJ_�4s"z� Bob Randolph. l ,arry Helton EMBERS ABSENT S TAFF PRIKS: NT Tirn Rooney Marsha. Hensley `lryhe, agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, :207 S Cedar, on I- ebruary 4, 1998 at 9:00 Alm, 1, CALY To ORDER­ Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2 ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF `:t11113' MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1998 RL=GUJ.AR MEETING -The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 13, 1998, Bob Randolph moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the motion was recorded as followers: Ray Haynes -- `des Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes harry Helton - pies The motion carried 5 -0. 4. OZ-98-06 -- Noble Sokolosky - A request for a rezoning of property from RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is described as Lot Four (4), Block Seven (7), Original Torn of Owasso. The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Birch and Third Street. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 109 1998 Page No. ; a�5„ ., ti _ debris tax, the property, Ms. Cindy x_,t9Sdib", property Uwner to- the north, expressed concerns with the trash can the premises. Ms. Joy Reimbold of 312 North Birch, stated the neighborhood was crowded by businesses and did not need more commercial. She also had concerns wun "the property selling at a Ater date aund a convenience store urchasang tide ps °d pe4`ty. 1�1k` 11«�t,l "' f` �v3 Main zt Strut, stated. tilt; a�t���ti of an office and parkin lot would add to the corns r, the vacant house tl�at is presently on that lot is an eye -sore, Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. By obtaining a CS zoning rather than a CG, the applicant would" be required to go before the Board of Adjustment, to seek a Special Exception, in order to expand the business operations, This would allow staff and surrounding property owners to regulate landscaping, storage of materials, signage, setbacks and screening requirements. Notice to property owners were mailed and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. Charles Willey moved to deny the request for the rezoning of DZ- 98-06, motion was seconded by Bob Randolph, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows; Ray Haynes Yes Bill Ellison _. Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bob Randolph Yes Barry Helton ... des The motion carried 5 - -0. 5. DZ- 98--07 -A /D Group - A request for a rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center), RM-2 (Residential Multi-Family High Tensity), OL (Office Light), RD (Residential Duplex), and RS-3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). The subject property is located north and west of E. 96th Street North and the Owasso Expressway and contains 168.692 acres, more or less. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 10, 1998 Page No. 3 agreed upon by the applicant. Mr. Norman also stated, he and the A/D Group will be more than happy to be available for the public to help plan this project. Approximately 175 neighboring property owners were present to protest tue request, fhc ollowing comments were rnade by citizens and Coranussaon mernbers; 1. Worries about 100th Street becorning a raceway. -- Doyle Boyd 2. Against the rezoning of this property and recluests tabling the item for 60 days in order to organize property owners in the area and allow questions to be answered. People wove to Owasso to pet away from the big city life - Joe Espisido 3. Concerns with Washington County water situation. - Lou brown 4. This plan not being consistent with good land planning. Comprehensive; playa is outdated. - - Steve Compton 5. berry the rezoning of this development in order for a Committee to cone up with a better plan. - Paul Jacobs 6. concerns on streets at Sherrill .Acres acrd bailey Ranch 11 being; tied into the area and storm water run off, would life 60 days for a compromise to be worked out. - Mark Dale 7. Deny the rezoning. Opposes the apartment and duplexes, doesn't want transient type people in the area.. - Scott Capener 8. Concerns with duplexes abutting Sherrill Acres and traffic concerns in the area especially the commercial traffic this development will bring. - Joan Swope 9. Worried with the taxpayers having to pay for widening the major streets around this project. - Rill Karlin 10. Problems with how it is being planned for development, not that it is being developed. - Sandra Casler 11. Concerns with the noise and traffic a 24 hour Wal-Mart in the area will produce. Harold Robertson 12. Time frame concerns, in need of more time to organize. foes not want the streets tied into the development from Sherrill Acres. w Lynn Clhere OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 10, 1998 Page No. 4 1-3. Completely against the multi -fay ily portion of the proposal. K Patsy Crimes Mr. Rooney gave a staff report aj d reviewed the different types of zoning that is being presented on with this undeveloped tract of land. Also, the acreage that is iravolved in each individual portion was noted. iyur..Rooney describe(:¢ the proposed. -1 -i 'ty (50) foot land-scapi_ig buffer and pedestrian trail. Mr. Rooney stated the zoning pattern is acceptably to stafS' and is recot��mendinf approval of the rezoning, with the following modifications: 1. The northerly 200' of both tracts identified for RD arid RS -:3 be zoned RE. . `l'hat the RM..2 zoning be reduced to RM - -1. 3° That tfie portions of the RS- zoning request that abut the planned. bailey Ranch Estates 11 development be zoned RS-2 (rather than RS - -3) at a depth riot to exceed 125 feet. (If desired.) After lengthy discussion3 day Haynes roved to table the item for thirty (30) days, to give the citizens and the applicant more time to work out a reasonable solution. Also, Mr. Haynes suggested that all involved, decide upon a date and time for a meeting, to discuss the rezoning and when this item goes before the Commission on March 10, 1998, the meeting needs to be conducted is a civil manner. Finally, Mr. Haynes requested the opposed citizens to use rationale in their request to the developer. Mr. Norman suggested getting a steering committee together of approximately ten to twelve surrounding property owners and only this committee appear at the meeting. Mr. Norman stated that he will spear to staff regarding the connection of the streets in ,Sherrill Acres. Mr. Mooney stated, a street tie-in would be required into bailey Ranch Estates but, he will review Sherrill Acres street tie -ins with the Owasso City Council. The motion was seconded by Charles Willey with the comment that he does not care for the multi- family zoning and the duplex zoning needs consideration. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Belton - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 10, 1.998 Page Nom 5 Chairperson Ray Haynes recessed the meeting at 9:30 PM and it was reconvened at 9:45 PM, 6 Pr li y t 0 also Golf an Athletic Club _ �. request for a review o a preliminary plat for the Owasso Gorz aii r °athletic C Muir. 'fhe subject property is located between E. 76th Street North and E 86th Street. North, east of N. 129th E. Avenue ai-rd contains 248.45 acres, more or less. Mr. looney presented a brief staff report. The 'fechnical A.dvisery Committee reviewed this plat at their January 28, 1998 regular meeting. At that meeting the plat depicted a one lot, one block addition with a 17.5 utility easement. The applicants requested that no additional utility easements be shown on either the preliminary or final plat. The applicants proposed a blanket easement over the entire area of the plat for utility construction purposes. 'Phis will allow for the placement of utility lines within any area that is necessary. After completion the utility easements would then be filed by separate instrument for the exact location of the lines. This will prevent the platting of unneeded easernents. In addition to final plat approval, a site plan and landscaping plan approval, as well as permits from DEQ for water and sewer line construction, will need to be secured prior to any construction. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat. Ray Haynes moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to staff recommendations, seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes w Yes Charles Willey .- Yes Bob Randolph -- ales Larry Helton - Yes 'The motion carried 4 - -0. 7. Annexation Correction —Fick Framer - Staff will present a correction to a previously approved annexation request (February 1951) in order to correct a scriveners error contained within a legal description. The subject property is located north of the hale Addition. Mr. Mooney gave a brief staff report. In order to correct this error, staff needs to draft a new ordinance which would amend Ordinance No. 299 by adding the proper legal description. ASS LA COMMISSION February 10, :199$ Page No. 6 Ray Haynes moved to approve the winexation correction, subject to stall recommendations, seconded by Bob Randolph, A dote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes _fires Charles `:Gilley des Bob Randolph Yes Larry Helton .. des 'rhe motion carried 4 -0. 8, Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity. 9. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded. to City Council. t0. Discussion of Development In and Neap Owasso. 11. AdjoL.irnment Charles Willey moved, Bob Randolph seconded, to adjourn meeting, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Bob Randolph - Yes Larry Helton w Yes `rhe motion carried 5 -0 and the,meeting was adjourned at 10:25 PM. d� t t Chair per o Secretary Date