HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998.01.13_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
"Tuesday, January 13, 1998
Owasso Community Center
301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma
Ray Haynes
Charles Willey
Bill Ellison
Bob Randolph
Larry Helton
Tirn Rooney
Marsha Hensley
The agenda for the meeting was hosted iri the Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, on Jann ary 5,
1998 at 12:00 PK
1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ray Haynes called the meeting to order at 7.00 PM
and declared a quorum present,
for nominations for Secretary. Ray Baynes nominated bill Ellison, with the nomination
being seconded by Charles Willey. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations
were declared closed and Bill Ellison was elected Secretary by acclamation,
MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of December 9, 1997, Bob Randolph
moved, seconded by Charles Willey to approve the minutes as written. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison- Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
5. OZ-98 -03 - Lindsey Mann ernent - A request for a rezoning of property from RD
(Residential Duplex), RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), and RS -2
(Residential Single - Fancily Medium Density) to RM -2 (Residential Multi- Family high
Density). The subject property is located south of E. 86th Street North, between N.
129th E Avenue and N. 14.5th E. Avenue and contains 93.143 acres, more or less.
January I, 199
Page No.
The Chair introduced the next four (4) items du.e to the connection of each zoning case
to the PUD they will be reviewed concurrently. Although, separate; action will be taken
on each item. A presentation was given, along with a brie'_` -vide by Mr..1im Lindsey,
Chairman of the Board for Lindsey Management Cr;ornpany, Inc.
Approximately 60 surrounding property owners were .:present to protest. The following
list was compiled from comments ruade by citizens and Commission members:
1. Concerns with Owasso supporting two (2) golf courses. -- Willis Roberts
2. Traffic problems in the area. Herb C'unninghanu
3. Traffic concerns on 16th Street North, feeding an additional 100 houses. -Crary
4.. Worries regarding the turn over rate of multi - family housing. - :lose Romero
5. Questions on the sewer plans for the tnulti- family units. - Curtis Brazeal
6. Interest regarding his laud being locket. in. - Roy Armstrong
I. Concerns with the studies done on the surrounding property values and traffic
concerns on 86th Street North more so than 16th Street North. - Tammy
8. Water drainage questions. - Joe Wolfe
9. Egressing out of area around 8th Grade Center. - Curtis Newton
10. Worries regarding the sell of any apartment units.._ Dallin Roberts
1. Questions with the golf course being completed before the multi - family
development begins. - Ray Haynes
2. Concerns with the land locked property owned by Mr. Armstrong. - Ray Haynes
January 13, 199
Page Flo. 3
�. �vaaost_ions concerning tale reason why the single- family portion cannot stay RE
(Residential Estates), - Bill Ellison
Mr. Rooney' presentega a "Aaff report ex-pl ining the scoricept, of' a PUD and a staff
ar.alysi�, Tole la a f ,,e 6yg�r, . �Ao,,fz���f�
rep a a�x a.r� lotions:
1. Staff recommends 'mended approval of OZ- -'9 <1 -03, a :request to rezone property
from RD (Residential Duplex), RS -3 (R.esidential Single Family High Density),
and S_2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) to -1 (residential
Multi- F'arnily Low Density) ;r� U &) (l c )d t �tl ;;l ulf� l n ly' hi A
1 Staff recommends approval of OZ-_98 -04, a request. to rezone property from RS -0
(Residential Single-Family High Density), RS -2 (Residential Single - Family
Medium Density), and RE (residential Estates) to O1 (Office Medium).
3 Staff recommends approval of OZ- 95..05, a request to rezone property from RE
(Residential estates) to RS -1 (residential Single-Family l..,ow Density).
4 Staff recommends approval of OPUD -9 -01 subject to the following conditions;
A , That the applicant's Development 'Text and Conceptual Development Plan be
considered to be the Outline Development plan as required by the p1JD Chapter
of the Owasso Zoning Code.
B. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD,
single - family development shall meet the requirements of a typical RS--1 district.
C. That the square footage of any single- family dwelling be a minim-Lim of 2,250
square feet.
D That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, all
multi - family development shall meet the requirements of a typical RMA district.
E. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, all
office development shall meet the requirements of a typical OL, district.
F. That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwellings shall not exceed 900.
(800 multi - family, 100 single- family)
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G. 'that rninor transfers (10% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling
units from. one residential development area to another can occur if a significant
change in the character of either development area is not created..
91 -1 all conditions Impose(I 1- ey LAC; Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for
subdivision plat approval be met as coriditions of the PUD.
1 That a detailed drainage report he submitted at the time of platting;, and
certification of such document by an engineer.
J. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall
incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of
Owasso beneficiary.
K. That no building; permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria
outlined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the
1- That no occupancy of a.ny multi-family dwellings unit be permitted until golf
course construction is substantially completed.
K Acceleration /Deceleration lanes at each access point to the subject property along
the arterial streets (E. 86th ,Street forth, N. 129th E. Avenue, N. 145th E.
Avenue) .
N. The inclusion of sidewalks along the abutting arterial streets and the interior
drives within the proposed development
G. The realignment of the E. 86th ,Street access near the Eighth Grade Center,
eliminating the offset.
P. Left turd lanes for both east and westbound traffic along E. 86th Street North at
the Eight Grade Center access location
�. Signalization at the Eighth Grade Center access location when traffic loads
R. Provide access to the 20 acre out parcel located north of Graceland Acres to
prevent land locking of that parcel.
S. Provide stormwater detention area for office parcel.
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T, Continuation of landscaping buffer along the north boundary of the subject
property (between the proposed multi-family area and commercially :coned
property) and along the west boundary of the subject property (along N. 129th E,
1T, The submittal of detailed landscaping; plans to be submitted at the time of site plan
review, said plans to be reviewed by staff and the Planning Commission for
Charles Tilley moved to approve the rezoning of OZ-95-03 subject to staff
recommendations, motion was seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote:, on the notion was
recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes _. Yes
Bill Ellison - .Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton _. files
The motion carried 5 -0.
6. OZ-98-04 - Lindsey Manst eij A request for a rezoning of property from RS -3
(Residential ,Single- Family High Density), RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium
Density), and RE (Residential Estates) to OM (Office Medium). The subject property
is located south of E. Stith Street North, between N. 129th E. Avenue and N. 145th E.
Avenue and contains 149.647 acres, more or less,
Ray Haynes moved to approve the request for the rezoning of OZ -98 -04 subject to staff
recommendations, seconded by Charles Tilley. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes v- Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Tilley Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton -- Yes
The motion carried 5--0.
7. OZ -98-05 - Lindsey Management - A request for a rezoning of property from RE
(Residential Estates) to RS -1 (Residential Single- Family how Density). The subject
January 13, 1998
Page No. 6
property is located north of E. 76th ,street Forth, immediately east of Graceland .Acres,
and_ contains 4.2.' 0 acres, more or less.
Pill Ellison addressed (fir. Lindsey with concerns as to why this property could not be
kept at RE 'Residential Estates). Mr. L!11iso11 Stated bigger lots were much more
attractive than smaller odes.
Charles Willey moved to approve the
recommendations, seconded by Ray Haynes
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - No
Charles Willey -- Yes
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Larry Helton _ Yes
The motion carried 4_ 1.
rezoning of OZ- .98...05 subject to staff
. A vote on the motion was recorded as
8. QPUD- 98 -r01 _ Lindsey l anaggine t - A request for the approval of a Manned nit
Development which would allow for the creation of single - family housing, multi-family
housing, and a golf course. The subject property is located within the square mile
section bounded by E. 86th Street forth, E. 76th Street North, N. 129th E. Avenue, and
N. 145th E. Avenue and contains 288 acres, more or less.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the Planned Unit Development subject to staff
recommendations, seconded by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison m Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Bob Randolph m Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
Chairperson Ray Haynes recessed the meeting at 9:00 PM and it was reconvened at 9:15 PM.
January 13, 199
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9. OLS -98 -01 - KMO Develop. - A request for the approval of a lot split request. The
subject property is located. imnredi.ately east and north of the Bank of the :(...ayes property
and would create two lots of 1.04 and 2.24 acres respectively.
'iu "- 1'-'\'-Uu11Vy presented the staff report, The :iitst tract to be created TlOUW measure 200
x 227 and would. front onto F. 86th Street North, The second tot would be located north
of the previously created Bank of the fares lot:. 'rhe "Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the lot split at their January 5, 1998 meeting. An additional 17.5' utility
easernent was requested along; the east property lime of the two tracts to be created. Staff
recommends approval of OLS -98 -01 with the following- conditions:
1. provide an additional 17,5' utility easement along the east property line
of both lots to be created.
2, :Detention layout be provided at site plan review.
3. A stabilized construction entrance to prodded at the time of construction.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split subject to the above recommendations by
TAC and staff, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Alison n Yes
Charles Willey - -- Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
The motion carried 5 - -0.
10. OZ -98 -01 - KILO Development - A request for a rezoning of property from OT, (Office
Tight) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is located north of
E. 86th Street North, directly east of the Bank of the Lakes property, and contains 1.04 -
acres. , more or less.
Mr. Rooney gave a brief report. Notices were mailed to property owners on December
18, 1997. No calls regarding this rezoning were received by the Community
Development Department.
Charles Willey moved to approve the rezoning from OL to CS, seconded by Bob
Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
January 1.3, 1998
Page loo. 8
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill. Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - -- Yes
Bob Randolph _ Yes
1_,any 1- ielton ,. Yes
"L'he nnotior.t carried 5 _0
11. QLS- 98, 02.., Omni Entertainment - A request for the approval of a lot split request, The
subject property is located within the NE/d of the SE /4 of the Ski, /4 of Section 30, T21N,
R14E within the Forrest Drive Industrial Park, west of the Owasso Expressway,
Mr. Rooney presented a staff report. This lot split Mould combine four lots within the
Forest Drive Industrial Farb and create three lots for development, The Technical
A,dvisory Committee reviewed the lot split request on January 5, 1998. The Committee
requested an additional 17.5' utility easement along the outside boundaries of the entire
lot split ;subject property. p O and SWB T commented that line; relocation may be
necessary prior to any developmer.a. Several surrounding property owners were present:
with concerns regarding drainage in that area. Staff recommends approval with the
following conditions:
1, provide a perimeter 17.59 utility easement along the outside boundary of
the subject property.
2. A detailed detention report be submitted with site plan application.
1 A. stabilized construction entrance by provided at the time of construction.
Charles Willey moved to approve the
recommendations, seconded by Bob Randolp h -
Ray Haynes - Yes
Lill Ellison -- Yes
Charles Willey - Yeas
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton - Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
lot split subject to the above staff
. A vote on the motion was recorded as
12. OZ -98 -02 - Omni Entertainment - A. request for a rezoning of property from 11., (Light
Industrial) to CG (Commercial General). The subject property is described as Lots 3,
January 13, 1998
Page No. 9
45 5, and Reserve Area "A" of Forrest Drive industrial Park, west of the Owasso
Mr, Rooney presented a staff report. The applicants are requesting a rezoning, of lend
approximately .!;'I acres in area from 1 ., � -Ljg it l_ndustrialj to Cis (Commercial General)
in order to alloy for a family entertainment center. The City of Owasso is in the process
of taking steps to beautify this corridor and the City feels that a. commercial use of this
property would be more appropriate that art industrial use. Notices were mailed to
surrounding property owners on December 18, 1991 and no galls were received.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the rezoning from 11, to CG, seconded by Charles Willey.
A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - des
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Helton --- des
The motion carried 5 -0.
11 Off, —p8 -03 - Garyr 71ernin - A request for the approval of a lot split request within Lot
1, Block 1, Fleming Center. The subject lot to be created is south of the Wendy's
Restaurant located at 7591 Owasso Expressway, Owasso, O.
,Staff recommends approval of OLS-98 -03 with the following condition of approval:
1. Provide additional 17.59 utility easement along the south and east
boundaries of the lot to be created.
2. A detailed detention report be submitted with site plan application.
1 A stabilized construction entrance be provided at the time of construction.
Ray Haynes moved to approve the lot split, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey - Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Melton - Yes
January 13, 1998
Page No. 10
The motion carried 5 - -0.
14. Ss e Plan .- .__At - A request: for tlic review of a site plan for the expansion of
Attic Storage. The subject property is located at 1-1.500 E= 80th Street North, Owasso,
Mr. Rooney presenter) a brief report. The -applicant is planning; on constructing five
additional mini-storage units. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan
at their January 5, 1998 regular meeting. No comments were noted by the utility
companies. Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following condition:
1. :Final grading occur in such a manner that a majority of the storm water
un off be directed to the drainage detention basin in the southwest corner
of the subject site.
Charles Willey moved to approve the site plan subject to the above.: staff'
recommendation, seconded by Ray Haynes. A vote on the motion was recorded as
Ray Haynes -- Yes
Pill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey .., Yes
Bob Randolph - Yes
Larry Felton -- Yes
The motion carried 5 -0.
15. Site Plan - CIP Incorporated - A request for the review of a site plan for CIP
Incorporated. The subject property is described as Lot 7, Block 1, Ram Plaza Addition.
A staff report was given. The current zoning is CS (Commercial Shopping) which would
allow for the development of the site as retail or office. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the request and no concerns were voiced. Staff recommends
approval with the following conditions:
1. A separate permit needs to be obtained for any signage.
2. Submittal of a drainage report upon the direction of the Public Works
Department (if necessary).
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Page No. 11
Ray Haynes moved to approve the site plan subject to the above two conditions, seconded
by Bob Randolph. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
Ray Haynes ... Yes
Bill. Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey des
Bob Randolph . Yes
Larry Helton Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
16. Site Plan w Kojgtiis t3jQptrties -- A request for the review of a comprehensive site playa for
Owasso Industrial parr. The subject property is _immediately south of the National Steak
and Poultry facility,
.Staff` report was given by Mr, Room -y. The al:)plicant is proposing the construction of
five industrial use buildings. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed dais request
no comments were expressed at that time. Staff would prefer to address parking at this
facility in the following manner;
Staff will review the proposed use of each 'facility for compliance with cods;
parking requirements, as well as appropriate labeling of handicapped parking
Bob Randolph moved to approve the site playa, seconded by Charles Willey. A vote on
the motion was recorded as follows;
Ray Haynes - Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey -- Yes
Bob Randolph -- Yes
Larry Felton - Yes
The motion carried 5-0.
17. Report on Monthly Building Permit .Activity.
18. Deport on Planning Items previously Forwarded to City Council.
19. Discussion of Development In and bear Owasso.
January 13, 1998
Page No. 12
f ��djo urnment . Bob R moved, oved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn meeting,
A dote on the motion as recorded as follows:
Ray 'Hay-nies Yes
Bill Ellison - Yes
Charles Willey ... Yes
Bob Randolph Yes
1,arry Helton _. acs
The motion carried 54) and the, meeting was adjourned at 10;2 PM.
Chalrpe , 3 la 4
D a e