HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988.02.16_City Council MinutesUWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE ONE FEBRUARY 16, 1988 On I"uesday, February 16, 1988 the Owasso L'ity Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:U0 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 1988. 1TEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Stockler presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. ~lhe flag salute was led by Mayor Stockler. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Von E. Stockler, Mayor Mark Thompson, Vice-Mayor Patricia Marlar, Councilwoman Stacy Lamb, Councilman John Phillips, Councilman Rodney Ray, City Manager Ronald Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: CONSIDEkATION AND VOTE TU APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2, 1988. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Phillips to approve the minutes of February 2, 1988, as written, by reference made a part hereto. AYt: Thompson, Phillips, Lamb, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried S-0 OWA5S0 CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO FEBRUARY 16, 1988 ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND VU PE TO APPROVE THE WARRANTS. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve the warrants as follows: (1) General Fund $14,070.59 (2) General Fund Payroll $48,956.04 (3) Revenue Sharing Fund $480.00 and (4) Wastewater Treatment Plant Contruction Fund $37.50. AYE: Thompson, Phillips, Marlar, Lamb, Stockler NAY: None MUTION: Carried S-0 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 379. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING "PARK Il, SECTIUN 11-101 THROUGH SECTION 11-115" OF THE "OWASSO CODE OF ORD- INANCES" DISSOLVING THE OWASSO PARK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND VESTING PARK AUTHUKITY WITH THE CITY COUNCIL. Mr. Ray stated this ordinance is presented in response to the Council's desire to combine park responsibilities under the authority of the Council rather than conduct separate meetings. This ordinance also allows for citizen committees in accordance with previously approved policy. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve Ordinance No. 379 as presented. AYE: Marlar, Thompson, Lamb, Phillips, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried S-0 1TEM 7: CONSIDERATIUN AND VOTE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 380. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING "PART FIVE, CHAPTER 2, CHAPTER 3 AND CHAPTER 8"; AMENDING "SECTION 5-204 AND SECTION 5-302"; REPEALING "SECTION 5-303"; AND AMENDING "SECTIUN 5-403, SECTIUN 5-803 AND SECTION 5-804" PERPAINING TO BUILDING REGULATIONS, CODES FEES AND BONDS. Mr. Ray stated recent changes in state law have eliminated the need for each city to require a Forfeit Bond for each electrical and mechanical contractor. The new law has a "state-wide" bonding requirement. These changes allow us to remove the bonding requirements from our regulations. This Ordinance also reduces Journeyman license fee from $50.00 to $10.00 and allows for a halt-year proration of license fees on all crafts. He recommended approval of Ordinance No. 380. OWASSO CIfY COUNCIL PAGE THREE FEBRUARY 16, 1988 A motion was made by S. Lamb, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve Ordinance No. 380. AYE: Lamb, Phillips, Marlar, Thompson, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-U ITEM 8: DISCUSSION OF A CITIZEN REQUEST TO ALLOW LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GA5 DISPENSING STAfIUNS WITHIN THE CITY LIMIfS USING CONTAINERS TN EXCESS OF 25U POUNDS OF CAPACITY. THIS ACTIVITY IS CURRENTLY PROHIBITED BY SECTION 5-503 OF THE "CIfY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES". Mr. Ray stated that Mr. Don Holder and Mr. Allen Hash had recently opened a new business in Owasso and have requested the Council to amend the ordinance to allow the dispensing of L.P.G. inside the city limits. He introduced Mr. Hash to Council. Mr. Hash addressed Council with his request stating Owasso Rentals is a U-Haul rent- al firm. Being able to sell L.P.G. is a large part of their business. He gave the Council a list of surrounding communities that allow this within their city limits and reviewed the state regulations and inspections of this product. Fire Marshal 0. Lugo addressed Council on the safety of the community in regards to allowing this product to be sold inside the city limits. He gave Council some data and an evacuation plan in the event of a fire or explosion at the location. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 378. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING "PART 5, CHPA(ER 5, SECTION 5-503" OF lHE "CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES" ALLOW- ING THE USE OF CONTAINERS IN EXCESS OF 250 POUNDS CAPACITY FOR STORING L.P.G. After discussion by Council and citizen input, a motion was made by S. Lamb, second- ed by J. Phillips, to approve Ordinance No. 378 as requested. AYE: Lamb, Phillips, Marlar, Ihompson, Stockler NAY: None MUTTON: Carried 5-0 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR FEBRUARY 16, 1988 ITEM 10: RtPOF2T FROM THE CI"fY MANAGER RELATING TO rHE STATUS OF THE 861H S-FREE( PRO- JECT. (ENGINEERING - GRANT STATUS - RIGHT OF WAY - UTILITY RELOCATION AND FUNDING POSSIBILITIES) Mr. Ray gave Council three time-frame alternatives with regard to this proposed project. He reviewed the funding possiblities of each. He asked that Council con- sider these suggestions and give him their direction as to which time-frame they would prefer to follow. At this point, Councilmembers discussed the alternatives offered and gave their reasons and input into this matter in regards to its placement as a priority item. Councilwoman Marlar stated the newly formed Capital Improvements Committee will be having their first meeting March 7, 1988 and this is one of the projects that they will be addressing. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A written report was given to Councilmembers. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CItY ATTORNEY. None ]TEM 13: UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. None ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. Mayor Stockier asked the City Attorney to research and report back to him as to whether or not a Request for Executive Session could be a standing item on the agenda so the Council members could have the opportunity to meet and discussion personnel issues on a regular basis. A citizen, Mr. Wayne Vincent, addressed Council on a number of concerns of his. OWASSU CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE FEBRUARY 16, 19$8 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION. PERSONNEL MAfTEk5 - CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve the request to enter into Executive Session. AYE: Marlar, Phillips, Thompson, Lamb, Stockier NAY: None MOTION: Carried S-0 Meeting was recessed at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:56 p.m. Mayor Stocl<ler stated no action will be taken on this item. It was a discussion time with the City Manager and City Clerk as to ways of improving and streamlining our City using the assets of the personnel. He stated Mr. kay has done an excellent job since he has been with the City and it is running very smoothly. Councilwoman Marlar concurred with the Mayor stating they will be researching ways to use the fine personnel they have by giving additional jobs and responsibilities and updating the system that is now in place. IT LM 16: VOTE TO ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brough before Council, Mayor Stockier asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Marlar, to adjourn. AYE: Lamb, Marlar, Thompson, Phillips, Stockier NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ~~~ Von E. Stockier, Mayor t/ •J Buchanan, City Clerk