HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988.05.03_City Council Minutes[)WASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE ONE MAY 3, 1988 Un ~~uesday, May 3, 1988 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:OU p.m. on Friday, April 29, 1988. ITEM 1: CALL TU ORDER. -I he meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Stockier presiding. ITEM 2: FLAB SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Stockier. IItM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Von E. Stockier, Mayor Mark Thompson, Vice-Mayor Patricia Marlar, Councilwoman Stacy Lamb, Councilman V. Mike Taylor, Councilman Rodney Ray, City Manager Ronald Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk l~BSEN1: None ITEM 4: ELECIIUN OF MAYOR. A motion was made by V. Stockier, seconded by M. Taylor, to nominate Stacy Lamb as Mayor. AYE: Stockier, Taylor, Marlar, Lamb NAY: Thompson MOTION: Carried 4-1 d~ Mr. Lamb presided over the remainder of the meeting. u UWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO ITEM 5: ELECTION OF VICE-MAYOR. MAY 3, 1988 A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by V. Stockler, to nominate Mark Thompson as Vice-Mayor. AYt: Marlar, Ihompson NAY: Stockler, Taylor, Lamb MOTION: Failed 2-3 A motion was then made by M. Taylor, seconded V. Stockler, to nominate Pat Marlar as Vice-Mayor. AYE: Taylor, Stockler, Lamb, Thompson NAY: None ABSTAINED: Marlar MOTION: Carried 4-0-1 ~~ ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 19, 1985. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Taylor, to approve the minutes of April 19, 1988, as written, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Marlar, Taylor, Thompson, Stockler, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: L'arried S-0 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE WARRANTS. A motion was made by V. Stockler, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the warrants as follows: <1) General Fund $12,194.16 (2) Payroll $49,873.09 and <3) Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction $490,588.58. AYE: Stockler, Marlar, Taylor, Thompson, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 i~ E' OWAS50 CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE MAY 3, 1988 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION f0 APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 386. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING UZ-69 CHANGING THE ZONING OF A TRACT CONTAINING 60.33 ACRES FROM AG TO CS AND RS-3. <THI5 PROPERTY IS LOCATED UN THE EAST SIDE OF 129TH EAST AVE BETWEEN 76~fH STREET NORTH AND 86TH STREET NORTH. Mr. Richard Hall, the City Planner, presented this request to Council stating the minutes reflect this request was approved by Council action in May, 1984 but was not brought back to be approved in ordinance form by Council. He requested Council to approve Ordinance No. 386 reflecting and confirming past Council action. After discussion by Council, Mr. Hall was directed to give Public Notice of this ordinance request and place it on the next agenda for Council action. ITEM 9: CUNSTDERATTON TO APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 387. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING OZ-76 REZONING A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST (NW) CORNER OF 3RD AND MAIN STREET FROM RS-3 TO CS COMMERCIAL. Mr. Hall presented this request to Council stating the Planning Commission at their April 21, 1988 meeting denied the applicants request for CG Commercial zoning but approved CS commercial zoning as this Ordinance reflects. Mr. Hall recommended approval of this Ordinance as written. After discussion and comments from the applicant, Mr. Donald Summers, a motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve Ordinance No. 387 as written. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Lamb NAY: Stockier, Taylor MOTION: Carried 3-2 1TEM 10: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF UNE PORTABLE BUILDING l'0 BE UTILIZIED AS A MAINTENANCE FACILITY FOR THE FAIRVIEW CEMETARY. Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating this is a budgeted item and staff is requested approval of this request. He stated the present building will be torn down and this one will be placed in the northwest corner of the cemetary. f OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR MAY 3, 1988 A motion was made by V. Stockler, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve this request and authorized the soliciting of bids. AYt: Stockler, Marlar, Taylor, Thompson, Lamb NAY: None MOI-ION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE REDUCING LICENSE FEES FOR VIEDO GAMES AND ALLOWING FOR PRORATION OF SUCH FEES. Mr. Ray stated this is a citizens request to review and amend this ordinance. Mr. William Henderson was present and addressed Council on the excessiveness of this fee on the video owners. After discussion, a motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by V. Stockler, to abolish the Section in Part 9, Chapter 1 that addresses "amusement machines" and directed the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance to that effect and present it at the next meeting. AYE: Marlar, Stockler, Taylor, Thompson, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE INCREASING FEES CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR PROVIDING "RURAL FIREFIGHTING". Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating he has had a request to review these fees and increase them. He reviewed fees from surrounding Fire Departments and reviewed the billing process now in place. After discussion by Council, Mayor Lamb directed the City Manager to look at up- dating the current b filling process and look into what changes, if any, should be made to have correct charges invoiced per the current ordinance. Mayor Lamb also asked for a report of findings at the next meeting. Council concurred with the Mayor and no motion was made on this item. UWASSU CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE MAY 3, 1988 ITEM 13: REPORT TO COUNCIL CONCERNING PARK DEVELOPMENT FEES INCLUDING CHARGES, COLLECTIONS AND SPECIFIC LANGUAGE. Mr. Ray presented a background review of the fee expressly dedicated for the development of the parks system. He stated currently the staff findings shows the ordinance is not being followed to the full extent. The fee is being collected in the EI Rio Vista subdivision but not properly accounted for in a "Parks and Re- creation Capital Fund". This fund account is now being put in place. He stated research is continuing and a plan outlining the proper procedure is being made. ITEM 14: PUBLIC HEARING.....CONSIUERATION TO DETERMINE AS TO WHETHER THE PREMISES LOCATED AT 7923 NORTH 120TH EAST AVE. ARE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, BENEFIT AND WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC DUE TO EXCESSIVE GROWTH AND ACCUMULATION OF WEEDS AND GRASS AND THAT THE STRUCTURE LACKS THE NECESSARY MAINTENACE. (REQUEST BY THE STAFF FOR COUNCIL ACTION IN THE FORM OF ABATEMENT.) Mr. Ray reviewed this with Council stating all the proper notices have been issued and he recommended abatement action. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by V. Stockier, to declare this property detrimental and approve abatement of such. AYE: Marlar, Stockier, Taylor, Thompson, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A written report was given to Council. ITEM 16: RtF'URT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. Mr. Cates gave update reports on two items he is following for Council. i OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX MAY 3, 1988 ITEM 17: UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. Rlone ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS. None ]T~EM 19: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING LABOR NEGOTIA~fIUNS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE <F.O.P.) A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by V. Stockier, to approve this request for an Executive Session made by the City Manager. AYE: Marlar, Stockier, Thompson, Taylor, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 Meeting was recessed at 8:55 p.m. to enter Executive Session and Mayor Lamb recon- vened the meeting at y:30 p.m. 1~fEM 20: CONSTDERATION TO APPROVE THE 1988/1989 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND IHE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE. A motion was made by V. Stockier, seconded by M. Taylor, to approve the 1988/1989 contract with the F-raternal Order of Police as presented. AYE: Stockier, Taylor, Marlar, Thompson, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried 5-0 UWAS50 C1TY COUNCIL PAGE SEVEN MAY 3, 1988 ITEM 21: ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brought before the Council, Mayor Lamb asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by V. Stockier, to adjourn. AYE: Marlar, Stockier, Thompson, laylor, Lamb NAY: None MOTION: Carried S-0 Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. acy P Lam Mayo ~~ J e Euchanan, City Clerk 1