HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987.07.07_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE ONE JULY 7, 1987 On Tuesday, July 7, 1987 the Owasso City Council met in a regular amw session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 1987. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. with Mayor Stockler presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Stockler. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Von Stockler, Mayor Mark Thompson, Vice -Mayor Patricia Marlar, Councilwoman Rodney Ray, City Manager Ronald Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: Kenneth Wood, Councilman Stacy Lamb, Councilman 1&- A Quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 16, 1987. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the minutes of June 16, 1987 as written by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 5: CCNSIDERATION AND VOTE TO APPROVE THE WARRANTS. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve the warrants as follows: (1) 1986/1987 General Fund $7,082.59 (2) 1986/1987 Revenue Sharing $8,000.00 (3) 1986/1987 General Fund Payroll $49,925.47 (4) 1987/1988 General Fund $21,761.60. AYE: Marlar, Thompson, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ITEM 6: READING OF THE KENNETH WOOD. The City Clerk read Mr. has taken a job located in the near juture. Hi PAGE TWO JULY 7, 1987 LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM COUNCILMAN Wood's letter of resignation stating he out of the state and will be relocating s resignation date is July 1, 1987. After discussion pertaining to appointment to the seat of Ward One, it was agreed the interested persons should turn in a resume and a letter stating their reasons for wanting to serve as a Council person to the City Clerk prior to July 24, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. These will be forwarded to the current Council members for their consideration and an appointment will be made at the August 4th Council meeting. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON ORDINANCE NO. 371. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF AND REQUIRING PERMITS FOR COMMERCIAL BLASTING WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO. Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating the City presently does not have an ordinance addressing this issue. There is a current need for this to be addressed in ordinance form. The City Attorney has prepared the above ordinance and the staff including the Fire Chief has reviewed and approved the wording. He recommended to Council to approve the ordinance and emergency clause as written. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve Ordinance No. 371. AYE: Marlar, Thompson, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY AND THE ATTACHMENT OF SUCH EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE NO. 371. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the Emergency Clause on Ordinance No. 371. AYE: Thompson, NAY: None MOTION: Carried Marlar, Stockler 3 -0 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON THE AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE SALES TAX ORDINANCE AND THE USE TAX ORDINANCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION. THIS AGREE- MENT RELATES TO THE COLLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF SALES TAX REVENUES AND PROVIDING FOR AN ADMINISTRATION FEE TO BE RE- TAINED BY THE STATE. Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating this is an annual renewal of our agreements with the Tax Commission. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE JULY 7, 1987 A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the agreeements as requested. AYE: Thompson, NAY: None MOTION: Carried Marlar, Stockler 3 -0 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ON ELM CREEK ESTATES FIRST ADDITION - BLOCKS 42 THRU 46 (2914). THE ADDITION IS A 36.09 ACRE TRACT LOCATED IN THE NE /4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. THE GENERAL LOCATION IS THE WEST SIDE OF 129th EAST AVENUE AT 84th STREET NORTH. Mr. Jim Dunlap, City Planner, presented this item to Council stating it has been to the Planning Commission and has been approved. He is recommending approval by Council. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the request for final plat approval on Elm Creek Estates First Add- ition - Blocks 42 thru 46. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON REQUEST FOR COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN "INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREE- MENT" WITH THE COUNTY OF TULSA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROADWAY REPAIR WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $49,000 TO THE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ASPHALT MATERIAL FOR SUCH ROADWAY REPAIR. Mr. Ray presented this item to Council stating the County will come in and overlay some of the City streets with the City furnishing the materials. He presented Council with a map showing the designated streets. Most generally they are the streets where "chip and seal" was applied in 1986. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the Mayor entering into an "Interlocal Governmental Agreement" with the County of Tulsa Commissioners as requested and the expenditure of funds not to exceed $49,000. AYE: Thompson, NAY: None MOTION: Carried Marlar, Stockler 3 -0 �i OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR JULY 7, 1987 ITEM 12: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO DETERMINE AS TO WHETHER THE PREMISES, LOCATED AT 319 NORTH BEAUMONT, ARE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, BENEFIT AND WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC DUE TO EXCESSIVE GROWTH AND ACCUMULATION OF WEEDS, GRASS AND THAT THE STRUCTURE LACKS THE NECESSARY MAINTENANCE. (THIS ITEM WILL INCLUDE A REQUEST BY THE STAFF FOR COUNCIL ACTION IN THE FORM OF ABATEMENT). Mr. Ray presented this item to Council showing pictures of the property and recommending this property be declared a nuisance. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to declare the above property to be a nuisance and order abatement of such. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 13: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO DETERMINE AS TO WHETHER THE PREMISE, LOCATED AT 207 WEST 2nd STREET, ARE DE- TRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, BENEFIT AND WELFARE OF THE PUBLIC DUE TO EXCESSIVE GROWTH AND ACCUMULATION OF WEEDS, GRASS AND THAT THE STRUCTURE LACKS THE NECESSARY MAINTANCE. (THIS ITEM WILL INCLUDE A REQUEST BY THE STAFF FOR COUNCIL ACTION IN THE FORM OF ABATEMENT). Mr. Ray presented this item to Council as above. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to declare the above property to be a nuisance and order abatement of such. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO RECEIVE AND ACKNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCT- ION PERMIT FOR EPA PROJECT # C- 401050 -03, OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FROM THE OKLAHOMA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Mr. Ray stated this item needs to be reflected in the minutes as being received. A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Thompson, to acknowledge the receipt of the above mentioned permit. AYE: Marlar, Thompson, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 i OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE JULY 7, 1987 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE REPAIR OF THE 1987 POLICE UNIT. Mr. Ray.presented this item to Council stating the bids were opened on June 30, 1987 at 3:00 p.m. as follows: (1) Ron's Paint & Body Shop $5,249.68 (2) Bud Pruitt Body Shop $4,841.95 He recommened to Council that the low bidder be awarded the contract. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to award the repair contract to Bud Pruitt Body Shop. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 16: GENERAL REMARKS FROM MAYOR STOCKLER IN RESPONSE TO A CITIZEN INQUIRY DURING THE JUNE 16th OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Mayor Stockler read a prepared statement regarding his position in complying with the rules and regulations of the City concerning expense reimbursements. ITEM 17: REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ON REVIEW OF THE CEMETARY TRUST FUND INFORMATION. Mr. Ron Cates, the City Attorney, reveiwed this item with Council stating he has researched the information given him by the City. He has reviewed the documents in the City Treasurer's office and the minutes of previous Council meetings. Mr. Cates recommended that the facts and findings be referred to the District Attorney for his ruling. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO CONTRACTUAL NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS. Mr. Ray asked for this item be removed from the agenda. ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON THE PROPOSED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (F.O.P.) A motion was made by P. Marlar, seconded by M. Thompson, to approve the F.O.P. contract as submitted with the following change: on page 15 in Section 4 it should read "shall have no further ". AYE: Marlar, Thompson, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX JULY 7, 1987 ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND VOTE ON THE PROPOSED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF F.IREFIGHTERS.(I.A.F.F.) A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to approve the I.A.F.F. Contract as submitted with the following change: on page 16 change the word Employer to Employee. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 ITEM 21: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray gave the Council an End of the Year financial report. Mr. Ray informed Council that the City Planner, Jim Dunlap has accepted another position within the INCOG system and will be no longer working with the City as of July 15, 1987. ITEM 22: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None ITEM 23: UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM A PREVIOUS MEETING. None ITEM 24: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 25: VOTE TO ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brought before Council the Mayor asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by M. Thompson, seconded by P. Marlar, to adjourn. AYE: Thompson, Marlar, Stockler NAY: None MOTION: Carried 3 -0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. L�i►y � i Von E. Stockler, Mayor We Buchanan, City Clerk