HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.12.20_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, December 20, 1979, 7x30 pnm MF,NIBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT L. George C. Carr S. Carr M. Tinkle J. Simmons E. Stevens 1- Acting Chiairitian, L. George called the meeting to order at 2 a 7 x 30 p.m� , role was cal.'Led and a quorum was dec-Lared present,, 30 E. Stevens made a motion to approve the Mii.-,tuteS of November 15, '1.979 as written. M. Hinkle seconded the motion. Ayes. George, Hinkle and Stevens. Nay: None. Motion passed 3-0. ZONING PUBLIC HEARING 4a The Commission considered in public hearing 0Z--52, ai) application of Clyde Fry, a request to rezone a 3.1.7 acre + parcel of property from RS-­3 to CC. The property is located east of Forest Boulevard and north of the Owasso School System bus barn. Staff presented the case report relating to the property and previous action on rezoning requests for the same parcel.. of property. Ce W. Fry, 206 N. Elm Place, Owasso and R. D. Bailey, P.O. Box 162, Owasso and Wes Fry, 208 E. 20 Street were present to speak for the request. Elden M. Winslow, 209 Nd Elm Place, Owasso spoke of his concern for nonresidential. traffic that might be generated on Elm Place due to the proposed CC zoning. Elm Place is a low density, residential minor street according to Owasso street standards (Art. 2, Ord. No. 116). Discussion followed on the part of the commissioners regarding the concern for protecting residential development north and west of the subject parcel, and regarding access to the proposed CG parcel for commercial traffic to the tract. Previous zoning requests 0Z-34 and OZ-39 had as a major concern the impact of nonresidential traffic and high-intensity residential traffic on the adjacent single family residential neighborhoods, The requested rezoning would leave the west 180 feet of the subject tract as RS-3 single family residential, The remaining portion would be CG. The development of the tract including any drainage improvements, access points, etc, would be dealt with during the platting process for this tract and prior to issuance of a building permit, The staff recommendation was for approval of the CG request and that the platting requirement for the subject parcel and the CG parcel to the east (fronting on Forest Drive) be platted according to Section 260, Ord, No. 1750 The CC zoning is in conformance to the medium intensity designation of the plan. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 20, 1979 Page 2 M. Hinkle made a motion for approval according to staff recommendation, seconded by E. Stevens. Ayes: George, Hinkle and Stevens. Nay: None, Motion passed 3-0. 5. There being no further old or new business 6. to consider for the evening, M. Hinkle made 7. a motion for adjournment. E. Stevens seconded the motion, Ayes: George, Hinkle and Stevens, Nay: None. Motion carried 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pond. ATTEST Secretary Date Approved Chairman