HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.11.15_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Thursday, November 15, 1979, 7 :30 p.m.
Owasso City Hall_
C. Carr L. George
M. Hinkle
EA Stevens
J. Simmons
1. Chairman Carr called the meeting to order at 7:3 p me
20 and declared a quorum present.,
J. Corzeman.
3. Ea Stevens made a motion to approve the Minutes of the October 18, 1979
meeting. J. Simmons seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
(M. Hinkle entered the meeting)
1. o OZ -50 Public Service Co[t1pan
Staff presented ease history for the parcel and noted that Leon Stein,
attorney and Murrel Lee, engineer for PSO were present to answer any
questions. M. Hinkle asked the applicant: what type of structures were
proposed for the area. Leon Stein noted that a permanent structure is
proposed to be used as a district office and warehouse storage. Estimated
construction cost: is $250,000.
Chairman asked for staff _recommendation which was as follows:
The proposed rezoning is in conformance with the Owasso Comprehensive
Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. Staff recommends
Ea Stevens made a motion to approve the request. J. Simmons seconded
the motion.
For: Co Carr, M. Hinkle, J. Simmons and Ea Stevens
Against: None.
Motion passed: 4-0.
2. OZ--51 Do M. Sokolos
Staff presented case history and surrounding conditions as follows:
In 19739 CC zoning was sought for the total 15 acres of subject tract.
Staff recommended denial based on existing single - family homes to the
east and southeast, and the proposed Oklahoma Baptist Acres develop-
ment to the south. The Comprehensive .flan in effect at that time did
not add7ess this area of develonmente The Planning Commission
recommended denial and Council denied the rezoning at that tine,
The existing Comprehensive Plan allows for five acres of medium
intensity development per corner, at the intersection of 76th Street
North and 129th East Avenue with a general configuration of 467' x
467'e CS and RM-2 are considered medium intensity development; OL
is less than medium intensity.
Although the configuration of the requested CS parcel with a frontage
of 540' and a width of 202' lies outside the desirable dimensions of
467' x 467', staff can support the CS parcel, since the overall acreage
of the parcel is within development intensity guidelines. Staff also
supports the requested OL rezoning due to the parcel providing a
transition between land uses, and being within the development in-
tensity guidelines.
In supporting the CS and OL tracts, this would leave 1.88 acres of
allowable medium intensity development. The requested RM-2 parcel
of 705 acres far exceeds the allowable development intensity for this
intersection corner, Based on this fact and the surrounding land
uses staff recommends modifying the requested RM-2 tract to RS-3.
In summary, staff supports the requested OL, CS and RS-3 parcels;
but recommends modifying the RM-2 parcel to RS-3.
Chairman asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of the re-,
zoning. D. M. Sokolosky spoke in favor of the application and noted that
of the 400 + acres comprising Elm Creek Addition, there is no multi-family
housing, D. M. Sokolosky emphasized that he intended to have Wiley
Construction, Inc. build quality apartments on the 7.5 acres and that he
will reapply for the remaining 3.71 acres to the west for multi-family
zoning if the builder desires additional land. There was no one present
to oppose the rezoning.
Staff noted that the Rif -2 location is
transitional buffer between commercial
uses. However, the Comprehensive Plan
at this corner, to five acres. If the
ability of providing multi-family bous
Comprehensive Plan should also be amen
discussion followed.
good location and acts as a
and lower density residential land
limits medium intensity development
Planning Commission sees the desir-
ng at this location, then the
ed to reflect this change, General
J. Simmons made a motion to approve the rezoning as requested. M. Hinkle
seconded the motion.
For: C. Carr, M. Hinkle, J. Simmons and E. Stevens.
Against: None.
Motion passed: 4-0.
3a Z-5340 TMAPC Referral
Staff presented case history and noted that the applicant and his attorney
were presented to answer any questions.
Ca Carr asked what: the use of the parcel was intended for. The applicant
said he would he using the area for an equipment storage yard.
Chairman asked for staff recommendation which was as follows:
The Owasso Comprehensive flan indicates the west: half of the parcel,
as floodplain and the east half as floodpl_ain— residential.
0 0 � o
Due. to the fact that there is existing 1L (Industrial Light) zoning
along the south boundary and CH (Commercial Heavy) along the west and
north boundary of the parcel to be rezoned; the logical permanent ZL
boundary would appear to be in alignment with the IL zoning to the
south, 1` applicant cwns the residence directly east of L
he parcel,
it would reinforce allowing IL to extend as fa.r, east: as indicated)
A major concern of ;staff is that access only be allowed off of Mingo
Valley Expressway frontage: road, preventing industrial traffic from
penetrating single-family development.
In summary, staff support: the rezoning request, with the precaution
that when the property is platted, no access to the industrial tract
be allowed from :317th Last:: Avenue,
M. Hinkl
5. Staff mentioned that the subdivision regulations are in the process of
being updated and a preliminary draft of portions will likely be .ready
in the near future.
There being no other business, C. Carr motioned for adjournment. L
Stevens seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned
at 9030 pamo
Date Approved.