HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.09.27_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of Special Session Thursday, September 27, 1979, 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT C. Carr J. Gorzema.n L. George J. Simmons M. Hinkle E. Stevens 1, Chairman Carr called the meeting to order at 7.0 p�111a 2m and declared a quorum present. 3. E. Stevens made a motion to approve the Minutes for the August 16, 1979, September 6, 1-979, and September 20, _1979 meetings. J. Simmons seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 -0. ZONING PUBLIC HEARING 44 OZ.-/i8 Lvnn Burrow Staff presented case history of the parcel, and indicated that. the tract is currently vacant. Two streams transverse the tract from NE to SW. To the east is the Owasso 'High School... and open space zoned AG; to the south is vacant land zoned RS-3 and CS; to the west is Three Lakes de- velopment; and to the north is open space, A comparison of existing and proposed zoning districts was explained by staff. This property involving approximately 308 acres has been subject to two previous rezoning requests. Modification in the proposed Mingo Valley Expressway alignment and a redesign of the site plan for the half section, has led to a revised zoning pattern. The existing zoning acreage and the requested zoning acreage are shown below, Also noted is the theoretical maximum allowable dwelling units per the existing and requested zoning. EXISTING ZONING REQUESTED ZONING Classification Acres Max. D.U. Classification Acres Max. D.U. RS-1 (Res. Single-Family) 76.38 200 RS-1 (Res. S-F) - - RS-2 (Res® Single-Family) 53094 216 RS-2 (Res, S-F) 101.17 405 RS-3 (Res. Single-Family) 58022 298 RS-3 (Res® S-F) 85887 440 RM-1 (Res. Multi-Family) 19.10 268 RM-1 (Res. M-F) 9083 138 RM-2 (Res. Multi-Family) 28070 521 RM-2 (Res. M-F) 25089 470 RD (Res® Duplex) - - RD (Res. Duplex) 5042 56 OL (Office Low Intensity) 6.57 - 01, (Office Lola) 5042 - CS (Commercial Shopping) 22050 - CS (Comm. Shop.) 23n98 AG (Agricultural) 29099 - AG (Agricultural) 28.93 - -ffD TOTAL 4-0 1511. _ � T9_67�11 0-9 Expressway R.O.W. 14050 21 23 The net effect of the proposed rezoning request would be: to decrease the RS by 1050 acres; to decrease the RM by 12008 acres; to establish 5042 acres of RD as a buffer between commercial and low density single family land uses; to decrease the OL by 1.15 acres; to increase the CS by 1848 acres; and to decrease the AG by 1006 acres, Also an additional 6.73 acres were allotted for the proposed expressway. Lynn Burrow, an engineer, and the developer for Canterbury Properties were present to speak in favor of the request. There was no opposition, L. George questioned the possibility of retaining some RS-I larger -lot zoning, rather than going all RS--2 and RS-3, to -provide alternative in lot sizes to Owasso residents; and to respect the steep topography in the west half of the tract. '.Ly-n.n Burrow explained that the reasoning for proposing RS-2 zoning was that most of the area. is underlaid with bedrock and to go with RS-2 zoning would help recuperate expensive developilinet costs -in- curred. Also, he expressed a concern that there was not that great a demand for larger lots in Owasso, than what could be provided under RS-2 zoning. Staff noted that Owasso is rather overzoned in RS-3, and to allow either RS--2 or RS-1 would provide better alternatives to home buyers. The minimum lot requirements for RS-2 and RS-1 zoning are: 75' frontage and 9,000 squ fto area.; and 100' frontage and 13,500 sq, ft. -respectively. C. Carr expressed concern for allowing duplexes across from the high School.. even though the objective to buffer the commercial area from the lower density residential.. to the north is a good one. lie felt: that duplex housing might encourage high shcool students to loiter in the area. Chairman asked for Staff Recommendation which was as follows: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the requested rezoning except for the CS parcel located at the southeast corner. Staff recommends modifying the west boundary line of this parcel by moving the line 55' to the east, to retain a frontage of 935' along 86th Street North as exists, in an effort to keep the alignment with the existing CS parcel south of 86th Street North, and to eli- minate additional commercial zoning at an intersection that is currently overzoned. M. flinkle made a motion. to modify the rezoning request, to eliminate the RD (Residential Duplex) zoning across from the high school; and to move the west boundary of the CS parcel located in the southeast corner, 55' to the east. J. Simmons seconded the motion. For: Co Carr, M. Hinkle, J. Simmons and E. Stevens. Against: L. George. Motion Passed 4-1. 5. Staff explained the necessity for the lot split ordinance describing standards and procedures in processing lot splits. Staff asked that the planning commission consider a modification to the proposed ordinance under 4.021.1 "Certification of Approval" - the second sentence to read: "The certification shall carry a stamp showing approval by the planning commission and be signed by an officer of the planning commission or TV designated representative. Lo George made a motion to approve the revised lot split procedures with modification suggested by staff; and to designate the city planner as an authorized representative to sign lot splits that have been approved by the planning commission. Mm Hinkle seconded the motion. Form C. Garr, L. George., Mm Hinkle, J. Simmons and E. Stevens Against; Non.e hJotiozr. passed 5-0. Ga There being no new business, L Gm {parr made a motion to adjourn, E. Stevens seconded the motion, Mot's_on t,. passed 5 -0 and meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p�m, Dal Approved s , ATTEST: r �ecret a.ry. { Chairman.