HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.11.16_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PIANNING COMMISSION ff-C 911Y11E, 19 of a Regular Session Thursday, November 16, 1978, 7:30 p=, MEMBERS PRE SEN72 MENJERQ_ABSENT STAFF PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT C. Carr R. Bars'll, S. Carr B. Pittman J. Dean J. Dale Sheffield L. George B. Williams A. Lambert Bert Young I & 2. Chairman Dean called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m., called the roll and declared a quorum present, 3. After review of the Minutes of the October 19, 1978 Regular Meeting of the Owasso Planning Commission, the chair entertained a motion for approval of the Minutes as written, L. George so moved and A., 1,,ambert the sm,,otlton For: 0 Carr, George, Lambert nnd Dean, Against: None, Motion passed ON _JPPQq_ PUBLIC HEARINC C O HKOK Williams (1814) - Located generally ut the NWA of the intersection of Garnett Road ond 96th Street North, a request for RS-3 and CS zoning from AG zoning for recently annexed property, Chairman Dean asked the staff to present the Case Report on 004V Once presented, Chairman Dean asked if there were anyone present wishing to speak for or against the proposed rezoning B. Pittman, land use plonnyk- for the proposal,spoke for the project which sought &I acres of c,,; bonwBrcial) zoning (350 deep by 1010'', fronting on Garnett Road and HIS acros of RS -3 (single family residential) zoning for the subject; 120 acre tract. Pittman also presented the proposed pre-application pjan (item 5 on the Agenda) for the site based on thg requested zoning pattern, K V Sheffield and B. Young asked about the potential impact on the de- velopment on traffic and turning movements onto and Off of Garnett Road ,ind on dra inage in the area Site dietancenalong the roadway were noted R$ soia what limited, They also asked about the possibility of a frontage or service road being constructed in conjunction with the proposed develop- ment along Garnett Road, & Carr indicated that specific drainage, street and UtilitY 1.urProvements would be required under the subdivision platting process which to a separate action occurring after proper zoning for an area is achieved. It was noted also ghat the City is actively working with the Army Corps of Engineere and the Owasso Technical Advisory Subcommittee on Floodplain HAnageuent in dealings with the flooding problems,and that the Corps is developing master /comprehensive drainage plan alternatives for the Owasso area, Commissioners George and Carr asked similar questions about potential traffic movements and access to Garnett Road and 96th Street North, Pittman indicated that two major points of access to the residential arrea , one planned off of 96th Street North and one off of Garnett Road, So Carr said extension and improvement of 96th Sta North from Garnett Rd. west to Mingo Road as a project that would require Tulsa County and City of Owasso participation with additional assistance from the state and federal monies if eligible, Chairman Dean asked for the Staff Recommendation which was given as follows: The requested zoning for OZ-40 would provide for 111,9 acres of single family residential zoning (RS 3) and 8.1 acres of commercial shopping center (CS). The recently updated Owasso Comprehensive Plan reaffirmed the city's OPPosition to strip commercial zoning and adopted a set of guidelines to guide urban development, Carr cited the need for the City to be consistent in its implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted guidelines� Staff cited the recent decision of the City of Tulsa to support its adopted develop- ment guidelines and Tulsa VevisiOn of On earlier decision it had made that conflict with guidelines it had utilixed effectively since 1974, Specific goals and objectives are: Tommercial Areas Goals-- 1. It is intended t, at e( activities be concentrated in planned integrated shoppinN centers conveniently nitu-, ated throughout the R lanning area in relation to the needs and nervicee of the people in the area. 2. It is Intended that alt­,, ip development be dia-, couraged, except especially designed, planned en(l located on major rcaW CompnEgial Areas Conmexcial and office land uses will be concentrated andl ffb I b..aa te r j o r a u r a a t i n t a r a a c t i n n a The subject tract is located at the �,no"0"-', �,­&#e','0"',: , Road and 96th St. North, an intersection of two secondary arterinJ roods. 96th St. North In to be extended west to Mingo Road, as urban development continues northward. This intersection is de- signated a Type One Activity Center with twenty (20) acres allocate,_] to this activity center, five (5) acres at each intersection corner., Each five acre tract is to he of a square configuration 467 feet by 467 measured from the centerline of the arterial street r.o.w.'s,, Medium intensity zoning classification that may be included in these centers are RM-1, OM and CS, The proposed zoning would front 1010 feet of commercial along Garneti: Road and 350 feet along 96th St North which would conflict with the established Comprehensive Plan. Designation of a strip commercial center zoning would load to a dangerous precedent that would q1timate- ly result in strip commercial of this mile stretch of Garnett and all the transportatioA and traffic problems associated with such a zoning pattern, Based on the Comprehenaive Plan guidelines and the existing over- bundance of commercially zoned land in Owasso (nearly 13%), the Staff recommenda a modification of the CS request to allow a 5.0 acres (467' x 467') at the SEA of the site and at the NW/c of the inter- section and 115 acres of RS-3. After some deliberation, Chairngn'la Dean called for a motion regarding zoning case 0040. Lambert moved that the subject property of OZ-40 be zoned as 5.0 acres of CS and 115 acres of R according to the Staff Recommendation, The motion was seconded by C. Carr. For: Lambert, Carr, George and Dean, Against: None, Motion passed 4-0, it was explained that the subject request OZ-40 'would be forwarded to the Owasso City Council for public hearing, along with the report on the case and Owasso lad n5,',ng Canm.-iias ion and Staff. Recommendation, on Tuesday, Dec , 5, 1978 at 7:00 p.m., Owasso city Hall,, A "VION PLAN 1 5. Rio Vieu," at the NW of the intersectiol", of Garnett Road and 96th St, North, Discussion of proposed pre-application plan focused generally on the need for improving 96th W North in order to facilitate traffic movement in the area. In addition, the staff and applicant noted the advantages in utilizing this intial step in the subdivision platting process as is required by City Ordinancooc The initial phasing of the proposed develop- ment was discussed,, Chairman Dean asked for the Staff Recoumandation W1 &"-"';a Wris g'ivk a'nt The Staff o, rt-0ooign of the,�"' the SE/c of the plan to deal with the Type One Activity Center stand- ards of 467' Of frontage PeT secondary arterial, Redesign of the proposed RSA area will also be where it adjoins the CS land, The Chair asked 'f there were a Motion On the Pre-application plan, G. Carr moved that the Plan be approved subject to the Commission recommendation on OZ -40 and Staff Recommendation, Lambert seconded the motion, For: Lamber, C. Carr, George and Dean., Against: None. Motion passed 4-W ECO I E I ' I I I Q Staff presented the preliminary reports on the Owasso Special Planning studica for the current year. General discussion fol- lowed on the C.I.P. progra= The Housing Code was discussed in more detail. Staff explained how housing codes differed fran building and construction c odes and how they could more effective- ly deal with existing housing blight problems. It was noted that the preliminary proposed C.I.P. would hopefully be available in February and housing code samples in Hirch. 7. General and New Business - It was noted that R. Barsi had missed five or more consecutive meetings and that the matter of his service on the Owasso Planning Commission should be discuseed at the next Owasso Planning Commission meeting, & There being no further business, Lambert motioned for adjournment and Carr seconded the motion, Por: Laoftmert, Carr, GeorRo and Dean Against; None. Motion passed 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p,m. ATTEST� __Ann Secretary