HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.10.19_Planning Commission MinutesMEMBERS PRESENT C. Carr J. Dean L. George A. Lambert OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of a Regular Session Thursday, October 19, 1978, 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT R. Barsi STAFF PRESENT OTHERS 'PRESENT S. Carr J. L. Haralson, Co Haralson L. Cook M. Cook Q Palmer C. Beaver E. Johnson B. Randolph J. Lambert I & 2. Chairman Dean called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., called the roll and declared a quorum present. Dean welcomed the newest Com- missioner Len George to the Owasso Planning Commissicn, 3. After review of the Minutes of the October 17, 1978 Special Meeting of the Owasso Planning Commission, the chair entertained a motion for approval of the Minutes as written. Carr so moved and Lambert seconded the motion, For C. Carr, Lambert and Dean, Against: None, Abstain: George Motion passed 3-0, with ontabs stmt ion, 4. PUBLIC HEARING OZ 39 Robert Randolh- - located generally at the east end of 2nd St., _j� north of the Owasso School System Bus; barn; request to rezone from AG (agricultural) to RM-2 (multi-family residential). Chairmnn Dean asked S. Carr, to present the case report on UZ-39, Once presented Chairman Dean asked if the re was anyone present wish-, ing to speak for or against the proposed zoning amendment. Several persons spoke against the proposed zoning due to concern for addition- al loading of school. facilities and traffic on 2nd St Those speaking against the proposal included: J. L. Haralson, C. Haralson, L. Cook., M, Cook, C. Palmer, C. Beaver and E. Johnson. Persons speaking for the proposed zoning included R. Randolph and K Lambert. Randolph presented a sketch depicting the proposed develop- ment for the site� General discussion followed, Se Carr indicated that questions relating to physical development problems of the site would be dealt with through the preparation of a subdivision plat and a site development plan.. These require- ments for any RM zoning must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit, Chairman Dean, asked for the Staff recommendation which was given as follows: The proposed multi - family use for the subject trace conforms to the goals and objectives of the 1969 hand Use Plan which designates multi- family residential for the subject tract. The Owasso Comprehensive :flan 1978-2000 recommends medium- intensity (RD to RNQ) residential development for the area. The requested zoning is for high intensity (RM-2) residential development. The current zoning pattern is indicated can the attached zoning map. Multi.- family (RM -1) zoning borders the subject tract to the west and south, with single family housings schools and a school bus barn and storage yard found in these areas, Single family (RS -8) zoning and uses border the tract to the north and immediate ease Medium and high intensity zoning and uses are found further south and to the east:; in the Owasso Central Business District and along Forrest Drive (west of the Mingo Valley Expressway), The Staff recommends RM- 1 multi- family resident.ia:l, a :towers_ intensity ;coning for the subject property t;` %zEan the requested CL.Nl-2 zoning. Such zoning is consistent with they plan and would reinforce the established medium intensity zoning pattern between the single family residential z on:i ng to the north and higher intensity zoning and €...ases to the south,, In summary Staff recommends a RM. -1 multi-family residential, zoning for t..:'h.e object tract, a modification ion of the R.M -2 request. Dean asked if there were a motion moved that 01 -39 be approved for seconded the motion,, For Lambert, C, Carr and Dian Against; bone. /abstain: George Motion pa a sect 3-0 with one a st en.t. ;j £an regarding 0,'..39 request, Lamine:trt rezoning from AG to RM- l_, C. Carr The public hearing can OZ -39 before the City Council was noted as being Tuesday, November 7, 1978, 7:30 p= at the Owasso City WE Staff indicated he would call attendees and confirm the time (7 :30 p.m.). 5 Staff indicated the response to the local advertisement for Owasso Planning Commission members had drawn several phone calls and two written requests. 6. General discussion began regarding questions raised by members of the public regarding existing commercial and multi -fam�,1y zoning gin. the community, and existing and future development pressures on Owasso 70 Lambert moved for adjournment and Carr seconded the motion For: Lambert, Carr, Dean and George, Against: done Motion passed 4 -0, The meeting was adjourned at 9-15 p.m. � � 'ol r PVII T T f' � f „fr j !g Secretary