HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.08.17_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of a Regular Meeting Thursday, August 17, 1978, 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT J. Dean J. Vallon So Carr Kent Dunn R. Bare Ca Carr K. DeLaFleur 1m 20 Chairman J. Dean called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 3. Chaz,rman, Dean asked if there were any questions or changes in the Minutes of the August 3, 1975 meeting, After reading the Minutes, the Commissioners indicated that there were no changes to be made. The Minutes were approved on a motion by Lambert, seconded by Bars , and a 3-0 vote for approval, For: Lambert, Bars1 and Dean. Against: None. Motion passed 3-V ZONING PUBLIC HEARING 4. TMAPC Zoning Referral Z- 5162 (3214) - Generally at the STS /c of 76th Street Ncs.c:t:.h and the east Mingo Valley Express- way Service Road (115th East Avenue ) from AG and RS-1 to IM: S. Cat': presented the zoning case to the Commissioners and the case history was reviewed or the new Commissioners. Mr. DeLaFleur for the case and no one spoke against he request. After review of the factors, submiSU':E.on of staff recommendation and Mr. Dunn and Mr. DeLaFleur peaking for the action, Lambert made the motion that the e Owasso Planning Commission i on forward u: recommendation for approval to the TMAPC regarding Z-5162 and that the Owasso Planning Commission further advised T`MAPt: of the Owasso Planning Commission's desire that the charac- ter and land use of t1.l,e RS-1 area be preserved and that non-residential uses be prohibited from fronting or having access to 117th East:: /venue, ` 18t.1t East:. Ave,, 69th Street North h o 71st:. Street North; and .r`_=t. €z.t,her € hat x:4.:1_ uses fronting and having direct access to these streets shall be e character and zoning classification and that the TMAPC consider t::.hc above factors in their consideration .ton of Z, „5162 and any other rezoning E,eques.., in this are a that may be submitted ttod t o the TMAPC, For: Lambert, Ba.t; >.I., and Dean, Against: None, Motion passed 3 -00 Comarehens1.ve ElannI,, 5� Staff member Carr advised the Commissioners of the status of the "701 "" Local Planning Grant and indicated that paperwork should be finalized shortly and study activities begun after adoption of the Owasso Compre- hensive Plan. 6m Staff member Carr presented a copy of the proposed amendments to the subdivision regulations. Discussion followed about the purpose of amendments and ('hear intended implementation, Mr. Lambert expressed specific concern for floodplain management matters and suggested any action can those amendments be continued until the next meeting in order that the Commissioners could further study the proposed amendments. The other Commissioners agreed. 7. Petition for Annexation Buford Williams annexation petition for 120 . .� acres + north of Owasso along U.S. 169 Carr presented the petition to the Commissioners and the locat:ton, and current activity of the subject area was discussed, A motion for G°a recommendation of approval to be forwarded to the City Council was made by Lambert and seconded by Bard For: Ba:s si, Lambert and Dean Against:: :[None. Motion passed 3-0, 8. The Commissioners were reminded C'3'C the need for additional ~<To._ „k session tva. €.:'h the City Council regarding the Comprehensive Pan st:.udy> 9. There being '.Co further business, a Y,11C.t.3..`gin for adjournment was i ttlz`ade by garsi and seconded by Lambert. For: Ba:l.si, Laubert. and :bean Against: None. Motion passed -0. The Regular Meeting adjourned a t. 8:30 p= ``` C'ha i rman ��F OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of a Special Meeting Thursday, August 17, 1978, 8o00 Dona® Owasso city Hall MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS .ABSENT STAFF PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT R. Bare C. Carr S. Carr~ R. Fickle Jo Dean J. Vallon. T. Baines Bo Spencer �. R. Grimes D. Thompson. 4 J. Dean called the work session meeting to carder and declared a quorum present 3. The City Council members were recognized in their capacity as members of the Owasso Citizens Committee on Comprehensive Planning, 4. Staff member Carr updated the status of the Plan Study and indicated what, portions of the Phan policies had been reviewed to date. In addition five work maps were Presented to the members and the revisions t o dame t °'!:-tat had been made to the maps, These maps include the Intensity Development Conc,pt Mai, the Land Use :Plan 1978 -2000 Map, the Intensity Areas 1978 -2000 Mai and the Water and Sewer System Maps which depict ex- isting st ing t:runk lines and proposed system improvements,, Members discussed the intensitites concepts further in the policies section ox the proposed '13:1.,a'n,, (13a si Left:; the meeting) Thompson asked that comme:rrcial objective he modified t o ''The Owasso Central Business District w1,:1.l he maintained as a principle Many comments were made regarding commercial and residential policies, M€embers were advised to review the remaining policies of the proposed plan and to bring their comments and recommended changes to the next joint work session meeting in early Sept.embe:r. Special attention to the Policies sections ions and Recommended Capital improvement was recom- mended by staff and `ralc >m(aers 6. Due to the lateness of the meeting, the t,oF1I11l,B,ss i,4'stlt*y and tsoi.Ei).4...(,. €, agreed to adjourn at 10o45 p,1.13. /j " r Ir Cho 3 km a' m,