HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.08.03_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of a Special Session Thursday, August 3, 1978, 7 :30 Dona® MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT K Doan Re Bars So Carr Hm Dm Halo Co Carr J. Vall.on. T. Baines H. Hale, Jr. A. Lambert. J. Nzmmell Q F. DeLaFleur Other citizens I & Z® Acting Chairman, J. Dean called the meeting to order at 700 p.m. called the roll and declared a quorum present. 3: J. Dian asked if there were any questions or changes in the Owasso Plan- ning Coxlimiss:lon. Minutes of Ju ".1.. ".y 13 and ?O, 1978 as "read. There being no changes C. Carr made a motion for approval of the Minutes as read, A. Lambert: seconded the motion and a 3 -0 vote for approval_ was made by Q Carr, Lazxbert:. and Dean, 4. ZONt.NG PUBLIC HEARING MA PC /ox�anl..? fry._ 1..� y6I ( Z � Generally at the SI?�r� of 76th St. �. , M� North and the cast Mingo Valley Expressway service road (115th E. Ave.) from AG and TES -1 to !M, S. Carr presented the turfin.g referral case from TMAPC of J. Shay Carr explained that the Owasso Planning Commission would have only a referral, recommendation to 1MAPC and the Tulsa C° ty Comnli ° ` ° o n since the s1:tb" e , property was adjacent to but outside the Owasso corporate limits. Mr � G. DeL<°aFleur spoke on behalf of the subjectm, property ty and :l..aad: %sated his position that the proposed zoning would not encroach on established residential urea and that zoning patterns north of 76t,"i, St. North actu- ally supported e t e proposed lE3i.ling pattern. Also no existing residential uses s would be displaced by the proposed development, Staff E:ecc }a7;E:nendat`:t.o`n, was g)..vten. as below and it was indicated t;'.1.),at.: €:,tie proposed RSG.",l, to M trac.t,. or Tract 1 was established large lot residential, aea4 it was also noted that the non-residential is zoning pattern north of 76 h St. North. was buffered for low- intensiCy resa,gU>ntial", aa,.es by physical, features and/or medium-intensity residential development. STAFF RECOMMENDATf ON Due to the high accessibility, visibility and existing use of pro- perty fronting the East Service Road of the Mingo Valley Expressway south of 76th Street North, IM zoning is appropriate for Tract I (existing industrial use) of the subject property. However, due to the existing residential development to the immediate north, and south on Tract 2, any industrial zoning (IL or IM) would be an in- trusion, into a well established pattern of residential development along 115th East Avenue, 71st Street North and 117th East Avenue© An existing illegal nonconforming industrial use to the south of Tract 2 is already an intrusion into the residential area. Access to this use is off of the residential street. No access off of 117th East Avenue should be allowed to non-residential uses. Any non-residential zoning and development in the area east of the existing AG zoning fronting the Mingo Valley Expressway East Ser- vice Road would establish an unsound land use pattern. Request for access off of 117th East Avenue to such land uses would be quite likely adding further to mixed uses pressures in the area. Preservation of the existing residential neighborhood as well as the advancement of sound commercial and/or industrial development fronting the Mingo Valley Expressway Service Road is the goal of the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, in addition to these considerations, Staff lends its support to Exhibit "E" of Z-4737, the Wth Street North and Mingo Valley Expressway Zoning Study". The Owasso Staff agrees with study's recommendation with one modification, Staff recommends that re-- garding future rezoning requests, industrial zoning for the property presently zoned AG between 76th Street North and 690j, Street North and which fronts the Mingo Valley Expressway East Service Road would be appropriate. in summary, Staff recommends approval of IM zoning for Tract 1, (existing AG) only, and that Tract 2 (existing RS-1) should re.- main RS-I. The Owasso Planning Commission had a general discussion on the subject: at han& Mr. DeLaFleur suggested that the Owasso Planning Comm-ILss-ion might make an actual on -site inspection of the subject tracts and tbat he would not oppose a continuance of the Owasso Planning Commission or TJYT,APC; In, order to allow such an inspection. Staff indicated that this 'would be advisable due to the newness of the co-�,umissioner's role to the new Owasso Planning Commission members. On a motion by C. Carr, seconded by K lambert and 3-0 vote for approval by Carr, Lambert and Dean, the 111APC referral Z-5162 was tabled to the August 17, 1978 Owasso Planning Commission meeting and staff was to for- ward a request for continuance to TMAPC, 'a . NM 7 & & SUBDIVISION The agenda item #6 was considered 'next due to the lengthy nature of item #5 on the agenda. Staff explained the status of the develop - ment and platting of Elm Croce elementary school. Bawd on the opinion of the Owasso Independent School District's legal staff, and submission of certain plat materials and dedication instruments, etc. for streets and easements to serve the site, staff recommend the following. That all platting procedures be followed by the Elm Creek subdivision developer and the Owasso School District to :insure that all proper easements, rights -of -way, and ways to serve the sub - ject site are provided and officially reviewed by Owasso staff and officially and legally recorded, however, that an official plat of the school site itself need not be officially platted. In addition all setback building, limits -of -no access, and other zoning and sub - divtsaon requirements of the City of Owasso shall be complied with by by the Owasso School District and its representatives and the Elm. Creek developers. On a motion by Cm Cara., seconded by Lambert, a 3 -0 vote for approval of motion to accept. Staff's recommendation was made by Carer, Lambert and Dean ZONING 1?UBl.xI,.0 HEARING .,',2`O��a , _..� _ l�'.,_„ Generally I mile south of the intersect ina.-a. of 116s:h Street. North and Garnett; Road at the SW /c: , r The Staff presented nted 1.I, e case report and related the general ` l i1 story of the subject area's development, Mr. HX Hole spoke regarding the sub- jest application and the history of the area's development. Mr., Nimmell spoke regarding the pa;oposal and indicated his concern for the type of development that would go _n and similar development by [ale D:i.scussion followed about. Cs..ay regulations governing the use develo'p- ment. and maintenance of :Land within its jurisdiction, After considerable discussion, 1.dsFS:I,C31 %, "the staff i "eca551311E''ndaat €_C)li. was silt}fTt`t.t ted and read t.cato the record se „ . a " (see � a t,. tic. ilrao�it.;� The Owasso Planning n.g Cor17.- iil.;i,`a' ? f..o`i?, after €'r ac:d it € olta', l discussion regarding the prc?pr?sa.l. , vC?T.:C`d for appro'val of the submitted OZ AEI application can a motion by Q Carr, seconded by A. Lambert a),`3,d a 3-0 vote or approval by Carr, €.r.;I1T1I3ert a'. §::!d Dean. The OZ-338 was .C)ot..'ed as being forwarded to the Owasso City Council for their action on August 15, 197 Tha?.y:e being no further business ess t.o consider, the Owasso Planning Com- mission adjourned on a motion by Carr, seconded by Lambert and -0 vote for adjournment, t ., , r, t `; t Ia ATTEST- chip �? Secretary Date