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1978.06.15_Planning Commission Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT J. Dean J. Vallon C, Carr OWASSO PIANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of a Regular Session Thursday, June 15, 1978, 7830 p= Owasso City Hall MEMBERS .ABSENT T. G:r`:immett STAFF :PRESENT T, Baines S. Carr W, Webb OTHERS PRESENT H, Da Ha le Jo Espis to De Holcomb P < La rk in B Williams V Spencer V Fickle D, Thompson I & 2. Acting Chairman (Commission Secretary), J. Dean called the meeting to order at 7040 p.m,, called the roll and declared a quorum. present , Curtis Carr was introduced as the new member of the Owasso Planning Commission, 3. The Minutes of the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso Citizens Com- mittee of May 18, 1978 were read and approved on a motion by Vallon, seconded by Carr and approved ved can a 3-0 vote by Vallon, Carr and Dean. 4 Acting Chairman, J Dean presented the letter of resignation fro t:h.c Planning Commission submitted by R, Robinson which was read as follows, Mr, Chairman,, Please accept 11).`y` :resignation on this date [.'A:om the Planning Commission. :Due to my moving .L: €Tom the planning area, I e•;t: %.11 no longer be able to serve as a member, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent on the Com- mission and "_t :hope more faith r: +:I,ll be put with your decisions by the City Council Sincerely, Ray Robinson. Vsa.l_ €3n made r:::1 )t1arf"",:{on that the resignation be accepted and C C,a r.t. secon- ded the i11oT „a.oI?., The resignation of .tai., Robinson was accepted as submitted on a 3-0 vote by Vallon, C. Carr and _lean. Steve Carr indicated to the Commissioners that the Planning Conlmission was short by one member again and quite possibly another Commissioner would be moving from 0wasso in the not too distant future, This would leave ve t°.he Commission short by two members, Steve Caa rr suggested that the current members might submit the names of interested citizens to the City Council for their consideration In their appointment of new members 5R . Steve Carr indicated to the Commissioners that he had learned t.'hat, Owasso's application for "701" :fecal Planning assistance grant was be- ing highly considered by Oklahoma Department: of Economic and Community Affairs. City Manager, T. Baines indicated that Owasso had received notice of the application's approval, 6o The item regarding the Owasso Planning Commission's proposed rezoning of certain AG zoned property in Hale acres and Hale acres 2nd was discussed nest. Steve Carr gave a brief summary of the history of the subject: areas development:, annexation and zoning history. Mr. Hale spoke on the matter and further expanded on the 'history of the area and his intended plans for development of his property, Mr, Dspisito's intention for development of his property was briefly discussed, The two maps submitted as potential rezoning proposals were discussed at length, Mr, .tale spoke regarding his desires for CG and RM -2 zoning at the remaining AG zoned land, Mr. Thompson spore on behalf of pro- perty owners :Living immediately merest of the subject property, Mr. Thompson indicated the desire that the portion of the subject property fronting on N. 112th St-rept should be rezoned single—family residential or RR-1 and area property owners had a similar desire, After considerable discussion, Va lon made ra motion that the 01i?asso Planning Commission should submit an appll_ication for rezoning in"; t.. "he subject track as follows,, Lots 26 and 21, B:l.ock 4 and Lots 10 through 18, Block 5 Et<3:[e Acres, City of Owassot, Tulsa County, Oklahoma Incl. Lots i through 7, Block 1; Lots .f through 7, Block 2 and Lots 14 through. 1.7, Block 2, :Flak Acres 2nd, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Ok6ahoma from an .AG to a CG Commercial Zoning district; and Lots s `f. through 9, Block 5, Hale l_c Ac trtes, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and Lots 10 through 13, Block 2 and Lots .1. t:hr_ough. Via, Block 3, Hale Acres 2nd, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma from an AG to an RD Be ra a.,d = n t; =a l Zoning l 'i s t ".t i c° €: , C � Carr seC:.(ifltied t lip ?: motion and a 3-0 vote of approval oval cf s made by Va 1 _f on, C Carr and Dean, LOT'S LIT 7 0L` Dave L. Kennedy , Generally at the SUS /c of 86th St. No"r°t.:h. and Main Street, The lot split: application was submitted and the Staff Recommendation was a rC?q nest f„d and given as follows: The Staff recommends APPROVAL of the subject lot- split with the requirement that utility company written releases be provided prior to stamping of the deed, The Owasso :Planning Commission voted 3 -0 for approval based on a motion by Vallon, seconded by C. Carr and a yes vote by Vallon, C, Carr and J. Dean, NEW BUSINESS 10, Because of the nature of the evening's agenda, OLS -10 under new business (agenda item 10) was brought up in order of business by S, Carr, OLS-10 - :Pat Larkin ��29�4�, � '.toots 7 and 8, Black :18 Elm Creek Estates generally at North Kea St. The lot-split application was noted as being submitted in a timely matter_ and as having been inadvertently left off the Owasso Planning Commission agenda, The lot-split application and accompanying materials were sub - mitted to the Commissioners, Staff comments were requested and given as follows The Staff recommends approval of this subject lot-split application, On a motion by C, Carr, seconded by Vallon, a 3-0 vote for approval was made is by C, Carr, Vallon and Dean, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING 3, The Oe1asso City Council convened into € josllf session with the Owasso Planning C;o /r1z7ri s set forth by. the Owasso Planning Commission agenda regarding the proposed Owasso Comprehensive Plan, q, Councilmen asked what the Tsarticipar:ion was from the Owasso Citizens Committee and Steve Carr explained that for the past several months, Committee participation had been non-existent except for participation by the Planning Commission. Council input tonight, is the first active participation by other than Planning Commissioners in some tame Steve Carr iJf'ega a"n discussion of € he preliminary d ra 7 t of the C)ti?r3sso Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, Policies and Standards. Council- men and ;annissr.ncds t„Va?vff the Ci?tci" subsection of the plan, Steve Carr explained the general concepts that applied to the Owasso Planning Area as depicted on the proposed Land Use :Plan. 1978 -2000 Intensity Areas 1978-2000 and the Intensity Development Concept maps, The di.scuss;lon of the Council and Commission focused on the plan portion "Zoning: Conformance to the Comprehensive Plan." Members were concerned t::.{"2at the plan proposals were € €F3.xed in shone" and could not be altered, T, Baines explained to the members that the plan was to serve as a ZMQg to zoning matters and that as changing conditions and new factors emerged, amendments to Owasso Comprehensive Plan mould quite likely be in order© (Councilman Dn Thompson excused himself from the meeting) Steve Carr noted that this proposed p=lan deft If adopted would con- stitute an amendment to Owasso's existing Comprehensive :Plan which was currently serving as a guide to development decisions, This pro - posed amendment was being prepared because of the many unforseen changes that had occurred in the Planning Area since the preparat=ion of the current 1969 Comprehensive Plans To Baines explained that the plan was directed towards achieving certain general_ comprehensive goals for the community and any amendment=s to the elan would be based on the intent of achieving those goals, Steve Carr indicated that the proposed p=lan was intended and developed as a well conceived guide for physical development to the year 2000, It is in- tended that a full comprehensive plan update of this plan would be prepared in the next ten years as has been done for the current plan in order to bring municipal goals, objectives and policies with com- munity needs and desires, General_ disc?ussion. followed, Steve Carr :read a number of the general goals from the "General Goals" subsection and t==han related these goals to overall objectives and then specific fun.cti.onal policies under the plan elements subsections, Counc:i.:l.men. and Commissioners indicated their desire to st=udy the p:rc -gym limin'a:ry draft in greater detail. B. Williams suggested that another joint: work session would be in order for the Counc:_i.l. and Commission sometime in early July, The Staff suggested the second week of Tu:f.y and the embers agreed upon the tentative date, J aa91lon motioned that be adjourned d u c to the the motion was <a 'p 9 o'v e d (The Owasso City Coun adjourned) s r- 4m Secretary the meeting of the Owasso Planning Commission €. }t:e heats C. Carr € econded the motion and on a 3-0 vote by V o "l `l. o n. , C. Carr and Dean M: ,...P..., entertained a similar motion and was D?t4' Appro Pd t d/ L Chairman