HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.04.10_Planning Commission Minutes(AfASS0 MINDY of a Regular Thursday, April 20, Owasso Cit is Sess ion 1978, 7:30 p.m,, Hall Members bombers staff Others Present Absent Present Present 111-1-11, e' . Grimmett 7— cl . "Me . Vallon T_ �� J. Dean J. Lambert & Carr D, Hole J. Mowery (arrived M. Fry at 8:30 p.m.) Williams (arrived R Robinson at 8:30 p= and left at 9:00 P=) 1. & 2. Chairman Grimmett called the meeting to ordev, called the roll, and declared that a quorum was present, 3. Chairman Grimmatt asked if every had read the Minutes and if there were any questions regarding th,. Jniinutes of the March, 16, 1978, regular session and April 3 and 10, 1978, special meetings. The were asked to p�,Ay particular attention to the resolution on Hale Acres and Hale Acres 2nd rezoning proposal. There being no further discussion regarding the Minutes, the Minutes were approved by on a motion by Doan, seconded by Robinson, and a 3-0 vote for approval by Do, i',k, G- Jo"'rwa" i""i`° PUBLIC HEARING 4. The next item on the agenda was consideration of a proposed ordinance for flood within Owasso, Chairman GrAmmett declared a Public Hearing to be open, covened, and �J' J,`,6,, 1978 heaving on the matter,, Chairman `t .r asked for anyorm interested in apeaking for or against the pxo- posed ordinance to give their name and addreso and to present their state ms. nt., No one spoke for or against the matter. Carr 'i"'o L' , he that thisures the same ordinance that had been under consideration by the Com- missioners for about two months. Grimmett asked if the ordinance had been pub-, blished and Carr indicated it had been. The Chair antertained a motion an the ardInance. Robinson made a motion that Vim ordinance be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration and approval. Dean seconded the motion, and 3-0 vote for approval of the motion wav made by Rabinisona, �ned"_ 5. The next agenda item diswu2aed was the propound DJW Q01" Local planning program and grant application. Carr PXesentad each of the conwissioners with copy of the application and proposed programs to be funded. It was explained that the proposed program set forth 1" the application Scope of Services and Tabular Work Program had been diaonasad in a work session with the Owasso City Council and City Manager previously and would have to be presented to them for their consideration and approval if the proposal is to be carried out next fiscal year. Commissioners indicated that they would like some time to review the proposal and suggested that they meet next Monday, April 24, 1978, 7:00 p.m, at City Hall in oider to act on the matter in a timely fashion. Dean made a motion to hold such a meeting, Robinson seconded the motion, and a 3-0 vote for approval was made by Dean, Robinson, and Grimmetv, (hr. K Nowery arrived) 6. Ce of jQ1;Y_ P"?UBBLIC, HHEARIN nerally located at the east end of 2nd St., north the Owasso School System 'bus barn'' Chairman Grimmett turned the Commissioners' attention to the next matter on the agenda and declared a public hearing open on zoning case OZ-34 by Wurice Fry The property in question is located generally at the east end of 2nd St., north of the Owasso School System '%us barn". Commissioners reviewed the existing conditions and requested rezoning from AG to CC, The Staff explained the vari- ous factors and conditions impacting the area� Comments were sought for or against the request, Nh. Fry and Mr� Lambert spoke for the proposal and MY, cated generally that the use of the land would be for a mini -warehouse storage facility� They indicated that they had spoken with the Chief of Police and that access off of 2nd St. only was a good security measure for the property, They felt traffic to and from the property would be less for a mini-warehouse than for multi-family residential. Lambert indicated multi -family would not locate at the property. Chairman Cxinuntt indicated his concern that the use of the property be for only mini-warehouse storage and no other connercial uses. Aspects of the property's drainage characteristics were discussed, No one else spoke regarding tic. , Tmatter" a Staff's recomueudation was requested. Recomocndation was for Denial, booed on the proposals conflieto w0b the plan, the proposal constituting "spot zoning", accessibility problems off of a minor street, and the fact that CC comawr-, Cial zoning (,,l he', hay,. than tho proposed mini-warehouse rype at use in me nrea, Chairman a motion on the t: q€.,,,,. Rohinson made a motion for approval of 0034, De,,,na motion, and as 4-0 vote for approval was We by Robinson, Dean, Mowery, and ,KONKNI n""T KHKARTN("� =1100"Aphy .......... 201 A A , q, (2 914 & located at the SE/,,"', of 86th St. N and N. Gum St.; and a 12.54 acre tract located at the north side of 86th St. Q just nortb of UUM st, The Counission continued Q public &Wng and couNiderad 4M Z-35, C {es iruon read the case report and existing nondivions an the rezoning, No oug was present to speak for or againut the req=t. The Staff raoummendation was requested an(Ji given. The recoamMnda and on, a,,, In summary, the requested rezoning of OZ-35 would reduce the proposed park acreage in the area; maintain the already exces- Siva commercial acreage within Owasso; induce traffic (at the interchange) to to level above recommended standards; ad n create a possible o,-, rental propert, Based an the above considerations, the Staff recommends AW PRWAL of a ppyllpa of OZ-35 tor CS rezoning. Approximately 33 acres of the requested CS rezoning on the attached MAP 2 is recommended for approval for CS zoning. The zoning for remaining portion of the subject tract would remain the sa= The Chair entertained a motion on the matterc Robinson made n motion M.'-,: APPROVAL of OZ-35 according to Staff recommendation, Dean seconded the motion, and a 4-0 vote for approval was made by Robinson, Dean, Mowery and Grimmett. GENERAL AN NEW JUSIN SS The Chair reemamtanded that the scheduled agenda be modified to allow H. D. Bale to speak to the Planning Commission regarding the proposed rezoning of Hale Acres and Hale Acres 2nd. Hale presented in detail the history of the planning, development, and annexation of the subject property to date, A great deal of discussion followed between Commissioners, Hale, and Staff regarding the proposals. Finally, the Commissioners agreed to consider in the May 4, 19783 public hearing on the subject property the following re- vision to OZ-30 , (1) Lots I through 16, Block 1; Lots I through 32, Block 2; Lots I through 32, Block 31 and Lots 1 through 25, Block 4 of Hale Acres Addition, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma from AG to RS-1 residential single family, (2) Lot 26, Block 4 of Role Acres Addition, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahouw to remain AG; (3) Lots 8 through 28, Block 1; Lots 8 and 9, Block 2; Lots 5 Mough 36, Block 3; and Lots I through 5, Block 4 Hale Acres 2nd Addition, Gity c,­i,"�.' ","""o' Oklahoma, from AG to RMH prr'k; (4) Lots 37 through 45, Block 31 Lots 6 through 14, Block 4; and Lots I thnoqgb 5, Block 5 Hale Acres 2nd AddY tion, City fromA(,', to RS-3 residential single family; an(i (5) Lots 1 through 7, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 7, Block 2, Bale Acres 2nd, City ol""' Okla- hems to remain AG, Dean made a motion to propose the agreed upon OZ-36 revisions at the Hay 4, 1978 planning Commission meeting, mowery seconded the motion, and a 4-0 vote for ap- proval was made by Rob s on There being no further husinans to on ,M an')x'J 9 Villav - Generally weat of & Gum Sv, and l0th PI, and east of the Mingo 'Irl- ey Expressway east service VMC The subdivision plat and private covenants including the Homeowners Association were presented to the Commiasiona= After general discussion, the plat was reconnended for Conditional Final Approval according to the Staff recommendations and the determination of Staff engineering requirements. A motion by Robinson, seconded by Dean, and a 4-0 vote for Conditional Final Approval was made by Dean, Mmyery, Robinsoti, �,).nd Griri-intatt_ 10. Referral on Lakerid-A "er—cp - Generally at the NE/c of 96th St. N and 145th Av,,.",, ad.-I the Tulsa-Rogers County Line, The referral plat was presented to the Commissioners and the Commissioners rac- onvended that a Preliminary Plat Approval according to Staff recommendations be forwarded to the TMAPC on a motion by Dean, seconded by Robinson, and 4-0 vote for approval by Dean, Robinson, Mlowery, and Grimmem, 11. There being no other business to discuss, the Planning Commission adjourned on a motion by Robinson, seconded by Dean, and a 4-0 vote by Robinson, Dean, hbwery, and Grimmatt. Date Cho QUO n ATTEST: Secretary OWASSO Pl, NNING COMM1SS CON MINUTES of a Special Meeting April. 10, 1978, 7:00 p.m. Owasso City "Nall Members Nombers Staff Others Present Absent Present Present T. Grimmett J. Mowery T. Banes D. Male Re Robinson & Carr J. Vallcan J. Dean. Chairman Grimmett called the meeting to order, called the roll of the Planning Commission, and declared a quorum present. Bale Acres and Hole acres 2nd. Steve Carr began the general discussion of the Hale Acres and Hale Acres 2nd special zoning study. The history of the two additions platting while outside the jurisdiction of the Owasso Planning; Commission was discussed. The two subdivisions did :f'all within the "jurisdiction. of `.t'NAPC at the time of platting, however, it was not known whether proper platting and review prcedures were followed. Research into this aspect ras°as requested of Carr by the Commissioners. Stan . � v time St.,�:aia F,wing, Owasso planner aa. the r.;ime s the annexation of .dale Acres and Hale Acres 2nd, was introduced and asked several questions regarding the annexation procedures edures :fol..l owed by the City and/or Mr-,. `L D) Hale the subdivision owner/ developer. . Gre,71metf.: and Ewing ot;_,d) indicated "tha't., the City's policy of hauling Planning Commission . er:, ew of annexation proposals prior to City Council action was not followed in this instance,,, (Carr left the meeting briefly to bring T. Baines in to obtain Ci ty files can Hale Acres, Hale Acres 2nd, Council Minutes, a3:ad lec ter ?:l.e s on these subdivisions.) f.€P7.1.1. Baines presef9,t:ri_'cl a.,.h.e records t >C7 the Commissioners and they reviewed poJ..A1tn`-a' of interest Cs,tiY71111ett:, read aloud a letter fa°C,m "ti, t7akrese (Owasso CF"P.,'t`y .�.ana�?.��?:�' at the time of annexation) ca Mr. Hale, Commissioners were then t%.S'``st',ttl,ed `t sc11€?me for rezoning g a,l..i of Hole Acres and Hale Acres 2nd developed in accordance to the 'tale" subdivision (T:t..si4: n coVe:itst7. %i: s previous a..caus C oasaa,cil actions according to Ccaunc._l,:l Minutes and records, Owasso City Ordinance Vit 7 5 and the direction of the Planning Colaras , on as of 4/31'78 e? €t1rgo (499r indicated that the prulasnc rezoning scheme was as la's, no means a.,lte beat solution for land use development and /aa,t, zoning for the area but it was the best possible zcaaa,:a,ng scheme teased on all the existing conditions holding c:;ver;yt:.la.ing status quo,, Da Hale, representing Mr. H. D. :Hale, who was unable to attend the meeting, ex- plained Mr. Hale's absence and concurred with the file of records maintained by the City regarding the subjects property. After considerable discussion regarding different proposals, Dean recommended the following resolution: `Whereas the subdivision of Hale Acres and Hale acres 2nd were recorded as plats in the Tulsa County Courthouse; and 'Whereas these subject subdivisions were annexed by the City of Owasso on /august 24, 1976; and 'Whereas there were certain agreements entered into between the City of Owasso and hr. Tea D) Hale regarding Hale Acres and '.Hale Acres 2nd; and, 'Whereas t'hes'e were in enforeemen, at the time of annexation of these subject subdivis o day the City of Gwassca, ordinances governing the proper zoning and subdivision of property newly annexed into the City; and, 'Whereas the Owasso Planning Commission daises desire that the purpose of the Owasso Planning Commission, the Owasso Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, an.d the Owasso Comprehensive Plan be accomplished; and, 'Whereas the above stated conditions 'f°Bof`< }).f.,ace and-or presently exist 'Now, Therefore, e It Resolved by the Owasso Planning Commission that the Owasso Planning Commission does in good . aith s opose the submission and proper processing of a rezoning of the following described property from the present AG zoning classification to new zoning classifications as follows. leis f) Lots i. €:tress.. €.gfa 16, Block 1; Lots '.f. through gh 32 :f3:f.ock 2, Lots I through 32, Block 3 and Lots :f through 26, Block 4 of Hale Acres Addition, City of Owasso, `C`a.lsa County, Oklahoma, to RS :l. resi- dential singlt$. family; (2) Lots f.. through 21, Block 1; Lots .f through 9, Blass... 2 and Lots through 28, Block 3 of Hale Acres 2nd Addition, City of Owasso, Tulsa Ci;3unt y, Ci1Clc ",a }3oma to (o,tvll:: {. residential mobile home park; and (3) Lots 22 through 28, Block 1; :Lots 29 €:`faroug`h. 45, I?` €oc ; Lots `l,, through 14, Block 4; and Lots t. through ' >, Block `> of Hale ores 2nd Addition, C1.t;j% of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to G.S- residential single family,,, Robinson seconded the resolution, and a 4-0 vote for Fatsp: €,oval of the esotti ion was made by Dean, G.r assn tt, Robinson on Band Va°l :l on. General, discussion followed regarding the proposal, There being no further business to discuss, Robinson made a motion for adjourn- ment, seconded by Dean, and a 4-0 vote for adjournment was made by Dean, Grimmett, Robinson, and Vallon, ATTE�A' V W Secret Date Approved Chairman